INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT, CATERING TECHNOLOGY &APPLIED NUTRITION Established by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India Veer Savarkar Marg, Dadar (W). Mumbai - 400 028 Website : Ph 24457241/42 e-TENDER NOTICE SEALED tenders are invited in “Two Envelopes System” (i.e.Technical Bid & Financial Bid), up to 3.00 p.m. on Thursday, 12th March, 2015, for the supply of Provision Items, Milk Products, Fresh Vegetables & Fruits, Meat, Fish, Eggs, Uniforms, Electrical and Hardware items on a rate contract basis and also Comprehensive Maintenance of Computers, Air-conditioners, Refrigerators, Water coolers, Pest Control for the Financial Year April 2015 to March 2016. Note: The terms and conditions of the e-Tender in prescribed pro-forma are available on Tender forms can be downloaded by interested bidders from 2nd March up to 11th March, 2015 and/or Detailed Tender Form and other particulars can be bought on payment of Rs 500/- each from the above address between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on working days Bidder has to submit separate Demand Draft for EMD and Tender form fee drawn in the name of “IHMCTAN, Mumbai” payable at Mumbai on or before 15:00 hrs. 11th March, 2015. (The reference of main Item should be written on the envelop.) The tender without prescribed fee will not be accepted. The Tender Inviting Authority shall not be responsible if the Tender Form fee and EMD is received late due to postal delay. The tenders will be opened at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, the 13th March, 2015. INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT, CATERING TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED NUTRITION Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028 E-TENDER NOTICE SEALED tenders are invited upto 3.00 p.m. on Thursday, 12th March, 2015, for the supply of the following items on a rate contract basis, for the period 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016. The tender is subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Each tenderer will have to pay Earnest Money Deposit in DD. DD SHOULD BE SUBMITTED SEPARATELY AND SHOULD NOT BE SEALED TOGETHER WITH THE TENDER FORM. Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited in case after the acceptance of tender, the tenderer does not furnish the requisite security deposit and execute the agreement. Well known Branded products will be given preference. Past experience in supplying to reputed organizations is necessary. The Institute reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever and no representation shall be entertained on this account. All rates will be inclusive of all taxes and delivery charges. All items will be supplied at the Institute premises. Each tender will be accepted subject to the existing tax laws prevalent in the State of Maharashtra and must state his registration number of taxes. The tenders will be opened at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, the 13th March, 2015. Detailed tender form and other particulars can be had on payment of Rs.500/- each from the above address between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. on working days, from 02.03.2015 to 11.03.2015. Details at our website Tender forms can be downloaded from the website. Annual maintenance contract tender for the following on rate contract basis For the period 01.4.2015 to 31.03.2016 Earnest Money Deposit 1. Air-conditioners Rs.10,000.00 2. Water coolers Rs.4,000.00 3. Refrigerators Rs.4,000.00 4. Pest control Rs.4,000.00 5. Maintenance of Computers Rs. 3,000.00 S.No. DETAILS OF TENDERS ON RATE CONTRACT BASIS FOR THE PERIOD 01.4.2015 TO 31.03.2016 Items Apprx.estimated amount of Purchase of one year Provisions Rs. 50,00,000.00 Earnest Money Deposit 1,00,000.00 1 such as cereals, flour, pulses, fat and oil, spices and seasonings, dried nuts, fruits and peels, raising agents & preservatives, sugar, syrups, jams and jellies, beverages, canned products, milk products, sauces, pickles, ketchup & chutney, bakery & confectionery items 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Poultry Eggs Milk, Panir, Mava Cream etc. Fresh Green Vegetables Meat Fish Cake boxes paper plates etc. Cleaning & Laundry Materials Stationery Items Printing items Uniform/Apron/Table clothes, linen etc. Electrical & Hardware items 12,00,000.00 5,00,000.00 6,00,000.00 6,00,000.00 10,00,000.00 6,00,000.00 50,000.00 3,00,000.00 3,00,000.00 1,00,000.00 1,00,000.00 10,00,000.00 24,000.00 10,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 20,000.00 INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT, CATERING TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED NUTRITION Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028 GENERAL DIRECTIONS TO TENDERERS 1. Tenderers are to sign the form of the Tender, giving exact specification of the articles, the contents and the design of the articles and the schedules of rates. All tenders, not so signed, shall be rejected. 2. Earnest Money Deposit must be paid only in Demand Draft. 3. The Institute reserves the right to disqualify the complete tender if overwriting or erasing is found in the rate column. Each page must be stamped and signed. 4. All tenderers must disclose the names of their partners, if any. Any tenderer failing to do so will render himself liable to have his security deposit forfeited and contract, entered into, cancelled at any time during its completion. 5. Tenders are to be enclosed in sealed envelopes addressed to the Principal/Secretary of the Institute clearly stating on the envelope the category of articles tendered for. 6. No tender will be accepted unless it is properly sealed. Tenders must be brought duly sealed to the Institute’s office and delivered as directed. Tenderers shall not be allowed to fill in or seal the tender at the office of the Institute. 7. All tender quotations should, besides the specifications already stated in the Tender Form very clearly specify the articles in respect of contents, gauge, brand, quality, quantity, size, gross weight, net weight and any other additional specification, wherever applicable to such items. 8. In the event of the tender being accepted, the contract must be signed by all the members of the firm after depositing a suitable amount required by the Institute as security deposit. This security deposit is for the due performance of all conditions of the contract, such as quality, quantity and service etc. The security deposit of a tenderer will be forfeited in the event of unsatisfactory performance of the contract. 9. The Institute does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. 10. It is distinctly understood that the tenderer will be strictly required to confirm to the conditions of this contract and any pleas will not on any account be admitted as an excuse on their part for infringement of any of the condition. 11. Successful tenderer or tenderers shall supply articles in such quantities and as per specifications and quality demanded as any ordered on him or them from time to time. The quantities mentioned in the schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirements of the Institute, and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase/to complete any or all the quantities indicated therein. 12. If any article is not available or the Tenderer does not want to quote for it, clear remarks to this effect must be made against such articles. 13. Tenderers are requested to fill in the tender carefully after noting the size by numbers etc. of articles mentioned in the specifications. Workout the amount tendered for each items and total up for all the tendered items. 14. The successful tenderers will be required to deliver the articles under the terms of contract at the Institute’s registered office which shall be inclusive of delivery charges, cartage, freight etc. 15. The successful tenderer while effecting deliveries against the Institute’s orders, will have to send an official delivery challan mentioning in it the quantity, rates etc. Thereafter, bill should be submitted within 3 days. 16. If any time, during the continuance of this contract, the performance in whole or in part by either part of any obligation under this contract shall be prevented or delayed by reason of any war, hostility, acts of the public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, fires, floods, explosions, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, lock-outs or acts of God (hereinafter referred to as “events”) provided notice of happening of any such eventuality is given by either party have any claim for damages against the other in respect of such non-performance or delay in performance; and deliveries under the contract shall be resumed as soon as practical work after such event has come to an end or ceased to exist and the decision of the Secretary/Principal shall be final and conclusive have, provided further that if the performance in whole or part or any obligation under this contract is prevented or delayed by a reason of any such event for a period exceeding 30 days either party may at its option terminate the contract PROVIDED ALSO that if the contract is terminated under this clause, the Institute shall be at liberty to take over from the tenderer at a price to be fixed by the Secretary/Principal which shall be final; all unused, undamaged and acceptable materials, bought out components and stores in course of manufacture in the possession of the tenderer at the time of such termination or such portion thereof as the Institute may deem fit accepting such materials, bought out components and stores as the tenderer may with the concurrence of the Institute elect to retain. 17. The Institute also reserves the right to enter into parallel contracts simultaneously or at any time during the period of this contract with one or more tenderer(s)/supplier(s) for such quantity of such item(s) as the Secretary/Principal (whose decision shall be final) may determine and to forefeit the security deposit and terminate the contract within 21 days in the case of the unsatisfactory performance of the tenderers. 18. All disputes are subject to Mumbai jurisdiction only. Category: Estimated cost Rs. Security Deposit Rs. To be furnished after acceptance of tender & before execution of agreement. I/We agree to abide by above terms and conditions The above tender is hereby accepted by me. ……………………… Signature of Tenderer ………… Principal INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT, CATERING TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED NUTRITION VEER SAWARKAR MARG, DADAR WEST, MUMBAI 400 028 TECHNICAL BID Name of the Firm of the Tenderer …………………………………… Names of all the partners of the Firm, if any…………………. …. …….. ……………………………………………………………………………….. Address of the tenderer: Shop/Office ………………………………… …………………………………. …………………………………. Telephone No., Fax No. ……………………………….. E-Mail Address: …………………………………. State if the tenderer owns a factory/workshop anywhere. If so, give full details: How long is the tenderer in this business of supplies? ……. Years State if the tenderer is at present supplying to any of the Hotels, Hostels, Hospitals, Clubs, etc. and give particulars. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. State details of Registration No. of Sales Tax and enclose latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate. ………………………………………. Signature of the Tenderer Seal of the tenderer FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: PROVISION ITEMS Code no 1774 418 453 1456 1781 379 334 419 304 455 456 166 380 232 457 269 305 458 421 459 686 233 Description unit Aam Papad Acid Acetic Glacial 500 ml Ajinomotto (1 kg/pkt) All Spice Powder Almond Powder Almonds Amchur Powder (100 gm) BADSHAH/EVEREST Ammonia Bicarbonate (500 gm pkt) Anardana Anchovi Fillets 100 gm tin Anchovi Sauce 200 gm tin Apple Juice (1 ltr) REAL / Tropicana Apricot Dry (Brown) Arrow Root Asparagus 450 gm tin Baajra Atta Badania (Star Anise) Baked Beans Big 450 gm tin Baking Powder Red / Wakefield Bamboo shoots 450 gm tin Banana Wafers Jaggery Coated Barley Pearl (whole) Rate ` Qty 10 5 1 1 1 50 pkt btl kg kg kg kg 20 5 5 20 10 10 20 1 50 10 5 10 5 20 10 5 pkt pkt kg can btl pkt kg kg can kg kg can kg can kg kg Amount ` 367 306 671 668 670 1451 672 673 667 1334 674 675 676 677 678 679 1254 682 687 1537 452 1287 190 1286 448 449 451 450 204 205 709 423 1798 461 307 308 Basil dry (20 gm pkt) Bayleaf Biscuits 50x50 100 gm Sunfeast/Brittania Biscuits Bourbon 100 gm Brittannia Biscuits Cream 100 gm Sunfeast/Brittania Biscuits Cream Crakers 200 gm pkt Biscuits Digestive 100 gm Sunfeast/Brittania Biscuits Ginger 100 gm Sunfeast/Brittania Biscuits Glucose 67 gm pkt Parle G Biscuits Glucose 25 gm pkt Parle G Biscuits Goodday Cashewnuts 100 gm Sunfeast Biscuits Goodday Coconut 100 gm Sunfeast/Brittania Biscuits Goodday Pista 100 gm Sunfeast/Brittania Biscuits Krackjack big Sunfeast/Brittania Biscuits Marie 100 gm Sunfeast/Brittania Biscuits Monaco 100 gm Sunfeast/PARLE Biscuits Time Pass 100 gm pkt Biscuits Wafer Icecream Boondi Khara Bor Mirchi (Red chilly dry) Bread - Ladi Pav per pc Bread Burger Bread Improver TOWER/SAI Bread Pizza base Bread Slice 400 gm pkt Bread Slice 800 gm pkt Bread Triangle Brown Bread Butter (AMUL/ MOTHER DAIRY 500 gm pkt) Butter Chiplets AMUL 125 in box Cake Gel 1 kg pkt SAF / TOWER Candied Peel Capers (Vegetable) 50 gm btl Capsico Sauce 50 gm btl DABUR Cardamom Black Cardamom Green 50 5 pkt kg 500 500 pkt pkt 500 500 pkt pkt 500 pkt 20 500 500 pkt pkt pkt 500 pkt 500 pkt 500 pkt 500 pkt 500 pkt 500 200 10 50 5 500 20 2 20 1000 2000 30 100 pkt pkt pkt kg kg no. no. kg no. pkt pkt pkt pkt 1000 5000 5 30 5 100 5 10 kg no. pkt kg btl btl kg kg 383 384 1568 234 235 688 236 237 238 335 1707 240 385 336 244 245 243 206 1539 208 1301 209 683 1316 424 462 1620 464 465 309 337 466 1283 293 425 430 Cashew nuts (Broken) A1 Quality Cashew nuts (Whole) A1 Quality Chana Black Big Chana Black small Chana Dal Chana Dal Masala (ready made) Chana Dal Roasted Chana Green Whole Dry Chana Kabuli Medium Chana Masala powder (100gm) BADSHAH/EVEREST Chana Sprout Chana Whole Roasted Charoli Nuts Chat Masala (100 gm) BADSHAH/EVEREST Chawli Beans Dry Big Chawli Beans Dry Red Chawli Beans Dry Small Cheese AMUL/BRITTANIA 400 gm tin Cheese imported PARMESAN Cheese Mozarella (AMUL/VINTAGE) Cheese Pizza (200 gm ) Cheese Processed Sliced AMUL/BRITTANIA Cheese Slices AMUL/BRITTANIA (200 gm ) Cheese Spread AMUL/BRITTANIA (200 gm ) Cherry Glazed Cherry Tin Large 850 gm Kayti/Dabur/Manama Chilli Bedgi Red Dry Good Variety Chilli Garlic Sauce 200 gm CHINGS SECRET Chilli Green Sauce 200 gm CHINGS SECRET Chilli Kashmiri Red "A" Grade Chilli Powder Red BADSHAH/EVEREST Chilli Red Sauce 200 gm CHINGS SECRET Chilli Red Sauce 700 gm SAM/Chings China Grass 10 gm pkt BLUE BIRD Chocolate Chips Dark & White Chocolate Compound SELBOURNE 150 5 20 50 200 10 100 20 200 kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg 30 20 200 10 pkt kg kg kg 50 10 10 10 pkt kg kg kg 500 10 20 50 can kg kg pkt 10 kg 200 pkt 50 30 pkt kg 50 5 can kg 10 btl 10 100 btl kg 50 kg 200 80 10 30 20 btl btl pkt kg kg 426 428 427 218 150 699 1564 310 241 1255 314 431 429 312 1423 369 370 1282 696 1646 1541 1538 298 368 192 666 663 216 662 217 414 410 408 706 411 413 412 409 1206 Chocolate Cooking Dark Chocolate Cooking milk Chocolate Cooking White Chocolate Drinking (200 gm) CADBURY Chocos (Kellogs) 700 gm Chuna Edible Std 100 tin Chutney dry Coconut garlic 100 gm Cinnamon sticks Citric Acid Citron Peel (Tuti Fruiti/Mixed peel) Cloves Coco Pure with fat MORDE/SELBOURNE Cocoa Butter MORDE/SELBOURNE Cocom Red Dry Coconut cream (400 gm) Coconut dry (copra) Coconut dry powder (decicated) Coconut Milk (200 ml ) Branded Coconut Milk (400 gm tin) Coconut Milk powder (1 Kg/Pkt) NESTLE/PALMO Coconut Milk Powder (25 gm) NESTLE/PALMO Coconut oil 100 ml Parachut/Cocoraj Coconut Oil PARACHUT Coconut whole big Cocum Syrup (1 ltr) Cocum Syrup salted Coffee 1gm Nescafe Classic (120 pc) Coffee Bru/Sunrise 50gm btl Coffee Nescafe (50 gm) Coffee Nescafe (small pouch) Coffee Powder KTC Colour Red 3 LEAVES 20 ml Colour Green 3 LEAVES 20 ml Colour Lemon Yellow Big 3 LEAVES 20 ml Colour Lemon Yellow Small 3 LEAVES 20 ml Colour Orange 3 LEAVES 20 ml Colour Orange Red 3 LEAVES 20 ml Colour Pink 3 LEAVES 20 ml Colour Rose Red 3 LEAVES 20 ml Colours Tandoori Colour 3 LEAVES 30 30 30 kg kg kg 30 500 5 10 5 1 30 5 pkt pkt tin pkt kg kg kg kg 30 30 5 5 50 20 100 100 kg kg kg tin kg kg pkt pkt 20 pkt 10 50 30 5000 10 1 5000 500 1000 20 10 10 10 pkt btl ltr no. btl btl pkt pkt pkt btl kg btl btl 10 btl 10 10 10 10 10 10 btl btl btl btl btl btl 20 ml Coriander Powder 339 681 246 470 271 152 151 1440 1297 1296 471 472 371 313 210 435 314 386 388 1229 338 345 1455 1266 397 1457 399 1211 400 401 1213 1212 406 398 407 402 BADSHAH/EVEREST Coriander powder (100 gm) BADSHAH/EVEREST Coriander Whole Corn Creamed Style 450 gm Corn flour Blue Bird Cornflakes (Kellogs) 475 gm Cornflakes ordinary Cranberry Juice big REAL / Tropicana Cream 1 ltr pkt AMUL TETRA PACK Cream 200 gm pkt AMUL TETRA PACK Cubes Chicken Maggi (1x2 no)(10/pkt) Cubes Veg. Maggi (1x2 no)(10/pkt) Cucumber seeds dry Cumin Seeds (Jeera) Curd (Nestle/AMUL/MOTHER DAIRY) 400 gm Custard Powder 1 kg pkt Wakefield / Brown&Polson Dagad Phool Dates (Seedless) Dates Dry Dates Fresh Dhania Jeera Powder BADSHAH/EVEREST Dhansak Masala 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Dill seeds Equal Sachet (100 sachet)/pkt Essence Almonds Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Apple Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Banana Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Ice Cream Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Kevda Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Lemon Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Mango Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Mixed Fruit Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Orange Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Pineapple Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Raspberry Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Rose Voila/3 Bird 500 ml 10 kg 30 30 100 50 500 10 1 200 pkt kg can kg pkt kg tin pkt 50 500 500 20 30 pkt pkt pkt kg kg 1000 pkt 50 5 30 10 20 kg kg kg kg kg 80 kg 20 5 200 50 5 5 10 20 20 20 pkt kg sachet/p kt btl btl btl btl btl btl btl 30 20 20 20 20 btl btl btl btl btl 403 404 405 684 685 389 697 1333 182 283 340 680 710 315 350 1534 474 316 460 722 1216 475 299 1789 436 353 1536 351 1535 341 1208 437 702 1637 438 184 342 193 Essence Saffron Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Strawberry Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Essence Vanilla Voila/3 Bird 500 ml Falooda Sev (15gm pkt) Farsan Mixed Picnic Brand Figs Dry Fish Sauce (200 ml) Imported Fish Sauce (750 gm) Imported Fruit Cocktail (800 gm) Kayti/Dabur/Manama Fusili BARILLA Garam Masala Powder (100 gm)BADSHAH/EVEREST Garam Masala PowderBADSHAH/EVEREST Garden Cress Seeds Garlic big (Chinese) Garlic Paste (1 kg pack) Garlic Paste (200 gm pack) Garlic Sauce 200 gm CHINGS SECRET Garlic small (peeled) Gelatin loose powder 180 Bloom Ghee (PeaCock/ Marve) Ghee Pure AMUL Gherkin 850 gm tin Gingelli Oil (Til Oil) Gingelli Oil (Til Oil) 200 ml Ginger Crystal Candied Ginger Garlic Paste (1 kg pack) DABUR/MANGAL Ginger Garlic Paste (200 gm pack) Ginger Paste (1 kg pack) Ginger Paste (200 gm pack) Ginger Powder (Sonth) 100 gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Ginger Powder (Sonth) BADSHAH/EVEREST Glucose Liquid 200gm btl Glucose Powder 500gm (GLUCON D) Gluten Powder Glycerine 500 ml GLINDIA Goda Masala Powder BADSHAH/EVEREST Goda Masala Powder 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Golden Syrup (500 ml) 30 30 50 5 1 5 20 5 btl btl btl pkt kg kg pkt btl 50 5 btl kg 50 pkt 5 1 100 10 20 kg kg kg kg pkt 100 5 50 100 100 50 20 10 1 btl kg kg kg kg can ltr btl kg 200 20 10 20 kg pkt kg pkt 50 pkt 1 5 5 5 5 kg btl pkt kg btl 10 kg 10 1 pkt btl 272 273 1439 167 171 698 441 242 329 328 1207 194 195 196 197 373 372 1747 1364 174 179 178 175 176 177 274 387 188 344 714 1621 1214 330 201 Gram flour Gram flour Course Grape Fruit Juice big REAL / Tropicana Grape Juice (1 ltr /pkt)REAL / Tropicana Guava Juice (1 ltr /pkt)REAL / Tropicana Gulkhand (500 gm btl) Gum edible Haricot Beans Big Hing (Asafotida) Powder LG/VANDEVI Hing (Asafotida) Whole LG/VANDEVI Hing powder Black Honey (100 ml) Madhsagar/Makarand Honey (200 ml) Madhsagar/Makarand Honey (50 ml) Madhsagar/Makarand Honey (500 ml) Madhsagar/Makarand Jaggery (Gur Chicki) Kolhapur Red Jaggery (Gur) Kolhapur Red Jaggery Black (Palm Jaggery) Jaljeera 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Jam Apricot (500 gm) MALA/MAPRO/KISSAN Jam Mango (500 gm) MALA/MAPRO/KISSAN Jam Mixed Fruit (500 gm) MALA/MAPRO/KISSAN Jam Pine apple (500 gm) MALA/MAPRO/KISSAN Jam Raspberry (500 gm) MALA/MAPRO/KISSAN Jam Strawberry (500 gm) MALA/MAPRO/KISSAN Jawar Atta Jeera Black Jeera Powder (100 gm/pkt) BADSHAH/EVEREST Jeera Powder (Cumin seed) BADSHAH/EVEREST Jelly Crystal REX Kabab Chinie (Moglai) Kasoori Methi BADSHAH/EVEREST Kasoori Methi 100 gm) BADSHAH/EVEREST Kewra Water (500 ml) 500 30 kg kg 1 tin 10 pkt 10 5 1 10 pkt btl kg kg 30 kg 2 1 100 100 50 100 10 200 10 10 kg kg btl btl btl btl kg kg kg pkt 10 pkt 30 btl 50 btl 20 btl 20 btl 30 10 5 btl kg kg 30 pkt 10 10 1 5 kg pkt kg kg 30 10 pkt btl 198 1731 1242 189 707 356 1205 199 317 285 286 1369 1201 275 296 352 355 358 181 168 357 1484 708 1317 247 248 249 250 251 318 1302 1200 1267 1708 366 252 253 254 Khus Syrup (720 ml) Kitchen King Masala 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Kiwi Crush 700 ml MANAMA/MALA Leeches (450 gm) Kayti/Dabur/Manama Leeches (850 gm) Kayti/Dabur/Manama Lemon Pickle (1 kg) Lime Juice Cordial Litchi Syrup (720 ml) Mapro Mace (Jai Patri) Macroni (200 gm) BAMBINO Macroni (200 gm) BLUE BIRD Madras Curry Powder 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Maize Corn Shelled Maize flour Makhana Malwani fish Masala 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Malwani Masala powder 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Mango Chutney (200 gm btl) Mango Crush (700 ml) Mala / Manama Mango Juice (1 ltr /pkt)REAL / Tropicana Mango Pickle (1 kg) Mango Pickle BEDEKAR Mango Pulp Alphonso 850 gms Kayti/Dabur/Manama Margarine GOLDEN SEAL (500 gm) Masoor Dal split Masoor whole Matki Matki sprouted Methi dal cleaned Methi Seeds Milk 1 ltr tetra Pack AMUL/MOTHER DAIRY Milk Condensed 400 gm (MILK MAID) NESTLE Milk Powder 3gm Sachet Milk Powder 400 gm pkt Nestle Mixed Herbs dry (20 gm pkt) Moong dal split Moong Dal with skin Moong Sprouted 10 btl 20 5 50 50 5 10 10 5 10 100 pkt btl can tin kg btl btl kg pkt pkt 20 50 10 1 pkt kg kg kg 20 pkt 30 5 5 pkt btl btl 200 50 100 pkt kg kg 200 10 200 30 30 10 5 10 tin pkt kg kg kg kg kg kg 200 pkt 100 5000 200 50 500 50 10 tin no. pkt pkt kg kg kg 255 720 1491 477 256 473 300 479 319 287 288 282 320 154 480 481 482 483 359 321 165 363 1428 346 361 362 360 291 290 659 289 347 1469 186 391 390 257 Moong whole Mota Chips (Wafer) Multi grain flour Mushroom Teg Button 400 gm tin Mustard dal cleaned Mustard French 200 gm btl Mustard Oil (Raj) Mustard Powder 50 gm tin Mustrd Whole (Rai) Noodles Chinese 200 gm CHING SECRET Noodles EGG 200 gm CHING SECRET Noodles Flat (Ribbon/Thai) 200 gm CHINESE Nutmeg (5-8 gms without shell) Oats (800 gm) QUAKER OATS Olives Black 450 gm tin BORGES Olives Black 800 gm tin BORGES Olives Green Seedless 450 gm tin BORGES Olives Green stuffed BORGES Onion Pickle (500 gm btl) Onion seeds (Kalonji) Orange Squash REAL / Tropicana Oregano (20 gm pkt) Oyster Sauce 350 ml Imported Pani Puri Masala 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Papad- Masala - LIJJIT/GANESH (200 gm/pkt) Papad (Mirgund) Papad Madras (Urad) Pasta Farfalle (colour) 500 gm BARILLA Pasta Farfalle (plain) 500 gm BARILLA Pasta Fusili Color 500 gm pkt BARILLA Pasta Shell (500 gm) BARILLA Pav Bhaji Masala 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Peach & Apricot Crush 1 ltr MANAMA Peaches (850 gm) Kayti/Dabur/Manama Peanuts with skin (Sengdana) Peanuts (Roasted) without skin Peas dry black 50 200 5 10 5 100 100 50 30 kg kg kg can kg btl ltr can kg 50 kg 50 kg 30 50 10 30 30 pkt no. tin can can 30 30 5 10 10 50 5 btl btl btl kg pkt pkt btl 10 pkt 1000 20 100 pkt pkt pkt 10 10 pkt pkt 20 10 pkt pkt 20 5 50 50 50 10 pkt btl can kg kg kg 258 259 711 701 284 322 1209 1210 348 1306 185 1203 1447 1241 1527 1776 323 260 270 261 1567 349 703 324 157 155 156 1734 225 228 229 227 226 1258 1748 277 276 1197 231 Peas dry green big Peas dry white Peas Frozen (Safal/Mafco) Pectin Grade 250 (1000gm / pkt) Penne BARILLA Pepper corns Black Pepper Powder Black BADSHAH/EVEREST Pepper Powder White BADSHAH/EVEREST Pickle Masala 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Pine Apple Juice (1 ltr)REAL / Tropicana Pine Apple Slices (450 ml)Kayti/Dabur/Manama Pine Apple slices big Kayti/Dabur/Manama Pine Nuts without shell Pistachio Pomogranate Syrup 700 ml Poories (for Pani Poori) 50/pkt Poppy seeds (Khus Khus) Ragi Ragi Atta Rajmah cleaned Rajmah white Rasam Powder 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Rasna (Mango/Orange/Pineapple) Ratan Jog (Flakes) Rawa Coarse Rawa Idli Rawa Sooji Rice (Vari) for fasting Rice Basmati (Dehradun) Rice Basmati (Delhi) Rice Basmati (Kohinoor) Rice Basmati (Lalkila) Rice Basmati Broken Rice Brown (Ukkada) Rice Brown Basmati Rice flour Coarse Rice flour fine Rice Long size (Pulao) Rice Parboiled (Ukkada Chawal) 10 50 1000 5 5 10 kg kg kg pkt kg kg 20 kg 30 kg 10 pkt 100 pkt 50 can 100 1 30 10 50 50 10 10 500 50 tin kg kg btl pkt kg kg kg kg kg 30 50 10 10 200 500 10 200 100 100 500 100 100 10 5 50 200 300 pkt pkt kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg 158 159 160 230 365 200 1204 690 1193 262 278 302 691 661 331 332 333 484 354 325 692 693 1689 694 695 705 326 1427 396 442 700 263 279 1565 297 485 292 180 1295 420 422 443 1251 Rice Pressed (Poha) thick Rice Pressed (Poha) thin Rice Puffed (Kurmura) Rice Surti Kolam Rose Mary (20 gm pkt) Rose Syrup (700 ml) Rooh Afza Rose Water 500ml Sabja seeds Saffron (Kesar) 1 gm pkt EVEREST Sago Sago Flour Salad Oil (Godrej/Blue Bird) 1 kg /btl Salli Wafers Salt (1 gm) (20 x 500) Salt (Iodised) TATA 1 kg/pkt Salt Black (Rock salt) Salt Cooking Salt Petre Sambar Masala Powder 100 gm Matunga Saunf (Aniseed) Saunf (Sugar Coated) Sev (Farsan) Sev Bhavnagari / Gathia Sev Fine for Bhelpuri Sev Masala thick Sev Puri Shahi Jeera Shrimp Paste Imported Silver Paper Edible 10 sheets/pkt Soda Bicarbonate (Cooking soda) Sodium Benzoite (500 gm) Soya bean Soya bean flour Refined Soya Granules RUCHI Soya Nuggets 200 gm RUCHI Soya Sauce 720 ml CHINGS Spaghetti Blue Bird/Bambino 200 gm Strawberry crush (500 ml) Wakefield/Mapro Strawberry Jelly REX 100 gm Sugar Blocks (Khadi Shakkar) Sugar Brown Sugar Castor Sugar Cubes 200 10 5 20000 50 10 5 5 100 10 10 20 20 500 1000 10 10 1 kg kg kg kg pkt btl btl kg pkt kg kg btl kg pkt kg kg kg kg 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 5 100 2 5 10 10 20 30 100 10 pkt kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg can pkt kg btl kg kg pkt pkt btl pkt 5 20 5 20 20 200 btl pkt kg kg kg kg 1265 444 445 393 394 1790 374 375 1655 1304 1379 220 546 221 1194 1424 203 364 327 376 378 377 1745 169 1775 486 487 488 489 264 343 265 266 267 281 294 Sugar Free 1 gm Sachet Sugar icing fine Sugar Powder Sultanas (Kismiss) Sultanas Black TABASCO Pepper Sauce 60 ml Tamarind Black (Seed free) Tamarind Red (Seed free) Tandoori Atta Tandoori Masala 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Tawa Masala 100gm BADSHAH/EVEREST Tea Bags (Taj Mahal 1 x 100 bags) Tea Leaves (Red Label 1 kg pack) Tea Masala (Everest) 100 gm Thai Curry Paste (green) 1 kg can CHINGS Thai Curry Paste (red) 1 kg can CHINGS Thai Curry Paste (Red) 1 kg can CHINGS Thandai Syrup (1 ltr) Thyme (20 gm pkt) Thyme (Ajwain) Til Seeds Black (Sesame seeds) Til Seeds Polished (Sesame seeds) Til Seeds White (Sesame seeds) Tomato Concentrated Poaste 3 kg tin Tomato Juice (1 ltr /pkt)REAL / Tropicana Tomato Ketchup 12 gm Sachet Tomato Ketchup 500 gm btl MAGGI Tomato Puree 200 gm pack DABUR/NOGA Tomato Puree 850 gm pack DABUR/NOGA Tuna Fish 200 gm tin Tur dal Turmeric Powder BADSHAH/EVEREST Urad dal split Urad dal with skin Urad whole Vada Peeth Vermicelli Bambino/Blue Bird 200 2000 300 500 50 20 5 50 50 5 sachet/p kt kg kg kg kg btl kg kg kg 30 pkt 10 1000 500 30 pkt pkt kg pkt 5 btl 5 btl 1 10 50 2 20 20 20 50 can btl pkt kg kg kg kg tin 200 10000 1000 pkt pkt btl 50 pkt 200 50 500 pkt can kg 50 100 50 100 50 500 kg kg kg kg kg pkt gm/pkt 295 1477 415 416 417 434 268 1746 395 1377 162 163 280 1289 490 447 1326 1 2 3 Vermicelli Long ELEPHANT Vermicelli Roasted (500 gm pk) ELEPHANT Vinegar Malt 720 ml KALVERT Vinegar Red (Brewed) 720 ml KALVERT Vinegar Synthetic White 720 ml KALVERT Wafer Potato (salted) Wal Dal Split Wal Sprouted Walnuts Shelled Watermelon Juice (1 ltr / pkt) Wheat Broken (Dalia) Wheat Flakes (Kellogs) 425 gm Wheat flour (Atta) 5 kg pack Ashirvad Wheat whole Worcestershire sauce (300 ml) Yeast Fresh Yellow Bean Sauce Imported Wheat Flake – Diet Corn Flake – Diet Pasta Lasagne Cheese Parmesan 30 kg 200 5 pkt btl 20 btl 100 50 50 10 20 20 100 500 500 100 100 50 5 200 200 10 5 btl kg kg kg kg pkt kg pkt kg kg btl kg pkt pkt pkt kg kg NOTE: Please specify the details of each item in units of weights, measurements etc. Mention BRAND and quote accordingly The quantities mentioned in the above schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any of the quantities indicated above. Masalas of 100 gm/1 Kg packets should be only either EVEREST/BADSHAH -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: fish/seafood code 00506 00507 00508 00509 00510 00633 00491 00504 00505 01463 00211 00492 00493 00494 00495 00496 00497 00498 00499 00500 00501 00502 00503 00511 Description PRAWNS DRY SMALL PRAWNS FRESH (WHITE) PRAWNS HEADLESS PRAWNS JUMBO SIZE PRAWNS LARGE SIZE PRAWNS FRESH MEDIUM POMFRETS BABY POMFRET BLACK (HALWA) 800GM POMFRET MED. (450-500GM) POMFRET WHITE SUPER AI QUALITY GOLE FISH FILLET BOI FISH (MULLET) BOMBAY DUCK FRESH CLAMS COQUELLES CRAB (200GM ) APPROX. DARA FISH FILLET DRY FISH GOLE FISH (600 GM) APPROX LOBSTER MEDIUM 300GM EACH MACKEREL MUSSELS LOBSTER LARGE (500GM EACH) ROE FISH Qty 10 100 30 30 200 150 30 1000 1000 20 50 50 10 250 10 200 10 10 20 20 10 10 20 20 unit KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG NO KG KG KG NO KG KG NO KG Rate Amount 00512 00513 00514 00515 00516 01290 01291 01292 01311 01454 SALOMON FISH (1.250 KG)RAWAS SARDINE FISH SMALL FISH MISCELLANEOUS SQUID SURMAI FISH (1.5 KG EACH) SOLE FISH EEL FISH CUTTLE FISH BETKI FILLET FISH RED SNAPPER (FISH) SHARK 150 20 10 10 100 20 20 20 150 25 10 KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG NOTE. Please specify exactly the details of each 1 item in units of weights, measurements etc. The quantities mentioned in the above 2 schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any of the quantities indicated above. -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: MEAT code 00612 00613 00614 00615 00616 00617 00618 00619 00620 00621 00622 00623 00634 01555 01556 01557 00603 00604 00605 00606 00607 00608 00609 00611 Description MUTTON BONES MUTTON BREAST MUTTON CARCASS (1NO=6KG) MUTTON CHOPS MUTTON LEG (WITHOUT HOOF) MUTTON MINCE MUTTON SHOULDER MUTTON WITHOUT BONE OX TONGUE OX TAIL SHEEP BRAIN (350 GM) TROTTERS (PAYA) MUTTON LIVER LAMB LEG LAMB CHOP LAMB KHEEMA (MINCE) BEEF WITHOUT BONES BEEF BONES SHIN BEEF GOLA BEEF LIVER BEEF MINCE BEEF SIRLOIN BEEF UNDERCUT FILLET KIDNEY LARGE (BEEF) Qty 50 20 100 20 2000 200 20 20 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 10 300 50 10 300 10 1000 10 unit KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG NO NO NO NO NO KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG NO Rate Amount 03 PORK 00729 PORK MEAT (LEG/SHOULDER) 00730 PORK LIVER 00731 HAM (PORK) 00732 BACON LEAN 00733 SALAMI 00734 FRANK FURTERS 00735 PORK LOIN 00736 PORK CHOPS (ENGLISH) 00737 SAUSAGES OXFORD (PORD) 00738 PORK MINCE 00739 PORK FAT NOTE. Please specify exactly the details of each 1 item in units of weights, measurements etc. The quantities mentioned in the above schedule are only indicative of the 2 estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any of the quantities indicated above. -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer 100 10 50 100 150 10 10 200 10 20 10 KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: MILK PRODUCTS code Description MILK PRODUCTS 00213 FRESH CREAM (DARSHAN DAIRY) 00517 CHAKKA MALAI 00624 CHAKKA SADA 00627 MAVA HARIALI 00628 MAVA ORDINARY 00629 MILK SPECIAL 00630 PANIR 00631 PANIR MALAI 00632 BUTTER UNSALTED (LONI) Qty unit 650 100 100 100 200 4000 2500 500 100 KG KG KG KG KG LT KG KG KG Rate Amount NOTE. 1 Please specify exactly the details of each item in units of weights, measurements etc. 2 The quantities mentioned in the above schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any of the quantities indicated above. -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: code 00139 00140 00141 00142 00143 00144 00145 00146 00147 00148 00149 00433 POULTRY Description CHICKEN BROILER (800 GM WT) CHICKEN BREAST CHICKEN BREAST BONELESS CHICKEN LEG CHICKEN LEG BONELESS CHICKEN LIVER CHICKEN MINCE CHICKEN SPICY SAUSAGES CHICKEN SPRING (350GM)DRESSED CHICKEN TANDOORI (450GM) DRESSED CHICKEN WINGS CHICKEN - BONES ONLY Qty 12000 30 20 10 10 30 20 10 20 30 20 20 unit KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG NOTE. Please specify exactly the details of each 1 item in units of weights, measurements etc. The quantities mentioned in the above 2 schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any of the quantities indicated above. -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer Rate Amount FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: code 00213 00517 00624 00627 00628 00629 00630 00631 00632 Description MILK PRODUCTS FRESH CREAM (DARSHAN DAIRY) CHAKKA MALAI CHAKKA SADA MAVA HARIALI MAVA ORDINARY MILK SPECIAL PANIR PANIR MALAI BUTTER UNSALTED (LONI) Qty unit 650 100 100 100 200 4000 2500 500 100 KG KG KG KG KG LT KG KG KG NOTE. Please specify exactly the details of each 1 item in units of weights, measurements etc. The quantities mentioned in the above 2 schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any of the quantities indicated above. -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer Rate Amount FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2013 to 31 March 2014 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: code 00006 00007 00008 00009 00017 01 FRUITS Description APPLE BIG GREEN (200 GM) APPLE BIG KASHMIRI (150 GM) APPLE GOLDEN YELLOW (200 GM) APPLE MAHARAJA/AMER (200GM) BANANA ELAICHI 00019 BANANA RAJELI RIPE MIN.200 GM 00020 00024 00035 00041 BANANA RIPE (150GM) BEL FRUIT (250 -300 GM) FIGS (FRESH) GRAPE FRUIT (MIN.400) GRAPES BLACK BIG BANGALORE BLUE VARIETY GRAPES GREEN VARIETY GRAPES SEEDLESS GUAVA (MIN 150-200 GM)WT JACK FRUIT (10KG MIN.) RIPE JAMBUN FRUIT (JAMUN) KIWI FRUIT LITCHI FRUIT (FRESH) CUSTARD APPLE (150-200GM WT.) MANGO ALPHONSO 100-150GM WT 00042 00043 00044 00045 00047 00048 00052 00054 00059 00064 Qty 80 2000 20 50 8000 unit KG KG KG KG NO 2000 50000 5 10 20 NO 150 150 50 3000 10 10 20 10 50 500 NO KG NO NO KG KG KG NO NO KG NO NO NO NO Rate Amount 00082 00088 00089 00091 00097 00098 00099 00102 00103 00104 00117 00118 00121 00122 00135 00137 00635 00643 00644 01411 01433 01445 01446 00001 00002 00078 00079 01461 00004 00005 00010 00011 00012 00013 00014 00015 00016 00018 00021 00022 ORANGE FRESH FRUIT(150-200 GMS) LOOSE/TIGHT PALMYRA FRUIT TENDER (THADGOLA) PAMMELO FRUIT (600GM) PAPAYA RIPE ABOVE 1KG PASSION FRUIT 100 GM WT. PEACHES FRESH PEARS (EVEN SIZE) PINEAPPLE RIPE RANI VARIETY PHALSA FRUIT BUNCH PLUMS (EVEN SIZE) STRAWBERRY EVEN SIZE SUGAR CANE SWEETLIMES (200-300GM) SWEETMELONS (SMALL) WATER MELON (EVEN SIZE) YELLOW SQUASH POMOGRANATE (EVEN SIZE BIG) CHERRY FRESH CHICKOO (EVEN SIZE) MED.RIPE GOOSEBERRY PINE APPLE RANI VARIETY(1.1KG) AVACADO MUSK MELON 01 VEGETABLES POTATOES ONION ONION MADRAS ONION WHITE (in bunch) ONION (OTHER) ALOO LEAVES (MIN.5 NOS) AMERICAN MAIZE CORN ARTICHOKE ARVI ASPARAGUS (FRESH) AWLA (GREEN) BIG SIZE AWLA (YELLOW) SMALL BABY CORN BAMBOO SHOOTS (500 GM) BANANA LEAVES BIG BANANA RAW RAGELI BASIL LEAVES 8000 20 10 1000 10 100 100 1000 10 10 10 10 2000 20 800 20 500 NO NO NO KG KG KG KG NO KG KG BX NO NO NO NO KG NO 10 8000 5 20 10 10 KG NO BX NO NO NO 2500 3000 20 10 20 20 100 10 20 30 10 10 150 10 500 50 50 KG KG KG KG KG BL KG NO KG KG KG KG KG KG NO NO BL 00023 00025 00026 00027 00028 00003 00029 00030 00031 00033 00034 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00046 00049 00050 00051 00053 00055 00056 00062 00063 00069 00070 00072 00073 00076 00077 00085 00086 00087 00090 00092 00093 00096 00100 01462 00101 00105 00106 00689 BEETROOT BRINJAL (BHARTHA VARIETY) BRINJAL (REWA VARIETY) BRINJAL OTHER VARIETY BROCCOLI CABBAGE FRESH CABBAGE RED CURRY LEAVES (50GM) CUCUMBER (TABLE) SALAD DOODHI DRUMSTICK (MIN 75GM WT) FRENCH BEANS FRESH CORN WHITE GARLIC GREEN (MIN.25 GM) GAWAR GINGER FRESH JACK FRUIT (10KG MIN) RAW KAFIR LIME LEAVES KARELA KARVANDA BIG RAW LADIES FINGER TENDER LEEKS BULBS (100GM WT EACH) LEMON VADUKAPULI LIME (40-50 GM) LOTUS STEM MANGO RAW BIG PICKLE 200GM MANGO RAW(400-500GM WT) METHI BHAJI BIG 200GM WT METHI BHAJI SMALL 25 GM WT NAVAL KOL MUSTARD LEAVES 200 GM PADWAL LONG PAK CHOY PALAK (MIN 300GM WT) PAPAYA RAW (500 GM) PAPDI PAPDI SURTI PARWAR PEAS GREEN (DELHI VARIETY) PEAS PIGEON (ONLY SEEDS) PEPPER GREEN FRESH POTATO SWEET POTATOES SMALL (PARSLEY) POTATO RAW FOR WAFTER MAKING 50 200 400 150 20 800 20 800 800 200 100 50 10 10 10 20 8 10 20 5 500 100 20 1500 5 20 10 500 20 20 50 30 10 600 10 50 50 10 10 20 10 10 50 10 KG KG KG KG KG KG KG BL KG KG NO KG KG BL KG KG NO KG KG KG KG NO NO NO KG KG KG BL BL KG BL KG KG BL KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG 00107 00108 00109 00110 00111 00113 00116 00119 00120 00123 00125 00126 00127 00128 00129 00130 00131 00132 00133 00134 00637 00136 00081 00112 01425 01458 01460 01426 00083 00124 00114 01459 00080 00058 00060 00061 00074 00657 00115 00656 00094 00095 00032 00075 PUMPKIN RED PUMPKIN ASH (HEAVY GOURD ASH) PURPLE YAM RADDISH RED (5 NOS/BL) RADDISH WHITE BIG RIDGE GOURD SPRING ONION (MIN.100GM) SURAN (YAM) SUVA BHAJI(MIN 250GM)SHEPU TAPIOCA TINDA TINDLI TOMATOES CHERRY TOMATOES RAW TOMATOES SMALL TURAI TOMATOES (PUSA RUBY) TURNIP (SMALL SZ) TULSI LEAVES (BASIL)MIN.20 GM TUVAER FRESH CAPSICUM (SHIMLA) CAPSICUM YELLOW CAPSICUM ORANGE CAPSICUM RED GALANGAL (THAI GINGER) WATER CRESS BRUSSEL SPROUTS LEMON GRASS (THAI) OREGANO FRESH (20GMS)WT THYME FRESH(20GM)EACH ROSE MARY FRESH 20 GM WT ROMAINE LETTUCE (100GM WT) LETTUCE (SALAD) 100 GM EACH LETTUCE ENDIVES LETTUCE FRIZAE 100GM EACH LETTUCE LOLLO ROSSO 150 GMS EA MINT (MIN.WT.100 GM) SALAD ICEBERG (150) SALAD CHINESE (MIN 200 GM) CELERY (100 GM MIN) BUNCH. PARSLEY CURLY PARSLEY MIN.25 GM WT SP. MOONG CHINESE MUSHROOM FRESH 200 GM 300 100 50 50 200 10 400 100 200 10 10 30 50 30 30 10 3000 10 50 10 1000 50 30 20 5 5 10 1 30 150 30 150 300 10 10 10 50 150 150 2000 200 300 100 1000 KG KG KG BL NO KG BL KG BL KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG BL KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG BL BL BL BL NO KG KG KG BL KG NO BL BL BL KG KG 00084 00057 00138 00712 00636 00638 00639 00640 00641 00642 00645 00646 00647 00648 00649 00650 01490 OYSTER MUSROOM LEMON GRASS ZUCCINI RADISH WHITE TENDER WITH LEAVES 150 GMS PER BL MATH LEAVES GREEN/RED CUCUMBER MADRAS CARROTS ENGLISH CARROTS INDIAN CAULIFLOWER CHANA FRESH(BUNCH) CHAWLI BEANS FRESH CHILLI GREEN SANKESHWARI/BEDGI CHILLI GREEN BHAVNAGARI CHILLI GREEN PANVELI CHILLI GREEN PARANGI CHILLI GREEN SHORT PUNGENT CHILLI FRESH RIPE RED CHILLI GREEN SMALL (ROUND) 00651 CHAWLI BHAJI (MIN.200GM)BUNCH 00652 00653 00654 00655 01542 CHUKA (200-250 GM MIN) COCONUT TENDER CORIANDER GREEN (100GM)DHANIA CORN FRESH (MIN.250GM) BANANA STEM 00625 20 10 10 KG BL KG 500 BL 20 30 1000 500 1000 50 20 20 5 5 5 150 10 10 BL KG KG KG KG BL KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG 50 10 30 BL 2000 50 10 BL NO BL NO NO NOTE. 1 Please specify exactly the details of each item in units of weights, measurements etc. 2 The quantities mentioned in the above schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any of the quantities indicated above. -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: CLEANING MATERIAL & PAPER SUPPLIES CODE NO. 00532 00564 01551 01552 01485 01479 01558 00535 00536 01219 00601 00539 01308 00540 00541 01318 00542 01224 00575 01430 01420 00581 01418 NAME OF THE ITEM ACETONE (400 ML) AIR FRESHNER BIG ALUMINIUM FOIL CONTAINER 450ML ALUMINIUM FOIL CONTAINER 600ML ALUMINIUM FOIL TRAY WITH LID BANDAGE 4INCH BAND-AID (JOHNSONS) BAYGON SPRAY 5 LITR CAN BLEACHING POWDER BOTTLE BRUSHES BOTTLE SPRAYERS BRASSO 100 ML BRASSO 500 ML BROOM HARD BROOM LONG WITH STICK BROOM NYLON WITH STEEL ROD 6FT BROOM SOFT BRUSH NYLON (WASHING CLOTH) BRUSH SCRUBBING FLOOR BRUSH SCRUBBING FLOOR W/O HAND BRUSH SMALL TO APPLY BUTTER BRUSH TOILET BRUSH WOODEN SCRUBBING FLOOR 5 200 200 200 50 50 20 5 50 20 20 200 2 500 20 20 600 20 50 50 20 2500 100 Unit BT NO NO NO NO NO NO CN KG NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Rate ` Amount` 00544 01397 00552 00547 00550 00549 00555 00556 00597 00558 00562 00559 00560 00561 00598 00557 00596 00593 01489 01323 01435 00551 00565 00595 00566 01232 00567 01233 01324 00589 o1248 01244 01320 01227 00569 00574 00571 01245 00594 01501 01309 01310 01522 01471 CANDLES BIG CARPET BRUSH STD SIZE CLODET COLIN SPRAY COTTON ABSORBENT (400 GM PKT) COTTON WASTE (200 GM PKT) DETTOL (500 ML) DETTOL 50 ML (SMALL) DUSTER CLEANING CHECKED DUSTER CLEANING FLOOR 17X18" DUSTER CLEANING GLASS DUSTER CLEANING LINED DUSTER CLEANING WHITE 20X21" DUSTER CLEANING YELLOW 17 X 15 DUSTER FLOOR CLIPPED THREAD DUSTPAN PLASTIC DYSOL (5 LTR CAN)PEAXOL FACE TISSUES (100 IN PKT) FEVICOL (250 GM) FINIT INSECTICIDE 5 LTR TIN GALVANISED BUCKET (20LTR) GIFT WRAPPING PAPER HARPIC (200 ML) HIT AEROSPRAY BIG HOMOCOL (5 KG CAN) MANSION POLISH 400 GM MATCH BOX (SHIP) (10 NOS) MIN CREAM 100 ML MOP REFILL WIPER MOP REFILLS (CLIP & FIT REFILL) MOP STICK 4 FT WITH COTTON THR MOP STICK RUBBER (WIPER) 24" MOP STICK RUBBER 18" WIPER MUSLIN CLOTH NAPHTHALENE BALLS NYLON SCRUBBER ODONIL CAKES STD.SIZE PAPER NAPKINS PITAMBARI POWDER PLASTIC DUST BIN SIZE 50 LTR PLASTIC BIN BIG WITH LID PLASTIC BIN BIG WITHOUT LID PLASTIC BOWL SMALL PLASTIC BUCKET MEDIUM SIZE 100 5 100 200 20 100 200 100 100 2500 100 1000 500 400 300 100 20 100 50 5 20 50 10 20 20 50 600 200 20 10 20 20 20 100 50 1500 200 10000 100 20 30 20 20 20 PK NO LT NO PK PK BT BT NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CN PK TN TN NO NO NO NO CN TN BX TN NO NO NO NO NO MT KG NO NO NO KG NO NO NO NO NO 01450 01449 01500 01470 01547 01553 01548 01519 00588 00600 00599 00578 01293 01225 00579 01226 01220 01221 01228 01528 00582 00583 01223 00602 01257 01222 Sub Group Category 00454 01238 01234 01235 01236 01240 01239 00469 00468 01253 01281 00439 01252 01237 00440 PLASTIC CONTAINER BIG PLASTIC CONTAINER SMALL PLASTIC MOUSSE CUPS 100 ML PLASTIC MUG PLASTIC PASTRY RECTANGLE CUPS PLASTIC SPOON/FORK MED REGULAR PLASTIC SPOON/FORKS SMALL DISP PLASTIC TEA SPOON DISPOSABLE SCOTCH BRITE SHOE POLISH BLACK SHOE POLISH BROWN SILVO NO.8 SOAP BAR 501 FOR WASHING SOAP TOILET BIG (LUX/REXONA) SOAP TOILET SMALL SOLID FUEL STEEL WOOL HARD STEEL WOOL SOFT SURF EXCEL THREAD WHITE (COATS) TOILET PAPER ROLLS(200 GM) TOOTH BRUSHES TOOTH PICK ROUND (350PACK) VIM BAR BIG WASHING SODA WATER SPONGE 20 20 2000 20 1000 100 100 100 50 50 50 300 20 150 50 10 1000 100 10 20 100 20 100 1500 20 50 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CN NO NO NO TN NO NO KG RL RL NO NO NO KG NO 200 100 200 200 200 100 200 10 100 100 5000 100 2000 5000 10 RL NO NO NO NO NO NO PK PK NO NO NO NO NO NO 01 PAPER SUPPLIES ALUMINIUM FOIL CAKE BOX 8 X 8 CAKE BOX BIG 14X14 CAKE BOX MEDIUM 12X12 CAKE BOX SMALL 10 X 10 CARDBOARD ROUND SMALL CARDBOARD SQUARE BIG CLING WRAP BIG CLING WRAP SMALL DECORATED PAPER SILVER DOILY PAPER GREASE PROOF PAPER PAPER CUPS FOR SMALL CAKES PAPER PLATES PL.COATED PARCHMENT PAPER 01314 01315 01256 01378 01362 01313 PASTRY BOX 6"X6" PIZZA BOX 7" X 7" X 1" PLASTIC CUP FOR TEA SATAY STICKS 6" STIRRERS(100 IN A PKT) STRAW BOXES 100 100 10000 10 20 50 NO NO NO PK PK BX NOTE. 1 Please specify exactly the details of each item in units of weights, measurements etc. 2 The quantities mentioned in the above schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any of the quantities indicated above. -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: code 00610 Description EGGS EGGS GRADE 'A' CLEAN (MIN.55 GMS WT.) Qty unit 1000000 NO Rate Amount NOTE. 1 Please specify exactly the details of each item in units of weights, measurements etc. 2 The quantities mentioned in the above schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any of the quantities indicated above. -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: S. No ITEM 1 2 3 Answer books ( Institute ) Book Card ( Library ) Borrower's Card ( Library ) DESCRIPTION ( Size 8 1/4" x 13 1/4" ) printing and ruling in one colour on good quality thick maplitho paper , 08 pages including cover page printed , top left side punched , pinned at two points (20 packets of 500 each as per sample ) QTY UNIT 10000 nos lot ( Size 3 " x 5 1/4" ) printing and ruling on good quality white card paper in one colour as per sample . 500 nos lot ( size 3 " x 5 1/4 " ) printing and ruling in one colour on both sides on good quality card paper as per sample . 500 nos lot RATE 4 5 Catalogue Institute Certificate Housewives (students) Page size 10" x 8 1/2" cover page in 250gms Sinar art card. Inside pages approximately 32 to 40 pages in 135 gms Sinar art paper. Cover and inside six papers in full colour, the rest in three colours along with application form perforated as per sample. (size 7 1/4"x9 1/4") printing and ruling on good thick art card on one side in four colours with Institute monogram 05 packets of 3000 nos lot 500 nos lot 1000 nos lot 500 nos lot 200 nos lot 500 nos lot 100 each as per sample 6 Certificate Honar se Rozgar (size 9.2"x11") printing and ruling on good thick art card on one side in four colours with Institute monogram 10 packets of 100 each as per sample 7 Certificate Skill Testing (size 8.6"x11.8") printing and ruling on good thick art card on one side in four colours with Institute monogram 05 packets of 100 each as per sample 8 Certificate Merit ( Students ) ( size 8 1/4"x9 1/2" ) one side printing with monogram printed in two colours on good quality art papers as per sample(2pkts of 100each) 9 ( size 5 1/2"x3 1/2" ) Cheque printing in one colour on Intimation Card both sides on good quality card paper as per sample . 10 Envelopes white 11 Envelopes white 12 Envelopes white 13 Envelopes canvas ( cloth lined ) ( size 9"x4" )printing in Hindi and English, in one colour on one side in good thick quality cover with address and monograms as per sample ( envelopes supplied by you ) ( size 10"x12" ) printing in Hindi and English , in one colour on one side in good thick quality cover with address and monograms as per sample ( envelopes supplied by you ) ( size 5"x11" ) printing in Hindi and English in one colour one side in good thick quality cover with address and monogram as per sample ( envelopes supplied by you ) . ( size 12"x 9 3/4" ) printing in Hindi and English in one colour on good thick quality paper with address and monogram as per 1000 nos lot 1000 nos lot 500 nos lot 1000 nos lot 1000 nos lot 1000 nos lot sample with canvas coating . 14 Envelopes canvas ( cloth lined ) ( size 14"x 12" ) printing in Hindi and English in one colour on good thick quality paper with address and monogram as per sample with canvas coating . 15 File folder admission (open size 17 1/2"x14") printing in Hindi and English in one colour on one side thick quality brown paper with white strip pasted and side punched ( 10 pkts of 100 ) 16 Identity Card (size 3 1/2" x 5" ) two sides printing in one colour on thick Artcard/cardboard paper with plastic cover with 500 loose slips as per sample . 17 Identity Card Invitation Card lot 500 nos lot 300 nos lot 200 books lot 1000 books lot (size 2 1/2" x 7 1/2" ) two sides printing in one colour on thick Artcard/cardboard paper with plastic cover with 500 loose slips as per sample . 18 500 nos ( size 7" x 5" ) printing in one colour on both sides on white ivory thick card , with white envelopes printing monograms and address printed in one colour on the envelope as per sample ( envelopes supplied by you ) . 19 Industrial Release Log Book 20 Journal Book Ordinary ( size 7 1/4" x 9" ) printing and ruling in one colour superior white maplitho paper with PVC opaque jackets 104 pages as per sample ( size 8 3/4" x 11" ) 250 pages good quality white maplitho paper with ruling on both sides with a hard cardboard as per sample. 21 Journal Degree in H&HA Std. Recipes 22 Journal Degree in H&HA Std. Recipes 23 K.O.T. Books ( size 8 3/4" x 11" ) inside 150 folios and 6 index pages good quality thick ledger paper with ruling and printing in one colour on both sides with a hard cardboard cover, each with label as per sample ( size 8 3/4" x 11" ) inside 192 folios and 9 index pages good quality thick ledger paper with ruling and printing in one colour on both sides with a hard cardboard cover, each with label as per sample ( size 7"x4 1/2" ) printing in one colour on good quality thick maplitho paper , with monogram , 1 st copy white perforated , second copy pink perforated , third copy green fixed with serial nos. On top and on spine . Top loose cover with bottom cardboard and side binding as per sample .Serial nos 1 to 10000 600 books lot 600 books lot 10 books lot 100 nos lot 2000 nos lot each book = 1 x 100 Books 24 Label With Best Compliments from : 25 Letter Heads ( size 5" x 3 1/2" ) printing in one colour on one side on good quality thick maplitho paper as per sample . ( size 14" x 8.5" ) on executive bond paper with address and monogram printing in Hindi and English in four colour on one side in packet( 20 packet x 100 ) 26 Letter Heads A4 ( size 8.5" x 11" ) on executive bond paper with address & monogram printing in Hindi and English in four colour on one side 2000 nos lot 2000 nos lot 1500 nos lot 1 register lot 5 books lot 1 book lot in packet( 20 packet x 100 ) 27 Letter Heads Foolscape ( size 8 1/4" x 14" ) on executive bond paper with address & monogram printing in Hindi and English in four colour on one side in packet( 20 packet x 100 ) 28 Mess Card size 6cm x 9 cm printing on good quality thick paper in 3 different colours as per sample . 29 Maintenance Book 30 Order Form Book 31 Postage Register (size 13 1/2" x 8 1/2") printing and ruling in one colour with waterline on superior quality maplitho paper having 50 folios and half per sample Size 7 X 81 1/2 (3x1) printing in one colour on good quality paper, 1st copy white, 2nd green, 3rd yellow. 1 book = 100X3 pages as per sample ( size 10 " x 15 1/4" ) printing and ruling in one colour on good quality thick ledger paper on both sides inside 500 pages open leather bound with gold embossed label as per sample . 32 Railway Concession Issue Register 33 34 35 Results Registers ( Students ) ( open size 17 " x 13 1/4" ) printing and ruling on both sides in one colour on good quality white thick maplitho paper .Folio 1 to 150 open leather bound , as per sample . ( open size 10" x 15" ) printing and ruling in one colour on good quality thick ledger paper on both sides with A to Z index of 100 folios open leather bound with labels , as per sample . (open size 30 1/4" x 19 Salary 3/4")printing & ruling in one Register( Staff ) colour on both of good quality thick ledger paper 200 folios as per Individual sample , open leather bound with gold embossed label . Visiting Card ( size 2 1/4" x 3 3/4" ) printing in one colour on standard card 1 register lot 5 Registers lot 1 Register lot 500 nos lot 5 pads lot paper as per sample . B 1 C Form - Pad Size 8 3/4" x 11 1/4" (1+2) printing in single colour on good quality paper 1 pad = 50 x 3 pages as per sample 2 Employees Clearance Size 8 3/4"x11 1/4" (2x1)printing in one colour Sheet on good white paper 1 pad of 100 pages each 3 Envelopes 4 Envelopes 5 Envelopes 6 7 Envelope clothlined Fire Exit Plan 5 pads lot 1000 nos lot 1000 nos lot 1000 nos lot size 12x9 printing in English in one colour on good thick quality paper with address and monogram as per sample with canvas coating 100 nos lot Size 7" x 10" printing in one colour on good quality paper 50 nos lot 5 books lot 5 books lot Size 9 1/2" x 4 1/2" printing in one colour on good quality paper as per sample (envelopes to be supplied by you). Size 11" x 5" printing in one colour on good quality paper as per sample (envelopes to be supplied by you). Size 7" x 4" printing in one colour on good quality paper as per sample (envelopes to be supplied by you). as per sample 8 Function Prospectus Book 9 GATE PASS BOOK Size 13x8 inches. Bound at the top. Top loose cover with bottom cardboard printing in one colour, two copies. 1st copy perforated. Both copies on white paper with serial number. Size 7 1/2 x 4 1/2 printing in one colour in good quality maplitho paper 1st copy white perforated, second copy yellow & 3rd copy green. Top loose cover with bottom cardboard in book form. 10 Guest Folio 11 Guest Registration Card (Computerised sheets) Size A4 (single copy)printing in one colour on good quality paper as per sample. Size 9 1/4" x 7 1/4" printing in one colour on card paper 10000 nos lot 5000 nos lot 1000 nos lot 50 nos lot 1000 nos lot 100 nos lot 1500 lot 50 pads lot 2 registers lot as per sample 12 Guest Stationery Book Size 8 3/4" x 11 1/4" printing in one colour on good quality paper as per sample 13 House Rules Size 7" x 10" printing in one colour on good quality paper as per sample 14 15 Housekeeping Bill Identity Cards Size 5 1/2"x6" printing in one colour on computerised sheet (1+1) without carbon paper self carbon bill Size 6 1/2" x 4 1/2" printing in one colour on card paper with plastic cover as per sample 16 Key demand card 17 KOT Pad 18 Laundry Issue Register Size 4.5"x3" on yugo art card (front & back printing) as per sample printing in one colour Size 5 3/4" x 6" printing in good quality paper(1+2) with carbon paper first copy in yellow colour, 2nd copy in pink, as per sample. 1 pad of 100x2 pages each Size 8 1/4" x 13 1/2" printing in colour on good quality ledger paper folios 1 to 100 (open size 16 1/2"x27") in register form as per sample 19 Laundry service rates 20 Left Luggage Tags Letterhead 21 Size 8"x13 1/4" printing in one colour on good quality paper in pad form 1 pad of 100 pages each 5 pads lot Size 3 1/2" x 3" printing in one colour on card paper as per sample 500 nos lot Size 8 3/4" x 11 1/4" printing in one colour on executive bond paper 1000 nos lot 2 registers lot 50 nos lot 5 books lot 5 pds lot as per sample 22 23 Size 8 1/4" x 13 1/2" Linen Book printing in colour on good (Receipts/Issue) quality ledger paper Register pages 1 to 100 as per sample(open leather bound with gold embossed label) Message slips Size 4 1/2" x 5 1/2"printing in one colour on good white maplitho paper as per sample 24 25 Order Form Book Receipt Book Pad Size 7 X 81 1/2 (3x1) printing in one colour on good quality paper, 1st copy white, 2nd green, 3rd yellow. 1 book = 100X3 pages as per sample Size 8 " x 5 1/2" (3x1) printing in one colour on good 1st copy white, 2nd copy green and 3rd copy blank in pad form 1 pad = 50 x 3 pages as per sample 26 Record of property found 27 Register for Room Service 28 Room Service Bill 29 Scribbling pads 30 Sticker for Geycer 31 32 Size 7" x 8 1/2" (3x1) printing in one colour on good maplitho paper 1st copy white, 2nd green and 3rd yellow paper 1 pad = 100 x 2 pages as per sample 1 book lot 2 registers lot 10,000 lot Size 4"x5" printing in one colour on good white maplitho paper of 20 leaves in a pad form as per sample 50 pads lot (size 5"x5") printing in two colours on thick coloured sticker sheets. Proper half cut to remove the sticker 100 nos lot 500 nos lot 1000 nos lot 200 nos lot Size 8 1/4" x 13 1/2" 150 folios ledger paper single colour printing on good quality paper as per sample Size 5 1/2"x6" printing in one colour on computerised sheet (1+3) without carbon paper self carbon bill Size 8"x11.5" printing in one colour on good quality Suggestion card paper (front & back printing) as per sample Tariff Cards Size 6 1/2" x 4 1/4" open size printing on both sides in one colour on card paper as per sample 33 Tent cards APS Size 14" x 6" buff card one side screen printing in one colour & punching as per sample 34 Tray mat 35 Tray mat 36 Tray mat 37 Tray mat Size 18x12 good quality white paper with punch as per sample Size 20x16 good quality white paper with punch as per sample Size 24x16 good quality white paper with punch as per sample Size round 13" dia in good quality white paper with punch 1000 nos lot 1000 nos lot 1000 nos lot 1000 nos lot 1000 nos lot 500 nos lot 500 nos lot 500 nos lot 500 nos lot as per sample 38 Visiting cards Standard size, non tearable good quality card paper as per sample 39 Whitney slipsGreen Pink Yellow Blue NOTE : 2"x3" printing in one colour on card paper as per sample 2"x3" printing in one colour on card paper as per sample 2"x3" printing in one colour on card paper as per sample 2"x3" printing in one colour on card paper as per sample 1. The quantities mentioned in the above schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any or all of the quantities indicated therein . 2. Please provide 2 to 3 pages extra in all the registers and books . -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2015 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: SR.N o. 1 NAME OF ITEMS Brown Paper DESCRIPTION MEASUREMENT / SPECIFICATION Superior thick quality 29" x 44" ( 0.80gms ) 480 sheets = 1 ream 5 ream RATE AMOUNT QTY UNIT as per sample 2 Brown Tape gummed 2 " 3K wonder - 555 tape Wonder 12 nos 3 Brown Tape gummed 3" 3K wonder - 555 tape Wonder 48 nos Carbon paper Kores , carboplane 503 15 box ( Typewriter ) med. Width black Cello tape self adhesive tape King/Hawk good quality ( 24 rolls in a box ) 20 nos 4 5 Foolscape std. Size 210 x 330 mm (100 sheets in a box carboplane) 1/2" x 10 yds 6 Cellotape TISCO/TACO 3/4" Size 20 nos 7 Cellotape TISCO/TACO 1" Size 50 nos Black masking Tape Wonder 1/2 " 72 yds 20 nos 25 ream 50 ream 8 9 Cellotape Cut papers Good qual.Sunlit A4 size 10 Cut papers Executive (foolscap) (19lbs) 81/2" x 131/2" 1 Ream = 480 sheet 215 x 330 mm ream contains 470 sheets 10 ream 210 x 297 mm ream contains 470 sheets 75 ream ( 32 lb ) 22 " x 28 " as per sample 300 nos 200 nos 2 3 2 3 4 4 4 6 4 4 50 nos nos nos nos nos nos nos nos nos nos nos 20 small Good quality Sunlit 11 Cut paper white Business paper (F/C) foolscap 12 Cut paper white Business paper A - 4 13 Chart Paper ( Black / Blue Green / Pink / Yellow ( 19 lbs) 9" x 11 1/2" 1 Ream = 480 sheet Superior quality 14 Chart Paper ( White ) Superior quality ( Japan ) Ivory T K 22 " x 28 " as per sample 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge Cartridge 920 XL- black 920 - colour 950 XL- black 951 - colour 21 22 12A 36A 88 A 78A (Refill of above all) HP Inkjet HP Inkjet HP Inkjet HP Inkjet HP Inkjet HP Inkjet HP Laserjet HP Laserjet HP Laserjet HP Laserjet 26 Clips paper ( office ) 26 mm office clip box Tower / Raju / Lion / Marc clip / Vikram / Vijay clips/Rolex. 27 28 Clips paper ( office ) Triangle Clips paper ( office ) 26 mm office clips Vijay big size for documents Oxford coated clips 100 clips = small box Round big for documents Traingle - do - ( 100 clips = 1 small box vinyl coated blue/green/pink/br own/purple 1 big box = 10 small boxes of 100 20 big box 12 small box 29 Correction tape OCC OO Network 12 nos 30 Correction fluid and diluter Kores white/Eraz - Ex 15 ml as per sample 5 nos Sony/Imation standard as per sample 2 box Samsung standard as per sample 2 box standard as per sample 100 nos Clip - plastic Rockwell/Pinky/any other brand good quality std size 36 doz 35 Clip - Metal Rockwell/Pinky/any other brand good quality std size 36 doz 36 Catalogue cards for 5"x3" 1000 nos Library Centre punched with waterline as per sample 37 Desk Calender (stand) Delux Omega standard 12 nos 38 Diary Commercial Rajat Delux No6/any with big ( std ) as per sample 12 nos 31 32 33 34 CD Disk CD Disk CD Cover nos Telephone Indexsuperfine 39 Diary Telephone good quality Scholar /any Telephone No.( 8 ) 288 300 pages approx. 3 nos 10 big box as per sample Drawing pins Fauji / Light house good ( Thumb tacks ) quality std.or appr.brand 150 pins in a pkt (1/2 " 10 small pkts in a box)=1 big box 41 Duplicating Book 3 " no. standard 100 x 2 pages good quality 5 nos 42 Duplicating Book 0 " no. standard 100 x 2 pages good quality 5 nos 43 Duster for white board Standard as per sample 30 nos 3 box 24 roll 12 roll 40 44 Eraser Sandowsuper36withBl standard ( Kores ) ue India 20 nos Band / Natraj Plasto in a box as per 621 sample 45 Fax Roll Mitsubishi Thermal paper 46 Fax Roll 52A 47 Fevi quik standard small Tube as per sample 5 nos 48 Fevicol white Adhesive 500 gm tin std as per sample 6 tin 49 Fevicol white Adhesive 100 gm tin std as per sample 6 tin 50 Files - box file std as per sample 50 nos ( Lever file ) Tashkand Lever file/ Rado Delux/Kohinoor/Roya l/Dinesh Ashok/Ravi/Jagruti Delux/sapna 210/216x30 mts 51 Files - box file Kangaroo std as per sample 50 nos 52 Files - clip files Good quality - Atlas std as per sample 24 nos 53 Files - flap files good quality ( 2 flaps ) 32 oz std ( 10"x12" approx) std as per sample 12 nos 54 Files - flap files good quality ( 4 flaps ) std as per sample 12 nos std ( 9 3/4" x 13 3/4" approx ) std as per sample 24 nos 250 leaves as per sample 36 nos 90 lb as per sample 60 nos 55 Files - lace files good quality 56 Files - voucher pasting 57 Files - office files 58 Files - Tag Outstanding with 2 holes 90 lb as per sample 144 nos 59 Files - office files sp. triple ex. thick standard as per sample 120 nos 60 Files Godrej Thick quality with 2 clips as per sample as per sample 12 nos 61 Files- spring clip spring clip Sensor as per sample 12 nos 62 Files ring files Std. As per sample 12 nos 63 File folder Plastic thickaspersample 14 " x 10 " 24 nos 64 File folder Plastic thickaspersample 12 " x 9 " 24 nos 65 File folder two sided open Morocco as per sample foolscap size 12 nos good quality ( Plastic coated ) with inside plastic clips 66 Office folders PlasticordinaryMoroc cofolder foolscap ( cover type ) 12 nos 67 Clip File Shivam Ring file Standard 50 nos 68 Glossy Paper (HP glossy paper) A4 size A4 Sheets 90 g/M2 100 sheet 69 Glossy Paper A4 size 110 gms 100 sheet 1 box 70 Transparent sheet Good quality 1X10 SHEETS = 1 BOX 71 Glue stick Kores/C354Camlin standard quality as per sample 60 nos 72 Gum Paste Camel 700 ml big bottle 5 nos 73 Gum Paste Camel 300 ml 10 nos 74 Gum Paste Camel 150 ml 10 nos 75 Gloliter ( highlighter ) Fluorescent fibre tip high lighters paper Luxor ( 10 pens in a box ) 1 box 76 Graph paper sheets in cm Good quality 29 " x 21 " standard quality as per sample 60 sheet 77 Gum brush Camel as per sample std size 10 nos 78 Ink ( Black /Blue/Red) Camel Ink 0.57 ml 12 nos 79 Lace for files white Bonus or any superior quality thick standard as per sample 1x100=1 bundle 10 bundle 80 Lace for files coloured ( Shoe lace ) Bonus or any superior quality thick standard as per sample 1x100=1 bundle 10 bundle 81 Lift off correction tape Godrej 5 nos in a box 6 box 82 Label P 3"x2"Postitnote(gum med) 500 slips as per sample 83 Labels sticker computergood qual.white computer sticker for address 1 sheet = 24 Labels 4 " x 1 1/2 " as per sample 100 sheet standard size as per sample 12 doz 84 Labels sticker 85 Labels for Library books good quality Natraj No. 511 - A of 150 labels 5 doz 86 Lamination roll good quality 125 microns ( 12 " ) 2 roll 87 Lamination roll good quality 80 microns ( 12 " ) 1 roll good quality 125 microns (225x310mm) 2 pkt 1000 nos 88 Lamination Sheet 89 Lamination pouches good quality 225 microns 75 cms x 105 cms 90 Muster Register Ruled Superior quality ledger 1 quire 12 nos 91 Muster Register Ruled paper as per sample 2 quire 40 nos 92 Muster Register Ruled same as above 3 quire 6 nos 93 Muster Register Ruled same as above 5 quires 12 nos 94 Muster Register Ruled same as above 4 quires 12 nos 95 Muster Register Ruled same as above 6 quires 12 nos 96 Marker assorted 20 box 120 nos 97 (permanent) Camlin/Luxorstd10ina std size as per box sample 91(s)10 pcs in a box Marker for white Luxor/Reynold/Camel Blue / Black / board 98 99 /Mr Pik Ivory - invitation Menu cards ( single ) cards as per sample Comet/Silver Menu cards ( double ) as per sample Green / Red std 7 " x 5 " 1000 per 1000 nos std 10 " x 7 " 1000 nos per 1000 100 Menu cards ( small ) as per sample 5"x4" 101 OHP Transparency 100 microns white A 4 210 x 297 mm (pkt of 100 sheet ) 5 pkt 102 OHP Transparency 100 microns white 215 x 330 mm ( pkt of 100 sheet ) 5 pkt 103 OHP Transparency 100 microns colour 215 x 330 mm ( pkt of 50 sheet ) 5 pkt 5 pkt 104 105 permanent no. 2300 fine point non toxic with eraser. MARVEY Pen for permanent ink, Uchida Yoke ( 7 pens in a pkt ) 1000 nos per 1000 OHP Marker OHP Marker OHP Marker Stedler - Lumo colour 317 water proof indelable Germany ( 7 pens in a pkt ) 5 pkt Blue/Green/Black/ Red 10 pens in a pkt 5 pkt 10 ream 25 doz 106 OHP Pen Stedler Lomocolour No. 318 107 Paper zerox white Business paper A - 3 108 Paper ruled Deluxe superior quality 297 x 420 mm ream contains 470 sheets Double foolscap 17"x13 1/2" Paper unruled maplitho superior quality Double foolscap 17"x13 1/2" 1 ream Pencils Black lead Apsara gold Apollo/HB Hexagon Hindustan Pencils 10 pencils in a pkt 110 20 pkt 111 Pad perforated writing good quality 10 leaves 1 / 4 size ruled 12 nos 112 Pad perforated writing good quality 10 leaves 1 / 8 size ruled 12 nos 113 Pad perforated writing good quality 10 leaves foolscap ruled 12 nos 114 Packing Tape for parcels standard size standard 15 kg 115 Packing clips metal for packing standard 1 kg 5 kg 116 Pendrive 4 GB Transcend/Sony 5 nos 117 Pen (Ball Pen) Cello/Lexi good quality 50 nos 118 Pen (Gel) Add Gel good quality 50 nos 119 Pen use and throw good quality 400 nos Good quality Vikram / King ( 0.100 gms gross wt. pkt - 32 mm 36 box 109 120 Pins for paper ( office ) highy platted with sharp pt Tower / Aristo / Lion Pins for paper ( office ) Aristo / Lion /050 gms 60 box 122 Pins for stapler good quality Skreba 55 17 x 24 ( 1000 nos i n a pkt ) 5 pkt 123 Pins for stapler Etona/ 24/6 ( 100 nos in a Electric/Brito/Max555 pkt ) 5 pkt 124 Pins for stapler Orenta/55Stapled/Eto na/ 5 pkt 121 23 / 8 ( 100 nos in a pkt ) Eveready/chisel pointed 3/8 any brand 125 Pins for stapler Staples - Max 10(1000 small boxes/Maruzen10) Max - 10 1m staples 1big =20 small boxes 15 big box 555 stapler same as above 23 / 17 ( 100 nos in a pkt ) 5 pkt big 12 nos 5 nos 126 Pins for stapler 127 Punching Machine ( double punch perforator ) Kangaro no. 52 128 Punching Machine (Single Punch) Kangaroo 129 Punching Machine ( double punch ) perforator Kangaro no. DP 800 8 cm 12 nos 130 Post It good quality 1.5 x2 6 nos 131 Post It good quality 2x3 6 nos 132 Post It good quality 3x3 6 nos 133 Post It good quality four colour packet 6 nos 134 Pad wooden with clips (Exam Pad) std . Sunmica 9 1/4 " x 3 3/4 " 12 nos 135 Paper clips for pad Star A big as per sample 60 nos 136 Paper cutting knife ( steel ) good quality std as per samplesmall 12 nos 137 Paper cutting knife ( steel ) good quality std as per samplebig 12 nos 138 Paper weight made of superior glass std big as per sample 5 nos 139 Pin pots magnetic Omega Omega as per 12 box sample 140 Plastic roll 141 Plastic folders with pockets 142 Punch Folder (Plastic) Transparent for book covers 100 mtrs ( 1 roll of 100 mtrs )as per sample 1 roll good quality foolscap as per sample 12 nos foolscap as per sample 12 nos 143 Rubber bands ( big size elastic ) Vandana / five star size19 45 gms pkt 40 pkt 144 Rubber bands (small size elastic ) Vandana / five star size19 45 gms pkt 20 pkt 145 Register ruled Superior quality 1 quire 12 nos 146 Register ruled Superior quality 2 quire 24 nos 147 Register ruled Superior quality 3 quire 12 nos 148 Register ruled Superior quality 4 quire 12 nos 149 Register ruled Superior quality 5 quire 12 nos good quality Writers/Cruzer/ Geeflo / Rifer / Echo/Flair std - 10 nos in a pkt 12 pkt 12 pkt 150 Refill Ball pen Jotter Blue / Black / Green 151 Refill Cello 0.8 TC Ball (10 nos in a pkt) 152 Refill Add jel NB -R20 std( 10 nos in a pkt ) 15 pkt 153 Refill for Table Desk good quality Calender std as per sample 12 nos 154 Rough cash book std 10 nos Scholar no. 3 (Acc.Bk) 155 Register of 16 columns 156 Register of 16 columns 157 158 159 Register Journal Superior quality 3 quires as per sample 12 nos Superior quality 5 quires as per sample 12 nos Superior quality 2 quire as per sample 12 nos standard 10 box standard 10 box Sign pens ( Sketch Camel (10 pens in a pens ) box ) (Blue/Red/Green/Bla ck ) assorted Sign pens ( Sketch Luxor (10 pens in a pens ) box ) (Blue/Red/Green/Bla ck ) assorted 160 Sharpner single superior quality ( Gem ) steel steel std size 12 nos 161 Stapler Machine Max ( HD - 10 ) Max 10 12 nos 162 Stapler Machine Kangaroo Kangaroo 10 12 nos Stapler Machine Kangaroo/any good brand 24/6 6 nos 164 Stapler Machine Kangaroo/any good brand 23 / 8 6 nos 165 Stamp pad red / violet / green / blue Camel good quality Camlin Pvt Ltd std 110 mm x 70 mm no. 2 12 nos 166 Scale superior quality 12 "wooden as per sample 12 nos 167 Scale superior quality ( Omega ) 12 "plastic as per sample 12 nos 168 Scale superior quality 12 "steel as per 12 nos 163 sample 169 Sealing wax Lion brand superfine 400 gms ( 8 sticks in a box ) 170 Scissors small S.steel good quality 4 " as per sample 3 nos 171 Scissors medium S.steel good quality 6 " as per sample 3 nos 3 nos 6 box 172 Scissors big S.steel good quality 12 " superior quality as per sample 173 Tape dispenser Omega plastic std as per sample small 10 nos Omega plastic std as per sample big 10 nos 72 box 174 Tape dispenser 175 Tags for files good quality standard as per sample (4 rolls in a box) 176 Tray ( office ) Omega Plastic as per sample 12 nos 177 Twine ball ( white ) superior quality std. Pkt of 4 balls as per sample 100 pkt 178 Twine ball ( green ) superior quality std. Pkt of 4 balls as per sample 10 pkt 179 Water sponge good quality Standard std round as per sample 12 nos std 13 1/2 " x 15 1/2 " ( approx ) 12 nos 180 Wooden tray without cover good quality Note : The quantities mentioned in the above schedule are only indicative of the estimated requirement for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any or all the quantities above . -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From: __________________ __________________ ___________________ To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028. Sir, With reference to your advertisement-Tender in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for the following items, I/We hereby submit my/our Financial bid required by you: UNIFORMS , APRONS , TABLE CLOTHS & LINEN ETC. S.No ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 APRON APRON APRON BELT BERRET CAP 6 CAP 7 CAP 8 COAT 9 LATHI 10 PANT 11 PANT Cotton (Half) white Cotton (Full) white Terry cloth - Grey Superior quality Terry cloth - Brown - Superior quality Terry cloth - Grey - Superior quality Terry cloth - Dark KhakhiSuperior quality Terry cloth - Brown- Superior quality 3 feet long - good qualitywooden Terry cloth - Khaki - Superior quality Terry cloth - Grey - Superior quality QTY In nos 300 500 250 20 UNIT S.Kumar's Rate each each each each 75 each 250 each 50 each 75 each 20 each 20 each 250 each Equivalent mill (give name) Rate 12 PANT 13 PANT 14 PANT 15 PANT 16 PANT 17 SHIRT 18 SHIRT 19 SHIRT 20 SHIRT 21 SHIRT 22 SHIRT 23 SHOES HMATC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Terry cloth - White - Superior quality Terry cloth -Dark Khakhi Superior quality Terry cloth Royal Blue Superior quality Terry cloth -Brown- Superior quality Terry cloth - Olive Green Superior quality Terry cloth - Khaki - Superior quality Terry cloth - Grey - Superior quality Terry cloth - White - Superior quality Terry cloth - Dark Khaki Superior quality Terry cloth - Royal Blue Superior quality Terry cloth - Olive Green Superior quality All season (average rate for various sizes) Cotton - Checks - Superior APRON quality BOW Cotton - Black - Superior quality CHEF CAP Cotton - Black - Superior quality CHEF Poly/cotton - white - superior COAT quality CHEF Polyster- Checks - superior SCARF quality Cotton white -full sleeves SHIRT Superior quality Cotton white -half sleeves SHIRT Superior quality All season (average rate for SHOES various sizes) TIE/SCARF Polyester- - superior quality Terry cloth - Black - Superior TROUSER quality TROUSER Terry cloth - Grey - Superior 20 each 50 each 30 each 75 each 20 each 20 each 250 each 20 each 50 each 30 each 20 each 125 each 100 36 50 each each each 100 each 50 each 175 each 100 each 75 20 each each 180 100 each each 12 13 14 TROUSER TUNIC TOP (HK) WAIST COAT quality Terry cloth - Blue - Superior quality Terry cloth - superior quality Terry cloth -Black -superior quality 100 each 6 each 36 each Note Please specify exactly the details of each item in units of weights, 1 measures etc, and suggest alternate brands of each item. The quantities mentioned in the above schedule are only indicative of the 2 estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any or all the quantities indicated above. -------------------------------Signature of Tenderer -------------------------------Seal of Tenderer INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT, CATERING TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED NUTRITION Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028 TECHNICAL BID FOR NON-COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTERS Name of the Firm of the Tenderer …………………………………… Names of all the partners of the Firm, if any…………………. …. …….. Address of the tenderer: Shop/Office ………………………………… …………………………………. …………………………………. Telephone No., Fax No. ……………………………….. E-Mail Address: …………………………………. State if the tenderer owns a factory/workshop anywhere. If so, give full details: How long is the tenderer in this business of Computer Manufacturing/Dealings? State if the tenderer is at present having AMCs to any of the Hotels, Hostels, Hospitals, Clubs, etc. and give particulars. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Company should have similar Annual Maintenance Contracts with a turn over not less than Rs. 50 lakhs each year. The audited balance sheet is to be enclosed. State details of Registration No. of Sales Tax and enclose latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate. ………………………………………. Signature of the Tenderer Seal of the tenderer ……………………………………… FINANCIAL BID From:________________________ ________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028 With reference to your advertisement E-Tender AMC in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for Computers, I/We hereby submit my Financial bid required by you: MANDATORY CONDITIONS FOR NON-COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTERS Those who wish to apply for the AMC should take note of the following conditions which are mandatory and must for all the companies. Those who fail to furnish the details will not be considered. 1. There will be Two Bid System – i. Technical Bid and ii. Financial Bid. Those who qualify for the Technical Bid will only be considered for Financial Bid. Unsuccessful or disqualified vender will not be considered. 2. The Bidder should be in a position to handle IBM servers with a thorough knowledge of SQL SERVER, 2003 ENTERPRISE, LINUX SERVER RED HAT Ver 5 Installation, Configuring Virtual network, lease line connectivity, Sonic firewall TZ 170 & THIN CLIENTS, Optional fiber connectivity. 3. The company should have executed at least three similar work orders with a turn over not less than Rs 50 lakhs each year. The audited balance sheet is to be enclosed. 4. Following are the machine configurations: a. IBM Servers 4 Nos b. Desk top 84 nos c. Laptops 04 Nos d. Printers 27 Nos e. UPS 03 Nos f. Network switch 21 Nos ……………………… Signature of Tenderer ………………………………………….. Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From:________________________ ________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028 With reference to your advertisement E-Tender AMC in the local newspapers and website for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 for Pest Control, I/We hereby submit my Financial bid required by you: PEST CONTROL SERVICES S.No Description Mode Frequency Treatment time I Areas in the Main Building like 1 Bakery, Q.F.K. Pest Control: ATK I&II, B.T.K. monthly K.S.M, Dining Hall & Stores, Office and other areas Rodent control: all the above 2 areas and open ground fortnightly Areas in the new building II (HMATC) like 1 All public and back areas LPC Daily during the day 2 Rooms, P/shafts, staircases, Lift, HPC once a month as available Lobby corridors etc. Department room LPC daily 3 F&B Areas LPC once a month Kitchen, Restaurant, Bar, HPC fortnightly night time Conference halls, stores etc. after closing 4 All general areas Offices, Reception & Back office Housekeeping, staff room, toilets Staff Quarters & Principal Bungalow 5 Rodent control HPC fortnightly night time after closing quarterly Baiting External use Glue weekly Internal use Boards On an average two to three rooms to be taken for heavy Pest Control per day. Thus, all rooms to be treated in a month. One resident person will report for six days a week 24 x 7 support in a day i.e. physically present in the campus, to cover the said areas in co-ordination with the Housekeeping department. Quote lumpsum charges for the said services per month. All Pesticides and Rodenticides used are to be of approved quality, safe and best. ……………………… Signature of Tenderer ………………………………………….. Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From:________________________ ________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028 With reference to your advertisement E-Tender for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 AMC for Air-conditioners in the local newspapers and website, I/We hereby submit my Financial bid required by you: COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE OF AIRCONDITIONERS 01 FRUITS Sr. No. Description 1 Total Window Unit 1.5 ton Make - (Voltas/Carrier make) INSTITUTE ATC 19 03 22 Nos. 2 Split Unit 1.5 ton Make - (Voltas/Carrier /Hitachi) INSTITUTE ATC 12 16 + 59 87 Nos. 3 Split Unit 2 ton Make - (Bluestar/Carrier/LG) INSTITUTE ATC 14 12 26 Nos 4 Ductable Unit 7.5 ton Rate Amount Remark Make – (Carrier) 04Nos. Terms and conditions: 1. Rates quoted should be comprehensive, includes compressor, gas charging, all electrical parts, fan motor, PCB, remote, knobs but excluding condenser coil, cooling coil, grill and sheet metal. 2. 2 Technicians should be stationed at site for 8 hrs every day. 3. At least two service units of window and split units to be provided at site 4. Necessary spares including gas should be available at site. 5. As far as possible all the repairs should be carried out at site. 6. Bi-monthly service of unit. BDS 2 services in a year Breakdown call should be immediately attended to. Major breakdown should be completed within 24 hrs. ……………………… Signature of Tenderer ………………………………………….. Seal of Tenderer ********************* FINANCIAL BID From:________________________ ________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028 With reference to your advertisement E-Tender for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2016 AMC for Water Coolers in the local newspapers and website, I/We hereby submit my Financial bid required by you: COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE OF WATER COOLERS Following water coolers are Honey dew/Blue Star make: 1. 80 ltr capacity 3 nos 2. 40 ltr capacity 7 nos 3. 20 ltr capacity 2 nos 4. 15 ltr capacity 2 nos. Terms and conditions: 1. Quarterly service of unit 2. Breakdown call should be immediately attended to. 3. Major breakdown should be completed within 24 hrs. ……………………… Signature of Tenderer ………………………………………….. Seal of Tenderer FINANCIAL BID From:________________________ ________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------To, The Principal Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology & Applied Nutrition Veer Sawarkar Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai 400 028 With reference to your advertisement E-Tender for AMC for the year 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2015 in the local newspapers and website, I/We hereby submit my Financial bid required by you: COMPREHENSIVE MAINTENANCE OF REFRIGERATORS Following Refrigerators are Meghdoot/Friz Tech make: 1. Vertical Refrigerator (approx. capacity 100 lit) 17 nos 2. Table top Refrigerator 1 no. 3. Deep freezer (Vertical/horizontal) 4 nos Terms and conditions: 1. Quarterly service of unit 2. Breakdown call should be immediately attended to. 3. Major breakdown should be completed within 24 hrs. ………………………… ……………….. Signature of Tenderer Seal of Tenderer CODE NO. ELECTRICAL ITEMS NAME OF THE ITEM 00519 00528 00529 00531 EXHAUST FAN 9" UNIQUE BULB MILKY 40 WATT PHILIPS FAN NUT BOLT FAN CYCLE ARMORED CABLE 10MM SQ 4 CORE ISI SWITCH SOCKET 15AMP COMBI PLATE ANCHOR CONTACTOR 3 POLE 15AMP L&T MAKE ADAPTOR ANCHOR ADAPTOR CUM MULTIPLUG ANHOR BULB 100 WATT PHILIPS ONLY BULB 500 WATT PHILIPS ONLY BATTEN HOLDER BAKELITE ANCHOR BULB 10 W/18 W BULB 40 WATT PHILIPS ONLY BULB 60 WATT PHILIPS ONLY BULB MILKY 60 WATT PHILIPS BULB SUPERLUX 40 WATT PHILIPS BULB SUPERLUX 60 WATT PHILIPS CANDLE LAMP 25 WATT PHILIP CAPACITATOR 1.5 MFD CROMPTON 400V CAPACITATOR 2.5 MFD CROMPTON CEILING FAN 24" CROMPTON WHITE CEILING FAN 48" CROMPTON WHITE CEILING ROSE ANCHOR SWITCH CHANGEOVER 15A HRC FUSE UNIT415 V CHOKE 11 WATT PHILIPS CLIP INSIDE HOLDER/STARTER HOL COTTON TAPE 3/4" EARTHING WIRE BARE COPPER 10SWG 00750 00751 00752 00753 00754 00756 00757 00758 00759 00760 00761 00762 00763 00764 00765 00766 00767 00768 00769 00770 00771 00772 00773 00774 00777 Quantity Unit 12 24 24 12 NO NO NO NO 10 12 12 12 24 10 15 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 50 20 10 10 20 20 2 12 10 20 10 Rate Rs. RF NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RL KG Amount Rs. 00778 00779 00780 00781 00782 00783 00784 00785 00786 00787 00788 00789 00790 00791 00792 00793 00794 00795 00796 00797 00798 00799 00800 00801 00802 00803 00804 00805 00806 00807 00808 00809 00811 00812 EARTHING WIRE BARE COPPER 12SWG EARTHING WIRE BARE COPPER 8SWG ELCB 40A 2 POLE 30 MA ELCB EE ELCB 40 A 4 POLE 30 MA ELCB EE ELECTRIC BELL 230 V ANCHOR ELECTRIC IRON COIL 1000W 250V ELECTRIC IRON COIL 500W 250V ELECTRIC IRON COIL 750W250V ELECTRIC IRON CORD ISI ELECTRIC IRON HANDLE BAKELITE ELECTRIC IRON SOCKET ANCHOR FAN BEARING (CEILING) SKT 6202 FAN BLADE MAGNATE FAN REGULATOR 400 W ANCHOR FASTENER 1" FASTENER 2" FLAT PIN - ADAPTER 5-15 AMP FLEXIBLE WIRE 40/36 FLOUROSCENT TUBES STARTER PHILIPS FLOUROSCENT CHOKE COPPER 2'/20 W 250 FLOURSCENT CHOKE COPPER 4'/40W 250 FLOUROSCENT TUBE 20 W PHILIPS FLOUROSCENT TUBE 40 W PHILIPS FLUSH TYPE SOCKET 15A/250V 3 PIN ANCHOR FLUSH TYPE SOCKET 5A 250V 3 PIN ANCHOR FUSE HOLDER SM SET FUSE UNITS PORCELAIN 15A/250V FUSE UNITS PORCELAIN 32A/500V FUSE UNITS PORCELAIN 60A/500V HALOGEN LAMP HOLDER HALOGEN LAMP 1000W HALOGEN LAMP 500WATT HANGING SWITCH (BED) 5A ANCHOR HEAT RESISTANT WIRE NO.1 10 20 10 10 6 10 10 10 10 20 20 10 20 25 10 10 20 3 50 40 20 50 50 20 24 20 20 20 20 20 20 50 50 10 KG KG NO NO NO NO NO NO MT NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CL NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO MT 00813 00814 00815 00816 00817 00818 00819 00820 00821 00822 00823 00824 00825 00826 00827 00828 00829 00830 00832 00835 00836 00837 00838 00839 00840 00841 00842 00843 00844 00845 00846 00847 00848 00849 HEAT RESISTANT WIRE NO.2 HEATER COILS 9 KW 1 PHASE HEATER COILS 9 KW 3 PHASE HOLDER FOR 500 WATT BULB HOLDER FOR PLS/PLC TUBE HRC FUSE 100A TSDS TYPE HRC FUSE 125 AMP TSDS HRC FUSE 16 A TIA TYPE HRC FUSE 2 A NS TYPE HRC FUSE 20A NS TYPE HRC FUSE 32 A TIN TYPE/TSA/EIT TIA HRC FUSE 36 A EIT HRC FUSE 6 A NS HRC FUSE 63A TIS TYPE/EIT INDICATING LAMP INSULATING TAPE 3/4" 10M PVC ISOLATOR 40AMP 3 POLES INDOKOP ISOLATOR 63AMP 3 POLES INDOKOP KETTLE ELEMENT 500W 240V LAMP HOLDER 5A/250V BAKELITE ANCHOR LAMP HOLDER BRASS 5/8"(THREAD) ANCHOR MCB 20A DOUBLE POLE INDOKOP MCB 20A SINGLE POLE INDOKOP MCB SWITCH 30 A STD MAKE INDOKOP MCB SWITCH 5A STD G/L SERIES INDOKOP MCB SWITCH SP6 G/L SERIES INDOKOP MCB SWITCH SP 16 G/L SERIES INDOKOP MCB METAL BOX 2 WAY MCB METAL BOX 4 WAY METAL BOX 6 WAY MCB METAL BOX 8 WAY MCB TP 32A (INDOKOOP) METAL CLAD AC SCOKET 20AMP ANCHOR METAL CLAD AC TOP 20 AMP ANCHOR 10 10 10 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 MT NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 00850 00851 00852 00853 00854 00855 00856 00857 00858 00859 00860 00861 00862 00863 00864 00865 00866 00867 00868 00869 00870 00871 00872 00873 00874 00875 00876 00877 00878 00879 00880 00881 00882 00883 00884 00885 MOTOR STARTERS FOR 3 HP MOTOR L&T MAKE MOTOR STARTERS FOR 5 HP MOTOR L&T MAKE PAGER CELL PANASONIC PVC PIPE CONDUIT 1" GARWARE PVC PIPE CONDUIT 1/2" GARWARE 5/8"THICK PVC PIPE CONDUIT 3/4" GARWARE PVC PIPE FLEXIBLE 1" GARWARE PVC PIPE FLEXIBLE 1/2" GARWARE PVC PIPE FLEXIBLE 3/4" GARWARE PLUG PIN 5A/250V 3 PIN ANCHOR PLUG PIN 5A/250V 2 PIN ANCHOR PLUG PIN 15/250V 3 PIN ANCHOR MULTI PLUG 5A 3 PIN ANCHOR PLC 13W PHILIPS PLS 11 W PHILIPS PROJECTION LAMP 24V/250W TYPE 55 4 PUSH BUTTON ON/OFF FOR STARTER PVC CORNER (INTERNAL) 1/2" PVC CORNER 3/4"(INTERNAL) PVC CORNER 1" (INTERNAL) PVC CORNER 1 1/2" (INTERNAL) PVC PIPE ELBOW 1/2" PVC PIPE ELBOW 20MM PVC PIPE ELBOW 1" PVC PIPE ELBOW 1 1/2" PVC PIPE TEE 1/2" PVC PIPE TEE 20MM PVC PIPE TEE 1" PVC PIPE COUPLING 1/2" PVC PIPE COUPLING 20MM PVC PIPE COUPLING 1" PVC PIPE BEND 1/2" PVC PIPE BEND 20MM PVC PIPE BEND1" PVC COPPER WIRE ARMOND 4 CORE PVC FLEXIBLE COPPER WIRE 4 CORE 80/ 2 20 10 10 10 20 10 10 20 30 30 30 20 2 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO NO MT MT MT MT MT MT NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO MT MT 00886 00887 00888 00889 00890 00891 00892 00893 00894 00895 00896 00897 00898 00899 00900 00901 00902 00903 00904 00905 00906 00907 00908 00909 00910 00911 00912 00913 00914 00915 00916 00917 00918 00919 00920 00921 PVC BOARD 10 X 12 PVC BOARD 4 X 4 PVC BOARD 6 X 8 PVC BOARD SQUARE PVC BOARD 8 X 10 PVC CABLE FLEXIBLE 3 CORE 1.5MM SQ PVC CASING CAPPING 1" X 12' MODI PVC CASING CAPPING 1 1/2X12' MODI PVC CASING CAPPING 1/2"X 12' MODI PVC CASING CAPPING 3/4" X 12' MODI PVC CONNECTOR STRIP 5A PVC CONNECTOR STRIP 15 AMP PVC CORNER 1/2" (EXTERNAL) PVC CORNER 3/4" (EXTERNAL) PVC CORNER 1 1/2" (EXTERNAL) PVC CORNER 1" (EXTERNAL) PVC ELBOW CASING CAPING 1" PVC ELBOW CASING CAPING 3/4" PVC ELBOW CASING CAPING 1/2" PVC GANGBOX (1 SOCKET) PVC GANGBOX (1 SWITCH) PVC GANGBOX 2 SWITCH 1 SOCKET PVC GANGBOX 2SWITCH 2 SOCKET PVC TEE CASING CAPPING 1 1/2" PVC TEE CASING CAPPING 1" PVC TEE CASING CAPPING 1/2" PVC TEE CASING CAPING 3/4" RAWAL PLUG NO.10 RAWAL PLUG NO.8 REFRIGERATOR BULB REGULATOR WITHOUT PLATE 400W ANCHOR REGULATOR PLATE 400 W WHITE ANCHOR RESET SWITCH FOR GEYSER RUBER BUSH FOR CEILING FAN SADDLE FOR CU WIRE 3 CORE 1.5 SQ.MTR SLEEVES 1/2" pvc 20 10 10 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO NO NO NO MT NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO FT 00922 00923 00924 00925 00926 00927 00928 00929 00930 00931 00932 00933 00934 00935 00936 00937 00938 00939 00940 00941 00942 00943 00944 00945 00946 00947 00948 00949 00950 00951 00952 00953 00954 00955 FLEXIBLE COPPER WIRE 3 CORE PVC INSULA SLEEVES 3/4" PVC SLEEVES 1" PVC SOLDERING LEAD ROD TYPE 60%TIN 40% LEAD SOLDERING PASTE STARTER CONTRACTOR KITS 3 HP MOTOR STARTER CONTRACTR KITS 5HP MOT STARTER RELAY 25 AMP STARTER RELAY 60 AMP SWITCH WHITE 5A ANCHOR SWITCH ICDP 60AMP 500 V STD SWITCH PULL CORD 5A SWITCH SOCKET COMBINE 15AMP WITH BOX SWITCHES DP 30A ANCHOR SWITCHES FLUSH TYPE 5A/250V 2 WAY ANCHOR SWITCHES ICDP 16/15A 250V STD SWITCHES ICDP 32A 250V STD SWITCHES ICDP 32A/500 V SWITCHES 15A/250V I WAY ANCHOR SWITCHES 5AMP/250V 1 WAY ANCHOR SWITCHES ICTP 100AMP/500V STD T L SIDE HOLDER STAND SINGLE T L SIDE HOLDER STAND DOUBLE TELEPHONE CORD JACK TYPE TLEPHONE WIRE TWO PAIR TELEPHONE WIRE ONE PAIR TELEPHONE SOCKET JACK TYPE TPN WITH FUSE CARIEER 3 PHASE 32AMP GE TESTER THERMOSTAT 15A TYPE GEC-11 THERMOSTAT 50-300oC EGO GEMAN TORCH (2 CELL) EVEREADY TORCH (3 CELL) EVEREADY TORCH BULBS 3.8 W 10 10 10 1/4 1/4 3 3 6 5 10 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 10 10 10 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 FT NO NO KG KG NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CL CL NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 00956 00957 00958 00959 00960 00961 00962 00963 00964 00965 00966 00967 00968 00969 00970 00971 00972 00973 00974 00975 00976 00977 00978 00979 00980 00981 00982 00983 00984 00985 00986 00987 00988 TORCH CELL MEDIUM EVEREADY TORCH CELL PENCIL EVEREADY TORCH CELL BIG EVEREADY TUBE LIGHT SIDE HOLDER TUBE LIGHT STARTER HOLDER TV SOCKET TV TO VCR CONNECTING CORD WITH CORD UV TUBE LIGHT 2' PHILIPS PVC WIRE ELECTRIC DOUBLE COPPER I/18 POLYCAB (1.5 MM2) PVC WIRE ELECTRIC DOUBLE COPPER 3/20 POLYCAB (2.5 MM2) PVC WIRE ELECTRIC DOUBLE COPPER 7/20 POLYCAB (4 MM2) PVC WIRE ELECTRIC SINGLE COPPER 1/18 POLYCAB SODIUM VAPOUR LAMP 70W PHILIPS PLC 10 WATT PHILIPS PLC 18 WATTS PHILIPS PLS 36 WATT PHILIPS CHOKE 18 WATT COPPER PHILIPS CHOKE 13 WATT COPPER PHILIPS CHOKE 36 WATT COPPER PHILIPS DURACELL 9 V DURACELL 1.5 V PENCIL CELL TWIN FLEXIBLE SPEAKER WIRE R F PIN ROMA 10AMP SWITCH ROMA 20AMP SWITCH ROMA 32AMP DP WITH INDICATOR ROMA BLANK PLATE ROMA PLATE 1 MOD ROMA PLATE 2 MOD ROMA PLATE 3 MOD ROMA PLATE 4 MOD ROMA PLATE 6 MOD ROMA PLATE 8 MOD ROMA PLATE 12 MOD 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CL 10 CL 10 CL 10 CL 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CL NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 00989 00990 00991 00992 00993 00994 00995 00996 00997 00998 00999 01000 01001 01259 01494 01495 01496 01497 01498 01499 01503 01504 01505 01506 01507 01515 01516 01520 01521 01523 01524 01525 01526 01530 01533 01543 ROMA METAL BOX 2 ROMA METAL BOX 3 ROMA METAL BOX 6 ROMA METAL BOX 4 ROMA METAL BOX 8 ROMA METAL BOX 12 MOD ROMA REGULATOR FAN ROMA TELEPHONE SOCKET ROMA TV SOCKET ROMA 6AMP SOCKET ROMA 16AMP SOCKET HEAT PROOF SLVE NO.2 HEAT PROOF SLVE NO.3 HEAT PROOF SLVE NO.4 FAN BEARING (CEILING) SKT 6201 ROMA 20 AMP SOCKET FLUOROSCENT TUBE FITTING 2/20W PHILIPS Only FLOUROSCENT TUBE FITTING 4/40W PHILIPS Only D-LINK/PRONET CAT-5 SOCKET ROMA BELL SWITCH ROMA 10AMP 2WAY SWITCH PAGER CELL DURACELL 1.5 V GEYSER 3 KW COIL OHP CABLE CORD TPN WITH FUSE CARIEER 3 PHASE 63AMP SWITCH C.B FOR MIXER SOCKET 2 IN ONE 5 AMP ANCHOR TIN SADDLE 3/4 ROMA METAL BOX 12 ROMA METAL PLATE 12 MCB METAL BOX 6 WAY PVC PIPE JUNCTION 4 WAY 20MM MCB 4 POLE 63AMP & METAL BOX PVC PIPE 4 WAY JUNCTION 25MM PVC PIPE MODI 20MM CARBON BRUSH ROMA PLATE 18 MOD 50 50 50 50 50 10 50 50 50 50 50 10 10 10 10 50 20 25 10 10 20 20 2 10 10 10 10 10 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 10 20 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO MT MT NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PA NO 01544 01549 01554 01573 01574 01575 01576 01578 01579 01580 01581 01582 01583 01584 01585 01586 01636 01638 01639 01640 01641 01642 01652 01653 01656 01661 01662 01663 01664 01665 01666 01667 01672 ROMA METAL BOX 18 MOD ISOLATOR 100 AMP 4 POLE TV CABLE WIRE POLYCAB MULTI PLUG 15AMP 3 PIN ISOLATOR 63 AMP 4 POLE INDICATOR LAMP WITH BULB OVEN STREET LIGHT FITTING COMPLETE 4FEET ROMA 2 MODEL PLASTIC BOX INDOKOPE 32 AMP DOUBLE POLE MIKE PIN RC TO RF CORD 1.5 MTR BATTERY CHARGER 9 VOLT BATTERY RECHARGEABLE 9 VOLT PLC LAMP 18 WATT OSRAM TRIPPER 63 AMP TPN 4 POLE INDOKOP INDO ASIA 4 POLE 63 AMP ELCB TUBE LIGHT STAND TPN BOX 4 WAY DOUBLE DOOR INDO ROMA 6 AMP SWITCH PLC LAMP 26 WATT OSRAM TELEPHONE CROUME CONNECTOR ROMA BUZZAR SURFACE BOX 12 MODEL REGULATOR 650 WATT ANCHOR MCB 4 POLE 32 AMP CABLE 4 CORE 10SQMM COPPER FLEXIBLE WIRE 3 CORE 2.5MM 2 EXHAUST FAN 6INCH MCB SINGLE POLE 32 AMP FUSE CFL LAMP 5 WATT MCB BOX 8WAY WITH SHUTTER MULTI PLUG 5 AMP 3 PIN BAKELIT HALOGEN FITTING HEAVY 500W HALOGEN FITTING HEAVY 1000W HALOGEN TUBE 500W HALOGEN TUBE 1000W CAT - 5 WIRE (305 MTS COIL) 2 IN SCREW DRIVER 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 20 20 20 20 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 2 5 NO NO MT NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO MT MT NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO CL NO 01680 01681 01682 01697 01698 CODE NO. MCB 4POLE 40 AMP MCB 4WAY BOX INDOKOPP SADDLE PVC PUSH TYPE 20MM LAMP CFL 23 WATT -COOL DAY LIT BATTEN HOLDER BRASS 01702 01703 NAME OF THE ITEM HARDWARE ITEMS ACYRLIC SHEET 6' X 4' 2mm thk ACYLIC SHEET 8' x 6' 2mm thk 00518 00520 00521 00522 00523 00524 00525 00526 00527 00530 01002 01003 01004 01005 01006 01007 01008 01009 01010 01011 01012 01013 01014 01015 01016 01017 WASH BASIN STOPPER M.SEAL MEDIUM CEMENT WHITE ARALDITE LARGE 180 GMS BEND 1/2" TO 2" PLASTER OF PARIS CP CONNECTOR PIPE 2 (NO) COUPLING 1/2" TO 1 1/2" ELBOWS 3/4" TO 1 3/4" MIXER BUSH RUBBER GI PIPE 1 1/4" DIA C CLASS GI PIPE 1" DIA C CLASS GI PIPE 1/2" DIA C CLASS GI PIPE 2 1/2" C CLASS GI PIPE 2" DIA C CLASS BELT B 30 GI PIPE 3" DIA C CLASS ALDROP 10" (ALUMINIUM) ALDROP 12" (ALUMINIUM) ANGLE MS 25MM X 25MM ANGLE MS 40 MM X 40 MM BALL CATCH BRASS BALL CATCH MAGNET BALL VALVE BRASS 1/2" BAREL NIPPLE 1 1/2" BARREL NIPPLE 1/2" 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO NO NO NO Quantity Unit 10 10 NO NO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO KG NO NO KG MT NO NO NO RF RF RF RF RF NO RF NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Rate Rs. Amount Rs. 01018 01019 01020 01021 01022 01023 01024 01025 01026 01027 01028 01029 01031 01032 01033 01034 01035 01036 01037 01038 01039 01040 01041 01042 01043 01044 01045 01046 01047 01048 01049 01050 01051 01052 01053 01054 01055 01056 01057 BARREL NIPPLE 1" ACRYLIC SHEET 3MM THK (8'X4') BARREL NIPPLE 3/4" BATH TUB STOPPER BOTTLE TRAP PVC 1 1/2" BOTTLE TRAP WHITE METAL 1 1/2" BOTTLE TRAP WHITE METAL 1 1/4" CEMENT SOLVENT CHOKE UP REMOVER BIG SIZE COTTON WASTE GREASE BEARING(BHARAT PETR/HP) PVC CONNECTOR PIPE 1/2" - 1 1/2' TO 2'LENGTH CP EXTENSION PIECE 1/2" CURTAIN ROD 1/2" X 12' AL. CURTAIN ROD 3/4"X12' AL. CURTAIN ROD SOCKETS SS CURTAIN ROD SS 3/4" X 12' DOOR CLOSER EVERITE BIG SIZE DOOR CLOSER EVERITE SMALL SIZE DOOR HANDLE 6" (ALUMINIUM) DOOR HANDLE BRASS (ROUND) DOOR STOPPER DOUBLE NIPPLE 1 1/2" GI DOUBLE NIPPLE 1" GI DOUBLE NIPPLE 1/2" GI DOUBLE NIPPLE 2 1/2" GI DOUBLE NIPPLE 3/4" GI ELBOWS 1/2" GI ELBOWS 1 1/4" GI ELBOWS 1" GI ELBOWS 2" GI DRAIN POWDER (50 GM) 2PKT/BOX DRILL BIT 1/18 EMERY PAPER FASTNER ANCHOR 70*10 FEVICOL WHITE FEVIKWIK SMALL TUBE FIBRE CASTER WHEEL (2PAIR BOX) BALL CASTER 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO KG NO KG KG NO NO RF RF PA RF NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO BX NO NO NO KG NO NO NO 01059 01060 01061 01062 01063 01064 01065 01066 01067 01068 01069 01070 01071 01072 01073 01074 01075 01076 01077 01078 01079 01080 01081 01082 01083 01084 01085 01086 01087 01088 01089 01090 01091 01092 01093 PVC FLEXIBLE PIPE CONNECTOR 3' LENGTH FLUSH VALVE NELSON 1 1/2" FLUSH VALVE NELSON 1 1/4" FLUSHING/CISTERN PVC HINDUSTAN/ GASKETS FOR PRESSURE COOKER GATE VALVE 1" ISI MARK WIRE GI (PLASTIC COATING) GI COUPLINGS 1 1/2" GI COUPLINGS 1 1/4" GI COUPLINGS 1" GI COUPLINGS 1/2" GI COUPLINGS 2" GI COUPLINGS 3" GI COUPLINGS 3/4" LOCK GODREJ MORTISE KAN 2" HAND SHOWER CP 1/2" HAND SHOWER HOLDER HAND SHOWER PIPE 1 1/2 MT HAND SHOWER PIPE 3' HANDLES FOR PRESSURE COOKER HINGE FOR WC SEAT AND COVER CP HINGE FOR WC SEAT AND COVER PVC HAPS STAPLES 3" CP HAPS STAPLES 2" HINGES BUTT BRASS 100MM HINGES BUTT BRASS 40MM HINGES BUTT BRASS 50MM HINGES BUTT BRASS 65MM HINGES BUTT BRASS 75MM HINGES BUTT MS 1" HINGES BUTT MS 2" HINGES BUTT MS 3" HINGES BUTT MS 5" HINGES BUTT MS 4" HINGES 6" L X 1/2" X 3/4" 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO RF NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 01094 01095 01096 01097 01098 01099 01100 01101 01102 01103 01104 01105 01106 01107 01108 01109 01110 01111 01112 01113 01114 01115 01116 01117 01118 01119 01120 01121 01122 01123 01124 01125 01126 01128 01129 01130 01131 01132 01133 HINGES 6"L X 1/8" X 5/8" HOOKS NO.10 HOOKS NO.8 JALI 3/4" X 3/4" (MESH) JALI 1" X 1" (MESH) JALI CP 3" DIA JALI CP 4" DIA JALI CP 6" DIA JUTE TWINE MS ANGLE 3" MS ANGLE 4" MS ANGLE BRACKET L TYPE 10"X2" MS ANGLE BRACKET L TYPE 8"X10" MS ANGLE BRACKET 12" X 14" MS BRACKET FOR WASH BASIN CLIPS M S 3" M.SEAL BLACK MEDIUM MASONARY DRILL NO.10 MASONARY DRILL NO.8 MEASURE TAPE STEEL 3M MIXER TAP SPINDLE (JAGUAR) NAIL WIRE 1 1/2" NAIL WIRE 1 1/4" NAIL WIRE 1" NAIL WIRE 2 /2" NAIL WIRE 2" NAIL WIRE 3" NAILS WITHOUT HEAD 1 1/4" NAILS WITHOUT HEAD 1" NAILS WITHOUT HEAD 3/4" NAILS WITHOUT HEAD 1/2" NIGHT LATCH GODREJ NIRU PAINT BRUSH 2 1/2" PAINT BRUSH 2" PAINT BRUSH 3" PANEL PIN 1" X 19G SHEET PLASTIC (THICK) GI PLUG 1 1/2" 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO NO SF SF NO NO NO KG NO NO NO NO NO PA DZ NO NO NO NO NO KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG KG NO KG NO NO NO KG SM NO 01134 01135 01136 01137 01138 01139 01140 01141 01142 01143 01144 01145 01146 01147 01148 01149 01150 01151 01152 01153 01154 01155 01156 01157 01158 01159 01160 01161 01162 01163 01165 01166 01167 01168 01169 01171 01172 GI PLUG 1 1/4" GI PLUG 1" GI PLUG 1/2" GI PLUG 2 1/2" GI PLUG 3" GI PLUG 3/4" VALVES FOR PRESSURE COOKER PVC PIPE 1 1/2" PVC PIPE 1 1/4" PVC PIPE 2" PVC PIPE 3" PVC PIPE 4" REDUCER COUPLING 1 1/4"X1 1/2" REDUCING COUPLING 1"X1 1/4" REDUCER COUPLING 1/2"X3/4" REDUCER COUPLING 3/4" 1" REDUCER COUPLING 1 1/2"X2" REDUCER ELBOW 1 1/2"X2" REDUCER ELBOW 1 1/4"X1 1/2" REDUCER ELBOW 1" X 1 1/4" REDUCER ELBOW 1/2" X 3/4" REDUCER TEE 1 1/2" X2" REDUCER TEE 1 1/4"X1 1/2" REDUCER TEE 1" X 1 1/4" REDUCER TEE 1/2"X3/4" REDUCER TEE 3/4 X 1" GAS RUBBER TUBE WINDOW HINGES SS 10" WINDOW HINGES SS 12" SAND PAPER W C SEAT & COVER (HEAVY DUTY) SHEET METAL SCREW SELF TAPING 1" PKT SHEET METAL SCREW SELF TAPING 1/2" PKT SHEET METAL SCREW SELF TAPING 3/4" PKT SHOWER BEND PIPE 1/2" CP SIPHON FOR FLUSH TANK HANDLE SLIM LIME FLUSH TANK 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RF RF RF RF RF NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO RF NO NO NO NO PK PK PK NO NO NO 01173 01174 01175 01176 01177 01178 01179 01180 01181 01182 01183 01184 01185 01186 01187 01188 01189 01190 01249 01250 01260 01261 01263 01264 01269 01270 01271 01272 01273 01275 01276 01277 01278 01279 01280 01321 01322 01327 01329 SPRAY WD - 40 FEVICOL SR 1 KG TIN STOP COCK CP 1/2" STOP COCK 3/4" SWAN NECK COCK CP 1/2" WASHER FOR TAP 1/2" 250GMS GI TEES 1 1/4" GI TEES 1 1/2" GI TEES 1" GI TEES 1/2" GI TEES 2 1/2" GI TEES 2" GI TEES 3" GI TEES 3/4" TEFLON TAPE TOWER BOLTS AL 3" TOWER BOLTS AL 4" TOWER BOLTS AL 8" LOCKS REEBOCK 5 LEVER LOCK 6 LEVER 50MM SLIDING BEARING WASHER MS 3/4" GI CHUKNUT 1/2 UNION 1" TO 2" HINGES SS 3" X 1" HINGES SS 3 X 3/4 WATER TAP BIB CP 1/2 BLADE FOR WOODEN CUTTER NUT BOLTS FILE FOR SAW 4" HAND GLOVES BIG SIZE SCREW WOOD 75 X 10 SCREW WOOD 50 X 8 DRILL BIT 7/64 LOCK DRAWER 65MM CLIP GI 1/2" NAIL ROOFING 2" S.HOOK 4" CP WEST PIPE 3' LENGTH FLEXIBLE 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 KG TN NO NO NO PK NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PA PK PK NO NO NO NO NO NO 01330 01331 01332 01336 01337 01338 01339 01340 01341 01342 01343 01344 01345 01346 01347 01359 01360 01361 01370 01376 01380 01381 01382 01383 01384 01385 01386 01387 01388 01389 01390 01391 01392 01393 01394 01395 01398 01399 01400 WEST PIPE COUPLING 1 1/2" PVC BALL COCK PIPE WRENCH 14" TOPARIA M-SEAL WHITE (50 GM) PKT LOCK MULTIPURPOSE GODREJ FLOOR SPRING DOOR MAGNET SCREW COACH 4 X 3/8 SCREWWOOD 8X25 SCREWWOOD 8 X 45 PIPE WRENCH 18" TOPARIA LOCKING LOCK C I 1/2" GI BUSHING 1 1/2X1/2" COCK CENTRE HOLE 2 IN ONE COCK LEG EXTRA 2 IN ONE THINNER LOCK 65MM FOR CUPBOARD JALI MS 6" SPINDLE WITH SCREW BRASS HAPS STAPLES BRASS CP 3" GI UNION 1" GI UNION 1/2" SHEET METAL SCREW 19X6 1000nos BARREL NIPPLE 1" X 4" BARREL NIPPLE 1"X2" BARREL NIPPLE 1/2"X4" FARSI 1 1/4" CHISEL 10" CHAIN 2 FT DOOR CLOSER GODREJ HAMMER WITH HANDLE SHEET METAL SCREW 38 X 8 SHEET METAL SCREW 13 X 8 HACKSAW BLADE 1/2" X 12" HACKSAW BLADE 1/2" X 6" GLASS PACKING RUBBER FAN ROD PIPE FAN CLAMP DRILL BIT 5/32 H S 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PK PK NO NO NO NO PA LT NO NO NO NO NO NO PK NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PK PK NO NO MT NO NO NO 01403 01404 01405 01406 01407 01408 01409 01419 01429 01436 01442 01443 01452 01467 01468 01472 01473 01475 01481 01482 01492 01493 01508 01509 01510 01517 01518 01529 01531 01545 01550 01559 01560 01566 01569 01570 01587 01588 MASONARY DRILL 3/16 FASTNER ANCHOR 100X12 HANDLE S.S. DRILL BIT 3/32 KEY HOLE BRASS C CLAMP 2" WASHER RUBBER FOR SIPHON SCREW WOOD 35X8 SPENDEL MEDIUM GI WIRE (KANTA TAR) JALI ALUMINIUM 8'X4' SHEET ALUMIUM THICK 5'X4' LOCK 7 LEVER NAVTAL SCREW DRIVER BIS TOPARIA CHAIR COSTER RAWAL BOLT 12MM 3 WITH WASHER RAWAL PUNCH NO.13 WITH BIT SAFEDI WHITE CP PIPE WASHER WATER CLOSET WIRE BRUSH BRASS TUBELAR LOCK W/O KEY GODREJ CURTAIN ROD SOCKET BRASS FANCY CURTAIN ROD CONSEAL SOCKET TOILET PAPER STAND TIN SADDLE 1 1/4 GI REDUCER 1 X 1/2 SCREW SM 13X8 WASHER FOR BIP TAP ALUMINIUM PLAIN PUTTY 3/4 HANDLE FOR LOCK MORTICE PILLAR COCK CP 1/2" (HEAVY) PV SEAL SMALL 20ML EMERY STONE 6INCH PLIER MONKEY BLADE FOR WOOD PLANAR (RENDHA) ALUMINIUM ANGLE 1X1 INCH SHEET METAL SCREW 25X6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 3 10 10 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PK NO KG SF SF NO NO NO NO ST KG NO NO NO NO PA PA NO NO NO DZ KG NO PA NO NO NO NO NO NO DZ 01589 01590 01591 01592 01595 01596 01600 01603 01608 01609 01610 01611 01613 WASH BASIN BRACKET CHISEL 12 PVC ELBO 32MM PVC PIPE 32MM BLADE 5 INCH FOR WOOD CUTTER ARALDITE 36 G SMALL SHAN (THREAD) HOLDTITE 100 GM GI PLUG 2 INCH GI SADDLE 3/4 INCH GI SADDLE 1 INCH STEEL TAR (STEEL WIRE) SINK COUPLOR (STEEL)1 1/4" TO 1 1/2" WESTPIPE COUPLING WITH SS JALI 01614 WATER TUBE CLEAR (TRANSPARENT)LEVEL PIPE 01615 01616 01617 01619 01624 01625 01626 01627 01628 01629 01630 01633 01634 01635 01648 01649 01651 01654 01657 01658 01660 01673 01675 CARPATCH 200 GM TIN GATE VALVE 3/4INCH ISI CHAIN CP THICK 6 FT LIQUID SOAP CONTAINER BELT MACHINE 2 INCH FOR CHUKKI GI BEND 1/ 2INCH GI BEND 1 1/2 INCH GI PIPE 1 1/2 INCH C CLASS GATE VALVE 1/2 INCH FOOT VALVE DRP 2" TO 3" GI ELBOW 1 1/4 INCH BARREL NIPPLE 1 1/4 X 3 INCH BARREL NIPPLE 1 1/4 X 4 INCH BARREL NIPPLE 1 1/4 X 7INHC FARSI 1 WITH HAND DRILL BIT 9/64 BELT V SPL 2137 CURTAIN CENTRE SUPPORT BROWN SCREW WOOD 60X8 SCREW WOOD 75 X 8 LOCK MORTICE HANDLE BRASS CP BOTTLE TRAP BRASS PVC TEE 3 INCH 01612 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 PA NO NO RF NO PK RF TN NO DZ DZ MT NO NO RF NO NO NO NO MT NO NO MT NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PK PK PA NO NO 01676 01677 01678 01679 01683 01684 01685 01686 01687 01688 01690 01691 01692 01693 01694 01695 01696 01700 01701 01705 01706 PVC PLUG TEE 3INCH PVC BEND DOOR 3INCH PVC COUPLING 3 INCH MACHNE OIL CLIP GI 3INCH STOPPER BRASS 6IN HEAVY HINGES BRASS 4 INCH DRILL BIT FOR MULTI LOCK/PANA NYLON BUFFER DRILL BIT H.S. 13/64 NO JALI10 ALUMINIUM 3INX12IN ALUMINIUM F CHANNEL12FT ALUMINIUM U CHANNEL 1/2X12FT 10 ALUMINIUM GRILL JALI 3FTX12FT D-HOOK WITH ANCHOR FASTNER LIFT COCK CP 1/2" HAMMER J.K. PVC BEND 110MM PVC COUPLING 110MM SAW 18 INCH CARTRIDGE FOR JAGUR DIVERTER TAFLON TAPE CP CONNECTOR PIPE (ONE SIDE THREAD)1/2" CARTRIDGE FOR JAGUR PILLAR COCK ALUMINIUM L ANGLE 3/4X1/2X12 ' 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3 10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 5 2 10 NO SF NOTE. Please specify exactly the details of each item in units of weights, measurements 1 etc. The quantities mentioned in the above schedule are only indicative of the 2 estimated requirements of the Institute for the year and the Institute does not bind itself to purchase any of the quantities indicated above. ……………………… Signature of Tenderer ………………………………………….. Seal of Tenderer