D Status of “some” New Physics Searches at D E. Kajfasz for ... CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 1 D The Stage Fermilab, Tevatron and D0 D Chicago Run I (92-96) 1.8 TeV ~0.1 fb-1 Top discovery ... p p 1.96 TeV Booster p CDF DØ Tevatron p source CERN 12/09/06 p Main Injector & Recycler E. Kajfasz Run II (IIa 01-Feb 06) (IIb Jun 06 ->...) 1.96 TeV -> 8fb-1 Precision measurements: mt, mW, Dms Searches for Higgs and BSM ... 3 D Tevatron status at the end of Run IIa (Feb. 06) 2002 Tevatron works well and keeps getting better 2003 2004 1.5 fb-1 2005 Delivered Int. Luminosity / Expt 1 fb-1 just with performances reached at Run IIa => > 4 fb-1 en 2009! Record Luminosity: 1.8 1032 cm-2 s-1 Integrated Luminosity: record: 27 pb-1 /semaine/expt delivered: 1.5 fb-1 /expt on tape: 1.3 fb-1 /expt pbars peak stacking rate > 20 mA/h CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 4 Luminosity evolution for Run II D Integrated Luminosity (fb-1) 9 Run IIa Run IIb Sep 09: double 8 30 mA/hr design 7 25 mA/hr 6 Sep 07: double 5 4 3 2 Sep 05: double 20 mA/hr pbars peak stacking rate 15 mA/hr base Sep 06: double 1 0 9/30/03 9/30/04 9/30/05 9/30/06 9/30/07 9/30/08 9/30/09 - last shutdown started ~ Mar 1, 2006 => transition Run IIa/Run IIb - Run IIb first store occured on Jun 9: D0 was ready to take data CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 5 D Upgrades for Run II Run IIa Upgades - Muon system - CAL Electronics - DAQ - Trigger system New at Run IIb - L1 CAL Tracker Solenoid Magnet - L1 Track - Layer 0 for SMT New at Run IIa - Solenoid - Silicon detector - Fiber tracker - Preshowers protons 3 Layer Muon System CERN 12/09/06 Electronics E. Kajfasz Preshowers 6 Trigger commissioning D Run IIb installation and commissioning is a success ! Started data taking within minutes of first Run IIb sore Lumi L1 L2 L3 CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 7 D Layer 0 Commissioning and operational L0 is installed cosmic run Threaded inside the existing detector on a new beam pipe at 1.6 cm from the beams CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz Physics run S/N=18 8 Operations D Efficiency back to ~90% by the third month of Run IIb operations last shutdown 90% Detector/trigger /DAQ downtime ~ 5% Store and run transitions ~ 2-3% FEB ~ 3-5% CERN 12/09/06 04/02 E. Kajfasz 08/06 9 D Some ID tools D t-ID (narrow jet) CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 11 D b-ID: different tagging algorithms ... - Secondary Vertex (SVT) Jet Lifetime Impact Parameter (JLIP) Counting Signed Impact Parameter (CSIP) Soft Lepton certified operating points New b-tagging tool - Combines various variables from the track based b-tagging tools in a Neural Network - Substantial improvement in performance over constituent input b-taggers CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 12 D New Physics Searches Standard Model D Based on: - 4-D space-time - Poincaré group - SU(3)c x SU(2)L x U(1)Y - 3 generations of quarks and leptons - Higgs mechanism Phenomenologically successful so far, but many questions unanswered... Higgs field filling our Universe and slowing down elementary particles. Is it elementary? If so, some drawbacks: • no dynamical explanation to EWSB • unnatural, requires fine tuning -> MH unstable against rad. corr. • in GUTs, leads to hierarchy problem -> 2 very different scales • no insight to flavor physics CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 14 D Some Ways to go Beyond ... To answer some of the questions ... new theories and models - Alternative EWSB mechanisms -> Technicolor - Relate quarks and leptons -> Leptoquarks - Compositeness -> scale, m*, q* - Enlarge the gauge group -> W’ - Extend Poincaré -> Supersymmetry and include gravitation (Supergravity) - Increase number of dimensions -> LED & RS Notes, results, and publications on New Physics can be found at: http://www-d0.fnal.gov/Run2Physics/WWW/results/np.htm http://www-d0.fnal.gov/Run2Physics/WWW/results/higgs.htm CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 15 D Technicolor Technicolor D Technicolor (TC - first introduced by Weinberg and Susskind): New strong dynamics ‘a la QCD’ SU(NTC) -> TC condensates of technifermions Coupling of condensates with unbroken electroweak gauge fields -> mass to W&Z Extended TC (ETC) [mass and mixing to quarks and leptons] Walking Technicolor (WTC) [flavor changing neutral current in ETC] Topcolor-assisted Technicolor (TC2) [high value of mtop] Technicolor Straw Man Model (TCSM2): K. Lane, S. Mrenna Phys. Rev. D 67 (2003) Framework to search for light technihadrons (relevant for Tevatron searches). lightest technifermions expected to be an isodoublet of color singlets -> color-singlet vector mesons: rT,wT 2 channels explored -> color-singlet pseudo-scalar mesons: pT0,pT+/produced with substantial cross-section rT 0/ wT 0 -> e+eat the Tevatron cross-sections and branching fractions depend on: r +/- W+/- p 0 masses of rT and wT technicolor charges of the technifermions mass difference between vector mesons and technipions 2 mass parameters: MA for axial-vector and MV for vector couplings one expects MA = MV = few 100’s GeV Implemented in PYTHIA [S. Mrenna] CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz T T | bb W-/+ pT+/| bc,bc for m(rT)-m(pT) > mW rT 0 17 D wT/rT e+e- SELECTION: 2 isolated EM objects at least 1 track matched ET > 25 GeV |h| < 1.1 or 1.5 < |h| < 2.4 BACKGROUND: - Drell-Yan production - QCD - Search for rT/wT e+e- as a bump/excess at high dielectron mass (intrinsic width < 1 GeV) m(rT ,wT)-m(pT)= 60 GeV m(rT ,wT)-m(pT)= 100 GeV - Counting experiment in optimized 20-60 GeV windows centered around rT/wT mass CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz MV=500 GeV MV=200 GeV MV=100 GeV 18 W(en)pT(bb/c) event selection D q Signal rT W W q pT SM Background e n b b /c Select W(en)+Heavy Flavor events One isolated electron (EM TRIGGER) pT > 20 GeV, |h| < 1.1 select W(en) events veto on other electrons to suppress Z Missing ET > 20 GeV, MT > 30 GeV select W(en) events eliminates multi-jets events Two jets pT > 15 GeV, |h| < 2.5 estimated from data At least one jet has to be associated with a Secondary Vertex (b-tagging) Veto on a third jet, suppresses tt background CERN 12/09/06 Instrumental Background multijet production (mis-IDed electron) W + light flavored jets (mistag) E. Kajfasz Cut based (CB) and Neural Net (NN) analyses 19 Define kinematic and topological quantities to extract the WpT signal D0 Run II Preliminary 388 pb-1 M(pT) = 105 GeV M(rT) = 200 GeV MV = 500 GeV HTe (electron pT + ∑ jet pT) discriminates against tt pT(jj) (pT of the dijet system) discriminates against tt D(jj) and D(e,MET) against multijet and W + light quarks M(jj) (inv. mass of the dijet system) -> indication of pT narrow resonance look for M(Wjj) (W + dijet system) concentration -> indication of rT narrow resonance Mass dependant optimization of cuts on S/√B M(pT) = 105 GeV M(rT) = 200 GeV MV = 500 GeV M(jj) D Cut based analysis M(pT) = 110 GeV M(rT) = 210 GeV Data: 12 Bkg: 12.7 ± 0.9 Signal: 10.3 ± 1.0 CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz no excess seen ... M(Wjj)20 D Neural Net analysis 2 stage NN using 8 kinematic and topological variables HTe, pT(jj), D(jj), D(e,MET), pT(j1), pT(j2), pT(e), MET Mass dependent optimization on S/√B M(pT) = 105 GeV M(rT) = 200 GeV MV = 500 GeV D0 Run II Preliminary 388 pb-1 no excess seen ... CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 21 Result of the WpT analyses D Limits computed using: - Bayesian statistics (CB) - 2D maximum likelihood using (M(Wjj),M(jj)) correlations (NN) D0 Run II Preliminary 388 pb-1 First measurement done with TCSM2 model (cannot be compared with the now obsolete TCSM) 95% CL Observed Excluded (NN) Expected Excluded (NN) Observed Excluded (CB) Expected Excluded (CB) Forbidden Region No evidence was found for pT, rT production for the parameters used with 388 pb-1 > 1 fb-1 is now available Add m channels soon Possibility of exploring larger TC parameter space CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 22 D Leptoquarks Leptoquarks D Predicted by many extensions of the SM Carry both lepton and quark quantum numbers => connection of lepton and quark sectors Description with effective couplings invariant under SU(3)CxSU(2)LxU(1)Y conserve lepton and baryon number separately (proton lifetime) couple to lepton and quark in the same family (FCNC) scalar and vector leptoquarks are possible but only limits for scalar leptoquarks will be shown (lower X-sections and less model dependant) Pair production modes: - quark anti-quark annihilation - gluon fusion CERN 12/09/06 Decay: parameterized by b the LQ branching fraction to charged lepton + quark E. Kajfasz 24 D eejj: 1st generation leptoquarks - 2 electrons ET>25 GeV > 1 elec. track matched > 1 elec. in CC - >=2 jets ET>20 GeV |h|<2.4 - veto Mee in [80,102] GeV - ST(e,e,j,j) > 450 GeV enjj: - 1 electron ET>35 GeV in CC and track matched - >=2 jets ET>25 GeV |h|<2.4 - veto on m’s w/ pT>10 GeV (tt) - MET > 30 GeV - Transv. mass(e,MET) (W) - ST(e,MET,j,j) > 330 GeV no excess seen ... CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 25 D 1st generation leptoquarks enjj eejj 256 GeV CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 26 D mmjj: 2nd generation leptoquarks - 2 muons cosmic vetos matched to isolated tracks |h| < 2.4 pT > 15 GeV - >=2 jets ET>25 GeV |h|<2.4 - Mmm > 105 GeV (Z) Data 6 Total Bkgs 6.8 ± 2.0 Z/DY 6.1 ± 2.0 tt 0.69 ± 0.07 no excess seen ... ST(m,m,j,j) CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 27 D 2nd generation leptoquarks 4 bins used as individual channels to extract limits using CLS 251 GeV CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 28 D Leptoquarks search in jets+MET SIGNAL Pair production modes: - quark anti-quark annihilation - gluon fusion Decay: parameterized by b the LQ branching fraction to charged lepton + quark Topology: 2 (light/b)-jets + missing energy BACKGROUNDS Standard Model (SM) : ‘QCD’ or instrumental: (ALPGEN interfaced with PYTHIA) - Vector boson production associated with jets - Z + 2 jets nn + 2 jets (irreducible) - W + 2 jets ln + 2 jets (l = e, m,t) (lepton not reconstructed) - W + 1 jet ln + 1 jet (l = e, t) (lepton identified as a jet) - diboson production : WW, WZ, ZZ - top production (single and pair) CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz - multijet production determined from data 29 D Leptoquarks in acoplanar jet topology Selection Start with ~ 14 million events collected with the Jets+MET trigger Initial cuts: - MHT = > 40 GeV - DF(2 leading jets) < 165o - MET > 40 GeV - |zPV| < 60 cm - at least 2 jets - data quality cuts mLQ = 140 GeV D(MET,j) CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 30 D leptoquarks in acoplanar jet topology (Δφmax + Δφmin) (Δφmax – Δφmin) 140 GeV 140 GeV QCD • Exp. and power law fits to MET distrib. in range [40,60] GeV after removal of the SM contribution • extrapolated at high MET • Average result of the 2 fits -> QCD background estimate • Difference -> systematics 2.3 ± 1.2 CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz (for MET > 70 GeV) 31 D leptoquarks in acoplanar jet topology b = 0 mLQ > 136 GeV @ 95% CL Most stringent limit for 1st and 2nd generation scalar leptoquarks decaying exclusively in a quark and a neutrino (b=0) what about the 3rd generation? CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 32 D 3rd gen. LQ Signal Phase space suppression factor Fs for higher masses BR(LQ3->bn) = 1 – 0.5*Fs charge 1/3 Use b-tagging to increase sensitivity to signal Selection CERN 12/09/06 Decay: BR(LQ3->bn) = 1 as long as M(LQ3) < M(t)+M(t) E. Kajfasz 33 D Using b-tagging Two taggers used: Jet LIfetime Probability (JLIP) m-tag: if muon within a cone DR = 0.5 around the jet axis 2 b-tags are required: at least 1 m-tag and at least 1 JLIP-tag 2 JLIP-tags and Xij > 0.8 ( ) @ 95% CL if LQ3 also decays in tt: mLQ > 213 GeV if not: mLQ > 219 GeV [B(LQ -> bn) = 1] CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 34 D Compositeness Lepton-quark compositeness Excited leptons and quarks D Lepton-Quark Compositeness effective lagrangian interference term (for e’s: m <-> e) CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz contact term 36 D ee channel Lepton-Quark Compositeness 270pb-1 SELECTION: - 2 electrons w/ pT > 25 GeV - in fiducial region and |hdet| < 1.1 for CC 1.5 < | hdet | < 2.4 for EC - at least one electron track matched BACKGROUNDS: - Z/DY ee production -multijets estimated from data - g+jets estimated from multijets/g+jets ratio No excess => 95% CL limits on L CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 37 D Lepton-Quark Compositeness mm channel 400pb-1 SELECTION: - 2 muons w/ pT > 15 GeV - |hdet| < 2.0 - Track quality cuts - Cosmic ray cuts - Isolation cuts - Mmm > 50 GeV BACKGROUNDS: - Z/DY mm production - t+t- and bb DY production No excess => 95% CL limits on L CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 38 Excited Leptons and Quarks D Have the same quantum numbers as known leptons or quarks. Occur in compositeness models where the known fermions are bound states of more fundamental particles which are bound together by a new strong interaction (L = Compositeness scale) model of Baur, Spira, & Zerwas, PRD 42, 815, (1990) 1/L2 Four-fermion Contact Interactions CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 1/L Gauge mediated transitions 39 Excited muons m* D CI production and EW decay BF CI/EW taken into account SELECTION: Two isolated muons pT > 15 GeV One isolated photon |h| < 1.1, ET > 27 GeV Mmg>200 GeV (varies with m* mass hypothesis) Mmm dimuon sample Mmg mmg sample BACKGROUNDS: Mainly mm DY with ISR/FSR g Others: fake g, dibosons CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 40 D Excited muons m* No excess => 95% CL limits CERN 12/09/06 mm* > 688 GeV for L = mm* E. Kajfasz 41 D Excited quarks q* SELECTION: - Two isolated electrons: ET > 30, 25 GeV |h| < 1.1 or 1.5 < |h| < 2.5 - One jet: ET > 20 GeV, |h| < 2.5 - 80 GeV < Mee < 102 GeV - Final selection using MZj1 and pTZ (depends on Mq* and Gq* [or x]) x = L/Mq* BACKGROUND: - Main background by far: SM Z+jet production - Instrumental backgrounds (fake electrons) very small MZj1 Mee CERN 12/09/06 resonant production E. Kajfasz 42 Excited quarks q* D (MZj1 , pTZ ) optimized cut No excess => 95% CL limits signal region Mq* > 510 GeV for x = 1 CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 43 D Extra Gauge Bosons D Search for W’ -> en - Arises in SM extensions from the presence of additional symmetry groups - Assumptions: - no W, W’ mixing - SM coupling - W’ -> WZ channel supressed - GW’ = 4/3 mW’/mW GW SELECTION: - 1 isolated track matched e ET > 30 GeV and |h| < 1.1 (CC) - MET > 30 GeV - 0.7 < ET/MET < 1.3 - if jets w/ ET > 15 GeV - D(e,j) < 2.5 - D(j,MET) < 2.5 (dijets) CERN 12/09/06 mT = (2ET*MET(1-D(e,MET))1/2 [GeV] - mT < 30 GeV with loose e sample to normalize QCD - 60 < mT < 140 GeV overall normalization (900 pb-1) - mT > 150 GeV to look for W’ signal E. Kajfasz 45 D Search for W’ -> en no excess seen ... CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 46 D Supersymmetry D SUSY Particles and their SM partners differ in spin by 1/2 The SUSY menu CERN 12/09/06 More or less constrained MSSM, à la mSUGRA - if mSUGRA: m0 m1/2 tan(b) A0 sign(m) - neutralino LSP -> R-Parity Conserving processes -> charginos/neutralinos -> generic squarks and gluinos -> stop/sbottom -> R-Parity Violating processes: LSP unstable -> MSSM Higgs bosons Gauge mediated SUSY breaking - gravitino LSP and neutralino NLSP -> 2 photons + MET Anomaly mediated SUSY breaking -> long-lived charged particles Split SUSY -> long-livedE.gluino Kajfasz 48 D “Trileptons” + MET production decay Chargino-neutralino production clean signature => Trilepton + MET But Like Sign dileptons particularly relevant for very soft 3rd lepton (small c2slepton mass difference) - low cross sections ( BR) - soft leptons - taus (at large tanb) => Need large integrated luminosity => Combine various final states CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 49 eel + MET D SELECTION: - Two isolated e’s - An isolated 3rd lepton or track (sensitive to t’s) - Missing ET ee+l Data are well described at the preselection stage 2-4 signal evts expected CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 50 D LS mm + MET Start with: two isolated LS m’s pT > 5 GeV Data are well described at the preselection stage CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 1-4 signal evts expected 51 “Trileptons” + MET D Analysis channel Lumin. (fb-1) Background predicted Observed data ee+track 1.1 0.760.67 0 m+m+/ m-m- 0.9 1.1 0.4 1 em+track 0.3 0.310.13 0 mm+track 0.3 1.750.57 2 eth+track 0.3 0.580.14 0 mth+track 0.3 0.360.13 1 Results of the various channels are combined, “weighted” according to their sensitivity, with overlaps taken into account. heavy-squarks: destructive t-channel contribution minimal 3l-max: sleptons degenerate and m(sl) slightly greater than m(χ20). Leptonic BR enhanced large m0: at large slepton masses, W/Z exchange dominant => small leptonic BR CERN 12/09/06 m(c+) > 140 GeV E. Kajfasz 52 D Generic squarks & gluinos SIGNAL: strong production • sq-sqbar and sq-sq (sq qc) => at least 2 jets + missing ET (MET) @ small m0 • sq-gl (gl qqc) => at least 3 jets + MET @ intermediate m0 BACKGROUND: - Instrumental (QCD multijets with fake MET) - (W(missed lepton)+n) +jets (also from ttbar) - (Z nn) +jets (irreducible) SELECTION: • gl-gl => at least 4 jets + MET @ high m0 3 optimized analyses where QCD background reduced to negligible level CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 53 Generic squarks & gluinos D “gluino” analysis Analysis Background expected Events observed 2 jets 4.8 4.5 6 3 jets 3.9 1.5 4 4 jets 10.3 2.4 10 Mgl > 387 GeV/c2 (when Mgl~Msq) Mgl > 241 GeV/c2 ; Msq > 325 GeV/c2 CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 54 Stop D SIGNAL: - stops pair produced (strong inter.) - if sneutrino light - em + MET and mm + MET analyses optimized for various (m(st),m(sn)) ST = pT(e)+pT(m)+MET em & mm combined em no excess seen ... CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 55 Stop D SELECTION: - 2 jets 1 c-jet (“loose” b-tag) - MET - optimization on jet pT’s, MET and D(j,MET) for various (m(st),mc) SIGNAL: - stops pair produced (strong inter.) - if st NLSP and c LSP m(st) < mb + mW + mc BACKGROUND: Mainly W+jets and Z(nn)+jets m(st) = 130 GeV m(c) = 50 GeV 131 GeV CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 56 D Sbottom SELECTION: - 2 or 3 jets ( 1 jet b-tagged) - MET - veto on isolated leptons/tracks - angle between jets and MET - optimization on jet pT’s, MET for various (m(sb),mc) SIGNAL: - sbottoms pair produced (strong inter.) - c LSP and B(sb->c+b) = 100% BACKGROUND: Mainly Z(nn)+jets, W(tn)+jets, and top m(sb) = 140 GeV m(c) = 80 GeV CERN 12/09/06 222 GeV E. Kajfasz 57 R-Parity Violation D possible terms in superpotential family indices lepton number violation difficult at hadron collider assume only one RPV coupling 0 at a time At pp collider: - RPC pair production, e.g. c+c-, c0c0, cc20, with (cascade) decays to LSP’s - followed by RPV decay LLE couplings lijk e.g. a) lijk > O(10-2): prompt decay phenomenology independant of coupling b) lijk < O(10-2): long-lived particule, decay inside detector CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 58 RPV: “large” LLE coupling lijk D l121 l122 set value 0.01 0.01 0.003 upper limit 0.5 0.085 0.005 channel e.g. l133 data observed bck expected ee+e/m 0 0.90.4 mm+m/e 0 0.40.1 tee 0 1.31.8 NN validated with Ztt CERN t-ID 12/09/06 ~ c01 => 4 charged leptons (only 3 required) and missing-ET E. Kajfasz m+ ~ m- ne l121 e- 59 Small LLE coupling: long lived D DØ search motivated by 3 dimuon events in the NuTeV experiment Production and decay model: SUSY RPV with a small l122 Look for displaced dimuon vertices (5-20 cm) Calibrate with Kspp decays Convert NuTeV (pp at 38 GeV) to DØ (pp at 1.96 TeV) 0 data 0.81.6 bg. CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 60 D production RPV: LQD coupling l’ijk Because of QCD multijets and to be able to reconstruct the neutralino and smuon masses we want at least 2 muons in the final state => 3 channels: SELECTION: 2 isolated muons pT1>15, pT2>8 GeV at least 2 jets, pT>15 GeV RECONSTRUCT: m(χ10 ) leading μ + 2j m(sm ) 2μ + all jet du -> du -> c 20,3, 4 c10 qq' q' '... dd -> all channels combined No signal observed => Exclusion for mass and coupling derived CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 61 D GMSB: 2 g + MET SELECTION: - 2 central photons (|h| < 1.1), ET > 25 GeV - MET > 45 GeV - if jets, D(j, MET) < 2.5 BACKGROUND: Essentially instrumental - QCD with real photons or jets mis-identified as photons - W(en)+g, W(en)+j with e,j mis-identified as photons CERN 12/09/06 effective scale of SUSY SPS8 E. Kajfasz m(c10) > 120 GeV m(c1±) > 220 GeV 62 D “Stable” lightest chargino Stable = escapes the detector before decaying Expected in some AMSB models with small c1 – c10 mass difference Pair produced => would SELECTION: -2 muons - cosmics veto - pT > 15 GeV - D(m,m) > 1.0 => Make use of the time information of the muon system scintillators BACKGROUND: muons w/ mismeasured time estimated from data Z->μ μ appear in DØ as slowlymoving “muons” m(c1±) > 174 GeV For a 150 GeV chargino: 0 data12/09/06 for 0.690.05 bkg CERN (1-b)/sb E. Kajfasz 63 D Stopped gluinos In “Split-SUSY”, squarks are very-heavy => long-lived gluinos. Such gluinos form R-hadrons which may stop in the DØ calorimeter. After a while, they decay into e.g. a gluon + c10 (q-qbar-c10 also possible). (A. Arvanitaki et al., arXiv:hep-ph/0506242) BACKGROUND: beam and cosmic muons, estimated in data. for sg -> g + c10 SELECTION: look for a randomly oriented monojet in empty event (diffractive trigger) Excludes gluino - Central Jet in |h|<0.9 masses - 90 GeV < E < 900 GeV up to 300 GeV - Dh and D of jet > 0.08 (wide jet) CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz m(c10 ) = m(c10 ) = 200 GeV 50 GeV m(c10 ) = 90 GeV 64 D SUSY Higgs Higgs bosons in MSSM D - 2 complex Higgs doublets: Hu (Hd) couple to up- (down-) type fermions - 8 Degrees of Freedom minus W+/-, Z0 longitud. polar. states 5 scalars predicted: h,H,A,H+,H- At tree-level, 2 independent params: mA and tanb = <Hu>/<Hd> - 5 more params from rad. corrections MSUSY (mass scale of SUSY particles) Xt = At – m cosb (stop mixing) M2 (gaugino mass term) m (Higgs mass parameter) mgluino At high tanb: - Coupling of h/H/A (≡F0) with ‘down’-type quark (e.g. bottom) quark and leptons enhanced over the SM by a factor tanb - A is almost degenerate with h/H s(A) s(h/H), G(A) G(h/H) Br(A->bb) Br(h/H->bb) ~ 90% Br(A/h/H->t+t-) ~ 10% To search for F0: F0b(b)->bbb(b) and F0 X -> t+t-X (comes in via loops) mhmax-scenario: maximal mh(tanb) for fixed mt, MSUSY no-mixing scenario: no mixing in scalar top sector CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 66 Search for b(b)0(->bb) D 3 b-tags Start from large multijet trigger sample Require at least 3 jets w/ displaced secondary vertex Form invariant mass of two leading b-jets, look for a bump Shape and normalization of bkg determined from double-tagged data 260 pb-1 2 b-tags m = - 200GeV CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 67 Higgs bosons in the MSSM D Model dependence Higher order corrections can be significant ... SUSY loops => corrections to bottom Yukawa coupling on previous slide ... m = - 200 GeV mhmax better than no-mix mhmax: Db = -0.21 no-mix: Db = -0.10 coupling enhanced for Db < 0 m < 0 ->tt much more stable w.r.t. variation of m bb(->bb) CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 68 Search for 0(->tt) D Combination of three channels: e+th , μ+th , e+m Hadronic taus (th) identified with NN “visible” mass 4-vec of visible t‘s decay prod. MWe/m < 20 GeV MTe/m < 10 GeV to reduce W+jets bkg HT < 70 GeV to reduce tt bkg CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 69 D Search for 0(->tt) Number of observed events consistent with background => limits at 95% CL Estimated using Mvis distribution for subdivided samples: - 3 types of t’s - MWe/m < 6 GeV et 6 < MWe/m < 20 GeV b(b)0(->bb) and 0(->tt) combined CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 70 D Search for b(b)0(->tt) Look for: t(->μnmnt)+th Hadronic tau (th) identified with NN At least 1 b-jet (JLIP) |h| < 2.5 and ET > 15 GeV no excess seen ... even though B(->bb)/B(->tt) ~ 9 same sensitivity almost achieved CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 71 Higgs bosons in the MSSM D In the process of combining the differents channels: bbb(b) b(b)tt and tt More input to consider in the long term At the limit set by h-> tt for mh=140 GeV, expect about 30 events from h->bb in Z->bb analysis CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 72 D Extra dimensions D Extra Dimensions: LED Model n extra dims and SM fermions live on a D3-brane Large Extra Dimensions (LED) Arkani-Hamed,Dimopoulos,Dvali Phys Lett B429 (98) - MPL ~ 1019GeV - n >= 2 compact and flat - MS : string/fundamental scale M2PL ~ Rn MSn+2 => MS can be lowered to TeV scale - gravitons propagate in the bulk => Kaluza-Klein tower G(k) - can’t resolve successive modes (0.01eV:n=2; 1MeV:n=3; 100MeV:n=6) => expect: - virtual exchange of graviton KK modes - real graviton emission CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 74 D LED: Virtual Graviton Exchange dilepton channel SM g/Z _ f G(n) f _ f _ f G(n) f f SM diphoton channel G(n) G(n) s = sSM + hGsint + hG2sKK Effect of ED parameterized by a single variable: hG = F/ MS4 different formalisms have different definitions of MS: Hewett: (Hewett, Phys Rev Lett 82, 4765 (99) ) F=2l/p with l = ± 1 GRW: (Giudice, Rattazzi, Wells, hep-ph/9811291) F=1 HLZ: (Han, Lykken, Zhang, hep-ph/9811350) F=log(MS2/s) [n=2]; F=2/(n-2) [n>2] CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 75 diEM D Large Extra Dimensions: Virtual Graviton Exchange diEM = combine ee and gg 2 EM objects, ET > 25 GeV with track isolation overall ID efficiency: 85 ± 1 % CC-CC + CC-EC for MdiEM > 350 GeV: Nexp = 9.7 (1.6 QCD), Nobs = 8 Systematics: ~ 12% signal for hG = 0.6 QCD CC-CC + CC-EC CC: |h|<1.1 CERN 12/09/06 200pb-1 D-Y+ direct gg + QCD EC: 1.5<|h|<2.4 E. Kajfasz 76 diEM D Large Extra Dimensions: Virtual Graviton Exchange 200pb-1 Data agree with SM => MdiEM vs|cosq*| distrib. used in 2D Binned Likelihood => Limits on hG - alone - combined with Run I => 95% CL limits on MS (TeV) Most stringent constraints on LED for n > 2 to date among all experiments Run II Run I+II CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 77 mm D • 2 m’s with PT > 15 GeV o o o • • Large Extra Dimensions: Virtual Graviton Exchange isolated, |h|<2.0 cosmic veto Mmm > 50 GeV for Mmm > 300 GeV: Nexp = 6.4 and Nobs = 5 Systematics: ~ 13% D0 RunII Preliminary Mmmvs|cosq*| distr. used in 2D Binned Likelihood => Set limits on hG => 95% CL limits on MS (TeV) 250pb-1 CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 78 D Extra Dimensions: RS Model Warped Extra Dimension (RS) Randull,Sundrum Phys Rev Lett 83 (99) ED of size R, highly curved, compactified on S1/Z2 orbifold: y = R. Zero mode graviton G(0) localized at the Planck-brane (y = 0) SM fields localized on TeV-brane (y = Rp) metric: ds2 = e-2kR hmndxmdxn – R2d2 k: curvature scale for kR ~ 11-12, Lp = MPLe-kRp ~ TeV consistency => 0.01 < k/MPL < 0.1 y=0 y=Rp Gravitons propagate in the bulk => KK tower G(n) of modes of mass mn = xnke-kRp (xn: 1st Bessel func. zeros i.e. 3.83, 7.02, 10.17, ...) => well separated modes y model characterized by mass m1 and coupling k/MPL => Look for first graviton resonance CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 79 D diEM RS Extra Dimension SELECTION: -2 isolated EM clusters |h| < 1.1 (CC) ET > 25 GeV no track match equired (=> ee, gg) QCD D-Y+ direct gg + QCD - QCD (instrumental) shape estimated from data sample with EM obj. imcomp. with electromagnetic showers - MC and QCD relative contrib. fitted to data in region 60 < Mee < 140 GeV 865 GeV compare spectra for Mee > 140 GeV agreement => ... CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 80 Conclusions and Outlook D So far, no convincing hint of physics BSM at D0 But, substantially improved limits ... ... and we are still hopeful for discoveries Results presented were obtained with up to 1.1 fb-1 analyses being updated to full available luminosity In the works: LED in monojets + MET LED, Z’, RS in ee, mm Squarks and gluinos Stop in tc,S topottom in bc Leptoquarks excited e* RPV sneutrino in em update and combine MSSM neutral Higgs analyses SUSY H+ -> tn Non Standard H -> tm + ... ... Stay tuned ... More integrated luminosity is on its way with an improved detector... design goal of 8 fb-1 likely to be achieved ... => Even more exciting years ahead CERN 12/09/06 E. Kajfasz 81