Effects of Urbanization in Northern China on Extreme Minimum

Detection of Urbanization signals in Extreme Winter
Minimum Temperatures change over Northern China
Qingxiang Li, Jiayou Huang, Zhihong Jiang, Liming Zhou, Peng Chu, Kaixi Hu
The GEV distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions
developed within extreme value theory to combine the Gumbel, Fréchet and Weibull
families, with a theoretical distribution function as follows:
exp{ [1   ( x   ) / a]1 / k }, k  0, x    a / k
F ( x)  
exp{  exp[ ( x   )]},   0
exp{ [1   ( x   ) / a]1 / k }, k  0, x    a / k
Where ξ represents the location parameter (referred to as CM) determining the
position of the distribution; α is the scale parameter (referred to as CF) determining
the range of extension of measurement distribution curve; k is the shape parameter
(referred to as CK) determining the tail behavior of the distribution (i.e., the pattern of
extreme distribution): when k=0, it is the Gumbel distribution; when k>0, it is the
Weibull distribution; when k<0, it is the Fréchet distribution. Therefore, the GEV
probability distribution is described by the 3 parameters (characteristic values).
Estimating the GEV distribution parameters generally consists of two major
methods, maximum likelihood methods and L-moments methods (Hosking, 1990;
Coles, 2001). The calculation procedures are as follows:
First, the 30 extreme minimum temperature samples for each 10-year window
are sorted to form a new sequence in the ascending order:
xi (i  1,2,  n)
Where n is the sample size, and the linear matrix is:
1  b0
2  2b1  b0
3  6b2  6b1  b0
b0 
1 n
 xi
n i 1
b1 
1 n (i  1)
n i 2 (n  1)
b2 
1 n (i  1) (i  2)
n i 3 (n  1) (n  2)
are the sample probability weight matrix. The shape parameter in the GEV
distribution can be estimated as follows:
k  7.8590C + 2.9554C 2
 (3  3 ) 3
2 ln3
The scale parameter can be estimated by,
(1  2 )(1  k )
and the position parameter can be calculated by:
  1  [1  (1  k )] / k
Where (1  k ) is the function of  .
Coles, S. G. (2001), An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values.
Hosking J. R. M. (1990), L-moments: Analysis and Estimation of Distributions using
Linear Combinations of Order Statistics. J. R. Statist. Soc. B, 52, 105-124