GladTidings “Publish Glad Tidings, Tidings of Peace” The Monthly Newsletter of Incarnation Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church 3000 Garrett Road Drexel Hill, PA 19026-2217 610-259-5148 Fax: 484-461-6699 Email: October 2015 CLERGY & STAFF The Rev. Benjamin E. Wallis, Rector Joanne Sabatino Organist and Choir Director Bev Brescia Parish Secretary Diane Tapley Financial Secretary Kim Martel Sexton VESTRY Susan Bevilacqua Tom Chadwick Kevin Dale Mike D’Angelo BettyLou Hadley-Laird Kris Haelle Bev Rorer Richard Schultz Dane Tanner Adria Toolan “Give thanks to the Lord of lords, his love endures forever. To him who alone does great wonders, who by his understanding made the heavens, who spread out the Earth upon the waters, who made the great lights - the sun to govern the day, the moon and stars to govern the night; and who gives food to every creature. Give thanks to the God of Heaven, His love endures forever.” - adapted from Psalm 136 The heat of summer has finally cooled as Fall comes upon us. As the season changes once again, it is an opportunity for us to stop and reflect upon the wonder and majesty that is God’s Creation all around us. A friend recently told me that according to the 19th century Scottish writer George MacDonald, everything that is, all of Creation, is a revelation of God to us if we can only but see it. God has given us the Earth and all that is in it to reveal to us His love. It’s easy for us to forget in the busyness of everyday life that God’s handiwork is constantly around us, speaking to us the truth of the Gospel. It’s also easy for us to forget that as human beings, God has charged us with the care and preservation of the gifts we’ve been given. Stewardship is a response of thankfulness by caring for those gifts. When we care for our family and friends, when we show compassion to someone in need, when we donate our time to a cause we believe in, when we give money to further the ministry of the Church, we are being good stewards. But we must not forget that simple, everyday decisions make an incredible impact on the Earth that we’ve been charged to protect. On average, Americans make 4.3 pounds of waste per day. The amazing thing is that on average two-thirds of that waste can be composted, and instead of becoming waste in a landfill, can be used to till the Earth to grow new life. Small decisions, like what products to buy with what packaging, what food to eat, and what to do with the waste, make an amazing difference and add up to good stewardship. This year I hope that the change of the season, the orange and yellow hues on the trees and the brisk, cool weather, reminds each of us of the incredible Earth that God has given us. I hope it reminds us of God’s love. And I hope it reminds us to make smarter choices about how to love and care for this Creation we’ve been given. Pope Francis recently wrote an encyclical on the environment in which he said we need an “environmental conversion.” We might not be Roman Catholic, but we can join him and all Christians everywhere in working together to leave this world a better place for generations to come. Ben+ 1 Oc tober CELEB RAT IONS 10/02 Barry Wilson VanRensler 10/03 Robert Verna, Jr. 10/07 JC Vona 10/08 Joanne Gentry 10/12 Anthony Schwab, Sr. 10/13 Valeri Lynn Mertin 10/18 Christopher Tapley 10/22 Ifunanya Asuzu 10/22 Carlo Buonviri 10/23 Ryan Ewen 10/26 Mark Gentry 10/26 Benjamin Wallis 10/27 Richard Bernasz 10/28 Don Bentley 10/28 Adria Toolan (Eichner) 10/29 Anthony (AJ) Schwab, Jr. 10/29 Cameron Dominic Vona 10/5 RJ and Kelly Verna 10/12 Andrew and Nanci Mertin 10/13 Chuck and Karen Lobb 10/14 Anne and Tony Rowley 10/29 Lori and Rob Robinson Please let the Church office know of any additions, deletions or corrections that needto be made in the above three lists. This is our most recent information, and we depend on you to keep us current. Fellowship Gathering Sign-Up We have teams who volunteer to host a Date Coffee Hour Host few times each year. If you’d like to join one of the teams or start your own, October 4th Team 6 – Dot & Newt Wade please contact Bev in the church office Stewardship October 11th “In-Gathering Breakfast” (610-259-5148 or via e-mail . If you are not able to host, you may bring in a box of cookies or crackOctober 18th Team 7 – Nanci Mertin and Dane Tanner ers for the pantry, or a gallon of iced tea or lemonTeam 8 – Bev Rorer and ade during the summer months. Fellowship GathOctober 25th Mike D’Angelo ering is a “coming together” time, and many hands do make for lighter work! To help save our planet; bring in an extra mug or two from home – put your name on the bottom and keep it in the kitchen for coffee hour – just remember to wash it! Incarnation Holy Sacrament Prayer Cycle – You may have noticed in the bulletin and the Prayers of the People certain ministries named in our prayer cycle. This is a seven-week cycle, and the month’s ministries are listed. Please consider these ministries in your prayers, and allow us the privilege of connecting you with one or more of these ministries as the spirit moves you! October 4th Choir and Sunday School October 11th Development Committee and Sewing Group Eucharistic Ministers and Wednesday Wonders Finance Committee and Ushers October 18th October 25th 2 Our Church History On Sunday Sept. 20th we welcomed parishioners back from summer vacation with Kickoff Sunday. Sunday School and Choir started up again. Following the service we enjoyed a delicious potluck picnic on the lawn with some rousing entertainment provided by the Vestry. And we were surprised with a guest appearance by Father Stephen Snider, our recent interim priest, whom we all greeted warmly. We pride ourselves on greeting every parishioner and visitor to our services with a warm handshake or hug. We also extend this greeting to our priests over the years. With time they grow from their position as spiritual leader and counselor to a mentor, confidant and friend. And when they move on, we bid them an equally warm and fond goodbye. Such was the case with Rev. Ralph Weatherly in 1918. But first a recap of our very early history and our priests. Bishop Garland assigned the Rev. Croswell McBee, Rector of St. John the Evangelist Church, Lansdowne, as minister-incharge of the new mission. During the fall of 1915 Rev. McGee officiated at Sunday afternoon services at the Garrettford Public School. In Dec. 1915 services moved to our first, albeit temporary, chapel on this property, and Rev. McBee continued to drive from St. John’s to the new mission to lead services. In January 1916 Mr. Ralph Weatherly, a divinity student at Philadelphia Divinity School, was secured to lead Sunday morning services as Lay Reader. For the next two years he immersed himself in the development of the new parish, teaching and working with the Sunday School, and presiding at vestry meetings. He was held in high esteem by all parishioners. In June 1917 he was ordained a Deacon and later that year accepted a call as Curate in Freeland, PA. Rev. William Turner became our priest-in-charge for about six months and he was succeeded by Rev. Edward Giles Knight. January 1918 the parish presented Rev. Weatherly with a book inscribed with their deep appreciation of his service in our growing years and signed by many, many parishioners. The inscribed tribute in beautiful script reads in part: To Rev. Ralph A. Weatherly “You have been so good a friend to all of us of Drexel Hill, in times of sorrow and times of joy, that we want to give you some little token of our appreciation of you and try to express to you a little of what is in our hearts. You have labored among us as the Steward of our Lord and Master and your work has borne gracious fruit: you have established yourself solidly in our love and high esteem by your unfailing geniality, your cheerful kindliness, your steadfast adherence to duty to God and your fellow men, and your unswerving Christian Character. “We believe that our community has been blessed by your presence, and we all feel that we are better people and more loyal Christians through our association with you. Many are called to work in the Lord’s vineyard, but few are chosen, and we want to tell you that you have proved to us that you are one of the chosen few. “We are truly sorry that duty to the Church and to God has called you away from us, but your spirit still abides with us and will continue to abide with us, filling us with sweet recollections of your sojourn with us, and the love we bear you will not be abated by our separation from you.” This was followed by several pages with numerous signatures from the Executive Committee, Congregation, Choir (20!), Sunday School (teachers and scholars), Women’s Auxiliary and Ladies Guild. Since many members of the parish served in multiple areas, some people signed every page. No doubt, Rev. Weatherly truly felt the warmth of our parish. Submitted by Jeff Mingle Glad Tiding Newsletter – Articles for the November, 2015 Glad Tidings should be in the church office by Tuesday October 20th . Thank you. 3 Blessing of the Animals (Feast of St. Francis) will be on Sunday October 4th at noon on the front lawn! All are welcome, regardless of the number of legs they possess, accompanying humans, even humans without animals! Please remember to have your dogs on leashes and all other pets in a carrier. Most importantly – remember to clean up after your pets! ing and New Year’s Day to the seafarer’s who work on the ships, transporting goods and commodities that sustain our lives throughout the year. A basket is in the back of the Church for all donations; list of things needed is on the bulletin board and also below. The last day to provide donations is Sunday, October 25, 2015. Dane Tanner will be delivering them to the Institute the first week in November. Below is a list of what is needed. Please remember only NEW items. Please NO mini sizes. Financial Contributions are always welcomed. Anyone wanting to make scarves and hats for these men should contact the sewing group for the pattern, both knit and crochet patterns are available. Ditty Bag Wish List at 2 AM Sunday November 1st – remember to turn your clocks back and get an extra hour of sleep! Children may wear their Halloween Costumes to church on Sunday November 1st. Hats, scarves and gloves in dark colors Razors and full size shaving cream Full size toothbrush and toothpaste Full Size shampoo & Comb Deodorant Work Socks & Work Gloves Mini sewing kit Pens & Stationery Nail Clippers Fall Festival - The Upper Darby Historical Seamen’s Church Institute Donations Again this year we are collecting for the Seamen’s Church Institute Ditty Bags. The Ditty Bags are filled with many personal items seafarer’s used for daily life on board the ships. These bags are given out between Thanksgiv- Society is holding its Annual “Fall Festival at Collen Brook Farm located behind the Aronimink School; Marvine and Mansion Rds. The date is Sunday October 18th from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Some activities will be pumpkin painting, 4 apple biting, climb on a fire truck rides, attic treasure sale, sheep shearing,blacksmith, games of the 1800’s, tours and refreshments. There will be scarecrow making. Please bring clothes to stuff with straw–smaller sizes are best. A small donation is appreciated. See Bev Rorer for additional information or questions Thanksgiving Food Collection We will be collecting food again to help 1st Presbyterian Church of Glenolden feed the needy of the area on Thanksgiving. Last year they fed 300 people and expect to feed more this year. We will need turkeys, canned beans and corn, stuffing mix, mashed potato mix, cranberry sauce, and monetary donations for bread and milk. Also, please note that if any parishioner has a neighbor or friend that is in need please let us know and we will make an individual basket for that person. Non-perishable food can be left at the back of the church marked for “Thanksgiving”; the turkeys should be placed in the freezer in the kitchen. All donations should be brought to church by Sunday November 22nd – a basket will be in the back of the church. Thanks, Dane Tanner FINANCIAL STATEMENT As of 9/20/2015 Year to Date Income Envelope Plate Special Event Great Beginnings Investment Interest Christmas/Easter Miscellaneous Endowment principal Used in 2015 Total Income to date Income Needed to avoid use of any additional Endowment Principal in 2015 Total Budget for 2015 57,559.78 891.46 2,481.25 14,850.00 12,903.43 977.00 731.30 38,000.00 128,454.22 76,197.78 204,652.00 5 6 OCTOBER 2015 SERVICE SCHEDULE 4th 11th 18th 25th 19th Sunday after Pentecost 20th Sunday after Pentecost 21st Sunday after Pentecost 22nd Sunday after Pentecost ACOLYTES Mardea Woodson Jessica Doe Mardea Woodson Jessica Doe READERS Dane Tanner Richard Schultz Bev Rorer Cheryl Avery John Laird Jeff Mingle Jeff Mingle Dane Tanner Tom Chadwick Jeff Mingle John Laird Bev Rorer EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS USHERS ALTAR GUILD ALMONERS COFFEE HOUR HOST Bev Rorer Sharann & Chris Null Ann Rowley Harriet Feeney Kathy Geisel Bob Verna Aslean Wisner Mike D’Angelo White Team Rose Team Green Team Yellow Team Dolores Gledhill Barb Thompson Isabel Murphy Harriet Feeney Adria Eichner Michele Kaufmann Dane Tanner Richard Schultz Jeff Mingle Nanci Mertin Sue Reilly Team 6 Stewardship Team 7 Team 8 Dot & Newt Wade Sunday Nanci Mertin Bev Rorer Dane Tanner Mike D’Angelo NOTE: IF FOR ANY REASON YOU ARE UNABLE TO SERVE, PLEASE FIND A REPLACEMENT AND NOTIFY THE CHURCH OFFICE (610-259-5148) BY WEDNESDAY OF THE WEEK PRIOR! Thank you. 7 OCTOBER 2015 Sunday 4 19th Sunday after Pentecost Monday 5 Tuesday 6 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 15 16 17 9:00 am Wed. Wonders 9:30 am I H S’ Happy Hookers Holder Home 8:45 am Adult- Study 10:00 am Holy Eucharist 10:15 am Sunday School noon – Blessing of the Animals 11 20th Sunday after Pentecost 12 8:45 am Adult Study 10:00 am Holy Eucharist 10:15 am Sunday School 18 21st Sunday after Pentecost 13 Observed 19 St. Luke, The Evangelist 7:00 pm Vestry Meeting 20 8:45 am Adult Study 10:00 am Holy Eucharist 10:15 am Sunday School Stewardship Sunday 25 22nd Sunday after Pentecost 8:45 am Adult Study 10:00 am Holy Eucharist 10:15 am Sunday School 14 9:00 am Wed. Wonders 9:30 am I H S’ Happy Hookers Holder Home 21 5 22 23 St. James of Jerusalem 24 29 30 31HALLOWEEN 9:00 am Wed. Wonders 9:30 am I H S’ Happy Hookers Holder Home 26 27 28 St. Simon & St. Jude,Apostles 9:00 am Wed. Wonders 9:30 am I H S’ Happy Hookers Holder Home 8 Incarnation Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church 3000 Garrett Road Drexel Hill, PA 19026-2217 The Rev’d Benjamin E. Wallis, Rector 9