Week 1 -Absolute Location Origin: Suffix: Prefix: Definition:The exact placing of something. Ex: Using latitude and longitude -Bay Origin: Late, middle english. From old French baie. Suffix: Prefix: Definition: A body of water forming a shoreline -Canyon Origin: 1834,from Mex.Sp.cañon,extended sense of Sp.cañon"a pipe, tube, gorge,"from cano"a tube,"from L. canna"reed"(seecane). But earlier spelling call on(1560s)might suggest a source in calle"street." Suffix: Prefix: Definition: a deep valley with steep sides,often with a stream flowing through it. -Cape Origin: 1350–1400; Middle English (north);Old English -cāp ( see cope2), reinforced in16th century by Spanish capa < Late Latin cappa hooded cloak,cope2 Suffix: Prefix: Definition: a sleeveless garment of various lengths,fastened around the neck and falling loosely from the shoulders,worn separately or attached to a coat or other outer garment. -Channel Origin: c.1300,"bed of running water,"from O.Fr.chanel, from L. can alis"groove,channel,water pipe"(see canal) Given a broader,figurative sense and averbal meaning1590s.Meaning"circuit for telegraph communication"(1848)probably led to that of"band of frequency for radio orTV signals"(1928). Suffix: Prefix: Definition: the bed of a stream,river,or other water way. -Cliff Origin: O.E.clif, fromP.Gmc.*kliban, perhaps fromPIEbase*gleibh-"to ad here,be attached." Suffix: Prefix: Definition: a high steep face of a rock. -Continent Origin: late 14c.,adj.,"self-restraining,"from L .continent em (nom.continens),prp.of cont in ere"hold together"(seecontain). Meaning move dfrom"exercising self-restraint"to"chaste"14c.,and to bowe land bladder control19c.The houn int he geographical sense is from Suffix: Prefix: Definition: one of the main land masses of the globe,usually reckoned as seven in number(Europe,Asia,Africa,North America,South America,Australia,and Antarctica). -Delta Origin: c.1200,Gk.letter shaped like a triangle,equivalent to our"D,"the name from Phoenici and a leth"ten tdoor."Hero do tus used it of the mouth of the Nile,and it was souse din Eng.from1555;appliedtootherrivermouthsfrom1790.Deltoidmusclesocalledsince1741,from its shape. Suffix: Prefix: Definition: the fourth letter of the greek alphabet (Δ, δ). -Divide Origin: late14c.,fromL.dividere"to force a part, cleave, distribute,"from dis-"apart" + -videre"to separate,"from PIE base*widh-"to separate,"related to widow; and see with. Mathematical sense is from early15c.The noun meaning"water shed,separation Suffix: Prefix: -Down stream definition- with or in the direction of the current of a stream. origin- 1700–10; down1 + stream suffixprefiximage-Elevation definitionthe height to which something is elevated or to which it rises:The elevation of the tower is 80 feet. origin- late 14c.,height of something, from L.elevation em,noun of action from elev are(see elevate). Meaning act of elevating is from1520s. suffixprefiximage-Equator definition- the great circle on a sphere or heavenly body who sep lane is perpendicular to the axis,equidistant every where from the two poles of the sphere or heavenly body. origin- late 14c.,from M.L. aequatordieietnoctis"equalizer of day and night"(when the sun is on the celestial equator,twice annually,day and night are of equallength),from L.a equare"make equal,equate."Sense of"celestial equator"is earliest, extension to"terres trial line mid way between the poles" suffixprefiximage-Glacier definition- an extended mass of ice formed from snow falling and accumulating over the years and moving very slowly,either descending from high mountains, as in valley glaciers,or moving outward from centers of accumulation, as in continental glaciers. origin- 1735–45; < dialectalFrench, derivative of Old French glace ice < Late Latin glacia (for Latin glaciēs) suffixprefiximage-Gulf definition- a portion of an ocean or sea partly enclosed by land. originsuffixprefiximage-Harbor definition- such a body of water having docks or port facilities. origin- c.1150,fromO.E.here beorg,from here"army,host"(see harry) + beorg"refuge,shelter"(related to be organ"save,preserve");perhaps modeled on O.N.her bergi,from P.G mc.*kharjaz + *berg-.Sense shifted in M.E. to"refuge, lodgings,"thent o"place of shelter for ships." suffixprefiximage-Highland definition-an elevated region; plateau originsuffixprefiximage-Hill definitiona natural elevation of the earth's surface, smaller than a mountain. originO.E.hyll,fromP.Gmc.*khulnis(cf.M.Du.hille,LowGer.hull"hill,"O.N.hallr"stone,"Goth.hallus"rock,"O.N.ho lmr"isletinabay,"O.E.holm"risingland,island"),fromPIEbase*kel"torise,beelevated,tobeprominent"(cf.Skt.kutam"top,skull;"L.collis"hill,"columna"projecting suffixprefiximage-Island definition-a tract of land completely surrounded by water,and not large enough to be called a continent. originO.E.igland"island,"fromieg"island"(fromP.Gmc.*aujo"thingonthewater,"fromPIE*akwa-"water") + land"land."Spellingmodified15c.byassociationwithsimilarbutunrelatedisle.AnO.E.cognatewasealand"riverland,wateredplace,meadowbyariver." suffixprefiximage-Isthmus definitiona narrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, connecting two larger bodies of land. origin-1555,from Gk. isthmos "narrow neck of land,"especially that of Corinth, of unknown origin,perhaps from ei mi"to go" + suffix-thmo(cf.ithma"astep,movement"). suffix- prefiximage-