BB10 Mark Brown Sr. Product Manager Virtual Earth Microsoft Corporation Maps.Live.c om Your Application Virtual Earth Platform (AJAX Control & Virtual Earth Web Services) Map Data Tiles Imagery Tiles Elevation and 3D Models Search Geocoding Yellow Pages / POI data Traffic Data Routing and Data Directions Services & Reporting <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var map = null; function GetMap() { map = new VEMap('myMap'); map.LoadMap(); } </script> </head> <body onload="GetMap();"> <div id='myMap' style="position:relative; width:400px; height:400px;"></div> </body> </html> Virtual Earth Control v6.2 Imagery Metadata API With imagery metadata of selected areas, users can now find out the age of a given aerial image. This additional detail will help customers assess if the imagery is still relevant to their needs. var veImageryMetadataOptions = new VEImageryMetadataOptions(); veImageryMetadataOptions.LatLong = new VELatLong(47.64432, -122.13053); map.GetImageryMetadata(ShowImageryDate, veImageryMetadataOptions); function ShowImageryDate(metadata) { alert("Image taken between " + metadata.DateRangeStart + " and " + metadata.DateRangeEnd); } Routing Landmark Hints Available for the U.S. and Canada, landmark hints adds more detail to maps and routes by including names of gas stations and fast-food restaurants (e.g. Chevron, Shell, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s.) Localized Tiles Localized maps of Western Europe are now available in U.S. English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian. This is addition to maps in English outside Europe and in Japanese for Japan. Supported in both desktop and mobile applications. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> Pushpin Clustering Pushpin Clustering allows you to reveal multiple pushpins to your customers at larger zoom levels and either cluster or hide pushpins to maintain visual clarity at smaller zoom levels. var veCustomIcon = new VECustomIconSpecification(); veCustomIcon.Image = "MultiplePushpins.png"; var veClusteringOptions = new VEClusteringOptions(); veClusteringOptions.Icon = veCustomIcon; var shapeLayer = map.GetShapeLayerByIndex(0); shapeLayer.SetClusteringConfiguration(VEClusteringType.Grid, veClusteringOptions); Virtual Earth Web Services v1.0 Static Map Generation The new Virtual Earth Web Services offers static map images from road and aerial maps in both standard and mobile-optimized forms. ImageryServiceClient imageryService = new ImageryServiceClient(); MapUriRequest mapuriReq = new MapUriRequest { Credentials = new Credentials { Token = token }, Center = new Location { Latitude = 47.64122, Longitude = -122.107848 }, Options = new MapUriOptions { ZoomLevel = 5, Style = MapStyle.AerialWithLabels, ImageType = ImageType.Gif, ImageSize = new SizeOfint { Height = 400, Width = 400 }, } }; MapUriResponse mapuriRep = imageryService.GetMapUri(mapuriReq); Geocoding And Reverse-Geocoding The full power of Microsoft's geocoding engine is available through the new Virtual Earth Web Services. 85 Million rooftop locations in the US, and many millions more locations around the world can be found with a simple server-side call. GeocodeServiceClient geocodeService = new GeocodeServiceClient(); GeocodeRequest geoReq = new GeocodeRequest { Credentials = new Credentials { Token = token }, Address = new Address { AddressLine="1 Microsoft Way", Locality="Redmond", AdminDistrict="WA" } }; GeocodeResponse geoResp = geocodeService.Geocode( geoReq ); Tile Metadata With imagery metadata of selected areas, users can now find out the relative age of a given aerial image. This level of detail will help your customers assess if the imagery is still relevant to their needs. ImageryServiceClient imageryService = new ImageryServiceClient(); ImageryMetadataRequest metaReq = new ImageryMetadataRequest { Credentials = new Credentials { Token = token }, Style = MapStyle.Aerial, Options = new ImageryMetadataOptions { Location = new Location { Latitude = 47.64122, Longitude = -122.107848 }, ZoomLevel = 12 } }; ImageryMetadataResponse metares = imageryService.GetImageryMetadata(metaReq); Routing The full power of the Microsoft Virtual Earth routing engine, exposed through SOAP-based web services, expands the potential for powerful location-based mobile applications or by letting server-side code work with routing data before it is sent to the user. RouteServiceClient routingService = new RouteServiceClient(); Waypoint[] points = new Waypoint[2]; points[0] = new Waypoint { Location = new Location{ Latitude=47.741278, Longitude=-121.107844 } }; points[1] = new Waypoint { Location = new Location{ Latitude=47.068869, Longitude=-117.364317 } }; RouteRequest routeReq = new RouteRequest { Credentials = new Credentials { Token = token }, Waypoints = points }; RouteResponse routeResp = routingService.CalculateRoute(routeReq); One-Click Directions Allow your customers to get directions in one click directly from your Virtual Earth Web application. Users instantly get directions from east, west, north, and south, without having to enter a starting address. Route options include shortest time, shortest distance, or traffic flow. RouteServiceClient routingService = new RouteServiceClient(); MajorRoutesRequest majReq = new MajorRoutesRequest { Credentials = new Credentials{ Token = token }, Destination = new Waypoint { Location = new Location{ Latitude=47.641278, Longitude=-122.107844} } }; MajorRoutesResponse majResp = routingService.CalculateRoutesFromMajorRoads(majReq); Search Service “One Box” and “What/Where” search services that include custom metadata filters allow users to search for businesses in ways that match their specific needs. SearchServiceClient searchService = new SearchServiceClient(); SearchRequest searchReq = new SearchRequest { Credentials = new Credentials { Token = token }, StructuredQuery = new StructuredSearchQuery { Keyword = "Coffee Shop", Location = "Seattle" } }; SearchResponse searchResp = searchService.Search( searchReq ); © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.