Transport Modelling– An overview of the four modeling stages Prof. Dr. Mir Shabbar Ali Lecture covers • • • • • Travel demand modeling concepts Four stage TDM Explanation Data requirements Forecasting TRAVEL DEMAND ANALYSIS; MODELLING AND FORECASTING The Four Stage TDM The fours step process Key Concepts in transportation planning Model Interaction • Long-run decrease in friction of distance t1 t2 t3 Distance Due to innovations in transportation methods and improvements in media themselves Result: Lowered average ton-mile costs of transportation and decreased importance of transport costs as a factor cost AND other costs rise in importance Four basic elements of the urban transportation forecasting process Data collection (population, land use, etc.) Economic activity (employment, sales volume, income, etc.), land use (type, intensity), travel characteristics (trip and traveler profile), and transportation facilities (capacity, travel speed, etc.), population and demography, Origindestination trip data. Analysis of existing conditions and calibration Analyze the data collected in the data collection stage. You may build mathematical models describe the existing conditions and then use the relationships you have found in the existing parameters to forecast future values. Forecast of future travel demand 4-step transportation demand forecasting process Analysis of the results Analyze what you get from the 4-stop demand forecasting process Comprehensive Transportation Planning Dimensions • Economic • Social • Environmental Why Use Travel Demand Models • A relationship between transport system and indicators – Access – Purpose – Frequency – Use Land use Travel behavior T TRAVEL DEMAND MODEL System performance Economic, Social, and Environmental Dimensions • Where do they come in to this process? TRAVEL DEMAND MODEL System performance Other data Indicators Evaluate progress to goal …through performance indicators • For example: – Commute speed – Land use mix – Transport diversity – Transport equity Residential Employmen t Residential Employmen t Service Service Example • Model output = travel times between all points • Indicator: Commute speed • Indicator: Land use mix • Indicator: Transport diversity • Indicator: Equity Introduction to Travel Demand Modeling • What is a travel demand model • Assignment: Discuss your knowledge – – – – – Input data Trip generation Trip distribution Mode choice Traffic/trip assignment Land use Travel behavior T TRAVEL DEMAND MODEL System performance Four Step Travel Demand Model (FSTDM) Demographic Data Step 1: Trip Generation Transportation Network Step 2: Trip Distribution Step 3: Mode Choice Step 4: Trip/ Traffic Assignment Trip Generation Questions • How much do people use the transport system? • Why do people use the transport system? • Where can different types of activities be satisfied? Productions and Attractions Types of Urban Movements Movement Type Pendular Pattern Dominant Time Destination Structured Professional Varied Morning and afternoon Workdays Localized (employment) Localized Personal Structured Evening Touristic Seasonal Day Varied with some foci Highly localized Distribution Structured Nighttime Localized Cross Classification Model Number of trips by household classifications or grouping Trip Distribution Questions • Given a location, where do people go to satisfy demand for an activity type? Trip Distribution Models • Gravity Model – Tij = Ti • • • • • a Aj / Cij a Sum (Ax / Cix) You can consider this as the probability spatial distribution P(Tj) Tij = trips from zone i to zone j Ti = total trips originating at zone i Aj = attraction factor at j Ax = attraction factor at any zone x Cij = travel friction from i to j expressed as a generalized cost function • Cix = travel friction from i to any zone x expressed as a generalized cost function • a = friction exponent or restraining influence O - D Matrix Example: Origins 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sum 1 T11 T21 T31 T41 T51 T61 D1 2 T12 T22 T32 T42 T52 T62 D2 Destinations 3 4 5 6 T13 T14 T15 T16 T23 T24 T25 T26 T33 T34 T35 T36 T43 T44 T45 T46 T53 T54 T55 T56 T63 T64 T65 T66 D3 D4 D5 D6 Sum O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 What is modal split? Split trips to different available transportation modes, by analyzing people’s decisions regarding mode of travel they use. Trip-end models vs. Trip-interchange models Can be done here Mode choice Questions • How do people use the transport system? – What modes do they choose? – How do they react to varying transport service quality? What affects people’s mode choice? Characteristics of the trip: trip distance, time of day, trip purpose Characteristics of the trip maker: Income, # of autos Characteristics of the transportation system: riding time, waiting time, transfers, out-ofpocket cost available, family size, residential density, gender Direct-generation usage models (Trip-end models) Generate trips for transit and highway users separately meaning transit users use only transit (“captive” users). Used for small communities or in developing countries where ridership is primarily a function of socioeconomic variables Direct-generation usage models (Trip-end models) (cont) Same categories but different trip rates Or, use separate models, like: P(T) = A + B(POP) – C(INC) P(A) = A + B (POP) – C(AUTO) Advantage: Simplicity Disadvantage: Cannot reflect “change of mind” of trip makers responding to policy and service changes Trip-interchange models Influencing all three phases. Trip-interchange models are used AFTER the trip distribution phase. Trip-interchange models (cont) Because trip-interchange models are used after trip distribution, they can utilize the service characteristics of the modes available for the given trip, along with any relevant socioeconomic characteristics to determine the modal splits. This is the preferred and overwhelmingly typical approach for urban areas in which significant transit service exists and in which the “competition” between auto, transit, and other modes of travel must be explicitly considered. Trip-interchange models (cont) Let’s see how service and trip makers characteristics can affect the trip maker’s decision using Fig. 11-11. 1. In-vehicle time (Auto – Transit) = -15 min 2. Out of pocket cost (Auto – Transit) = 25 cents 3. Excess time (Auto – Transit) = 3 min 4. If so, 37% of trips will be made by transit. Looks like a logit curve… Use of logit models for modal choice (“Disaggregate, random utility modal choice model”) The logit model trades off the relative utilities of various modes. “The better a mode is, the more utility it has for the potential user” (See Examples 11& 12) Trip / Traffic Assignment Questions • How do people use the transport system? – Given a mode, which route do they choose? – Do they satisfy multiple activities in one tour? – Which parts of the transport system do they use? – How do they react to varying transport service quality? Network Level of Service Highway Travel distance ij Travel time ij Travel Cost Transit Walk time ij First wait ij In-vehicle time ij Transfer time ij Fare ij Number of transfers Drive access areas Walk access areas Road Sections with more than 100,000 Vehicles/Day Top 20 Road Sections in terms of Traffic Volume Demographic Data • Autos per household • Income level • Household size Network Data • Highway network • Transit network • Graph Representing a Network Explanations and working Transit Access Coding AM Peak Period Bus Travel Time Factor SERVICE AREA TYPE FACILITY TYPE TRAVEL TIME FACTOR EXPRESS 1-5 FREEWAYS 1.44 EXPRESS 1-3 SURFACE ROADS 1.53 EXPRESS 4-5 SURFACE ROADS 1.83 LOCAL 1-3 ALL 1.66 LOCAL 4-5 ALL 1.90 SHUTTLE 1-5 ALL 3.00 Carbon Monoxide Concentrations Projected for December 1995 Thanks