New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, Brown Bag Seminar, April 16 2007 Intermodal Transportation and Commodity Chains: New York and the Global, Regional and Local Nexus Jean-Paul Rodrigue Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics & Geography, Hofstra University, New York, USA Email: Paper available at: New York as a Nexus: Commodity Chains and Transportation Production Distribution Global Regional Gateways Corridors Local Consumption Terminals Commodity Chains Transportation Integrated Transport Systems The Global Nexus: Commodity Chains and Global Production Networks Global Production Networks Container Ports as Gateways Integrated Transport Systems UPS Willow Springs Distribution Center, Chicago Spaces, Networks and Flows in a Global Economy ■ Globalization; a clustered and spatially diffused process • In terms of production and consumption. • Distribution is reconciling spatially diverse demands for raw materials, parts and finished goods. ■ The backbone of globalization • Networks are established to support distribution. • Nodes are regulating the flows within networks. • As international trade increases, nodes have become strategic locations. Commodity Chains and Added Value High Globalization Added value R&D Sales / Service Marketing Branding Distribution Design Concept Manufacturing Low Commodity chain Logistics Disconnection of Global Production and Distribution R&D Distribution Core Base Manufacturing Base Marketing / Retail The Emergence of Global Production Networks Flows Network Bulk shipping Stage ■ The Logistical Nexus High volumes Low frequency Transport Chain Commodity Chain Parts and raw materials Unit shipping Manufacturing and assembly Average volumes High frequency LTL shipping Distribution Low volumes High frequency Market GPN Market • Fast growth of international trade with the full realization of comparative advantages. • Geographical and functional integration of production, distribution and consumption. • Commodity / Supply Chains. • Transportation integrated in the production / retailing process. • Global Production Networks (GPN). • Logistical poles where value added activities are performed. • Entirely new nodal locations. Traffic at the 50 Largest Container Ports, 2004 Tacoma Seattle Oakland Los Angeles New York/New Jersey Charleston Dubai Long Beach Jeddah Salalah Nhava Sheva Colombo Traffic 2004 (TEU) Less than 2 million 2 to 4 million Santos 4 to 7 million Durban 7 to 10 million Melbourne More than 10 million Pacific Asia Tianjin Laem Chabang Port Kalang Guangzhou Tanjung Pelepas Singapore Tanjung Priok Manila Hamburg Bremen/Bremerhafen Rotterdam Antwerp Felixstowe Dalian Quingdao Shenzhen Shanghai Yanti an Ningbo Hong Kong Kaohsiung Keelung Europe LeHavre Busan Nagoya Kobe Osaka Tokyo Yokohama Barcel ona Valencia Gioia Tauro Algeciras Integrated Transport Systems: From Fragmentation to Coordination Factor Cause Consequence Technology Containerization & IT Modal and intermodal innovations; Tracking shipments and managing fleets Capital investments Returns on investments Highs costs and long amortization; Improve utilization to lessen capital costs Alliances and M & A Deregulation Easier contractual agreements; joint ownership Commodity chains Globalization Coordination of transportation and production (integrated demand) Networks Consolidation and interconnection Multiplying effect Major US Modal Gateways, 2004 Air Gateways Exports Land Gateways Imports Port of Blaine $68 Billion $64 Billion Seattle-Tacoma International Port of Seattle Exports Port Gateways Exports Imports Imports $81 Billion Port of Sweetgrass Port of Pembina Port of Tacoma Port of Champlain-Rouses Pt. Port of Portland Port of Alexandria Bay Port of Buffalo-Niagara FallsBoston Logan Airport Port of Huron Chicago JFK International Airport Port of Detroit Cleveland Port of New York San Francisco International Airpor Port of Philadelphia Port of Oakland Port of Baltimore Port of Norfolk Harbor Los Angeles International Airport Atlanta Port of Los AngelesPort of Calexico-East Port of Otay Mesa Station Port of Nogales Port of El Paso Dallas-Fort Worth Port of Charleston Port of Long Beach New Orleans Port of Morgan City Port of Laredo Port of Savannah Port of Jacksonville Port of Beaumont Port of New Orleans Port of Houston Miami International Airport, Port of Corpus Christi Port of Brownsville-Cameron Port of Hidalgo Port of Port EvergladesPort of Miami The Three Main Gateways of North America Gateway System Gateways Southern California Port of Los Angeles, Port of 18.3% Long Beach, Los Angeles International Airport, Otay Mesa (Port of Entry) $255.9 $77.8 New York / JFK International Airport, Port of 13.1% New Jersey New York / New Jersey $163.0 $75.8 Detroit $97.9 $81.8 Detroit (Port of Entry), Huron (Port of Entry) Total Imports / Exports share (%) ($ billions) 2004 9.8% The Regional Nexus: Freight Distribution, Gateways and Corridors Intermodalism and Transmodalism Corridors Translisft crane, NS Rutherford yard, PA Intermodal and Transmodal Operations Intermodal Operations Transmodal Operations Port container yard Intermodal Terminal MARITIME On-dock rail RAIL Transloading ROAD DCs / CD Thruport Ship-to-ship Intermodal Transport Chain ‘Last mile’ Composition Interchange Transfer ‘First mile’ Local / Regional Distribution Decomposition National / International Distribution Transport Terminal Main North American Trade Corridors and Metropolitan Freight Centers Edmonton Calgary Vancouver Winnipeg Seattle Halifax Portland Montreal Minneapolis Toronto Boston Detroit Chicago Salt Lake City Pittsburgh Philadelphia Baltimore San Francisco Denver Cincinnati Kansas City St. Louis Norfolk Charlotte Los Angeles San Diego New York Cleveland Oklahoma Ci ty Memphis Phoenix Atl anta Charleston Dallas Hub Gateway Houston New Orleans Miami Level of Congestion of the Interstate Highway System The Local Nexus: Terminals Terminalization of Ports Port Regionalization APL “Australia” entering San Francisco Harbor The Value Capture Process along Commodity Chains Port Authority Maritime Services Port Services Inland Services Port Holding Vertical Integration Maritime Shipping Port Terminal Operations Horizontal Integration Inland Modes and Terminals Commodity Chain Distribution Centers Logistics: Soft Pressures on Hard Assets Customer Shipper Demand Pull Transport Infrastructural Locational Valorization Logistical Port Holdings as Elements of the Maritime / Land Interface ■ Horizontal integration using fixed assets • More than 40% of global containerized traffic (2006). • Gain a foothold in a wide variety of markets (strategic positioning). • Financial assets. • Managerial expertise. • Gateway access. • Leverage. • Traffic capture. • Global perspective. Global Port Terminal Ownership, 2001 Other Private Port Authorities Ocean Carriers Global Port Holdings 0 10 20 30 40 Share of global port container throughput Share of global terminal ownership 50 Majort Port Holdings, 2007 Dedicated Maritime Container Terminals APM Terminals Dubai Ports World Hutchison Port Holdings Port of Singapore Authority Eurogate Stevedoring Services of America Pacific Asia Europe Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Economics & Geography, Hofstra University The Spatial Development of a Port System: Towards Regionalization Phase 2: Penetration and hinterland capture Phase 1: Scattered ports LAND SEA Phase 3: Interconnection & concentration Phase 4: Centralization Phase 5: Decentralization and insertion of ‘offshore’ hub Phase 6: Regionalization Load center Interior centre Freight corridor Deepsea liner services Shortsea/feeder services Regional load centre network Millions Cargo Handled by the Port of New York, 1991-2006 (metric tons) 90 80 70 Bulk Cargo Exports General Cargo Exports Bulk Cargo Imports General Cargo Imports 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Annual Traffic at Some NY / NJ Crossings, 2005 (millions of vehicles) Staten Island bridges Holland Tunnel Lincoln Tunnel GWB 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Truck Freight Corridors New York New Jersey TZB 8.4 23.2 7.8 GWB 7.4 Bronx 5.2 LT 5.7 8.6 TBB WSB TNB LGA HT BBT EWR 6.4 GTB BYB QMT Queens 4.2 1.9 Brooklyn JFK VZB OCB 4.8 1.5 8.4 Major Crossing 2.0 1,000 of Trucks per Day (2000) About 70 million truck crossings per year Rail Freight Corridors and Port Facilities New York !( !( New Jersey !( Bronx (!!( (! (!!( NJ Distribution Cluster !( !( !( (! !( ") !( (!!( !( (!!( ") !( !( ") !( !( (!!( (! !( !( !(!( !( ") !( !( )"!( ")") )" ") !( !( !( Queens Brooklyn !( !( Port Terminal Intermodal Terminal 0 2.5 5 10 15 20 25 Miles !( !( !( Intermodal Facilities and Navigation Channels of the Port of New York, 2007 !( !( (! !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( (! !( !( !( !( !(!( (! !( !( !( !( !( !(!( 42 (!!( !( !( 37 !( !( !( !( Port Newark Red Hook 40 !( 2 Upper Bay Channel 50 !( !( Global Marine !( 1 !( Red Hook !( !( !( Albers Equal-Area Conic Projection !( 43 Newark Bay !( 40 Channel !( !( !( !( !( !( Hudson River 45 !( !( (! (! !( 1- Port Newark 2- Port Elizabeth 3- Global Marine !( !( East River !( 40 !( !( !( !( !( (! !( 3 Port Elizabeth !( South Brooklyn !( !( !(!( !( (!!( !( Howland Hook !( 0 50 Kill Van Kull Channel !( 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Daily Truck Movements (one way), 2001 Howland Hook 50 Arthur Kill Channel The Narrows !( !( Navigation Channel Ambrose Channel 50 !( 30 Main Ship Channel !( (! !( !( 45 Control Depth (feet) Intermodal Terminal !( 37 Arthur Kill Channel !( 37 Container Port (proposed) Raritan Bay Channel !( Major Highway 4 2 0 4 Miles Proposed rail tunnel The Regina Maersk Could Barely Make it but The Emma Maersk Cannot…