Biotechnology: An Introduction to Concepts & Applications

What is Biotechnology?
• Biotechnology is the study and manipulation of
living things or their component molecules, cells,
tissues, or organs for the benefit of humans (or
other animals).
– This term has been used since the 1970’s to reflect
the application of exciting new technologies to the
research and development of products from plant
and animal cells.
Biotech Bio Byte
Biotech Includes (but is not limited to)
Recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
The creation of
– Insulin to treat diabetes
– Proteases (enzymes used to remove stains from
– Antibodies (for recognizing and fighting certain
– Selective Breeding (dog breeds, flowers, fruits)
– Pharmaceutical drugs
– Cellular manipulation products (growing human
ears on mice)
Examples of Early Biotech
• Historical accounts have shown that the Chinese, Greeks, Romans,
Babylonians, and Egyptians (among many others) have been involved in
Biotech since 2000 BC!
• Early ancestors took advantage of microorganisms and used
fermentation to make breads, cheeses, yogurts, and alcoholic beverages
such as beer and wine.
Fermentation is when strains of yeast
decompose sugars to derive energy, and in
the process they produce ethanol (alcohol)
and carbon dioxide as a waste product.
– When bread dough is being made, added yeast (saccharamyces
cerevisiae) ferments sugar releasing carbon dioxide, which causes
the dough to rise and creates holes in the bread. The alcohol
produced by the yeast evaporates when the bread is cooked.
– When making cheese, added bacteria undergo
fermentation by breaking down Lactose (milk
sugar) and converting it to Lactic Acid which
causes the milk to curdle and form cheese!
• In 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered that
mold Penicillium inhibited the growth of
Stapholococcus aureus. His discovery came
from a pile of “contaminated” Petri dishes.
Viral Vaccines
Edward Jenner was an English country doctor
who pioneered vaccination. Jenner's
discovery in 1796 that inoculation with
cowpox gave immunity to smallpox, was an
immense medical breakthrough and has
saved countless lives.
More Current Examples of Biotechnology
• In 1972 the DNA composition of humans is
shown to be 99% similar to that of chimps and
• In 1981 the first genetically-engineered plant is
reported and the 1st mouse was successfully
• In 1982 Humulin (a human insulin drug), was
produced by genetically-engineered bacteria
and was the first biotech drug approved by the
• In 1994 the first breast cancer gene is discovered
• In 1996 scientists clone identical lambs from early
embryonic sheep
• In 1998 embryonic stem cells are used to
regenerate tissue and create disorders that
mimic diseases
The Human Genome Project
• The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an
international, 13 year effort that began in
1999 and was completed in 2003. The project
goals were to
• Determine the complete sequence of the 3 billion DNA
subunits (bases)
• Identify all human genes, and make them accessible for
further biological study.
– As part of the HGP, parallel sequencing was done for
selected model organisms such as the bacterium E.coli
to help develop the technology and interpret human
gene function.
Domains of Biotechnology
The domain areas in Biotechnology can be
simplified into eight different concentrations
• Microbial Biotechnology: The manipulation
of microorganisms such as yeast and
bacteria. Example: Fermentation
• Agricultural Biotechnology: The genetic
engineering of plants in hopes of
– Giving the plant pest resistance
– Producing foods with a higher protein or vitamin
– Developing drugs that can be grown and isolated in
plant products
• Animal Biotechnology: This branch includes
– Using animals as a source of medically valuable
• Antibodies
– Using animals as an important model in basic
• Gene “knockout” experiments (where genes have been
turned off)
• Designs and testing of drugs and genetic therapies
– Animal cloning
• Source of transgenic organs (animal organs that can be
transplanted into humans without fear of rejection).
• Forensic Biotechnology
– DNA fingerprinting
• Inclusion or exclusion of a person from suspicion
• Paternity cases
• Identification of human remains
• Endangered species
• Tracking and confirmation of the spread of disease
• Bioremediation
– The use of biotechnology to process and degrade a variety of natural and
manmade substances
• Particularly those that contribute to pollution
– For example, bacteria that degrade components in
crude oil
• 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska
• Gulf Oil Spill
• Aquatic Biotechnology
– Aquaculture – raising finfish or shellfish in controlled conditions for use
as food sources
• 30% of all fish consumed by humans worldwide
– Genetic engineering
• Disease-resistant strains of oysters
– Vaccines against viruses that infect salmon and
other finfish
– Rich and valuable sources of new genes, proteins and metabolic
processes with important applications for
human benefits
• Marine plankton and snails found to be rich sources of anti-tumor
and anticancer molecules
• Medical Biotechnology
• Involved with the whole spectrum of human medicine
• Preventive medicine
• Diagnosis of health and illness
• Treatment of human diseases
• New information from Human Genome Project
• Gene therapy
Stem cell technologies
• Regulatory Biotechnology
– Quality Assurance (QA)
• All activities involved in regulating the final quality of
a product
– Quality Control (QC)
• Part of QA process that involves lab testing and
monitoring of processes and applications to ensure consistent
product standards