Faculty Technology Days 2009 Updates to the APA Citation Style By: Katrina Montgomery Presented by: Jo-Anne Andre Katrina Montgomery Tuesday May 5, 2009 University of Calgary Updates to APA Citation Style What we will cover: • What are the changes to the APA style guide for citation? • Impacts and challenges of recent changes to APA style • Examples of citing less common forms of electronic sources • Resources available at the U of C • Questions What are the changes to APA? Response to the vast amount of authoritative information now available electronically; widespread use of new technologies and modes of communication. Section regarding electronic resources in the 5th edition (2001) of the APA style manual no longer adequate APA style guide to electronic references (2007) – an addendum that updates the section (section 4.16) of the 5th edition of the APA Manual that deals with electronic sources What are the changes to APA? 1. Guidelines for referencing and citing information sources available electronically and via new technologies ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Online journal articles, books, encyclopedias Online dissertations Computer software Podcasts (audio and video) Online discussion groups Electronic mailing lists Weblogs Wikis Abstracts What are the changes to APA? 2. Retrieval date ◦ “is important if the content you are citing is likely to be changed or updated” (APA, 2007, p. 2). ◦ Include the retrieval date for undated or changeable content obtained from the open web, preprint articles, etc. ◦ No retrieval date is necessary if the content is unlikely to be changed or updated, for example a journal article or book. What are the changes to APA? Examples: Johnston, M.A. (2007). A review of the application of event studies in marketing. Academy of Marketing Science Review, 11(4), 1-31. Retrieved from http://www.amsreview.org/articles/johnston04-2007.pdf (Open access journal article) Andrijiw, A., & Hyatt, C. (2009). Using optimal distinctiveness theory to understand identification with a nonlocal professional hockey team. Journal of Sport Management, 23 (2), 156-181. Retrieved from http://www.humankinetics.com/jsm/ (Article retrieved from an online database) What are the changes to APA? Examples: Canadian Physiotherapy Association. (2006). What is evidence-based and best practice in physiotherapy? Retrieved December 12, 2007, from http://www.physiotherapy.ca/pulbic.asp?WCE=C11|K=2 23245|RefreshS=Container|RefreshT=223245|A=Body (Article on an organization’s website – content could be changed) Corporate social responsibility. (2008). In E. Heery & M. Noon (Eds.) A Dictionary of Human Resource Management. Retrieved April 29, 2009, from http://www.oxfordreference.com (Online encyclopedia – content could be updated) What are the changes to APA? Examples: Jang, B. (2009, April 30). Seasonal factors will blunt Mexico economic effects . The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from http://www.theglobeandmail.com (Newspaper article retrieved from online database) What are the changes to APA? 3. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) ◦ “When a DOI is available, include the DOI instead of the url in the reference” (APA, 2007, p. 4). ◦ A unique alphanumeric identifier assigned to an object of intellectual property accessible online. The identifier includes information about the publisher and the particular item, and is paired with its location on the Internet. ◦ DOI’s are assigned (by registration agencies) to scholarly literature, i.e. journal articles, e-books, encyclopedia entries, conference proceedings, music . Popular or trade magazines and newspaper articles will not have DOI’s ◦ A persistent link that does not change regardless of ownership or location of the item. Search DOI in Google. ◦ Using technology provided by CrossRef, users are able to navigate scholarly literature and move seamlessly from one article to another across journals and between publishers. What are the changes to APA? CrossRef ◦ Not-for-profit publisher membership organization; an official DOI registration agency and a cross-publisher citation linking network ◦ Functions as a “digital switchboard” directing researchers to scholarly literature available in electronic format through DOIs ◦ CrossRef DOI’s link to publisher response pages which provide the full citation and abstract as well as full text access for authenticated users, or options to obtain the full text. ◦ Libraries can join CrossRef at no cost to take advantage of the reference linking network What are the changes to APA? Example of reference including DOI: Ritchie, B., & Brindley, C. (2007). Supply chain risk management and performance: A guiding framework for future development. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(3), 303-322. doi: 10.1108/01443570710725563 Where do I find the DOI? ◦ Online databases ◦ On the first page of a full text article ◦ May be hidden under a button labeled “Article” or “Full text” or “CrossRef” that links readers to the article (if they have authorized access) or to an abstract and opportunity to purchase the article ◦ DOI lookup at www.crossref.org/guestquery Cross linking: Outbound links to cited sources - Reader can link directly to a cited reference based on the DOI regardless of the publisher What are the changes to APA? Articles with no DOI assigned ◦ “Give the exact url (if the content is openaccess) or the url of the journal home page (if the content is accessible by subscription)” (APA, 2007, p.8). ◦ “With the exception of … other documents of limited circulation delivered by electronic databases, the database name is no longer a necessary element of the reference” (APA, 2007, p.3). Impact & Challenges of Changes to APA Currently, not all articles have DOI’s and many databases do not include DOI’s. Students use research databases extensively, and expect all the required citation information to be readily available in the source they are using. Searching for a DOI can be difficult and often a DOI will not be found. APA’s protocol for citing articles with no DOI is somewhat baffling, and seems to require the researcher to determine the online availability of the article. It does not clearly define citation protocol if an article is retrieved from an online database or if neither an article url nor a journal home page is available. Are we to assume these articles are then considered “documents of limited circulation” and include the database name? To date, Reference management tools like RefWorks and EndNote have had limited success in incorporating the new citation standards effectively and consistently. Varied interpretations among academic institutions How to implement these changes. How to get the word out? Citing Electronic Sources Wiki Cloud computing. (n.d.). Retrieved April 22, 2009 from Entrepedia: The entrepreneurship wiki: http://www.entrepedia.org/wiki/Cloud_Computing Message posted to discussion group Tipiper. (2008, May 11). Canadian natural gas company EnCana announces dividing into 2 companies: One oil, one gas. Message posted to http://boards.fool.com/, archived at http://boards.fool.com/ Message.asp?mid=26639641&sort=whole&terms=encana&vstest=search_042607_link default Television (video) podcast Stromboulopoulos, G. (Host). (2009, April 14). Tom Avery. In Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Producer), The Hour. Podcast retrieved from CBC: http://www.cbc.ca/thehour/ Audio podcast Budd, B., & Off, C. (Hosts). (2009, April 20). Nightmare at zero feet. As It Happens. Podcast retrieved from CBC: http://www.cbc.ca/asithappens/podcast.html Citing Electronic Sources Video weblog post Tracy, B. (2009, April 21).You are what you think [Video file]. Video posted to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugorof99Vj0 Blog Tennant, R. (2009, April 6). Will digital kill print? Message posted to http://www.libraryjournal.com/blog/1090000309.html Dissertation (retrieved from an online database) Lauf, R.I. (2008). An analysis of relationship networks in venture capital syndication decisions. Retrieved from ProQuest Digital Dissertations. (AAT 3334118) Citing Electronic Sources Electronic book retrieved from a database Gobillot, E. (2007). The connected leader: Creating agile organizations for people, performance and profit. Retrieved from ebrary database. Chapter in an electronic book Fernie, J. (2007). Retail logistics. In D.J. Waters (Ed.), Global logistics: New directions in supply chain management (pp. 290-314). Retrieved from ebrary database. PowerPoint presentation slides Purdue University Writing Lab. (2001). Documenting sources: using APA format [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved May 5, 2009 from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/pp/APA.PPT Citing Electronic Sources Abstract as original source Gabor, T. (2003). Federal Gun Registry: An Urgent Need for Independent, Non-partisan Research (NCJ No. 203440) [Abstract]. Retrieved from National Criminal Justice Reference Service abstracts database. Abstract (from secondary source) Alonso, A.D. (2009). Are travellers interested in wine tourism in New Zealand? International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 3 (1), 13-24. Abstract retrieved from Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Abstracts database. Abstract submitted for conference, poster sessions etc. Hackman, T., & Patterson, K. (2009, July). Looking for genres on the web: Content analysis of American author websites. In J. Condit Fagan (Chair). The collectors: Posters on acquisitions, cataloging and classification, collection development and management, history, serials, and special collections. Poster session at 28th Annual ALA Conference. Abstract retrieved from http://www.lib.jmu.edu/org/ala/abstracts/ Resources available at the U of C Writing Centre ◦ http://efwr.ucalgary.ca/ ◦ Free tutorial service & drop-in writing consultation ◦ Online writing resources Library reference desks and subject librarians Main Library website >> Research Support >> Citing & Writing Branch libraries and subject guides Print manuals and many online resources offering examples Web resources APA Style (American psychological Association) http://apastyle.apa.org/ CrossRef.org http://crossref.org/ NAIT – APA Citation Style http://www.nait.ca/docs/APA_examples.pdf Purdue University Online Writing Lab http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ Research & Documentation Online (Diana Hacker) http://www.dianahacker.com/resdoc/ UBC Library “Getting started with APA style” http://www.library.ubc.ca/home/about/instruct/apastyle.html Bibliography American Psychological Association. (2007). APA style guide to electronic resources. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. Retrieved from http://books.apa.org/books.cfm?id=4210509 Chandrakar, R. (2006). Digital object identifier system: An overview. The Electronic Library, 24 (4), 445-452. doi: 10.1108/02640470610689151 CrossRef.org (n.d.). Info for libraries. Retrieved April 21, 2009 from http://www.crossref.org/03libraries/index.html Langston, M., & Tyler, J. (2004). Linking to journal articles in an online teaching environment: The persistent link, DOI, and OpenURL. Internet and Higher Education, 7 (1), 51-58. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2003.11.004 Lewis, L.A., & Zabel, D. (2008). From the front lines: An academic librarian reports on the impact of APA’s new electronic references guidelines. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 48 (2), 128-131. Retrieved from http://www.rusq.org/2009/03/29/from-the-front-lines-an-academic-librarian-reports-on-the-impact-ofapas-new-electronic-references-guidelines/ O’Leary, M. (2003). Publishers forge new access tool with CrossRef. Online, 27 (1), 64-65. Retrieved from http://www.infotoday.com/online/default.shtml Wang, J. (2007). Digital object identifiers and their use in libraries. Serials Review, 33 (3), 161-164. doi: 10.1016/j.serrev.2007.05.006