Introduction to Portfolio

The Portfolio
Early Planning
& Preparation
A workshop designed for
the beginning of your semester.
To complete this workshop, you will
Something to write with~
you will want to take notes
and complete the five
activities in this workshop.
A monthly scheduler
Your course
syllabus & calendar
Free planners are available online.
So…What Is
A Writing Portfolio?
The Writing Portfolio at JCC is a collection of your
writing at its best. It offers evidence of achievement
and progress related to department standards
defined by the college’s composition faculty and
personal goals identified by you.
Every writing student at JCC must submit a portfolio
consisting of a variety of revised papers completed
during the current semester that best demonstrate
competency in skills and strategies appropriate to
the course in which you are enrolled.
General Portfolio Requirements Include
English 090
English 131
English 132
Minimum Page
8 full page
10 full page
12 page
Minimum Length
of Papers
1 page paper
2 page paper
3 page paper
(only full pages counted)
Writing must demonstrate at least
Modes Expected
Mostly Narrative
two different modes such as
narrative/descriptive, informative,
or persuasive writing
Writing must demonstrate variety of
expository, persuasive or argumentative,
and critical response essays.
A research
Students will demonstrate
competency with basic writing skills.
Writing will demonstrate
understanding of how audience and
purpose statements help shape
At least one essay will demonstrate use
of 1 – 2 outside sources.
Students will demonstrate ability to
correctly use MLA citation and
documentation strategies
Writing will demonstrate understanding of
how audience and purpose statements
help shape writing.
paper is required.
The research paper must demonstrate writer
competency in incorporating a variety of source
materials into researched writing.
Students will demonstrate competent use of MLA
rules for citation and documentation.
Writing will demonstrate clear awareness of how
the relationship between writer purpose audience
expectations, & the written work
The Purpose of the Portfolio
The portfolio is meant to
help you understand and
appreciate writing as a
skill that develops over
The portfolio process
encourages study of
rhetorical skills and
thoughtful revisions of
In addition to serving as a
learning tool, the portfolio
is an evaluation tool.
Put plainly, the portfolio
serves as your final exam.
It is worth 35 – 50 % of your
course grade.
Your instructor determines
this percentage. Look through
your course syllabus and
make note of what portion of
your grade the portfolio is
Unlike a traditional exam
that requires you to show
what you know in a timed
setting, you will work on
your portfolio over the
entire semester!
This way, you have time to
meet course expectations,
master skills, establish
quality goals, and revise all
of your papers in order to
present your best writing.
In a very real way, you can
write your way to the grade
you most desire.
Goal Setting & Planning
The rest of this workshop will help you set
solid writing goals and plan for your portfolio success.
Activity 1
Since reflection and self-awareness help with goal
setting and are great predictors of success, this
first activity asks you to write responses to:
Identify two things about yourself as a writer that you
consider strengths. For instance, if you enjoy writing
poetry, your strengths might include the ability to capture
detail. If you are an organized person, outlining may be a
Identify two things related to writing with which you are
most uncomfortable.
Identify two characteristics of good writing that you would
like to practice.
Once you have identified these areas, you can work
from your strengths, address concerns, and
practice new skills over the semester.
Portfolio Outcomes
JCC composition faculty have also created goals,
called outcomes, for you. Outcomes promote writing
is engaging, original, clear, focused, and well-developed;
uses a variety of modes;
addresses purpose, engages audience, and establishes
develops a central idea using specific supports;
controls organization;
integrates source material and documents sources correctly;
creates polished drafts through drafting and revision;
uses correct grammar and mechanics.
Your portfolio grade will reflect your competency in these areas.
Activity 2: Check In
Line up your goals with department goals. Take notes as you
compare and contrast the strengths, concerns, and desires you
identified about yourself as a writer with the previous list of
Make note of outcomes that are similar to strengths or concerns you
identified. Look over the course syllabus to discover how the class
will be addressing these outcomes. Review the text for chapters or
units that work with the these areas as well, note them. If you cannot
see where the class materials address outcomes, ask your instructor
Identify any of your strengths or concerns that you do not see listed
in the outcomes and note them.
Later, you may need to talk with your instructor about any areas of
concern that you do not see addressed by the outcomes and/or you
do not see in your text. Ask how the class will address your
ASK your questions! Self-advocacy is a positive skill
to practice on the road to success.
Your instructor, JCC
writing technicians, CSS
tutors, and fellow writing
students are here to
answer questions, help
you analyze your writing
process, assist as you
develop skills, and discuss
the ideas in your writing.
We want to help you
develop skills that will
strengthen your writing
and enhance your critical
The portfolio process is an opportunity to develop personal
habits that enhance your skills as a writer, serve your
educational goals, and make you an individual employers will
Activity 3: Time Management
Professionals find success
is often tied to effective
time management.
Planning adequate time to
write, receive feedback,
and revise your drafts will
help you produce stronger
For this activity, you will
need your course syllabus,
calendar, something to
write with, and a planner.
Activity 3: Step One
Forecast: Review your class
syllabus and calendar to find
the answers to the questions
on the next slide. They will
help you think about writing
you will be doing.
If your syllabus and
class calendar do
not contain the
answers, ask your
Plan: Record important
dates in your scheduler.
The Questions:
How many papers will you write this semester?
What modes will you be studying?
How much time has the instructor allotted for you to write your papers?
Which ones will require primary or secondary research?
How many drafts does your teacher require?
When are you scheduled to share (workshop) drafts with your peers?
When are drafts and revised papers due?
When are you required to complete GPAW activities?
Are there special projects that require collaborative writing, service learning
arrangements, or field research that you need to plan for?
Record all draft and workshop
due dates in your scheduler.
Save extra time for special
projects and research.
Write up
Paper 2 Due
Activity 3: Step Two
How Much Time to Plan?
Very few writers can dash off a cogent, coherent draft in one sitting.
Quality writing requires investment in the methodology you will use
to accomplish the task--often referred to as The Writing Process.
How you engage the process will differ from project to project.
While we cannot tell individuals exactly how much time to plan for
each paper, we can tell you that good writing requires intellectual
sweat and many hours.
Research writers often create a formal writing schedule to help keep
themselves on track. However, you need not limit good planning to
larger projects. Shorter papers still need time for discovering,
focusing, developing, organizing, and revising.
A paper planner is provided on the following slide. Copy and paste
it into a Word document; use it to plan for each of your papers.
Paper Planner
Date assigned:___________________________
Date first draft is due______________________
Date revised draft is due:__________________
Required Length_______________
Assignment parameters. For instance, does the
assignment require a specific mode—literary analysis,
compare/contrast, cause/effect, subjective opinion,
objective factual? Must you write on a specific subject? Are
you confined to a period of time or a political slant?
Discovery strategies you would like to use (circle as
many as apply):
focused free writing and looping
journalist questions
exploring the senses
Purpose for Writing_________________________
To inform, entertain, explain, persuade, argue?
Identify your primary readers—to whom are you
addressing this piece? Identify your secondary readers—
who else may be interested in reading?
Audience needs
What does your audience already know about your topic?
What is their attitude toward the topic? What information
do they not possess that you need to supply? What
response do you hope to achieve from the audience?
Writing Process (methodology):
How do you plan to achieve your purpose? How will
you develop your ideas? Will you use details, facts,
examples? Will a scratch outline help? Will you work
with your peers, your instructor, a writing technician Will
you research?
Planning Research:
If you need to conduct primary or secondary research,
what sources will you need? Plan time to take research
notes, summarize source information, and document
source information.
How many sources are required?__________
Your Topic’s Significance
Why is this an interesting topic to write about?
How will it connect with readers? What one idea are
you most interested in conveying?
A Working Thesis
Will your thesis be implied or directly stated? Where in
your paper will your audience encounter this main
Essay Outline
Will you make a scratch outline or a formal outline?
When will you begin to consider an organizational
plan? Be sure to include references to researched
materials in your outline.
List of GPAW workshops that might help with this
Based on the information
gained by completing the
paper planner, you can
set aside writing time for
each phase of your
project. Include time for
discovery, organizing,
drafting, and revising.
9-11 English:
Invention &
7-9 Write first draft
11-12 make a
Scratch outline
Of the rough draft
More writing
Send to writer’s group
Read feedback
“To Do” Lists
are also good time management tools
1 Study for calculus
exam 2 hours
2 Pick up cat litter,
errands and
oil change –1.5 hr
3 Library: 2 hrs
research for English
4 Pick up Danny at 5:00
(½ hr)
5 Dinner/family 2.5
6 Practice dialogue for
theater class 1 hour
“To Do” lists are not simply records of what
we need to accomplish during a day or a
week. If, during the day, you need to go to
two classes, work, shop for groceries, and
study, listing the events will not, alone,
help you manage your time.
Effective ‘To Do’ lists estimate how much
time each activity and assignment will take.
Some things on your list may end up in
your planner.
Keeping daily or weekly “To Do” lists will
help you to become more time-conscious
and a better time manager.
Remember to include writing time on your
Planning and listing are good habits; they work even better when flexible.
Be sure to give yourself permission to revise and reschedule if work or other
concerns require a shift in your plans. In other words, accommodate your life
while still accomplishing your goals.
One key to continued success is follow-through on the reschedule.
Past writing students testify over and over again
that loose promises to oneself to ‘do the work later’
are rarely kept and that such self-talk results in
last minute, poorly written products. When plans shift,
reschedule a new writing time right away.
Reschedule time
Ignore this little voice!
It leads to procrastination.
Activity 5
The little voice of procrastination is only
one obstacle that can jump in your way
during this semester.
Identify other internal or external obstacles
that, in your past, have prevented you
from engaging the writing process. List
Activity 6
Discovering the best approach to writing is a personal process. What works well for one may not
work for another. Some of us require complete quiet while writing; others need music in the
background. Some of us have supportive family members who will pick up some extra
housework while we write our papers; others may have friends or family that mock our
educational goals.
For this activity, first identify what you need, want, and/or enjoy in order to write; think in terms of
space, environment, and materials. Close your eyes for a minute and think about writing.
Visualize yourself writing successfully, without distractions. What do you see?
Next, identify two or three habits (little devils) that prevent you from fully engaging your writing
process. Write for at least five minutes about your needs and bad habits.
Try to come up with ways to meet your needs and eliminate bad habits. For instance, if family
interruptions are high on your list, you may need to consider if you have tried to find a space that
separates you from the maddening crowd OR if you’ve made your needs clear OR if you’ve not
fulfilled something you promised your family, so they are bugging you.
Remember, very little is totally beyond our control. We always have choices.
After you finish this workshop, talk about this exercise—identifying your obstacles and
solutions—with those folks who may be part of the problem Or with someone whose thinking you
admire. Ask them for their ideas.
Return to your work on this activity, record new ideas, and write up a plan for making the
changes you desire. Write up your plan in no more than two paragraphs or make a bullet point
Some Recommendations from
Teachers and Former Writing Students
Understand that your education deserves a priority place in your life, after all, you are paying for it!
Identify places you can write that support your needs. The library is your friend!
Identify times you can write when you are not plagued by fatigue, hunger, or time pressures. This may
require you to rethink the rhythms of your day. When one JCC writing instructor was in graduate school
with two children under the age of four, she set the alarm and wrote papers beginning at 2:30 in the
morning. She caught up on her sleep by reading to the kids at nap and bedtime and falling asleep with
them (much earlier than her ‘adult’ schedule had been).
Stock healthy snacks that work with your metabolism.
Use writing breaks to take a walk, drink a big glass of water (water fights fatigue), snack, or do a load of
Understand that life happens. Successful people learn how to handle the bumps. They don’t use bumps
as an excuse for not succeeding. Acknowledge the bump, then dive back into your life.
Avoid alcohol—it’s a depressant and it dehydrates you, causing both lethargy and sleeplessness. Not
Learn the art of negotiation with family and friends. Craft responses to invitations or requests. For
instance, “I’d love to, but I have another hour of studying to do. Could we meet up then?” or “This
semester, Wednesday nights really don’t work for me, could we change our pool game to Thursday?” or
“I need you to fix your own school lunches.”
Establish connections with your classmates in case you need to ride share or catch a missed
Use a calendar and planner. If you have a busy schedule, increase your self-discipline, schedule
writing times during breaks at work, between classes, while you are waiting to pick up the kids from
soccer, or before the family wakes up.
Utilize teacher conferences, office hours, the Center for Student Success, and reference librarians. No
one expects you to have all the answers. Seek help from the experts who are paid to help you.
If you connect with any of these ideas, include them on your list of
solutions to devilish distractions.
Activity 4
When Is the Portfolio Due?
Portfolios are traditionally due two
weeks before the end of the
semester. They are returned at the
end of the semester.
Scan your course syllabus and
calendar to find the due date for
your portfolio. Record this date in
your scheduler.
Plan time prior to the due date
for preparing the portfolio,
polishing papers, and working
with your instructor or a writing
technician to put the final
touches on your work.
Note this time in your scheduler.
7-10 finish revisions
Portfolio Due
3-4 visit CSS
Review portfolio with
How is the Portfolio Assessed?
Your portfolio will be read and assessed holistically. Readers use
criteria based on the outcomes identified earlier in this workshop. To
review they are:
 competency in a variety modes--for instance, when writing a
narrative we demonstrate attention to specific narrative action,
time sequencing, active verbs and the use of verb tense to
represent action. When writing an argument, we logically assert
and develop a position using clear and precise wording and valid
supporting evidence; we avoid logical fallacies;
 ability to write with purpose toward an identified audience;
 ability to focus on and develop ideas using of variety of examples,
details, reasons, and/or facts appropriate to context;
 ability to use voice and tone in support of identified purpose and
meet audience needs;
 control over organization;
 correct incorporation of outside source material using Modern
Language Association’s (MLA) rules for documentation and
Other Important Considerations
Include a cover sheet for the portfolio listing your student identification
number, course number, section number, and instructor last name.
Include a title page for each essay in the portfolio offering the title of the
essay, a brief description of your purpose, and identification of your
Format your portfolio in Microsoft Word using double-spacing, a 12 point
Times or Arial font, and one inch margins (top, bottom, right, and left).
Place your ID number in the upper right hand corner of each page.
If you use source materials, you must follow MLA Guidelines for
Documentation and Citation. Specifically, you must correctly include
parenthetical citations and a Works Cited Page.
Fulfill the page requirements for the portfolio (see slide 4 for specifics).
Submit your portfolio in a two pocket folder. No other folders or binders
Deductions are taken from your earned portfolio grade for
• submitting less than required pages;
• lack of variety;
• disconnected audience and purpose statements;
• incorrect or missing MLA documentation and citation
*****Plagiarism results in a failed portfolio*****
Who Grades Your Portfolio?
Your instructor will evaluate
your portfolio and offer you
You may be asked to write a
reflective letter about your
experience producing writing
for your portfolio.
Sample Reflection Guide
Discuss yourself as a writer at the
beginning of the semester.
What where your strengths? What did
you hope to learn?
What have you learned this semester
that makes you feel more confident as
a writer? Focus on one of your
writings from this semester and
discuss how it exemplifies your
progress as a writer.
What is your plan for developing
yourself further as a writer? What
more do you want to learn?
In Review
Portfolio success not only requires understanding
of the portfolio guidelines, it also requires you to engage
personal study skills.
Practice these skills during semester toward success:
1. Set Goals
2. Predict and Plan Writing Time
Use a Personal Planner
Develop Daily or Weekly To Do Lists
Create the Writing Environment That Serves Your
Develop Time Management Skills
Identify Obstacles and Plan Your Responses
Above all else, avoid
end-of-semester stress and despair!
didn’t I
do my
Maybe I
can get an
Just say NO to procrastination!
Take this time to reflect on what you have learned.
The portfolio has many purposes; list three that resonate with you and say
why you connect with them.
Review the general portfolio requirements for a writer in your course (090,
131, or 132). Note any that are still unclear.
Review the outcomes identified by composition faculty that are used to
assess the portfolio. List the outcomes you understand and feel comfortable
with, then. list outcomes that are most problematic for you. Clearly identify
areas you do not understand. Take a few moments before, during, or after
class to share this list with your instructor in conversation.
Write up any questions you have about the portfolio grading process and
seek the answers for them from your instructor when you talk.
Identify the goals/actions you will engage over the course of this semester in
order to create a successful portfolio.
Write a summary paragraph on what you have learned or had reinforced for
you during this workshop.
For two hours of GPAW credit, print this slide, attach it to the activities
completed during the workshop, and submit the packet to your instructor.