2 examples

8th Grade
Geography Study Guide
Name _________________
Date __________________
1. Define Geography:
2. Define the five themes of geography
A. Location
B. Place-
C. Regions-
D. Movement-
E. Human-Environment Interactions-
3. Name the 5 regions of the United States:
4. Physical Features: give 2 examples
5. Human Features: give 2 examples
6. Culture:
7. Heritage:
8. Primary Source:
9. Secondary Source:
10. Absolute Location:
11. Relative Location:
12. What are the 4 cardinal directions?
13. What are the 4 intermediate directions?
14. What borders Louisiana in all directions?
North South –
East -
West -
Social Studies Study Guide
Chapter 1: Introduction to Geography
Date ______________________
1. Define Geography: The study of the Earth
2. Define the five themes of geography
A. Location- Where something is on Earth
B. Place- the location of something with unique characteristics and
C. Regions-areas on Earth with features that make them different from
other areas
D. Movement- how ideas and products get from place to place….
television, radio, computers, telephones, and transportation
E. Human-Environment Interactions-how humans affect the environment
Such as litter, air pollution and how the environment affects humans
Such as climate, hurricanes, tornadoes
3. Name the 5 regions of the United States:
A. Northeast
C. West
B. Southeast
D. Southwest
E. Midwest
4. Physical Features: natural resources or landforms found in a place give 2
examples: mountains, rivers, forest
5. Human Features: features built by humans give 2 examples, such as
Buildings, roads, farms, bridges
6. Define Culture: people ways of life
7. Define Heritage: a culture that comes from the past and continues today
8. Primary Source - records made by people who took part or saw an event:
diaries, photographs, artifacts
9. Secondary Source: a record of an event by someone who was
not at an event at the time it happened
magazine article, newspaper, radio news, books
10.Absolute Location: the exact location on Earth….the use of longitude and
latitude lines
11. Relative Location: the location of something in relation to some other place
12. What are the 4 cardinal directions?
North, South, East, and West
13. What are the 4 intermediate directions?
Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest
14. What borders Louisiana in all directions?
North - Arkansas
South – Gulf of Mexico
East - Mississippi
West - Texas