Canada Geese Population and Habitat Study Lab Objectives: 1. Assist city of Waynesboro with geese population count study pre and post riverbank stabilization project. 2. Determine preferred habitats for geese and factors that influence their population. 3. Research the effects of geese populations on the South River. In this study you will be responsible for counting geese populations at three different sites. Behaviors to consider Sparring/fighting Lying Feeding Playing Courtship behaviors/copulating Vocalizing Urinating/defecating Grooming Aggression toward members of their own flock Defending territory (aggression towards other not in their flock) Interactions with outsiders Pawing/scraping Sampling methods for behaviors: 1. Ad-libitum Sampling: Record the behaviors of individuals or groups with little or no reference to specific, well-defined methods. This is a good method for initial observations and question formation for later research, but is limited in the quantity and quality of data produced. 2. All-Occurrences Sampling: The researcher selects one or a few specific behavioral events and records every occurrence of that (those) behavior(s) within the animal group (every occurrence of grooming, chasing, etc.). This technique is especially useful in determining the rate, frequency, or synchrony of occurrence of specific behaviors. Methods: 1. At each location describe in as much detail the habitat and climate of the area occupied by the geese. 2. Count the geese and use the city provided recording sheet to correctly submit your data. 3. Use ad-libitum sampling for 5 minutes to determine the general behavior of the geese. 4. Based on the data gathered in step 3 determine two behaviors that you would like to study at each location. This behavior should help you in answering the lab objectives below. You are trying to determine if certain habitats affect geese behavior positively or negatively. Behavioral Data Collection Collection Site 1 Number of geese in the area ________________ Approximate size of the area occupied by the geese_____________________ 1 Describe the habitat (sunny/shaded, near water or not, vegetation present, rocks, sand, grass, flat, sloped, etc. Describe the weather conditions: Ad-libitum Sampling (5 min) for collection site 1: Behavior Data Table 1: All-Occurrence Sampling of Behavior at Collection Site 1 Tallies for times observed Data was collected for ___________________ minutes. Notes and Additional Information: Final Total Behavioral Data Collection Collection Site 2 Number of geese in the area ________________ Approximate size of the area occupied by the geese_____________________ 2 Describe the habitat (sunny/shaded, near water or not, vegetation present, rocks, sand, grass, flat, sloped, etc. Describe the weather conditions: Ad-libitum Sampling (5 min) for collection site 2: Behavior Data Table 2: All-Occurrence Sampling of Behavior at Collection Site 2 Tallies for times observed Data was collected for ___________________ minutes. Notes and Additional Information: Final Total Behavioral Data Collection Collection Site 3 Number of geese in the area ________________ Approximate size of the area occupied by the geese_____________________ 3 Describe the habitat (sunny/shaded, near water or not, vegetation present, rocks, sand, grass, flat, sloped, etc. Describe the weather conditions: Ad-libitum Sampling (5 min) for collection site 3: Behavior Data Table 3: All-Occurrence Sampling of Behavior at Collection Site 3 Tallies for times observed Data was collected for ___________________ minutes. Notes and Additional Information: Final Total Discussion (Were you able to draw any conclusions about geese habitat preferences? Explain why or why not!! What habitats do you think geese prefer and why? ) Challenges: What were some challenges that you faced during this field experiment. What additional research would you need to do to confirm your initial findings.