Franchisee fees (Course Advertisement kit) : Rs. 6000/We will provide you full support to promote the Computer courses with updated advertising material. Adv. Material Includes: 1) 20 Nos. Four Colour Posters on 170gsm art paper (15 x 20) 10 Posters CCC + 3 Posters BCC + 2 Posters Tally Enterprises + 5 Posters Data Entry Operator 2) 03 Nos. Banner (1-CCC, 1-BCC & 1-Dataentry) (4 x 3 ft.) 3) 02 T-Shirts + 02 Caps 4) 60 Nos. Four Colour Brouchers (20-CCC, 20-BCC & 20 Data Entry Operator) 5) 3000 Nos. Four Colour Handbill (1000-CCC, 1000-BCC & 1000 Data Entry Operator) 6) 1 Umbrella 4 x 4 with printing. 7) Marketing Kit :- Spiral Copy containing Course Syllabus & Govt. GRs & Recruitment Advertisements Course Books :- CCC (English+Hindi+Marathi), BCC, Data Entry, DTP, IT Book, Tally & Application Forms etc. 8) Tally Enterprises-Kit (Bag+Book+Pen+CD+Certificate) 9) CCC E-learning DVD (10 Regional language) 10) Certificate of Franchisee. You can purchase the material at below mention cost Cost 1) 20 Nos. Four Colour Posters 70 gsm art paper (15 x 20) Rs. 10/- each 2) 03 Nos. Banner (4 x 3 ft.) Rs. 96/- each 3) 02 T-Shirts + 02 Caps Rs. 125/- each 4) 60 Nos. Four Colour Brouchers Rs. 100/- hundred 5) 3000 Nos. Four Colour Handbills Rs. 420/- Per Thousand 6) 1 Umbrella 4 x 4 multicolour Rs. 500/- each 7) Marketing Kit. (Course Syllabus & Books) Rs. 600/- each 8) Tally Enterprises Kit (Bag+Book+Pen+CD+Certi.) Rs. 360/- each Some additional features: Center name displayed on Sigma Computers & Tally Expert Website as well as all the correspondence done to department the list should be send along covering letter. Data Entry Operator & Tally Enterprises Online Exam should be taken at Center location.