
Matters of public importance
—your Assembly @ work
Non-sitting and sitting weeks—9 June to 8 August 2014
Issue 7/2014
Condolence motion
The Chief Minister moved a motion of condolence
for the victims of Malaysian Airlines Flight
MH17 on 5 August 2014. The motion expressed
the Assembly’s profound sorrow at the devastating
loss of lives as a result of the tragedy and tendered
the Assembly’s heartfelt sympathy to the families
and friends of the victims. Both the Leader of the
Opposition and the ACT Greens representative
spoke in support of the motion.
At the conclusion, all Members stood in silence to
signify their support.
Government business
Includes all business items presented to the
Assembly by the Executive including bills,
motions, and papers
Bill introduced
Crimes Amendment Bill 2014—
This bill will amend the Crimes Act 1900 to
provide a mechanism which supports the
Supreme Court’s power to consider inquiry
reports under the Act (presented 7 August 2014).
Bills debated
Auditor-General Amendment Bill 2014—
Summary: The purpose of this bill is to clarify the
14 day consultation requirement introduced by
the Auditor-General Amendment Act 2013 in relation
to certain reports that are to be tabled in the
Legislative Assembly.
Proceedings: Debate resumed on the bill on
7 August 2014 with all parties in the Assembly
supporting the proposed legislation.
The bill was passed without amendment.
Australian Capital Territory (Legislative
Assembly) Bill 2014—
Summary: This bill will increase the number of
members of the Legislative Assembly from 17 to
25, effective from the next general election.
Proceedings: Debate resumed on this bill on
5 August 2014 with all parties supporting the
proposed legislation.
The bill was agreed to in principle and then
passed by the Assembly with the concurrence of
a 2/3 majority of Members in accordance with
the requirements of the Proportional Representation
(Hare-Clark) Entrenchment Act 1994.
Electoral Amendment Bill 2014—
Summary: This bill will amend the Electoral Act
1992 to increase the number of electorates in the
ACT to five, with each electorate containing five
members of the Legislative Assembly.
Proceedings: Debate resumed on 5 August 2014
with the Opposition indicating their support for
the bill and stating that it would provide for
better governance of the ACT. The ACT Greens
informed the Assembly that they would not
support the bill as they believe it would be
locking in an electorate structure which reduces
the chances of others entering the Assembly as
Members. The bill was agreed to in principle
after a vote.
The bill was then passed by the Assembly with
the concurrent of a 2/3 majority of Members in
accordance with the requirements of the
Proportional Representation (Hare-Clark)
Entrenchment Act 1994.
Holidays Amendment Bill 2014—
Summary: This bill proposes to amend the
Holidays Act 1958 to provide for Christmas Day,
Boxing Day and New Year’s Day to be declared
official public holidays.
Additionally, if any of these days fall on a
weekend, a public holiday will be declared for
the following Monday or Tuesday, as
Proceedings: Debate resumed on the bill on
5 August 2014 with all parties in the Assembly
supporting the proposed legislation.
The bill was passed by the Assembly without
Territory and Municipal Services
Legislation Amendment Bill 2014—
Summary: This bill will make minor and technical
amendments to a number of laws within the
Territory and Municipal Services and Justice and
Community Safety portfolios relating to animal
diseases, cat containment and signage on public
unleased land.
Proceedings: The bill received tripartisan support
when debate resumed on 7 August.
The bill was passed without amendment.
and internationally. Both the Opposition and
ACT Greens spoke in support of the motion.
The motion was passed by the Assembly.
Statements by Ministers
The Chief Minister made a ministerial statement
on 5 August 2014 concerning loose-fill
asbestos. During her statement, the Chief
Minister updated the Assembly on the
Government’s response to the asbestos crisis
including stating that the Government had
established the Asbestos Taskforce on
25 June 2014. The Leader of the Opposition also
made a statement in relation to the matter and
indicated that he looked forward to working
cooperatively with the Government to ensure
that an appropriate response is provided to those
The full text of the statement is provided in
On 7 August 2014 the Minister for Disability
made a statement reporting progress made, and
timelines of, the implementation of the
National Disability Insurance Scheme in
the ACT.
The full text of the statement is provided in
Motions debated
A proposed lobbyist register was the subject
of a motion moved by the Chief Minister on
5 August.
The motion included calling on the Clerk of the
Assembly to develop an ACT Register of
Lobbyists and supporting guidelines to be
considered by the Assembly in September. The
terms of the motion also included an ACT
Lobbying Code of Conduct. During debate both
the Opposition and the ACT Greens indicated
their support for the motion.
The motion was passed by the Assembly without
A motion concerning the Red Cross
Centenary was moved by the Deputy Chief
Minister on 7 August 2014. The motion included
noting that 2014 was the Centenary year of the
Red Cross in Australia and called on the
Assembly to continue to support the
independent, neutral and impartial humanitarian
mission of Red Cross to work with and assist the
most vulnerable people in need, both in Australia
Private Members’ business
Includes all items presented to the Assembly
by all non-Executive Members, including bills
and motions
Motions debated
The proposed redevelopment of the
Yarralumla Brickworks and environs was
the subject of a motion moved by
Mr Steve Doszpot MLA (Molonglo—Canberra
Liberals) on 6 August. The motion included
noting that the Land Development Agency had
released a strategy on the subject in May 2014.
The motion also included calling on the
Government to take careful and considered note
of the degree of concern in the community about
both the strategy and the consultation process.
During debate the Government moved an
amendment which sought to include details on
the work that was being undertaken by them in
relation to the issues raised in Mr Doszpot’s
The Government also outlined why they felt
urban infill projects were important for the city.
The ACT Greens outlined a number of concerns
they believed residents of the surrounding area
had with the proposed redevelopment and stated
that they believed those issues were beginning to
be addressed. The amendment moved by the
Government was agreed to after a vote of the
The amended motion was then passed by the
On 6 August, Mr Jeremy Hanson MLA
(Molonglo—Canberra Liberals) moved a motion
relating to the presence of loose-fill asbestos
in a large number of ACT properties. The terms
of the motion, amongst other things, called on
the Government to adequately resource the
Government’s taskforce, to enable it to contact
residents and progress programs within its stated
timelines and for the Government to report back
to the Assembly with quarterly updates from
25 September 2014. In speaking to the motion
the Opposition informed the Assembly on the
history of the issue in the Territory. During
debate an amendment was moved by
Ms Mary Porter MLA (Ginninderra—Australian
Labor Party) which sought to detail further a
number of actions being undertaken by the
Government in relation to the loose-fill asbestos
issue. The ACT Greens indicated their support
for the motion and the amendment during
debate. The amendment was agreed.
The amended motion was passed by the
Dr Chris Bourke MLA (Ginninderra—Australian
Labor Party) moved a motion on 6 August
relating to obesity management. The motion
included noting the public health challenges
brought about by the rising level of overweight
and obesity across the Australian population and
the increased rates of obesity and overweight
people in the ACT over the past 20 years. The
motion also included calling on the Government
to work with the community to implement a
wide range of programs that assist all at-risk
members of the community to manage their
weight through diet and activity. During debate
the Opposition indicated their support for the
motion but moved an amendment which called
on the Government to emphasise programs that
encouraged healthy behaviours rather than
restrictive interventions and to institute a
longitudinal study of the effectiveness of weight
loss surgery. The ACT Greens stated that they
would support the motion but would not be
supporting the proposed amendment and
outlined their reasons for not doing so. The
amendment was negatived after a vote.
The original motion was then passed by the
Other motions moved on 6 August 2014 related
National Homeless Persons’ Week—
Ms Nicole Lawder MLA (Brindabella—
Canberra Liberals)
Pregnancy discrimination in the
workplace—Mrs Giulia Jones MLA
(Molonglo—Canberra Liberals)
Executive Members’ business
Includes all items presented to the Assembly
by Executive Members, including bills and
On 7 August 2014, Mr Shane Rattenbury MLA
(Molonglo—ACT Greens) presented an
exposure draft of the Drugs of Dependence
(Cannabis Use for Medical Purposes)
Amendment Bill 2014 together with a
discussion paper on medicinal cannabis. In
making a statement on the papers,
Mr Rattenbury outlined the key motivations for
taking up the issue on behalf of the ACT Greens.
A motion was then moved by Dr Chris Bourke
MLA (Ginninderra—Australian Labor Party)
which proposed the referral of the exposure draft
and discussion paper to the Standing Committee
on Health, Ageing and Community and Social
Services for inquiry and report by the last sitting
day in June 2015.
The motion was agreed to by all parties in the
Matters of public importance
The following matters of public importance were
discussed in the Assembly—
The importance of investing in quality
childcare and early education in the
ACT—Ms Yvette Berry MLA (Ginninderra—
Australian Labor Party)
The cost of living benefits on the ACT as a
result of removing the carbon tax—
Mr Jeremy Hanson MLA (Molonglo—Canberra
Papers presented
The following is a list of papers of interest that
were presented:
ACT Chief Health Officer's Report 2014
(presented by the Deputy Chief Minister on
7 August 2014)
Auditor-General’s Reports—
No. 4—Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Unit, Canberra Hospital
No. 5—Capital Works Reporting
(presented by the Speaker on 5 August 2014)
Creation of an ACT School Education Advisory
Council—Advice received from—
Government Schools Education Council
Non-Government Schools Education Council
(presented by the Minister for Education and
Training on 7 August 2014)
Developing an ACT crisis response to women
with disabilities who experience domestic
violence and/or sexual assault—Report of the
ACT Disability and Community Services
Commissioner (presented by the Attorney-General on
5 August 2014)
Groundwater Investigation—Stage 1
Development Area—Monaro Highway, Hume,
ACT—Independent analysis of the former
Koppers site and surrounding area (presented by
the Minister for the Environment on 7 August 2014)
Independent Competition and Regulatory
Report 4—Final Report—Standing offer
prices for the supply of electricity to small
customers—1 July 2014 to 30 June 2017
Report 5—Price Direction—Standing offer
prices for the supply of electricity to small
customers—1 July 2014 to 30 June 2017
(presented by the Treasurer on 5 August 2014)
Legislation Program—Spring 2014—Key
themes and government priority legislation items
(presented by the Deputy Chief Minister on
7 August 2014)
Petitions—Out of order—
Canberra Brickworks and Environs
Redevelopment (presented by Mr Steve Doszpot
MLA (Molonglo—Canberra Liberals) on
6 August 2014)
Increase of discrimination in the ACT as a
result of actions by the Commonwealth
Attorney-General (presented by the Manager of
Government business on 5 August 2014)
Kingston Group Centre—Draft Variation 314
(presented by the Manager of Government business
on 5 August 2014)
Lake Tuggeranong—Clean up and creation of
wetlands (presented by the Manager of Government
business on 5 August 2014)
Yarralumla Brickworks Remediation—
Extract (presented by the Manager of Government
business on 5 August 2014)
Variation No. 318 to the Territory Plan—
Tuggeranong Town Centre—Zone changes—
Amendment to the Greenway precinct map and
code—Amendment to the parking and vehicular
access general code (presented by the Minister for
Planning on 7 August 2014)
Petitions and e-petitions were lodged on 5 August
relating to—
Closure of early intervention groups—Lodged
by Mr Andrew Wall MLA (Brindabella—
Canberra Liberals)
Clean up of Lake Tuggeranong and building of
wetlands in the Tuggeranong Valley—Lodged by
Ms Nicole Lawder MLA (Brindabella—Canberra
On 5 August the following ministerial response to
a petition was also lodged—
Tyre slashing in Narrabundah and Griffith. A
copy of the response can be found here.
Committee activities
. funding for the completion of the Belconnen
Arts Centre;
Committee reports presented
. Mr Fluffy homes and asbestos;
Amendments to the Electoral Act 1992—
Select Committee
. bullying and harassment;
Report—Voting Matters
The committee’s report was released on
30 June 2014 and presented in the Assembly on
5 August 2014. On all but two of the report’s 18
recommendations the tripartite committee was
in agreement.
When the report was presented the Chair said
that the ACT Electoral Commission’s report on
the 2012 ACT election and the committee’s
consideration of the issues indicate that the major
electoral financing reforms introduced in 2012
are generally working well, although some
adjustments are needed two years down the
track. On the basis of the High Court’s 2013
decision in Unions NSW v NSW, the committee
recommended repeal of the provision that
prevents anyone other than an ACT voter from
making a donation to an ACT election campaign.
The committee also recommended changes to
ensure that electoral campaign spending does not
significantly increase with an increase in the
number of MLAs.
Other recommendations included that the 100
metre limit on canvassing near polling booths be
increased to 250 metres so as to minimise
disruption to voters, and that the Assembly
further consider the current $10 000 limit on
donations from a single source in a financial year.
Estimates 2014-2015—Select Committee
Report—Appropriation Bill 2014-2015
and Appropriation (Office of the
Legislative Assembly) Bill 2014-2015
On Tuesday 5 August 2014 the Chair of the
committee presented the committee's report on
Appropriation Bill 2014-2015 and Appropriation
(Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill
In total the committee made 138
recommendations in areas which included:
. public housing;
. bushfire preparedness;
. funding for the Arts;
. Capital Metro; and
. young peoples' physical and mental health.
In the course of the inquiry the committee held
public hearings on 13 days, commencing
12 June 2014, during which it heard from 181
witnesses, including:
. Ministers of the ACT Government;
. officers from government agencies;
. statutory officers and officers from statutory
authorities; and
. community and industry groups.
Scrutiny Committee
Scrutiny Report 20, dated 31 July 2014 (presented
5 August 2014)
This report contained the committee’s
comments on 12 bills, four pieces of subordinate
legislation, four government responses and one
National regulation.
Committee statements
Public Accounts—Standing Committee
On 7 August 2014 the Chair of the committee
made a statement to the Assembly in relation to
the committee’s recent participation in the
Australasian Council of Public Accounts
Committees (ACPAC) Mid-Term Meeting held
on 20 June 2014.
Government responses
Education, Training and Youth Affairs—
Standing Committee
Report 2—Report on Annual and Financial
Reports 2012-2013 (presented on 7 August 2014)
Health, Ageing, Community and Social
Services—Standing Committee
Report 3—Report on Annual and Financial
Reports 2012-2013 (presented on 7 August 2014)
Justice and Community Safety—Standing
Report 2—Report on Annual and Financial
Reports 2012-2013 (presented on 7 August 2014)
Planning, Environment and Territory and
Municipal Services—Standing Committee
Report 4—Report on Annual and Financial
Reports 2012-2013 (presented on 7 August 2014)
Public Accounts—Standing Committee
Report 4—Report on Annual and Financial
Reports 2012-2013 (presented on 7 August 2014)
The Assembly will sit again on Tuesday,
12 August 2014.
This document is produced by the Office of the
Legislative Assembly for information.