Ethos Pathos Logos Practice

Practice with Ethos, Pathos, & Logos
Part 1 Directions: Each of the following quotes comes some kind of
persuasive writing or speaking (speech, testimony, commercial, advice
etc.). You must 1) identify whether you think the author is using ethos,
pathos, or logos and 2) write at least one complete sentence explaining
how you know.
1. Our expertise in roofing contracting is evidenced not only by our
100 years in the business and our staff of qualified technicians, but
in the decades of satisfied customers who have come to expect
nothing but the best."
I think this is Ethos, because the author is stating that they have a lot of
background knowledge in the topic.
2. "Don’t be the last person on the block to have their lawn treated –
you don’t want to be the laughing stock of your community!"
I think that this is Pathos, because it is using strong language, touching
our heart to change our mind.
3. "You’ll make the right decision because you have something that
not many people do: you have heart."
I think that this is Pathos, because they are trying to convince us by
touching our heart with a dramatically expression.
4. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury: we have not only the
fingerprints, the lack of an alibi, a clear motive, and an expressed
desire to commit the robbery… We also have video of the suspect
breaking in. The case could not be more open and shut."
I think that this is Logo, because they stating logical information, trying
us to get convinced by their information.
5. “They’ve worked against everything we’ve worked so hard to build,
and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process. Make no mistake,
they’re the enemy, and they won’t stop until we’re all destroyed."
I think that this is Pathos, because they’re using dramatic language
towards the reader, in order for us to get convinced.
6. "He has a track record of success with this company, culminating in
some of our most acclaimed architecture to date and earning us
Firm of the Year nine times in a row."
I think that this is Ethos, because they are stating their background
knowledge, and seems trustworthy for us to get convinced.
7. "My three decades of experience in public service, my tireless
commitment to the people of this community, and my willingness
to reach across the aisle and cooperate with the opposition, make
me the ideal candidate for your mayor."
I think that this is Ethos, because it is clearly explaining their background
comprehension, so they seem reliable on the topic.
8. "There’s no price that can be placed on peace of mind. Our
advanced security systems will protect the well-being of your
family so that you can sleep soundly at night."
I think that this is Logos, because they are stating information that seems
true, for us to get convinced. Also, it could be Ethos, because it is stating
many information about the topic
Part 2 Directions: Choose an advertisement that you see frequently. It
may be a commercial or a printed ad. 1) Describe the ad in detail then 2)
analyze where and how you see elements of ethos, pathos, and logos in
the ad.
1) Dorito’s Commercial –Fashionista Daddy
First, a little girl comes up to his dad asking him if he could play the
“princess” with her. The Dad refuses, and tells her that he can’t because
he is going to play with ball with his boys. Then, the little girl brings up
the fact that she has Doritos with her. This made the dad want play with
her because of the Doritos. The dad brings all of his boys, and they all
play “princess” with the girl, eating and enjoying the Doritos.
2) Logos: We see Logos because they state that they will always want to
have Doritos no matter what else they have to do.
Ethos: We see Ethos, because they seem to be trustworthy, and sure, that
we are always going to have a good time with Doritos.
Part 3 Directions: You will create ethos, pathos, and logos arguments to
respond to the following prompt: At the end of The Adventures of the
Blue Carbuncle, Sherlock Holmes chooses to release the criminal. Do you
believe that he made the correct choice?
 Take a clear stance on the subject.
 State your opinion as fact. (Instead of saying “I think Sherlock made
the right/wrong decision…” say things like “Clearly, Sherlock made
the right/wrong decision…” this will help to establish your
 Provide at least 2 arguments for each persuasive appeal to support
your opinion and convince your reader
Ethos (Ethics)
Pathos (Emotions)
Logos (Logic)
Holmes saw in the
man’s eyes regret. He
had never committed
such a thing, which
stated he was
innocent. Letting him
go was the best
Imagine all of your life
living in a shell,
because you have been
ashamed of a mistake
you did/ Remember,
everybody deserved a
second chance.
This man is clearly
innocent, and will
never commit such a
thing again.
We know that the man
is innocent, because he
has always been noble
and humble. He
regretted his mistakes,
and looks forward to
his freedom again.
This is why giving him
a second chance was
We all have had made
mistakes in our life.
Little or big. But as
long as your regret it,
you disserve a second
He regrets his
mistakes, and this is
why he will never do it