MLC Wrap Super Notice date Nature of communication Description 16-Aug-12 Delays in processing contributions To advise members that they would receive compensation for processing delays. 27-Aug-12 Investment option terminated - Colonial First State Wholesale Income Fund To advise members that Colonial First State was terminating the Colonial First State Wholesale Income Fund. Members were advised when Colonial intended to pay the proceeds. Sep-12 Investment option changes - Aviva Investors Dividend Builder To advise members that the name of the fund changed to Antares Dividend Builder. Sep-12 Investment option changes - Aviva Investors Elite Opportunities Fund To advise members that the name of the fund changed to Antares Elite Opportunities Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes - Aviva Investors High Growth Shares Fund To advise members that the name of the fund changed to Antares High Growth Shares Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes Aviva Investors Listed Property Fund To advise members that the name of the fund changed to Antares Listed Property Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes - Aviva Investors Premier Fixed Income Fund To advise members that the name of the fund changed to Antares Premier Fixed Income Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes - Aviva Investors Small Companies Fund To advise members that the name of the fund changed to Antares Small Companies Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes - ING Tax Effective Income Fund To advise members that the investment manager changed to UBS Global Asset Management (Australia) Ltd and the name of the fund changed to OnePath Tax Effective Income Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes - ING Wholesale Australian Share Trust To advise members that the investment manager changed to UBS Global Asset Management (Australia) Ltd and the name of the fund changed to OnePath Wholesale Australian Share Trust. Sep-12 Investment option changes - ING Wholesale Balanced Trust To advise members that OnePath Funds Management Limited was changing the name of the ING Wholesale Capital Stable Trust to OnePath Wholesale Balanced Trust. Other changes including change of investment strategy. NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB. 1 Sep-12 Investment option changes - ING Wholesale Blue Chip Imputation Trust To advise members that the investment manager changed to UBS Global Asset Management (Australia) Ltd and the name of the fund changed to OnePath Wholesale Blue Chip Imputation Trust. Sep-12 Investment option changes - ING Wholesale Capital Stable Trust Sep-12 Investment option changes - ING Wholesale Emerging Companies Trust To advise members that OnePath Funds Management Limited was changing the name of the ING Wholesale Capital Stable Trust to OnePath Wholesale Capital Stable Trust. Other changes including change of investment strategy. To advise members that the investment manager changed to Karara Capital and the name of the fund changed to OnePath Wholesale Emerging Companies Trust. Sep-12 Investment option changes - ING Wholesale Global Emerging Markets Share Trust To advise members that the investment manager changed to UBS Global Asset Management (Australia) Ltd and the name of the fund changed to OnePath Wholesale Global Emerging Market Share Trust. Sep-12 Investment option changes - ING Wholesale Global Property Securities Fund To advise members that the responsible entity changed to UBS Global Asset Management (Australia) Ltd and the name of the fund changed to UBS Clarion Global Property Securities Fund. Other changes including change of benchmark. Sep-12 Investment option changes - ING Wholesale Managed Growth Trust To advise members that OnePath Funds Management Limited was changing the name of the ING Wholesale Managed Growth Trust to OnePath Wholesale Managed Growth Trust. Other changes including change of investment strategy. Sep-12 Investment option changes - MLC Unit Trust Australian Share Fund To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was changing the net management fee as result of changes in fee rebates for the MLC Unit Trust Australian Share Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes - MLC Unit Trust Property Securities Fund To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was changing the net management fee as result of changes in fee rebates for the MLC Unit Trust Property Securities Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Australian Share Fund To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was changing the net management fee as result of changes in fee rebates for the MLC Wholesale Australian Share Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Australian Share Growth Style Fund To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was changing the net management fee as result of changes in fee rebates for the MLC Wholesale Australian Share Growth Style Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Australian Share Value Style Fund To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was changing the net management fee as result of changes in fee rebates for the MLC Wholesale Australian Share Value Style Fund. NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB. Sep-12 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Global Share Growth Style Fund To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was changing the net management fee as result of changes in fee rebates for the MLC Wholesale Global Share Growth Style Fund. Sep-12 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Horizon 1 Bond Portfolio To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was changing the net management fee as result of changes in fee rebates for the MLC Wholesale Horizon 1 - Bond Portfolio. Sep-12 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Horizon 3 Conservative Growth Portfolio To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was changing the net management fee as result of changes in fee rebates for the MLC Wholesale Horizon 3 Conservative Growth Portfolio. Sep-12 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Properties Securities Fund To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was changing the net management fee as result of changes in fee rebates for the MLC Wholesale Properties Securities Fund. 1-Oct-12 Investment options terminated - BlackRock Combined Prop Inc Fund (Aust) - Class D To advise members that BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited was terminating the BlackRock Combined Prop Inc Fund (Aust) - Class D. 3-Oct-12 Investment option terminated - Pengana Asian Equities Fund To advise members that Pengana Capital Limited was terminating the Pengana Asian Equities Fund. 7-Dec-12 Income not paid To advise members that income on some investments had not been paid. Members were advised that these payments, together with compensation had now been allocated to their accounts. 21-Dec-12 Investment options terminated - MLC Wholesale Capital International Global Share Fund To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was terminating the MLC Wholesale Capital International Global Share Fund. 20-Feb-13 Investment options terminated - BlackRock Scientific Diversified Stable PST To advise members that BlackRock Asset Management Australia Limited was terminating the BlackRock Scientific Diversified Stable PST. 20-Feb-13 Investment options terminated - BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth PST To advise members that BlackRock Asset Management Australia Limited was terminating the BlackRock Scientific Diversified Growth PST. 20-Feb-13 Investment options terminated - BlackRock Balanced Pooled Super Fund To advise members that BlackRock Asset Management Australia Limited was terminating the BlackRock Balanced Pooled Super Fund. 20-Feb-13 Investment options terminated - Invesco Wholesale Global Property Secs Fund unhedged To advise members that Invesco Australia Ltd was terminating the Invesco Wholesale Global Property Secs Fund unhedged. NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Aberdeen Capital Growth Fund To advise members that Aberdeen Asset Management Limited was making changes to the Aberdeen Capital Growth Fund changes being made including change of name, buy/sell spread, investment strategy and the investment objective. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Aberdeen Classic Series Australian Smaller Companies Fund To advise members that Aberdeen Asset Management Limited was making changes to the Aberdeen Classic Series Australian Smaller Companies Fund. The changes being made including change of name and investment strategy. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Access Challenger Howard Mortgage Fund To advise members that the responsible entity name changed to Fidante Partners Ltd and the fund name changed to Access Howard Mortgage Fund. Feb-13 Investment option changes - All Star IAM Australian Shares Fund To advise members that the responsible entity changed to Equity Trustees replacing Ventura Investment Management Ltd. Feb-13 Investment option changes - All Star KFM Income Fund To advise members that the responsible entity changed to Equity Trustees replacing Ventura Investment Management Ltd. Feb-13 Investment option changes AMP Capital Global Property Securities Fund To advise members that the AMP Capital Global Property Securities Fund will now be solely managed by AMP Capital Investors Limited. Feb-13 Investment option changes - APN Property for Income Fund To advise members that APN Funds Management Limited was changing the withdrawal process for the APN Property for Income Fund. Feb-13 Investment option changes - APN Property for Income Fund No. 2 To advise members that APN Funds Management Limited was changing the withdrawal process for the APN Property for Income Fund No. 2. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Australian Ethical Smaller Companies Trust To advise members that Australian Ethical Investment Limited was changing the class of units for the Australian Ethical Smaller Companies Trust. Feb-13 Investment option changes - BlackRock Australian Share Fund To advise members that BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited was making changes to the BlackRock Australian Share Fund. The changes being made included change of management, benchmark and investment strategy. Feb-13 Investment option changes - BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund To advise members that BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited was making changes to the BlackRock Wholesale Australian Share Fund. The changes being made included change of management, benchmark and investment strategy. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Challenger Howard Wholesale Mortgage Fund To advise members that the responsible entity name changed to Fidante Partners Ltd and the fund name changed to Howard Wholesale Mortgage Fund. NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Challenger Hybrid Property Fund To advise members that the responsible entity name changed to Fidante Partners Ltd and the fund name changed to SG Hiscock Hybrid Property Fund. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Challenger Professional Mortgage Plus Trust To advise members that the responsible entity name changed to Fidante Partners Ltd and the fund name changed to Howard Professional Mortgage Plus Trust. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Challenger Wholesale Hybrid Property Fund To advise members that the responsible entity name changed to Fidante Partners Ltd and the fund name changed to SG Hiscock Wholesale Hybrid Property Fund. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Challenger Wholesale Property Securities Fund To advise members that the responsible entity name changed to Fidante Partners Ltd and the fund name changed to SG Hiscock Wholesale Property Securities Fund. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Colonial First State Wholesale Global Resources Long Short Fund To advise members that Colonial First State Investments Limited was making changes to the Colonial First State Wholesale Global Resources Long Short Fund changes being made including change of name and benchmark. Feb-13 Investment option changes - EQT International Equity Fund Investment option changes - Five Oceans Wholesale Asian Share Fund To advise members that the fund name changed to EQT Dundas Global Equity Fund. Feb-13 Investment option changes - GVI Industrial Share Fund – Hedged To advise members that GVI Industrial Share Fund name changed to GVI Aubrey Global Growth and Income Fund - Hedged. Feb-13 Investment option changes - HFA Diversified Investments Fund To advise members that the fund name changed to LHP Diversified Investments Fund. Feb-13 Investment option changes - HFA International Shares Fund Investment option changes - Investors Mutual Australian Share Fund To advise members that the fund name changed to LHP Global Long/Short Fund. Feb-13 Investment option changes - Investors Mutual Future Leaders Fund To advise members that Investors Mutual Limited was changing the net management fee for the Investors Mutual Future Leaders Fund. Feb-13 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Hedged Global Share Fund To advise members that MLC Investments Limited was changing the management fee for the MLC Wholesale Hedged Global Share Fund. Feb-13 Feb-13 NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 To advise members that the manager changed to Metisq Capital Pty Ltd and the fund name changed to Metisq Wholesale Asian Shares Fund. Other changes including investment strategy. To advise members that Investors Mutual Limited was changing the net management fee for the Investors Mutual Australian Share Fund. 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB. Feb-13 Investment option changes UBS Property Securities Fund To advise members that UBS Global Asset Management (Australia) Ltd was making changes to the UBS Property Securities Fund. The changes being made include change of benchmark and investment strategy. Feb-13 Investment option changes Ventura Conservative Fund Class A To advise members that the responsible entity changed to Equity Trustees replacing Ventura Investment Management Ltd. 14-Mar-13 Investment options terminated - Goldman Sachs Diversified Growth Wholesale Fund To advise members that Goldman Sachs Asset Management Fund was terminating the Goldman Sachs Diversified Growth Wholesale Fund. 14-Mar-13 Investment options terminated - Goldman Sachs Hedged Global Flex Fund To advise members that Goldman Sachs Asset Management Fund was terminating the Goldman Sachs Hedged Global Flex Fund. 23-Apr-13 Investment option changes LM Wholesale First Mortgage Income Fund Flexi Account To advise members that LM Investment Manager went into involuntary administration and transaction restrictions continued to apply until further notice. 17-May-13 Investment option changes - LM Wholesale First Mortgage Income Fund Flexi Account and LM Wholesale Mortgage Income Fund - 12 Month Fixed Term To advise members that LM Investment Manager went into voluntary administration and transaction restrictions continued to apply until further notice. 17-May-13 Investment options terminated - SG Hiscock Hybrid Property Fund and SG Hiscock Wholesale Hybrid Property Fund To advise members that Fidante Partners Limited was terminating the SG Hiscock Hybrid Property Fund and SG Hiscock Wholesale Hybrid Property Fund. 1-Jul-13 Investment option terminated Northward Capital Australian Equity Trust To advise members that Northward Capital Australian Equity Trust was being terminated and their money was going to be moved to the MLC Australian Share Fund. Members were advised how this change would impact them and they could choose different investment options. They were also advised to seek financial advice. 3-Jul-13 Changes to annual statement TPD insurance in super To advise members that, due to changes in super law, they would see a small increase in their contributions tax liability in their annual statements. They were advised to seek financial and tax advice to understand the impact on their personal circumstances. 27-Aug-13 Investment options terminated - First Australian - Bendigo Bank To advise members that this option was being terminated and their money was going to be moved to the Cash Account. They were also advised to seek financial advice. 5-Sep-13 Investment options terminated - BlackRock Global High Conviction Fund To advise members that BlackRock Investment Management was terminating the BlackRock Global High Conviction Fund. NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB. 5-Sep-13 Investment options terminated - BlackRock Wholesale Global High Conviction Fund To advise members that BlackRock Investment Management was terminating the BlackRock Wholesale Global High Conviction Fund. Sep-13 Investment option changes AMP Capital Conservative Fund - Class A To advise members that the responsible entity name changed to AMPCFM replacing AMPCI. Sep-13 Investment option changes - AMP Capital Enhanced Yield Fund - Class A To advise members that the responsible entity name changed to AMPCFM replacing AMPCI. Sep-13 Investment option changes - AMP Capital Global Property Securities Fund - Class A To advise members that the responsible entity name changed to AMPCFM replacing AMPCI. Sep-13 Investment option changes - BT Wholesale Active Balanced Fund The responsible entity changed to BT Investment Management (Fund Services) Ltd, replacing BT Investment Management (RE) LTD. Sep-13 Investment option changes - BT Wholesale Fixed Interest Fund The responsible entity changed to BT Investment Management (Fund Services) Ltd, replacing BT Investment Management (RE) LTD. Sep-13 Investment option changes - BT Wholesale International Share Fund The responsible entity changed to BT Investment Management (Fund Services) Ltd, replacing BT Investment Management (RE) LTD. Sep-13 Investment option changes - Challenger Professional Mortgage Plus Trust The fund name was changed to Howard Professional Mortgage Plus Trust. The responsible entity name has been changed to Fidante Partners Ltd. Sep-13 Investment option changes - Howard Wholesale Mortgage Fund The Fund manager changed the withdrawal process for the fund, changing it to a regular return of capital to unit holders. Sep-13 Investment option changes - Invesco Wholesale Australian Share Fund The investment manager changed to Invesco Global Quantitative Equity (GQE) from Invesco Australia Limited and the benchmark of the investment changed to S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index. Sep-13 Investment option changes - MFS Global Growth Equity Trust The name of the investment changed to Carnegie WorldWide Equity Trust. The investment manager changed to Carnegie Asset Management Fondsmaeglerselskab A/S from MFS Institutional Advisors. The benchmark of the investment changed to MSCI All Country World IN. Sep-13 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Global Property Fund The Investment Manager changed to LaSalle from Presima. NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB. Sep-13 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Horizon 1 Bond Portfolio The investment manager changed to LaSalle from Presima. Sep-13 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Horizon 2 Income Portfolio The investment manager changed to LaSalle from Presima. Sep-13 Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Horizon 3 Conservative Growth Portfolio Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Horizon 4 Balanced Portfolio The investment manager changed to LaSalle from Presima. Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Horizon 6 Share Portfolio Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Horizon 7 Accelerated Growth Portfolio Investment option changes - Pengana Emerging Companies Fund The investment manager changed to LaSalle from Presima. Sep-13 Investment option changes - Responsible Investment Leaders International Share Fund - Class A The responsible entity changed to AMPCFM, replacing AMPCI. 9-Dec-13 Investment options terminated - Corval Industry House Trust To advise members that Corval Partners Limited was terminating the Corval Industry House Trust. 6-Feb-14 Investment options terminated - Templeton Emerging Markets Fund To advise members that Franklin Templeton Investments Australia Limited was terminating the Templeton Emerging Markets Fund. Feb-14 Investment option changes - APN Property for Income Fund No. 2 Changes to the material beneficial unit price. Feb-14 Investment option changes - Balmain Aqua High Income Fund Monthly distributions ceased and two compulsory redemptions will be paid representing 31% of the funds current holdings. Feb-14 Investment option changes - Vanguard (Wholesale) International Fixed Interest Index Fund (Hedged) There has been a change to the investment process and borrowing practices of the fund Feb-14 Investment option changes - Metisq Wholesale Asian Share Fund The name of the investment changed to Metisq Wholesale Global Emerging Markets Fund and The benchmark of the investment changed to MSCI Global Emerging Market Index – unhedged (A$). Sep-13 Sep-13 Sep-13 Sep-13 NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 The investment manager changed to LaSalle from Presima. The investment manager changed to LaSalle from Presima. The net management fee of the investment changed. 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB. Feb-14 Investment option changes - CFS Global Resources Long Short Fund The name of the investment changed to CFS Global Resources Tactical Class A. Feb-14 Investment option changes - Northward Equity Income Fund The strategy of the investment changed to using the Lead Portfolio Manager from using the Sector Portfolio Manager for the fundamental research framework. Feb-14 Investment option changes - Pengana Emerging Companies Fund Net management fee of the investment increased. Feb-14 Investment option changes CFS Wholesale Global Property Securities Fund The name of the investment changed to CFS Wholesale Global Property Securities Fund. Feb-14 Investment option changes - WealthFocus Investment Advantage - Perpetual Industrial Share The Management Fee increased. Feb-14 Investment option changes - AMP Capital Corporate Bond Fund - On-platform Class A The responsible entity changed to AMP Capital Funds Management Limited (AMPCFM) replacing AMP Capital Investors Limited. Feb-14 Investment option changes - AMP Capital Core Infrastructure Fund - Onplatform Class A The responsible entity changed to AMP Capital Funds Management Limited (AMPCFM) replacing AMP Capital Investors Limited. Feb-14 Investment option changes - Goldman Sachs Income Plus Wholesale Fund The investment manager changed to Goldman Sach Asset Management International from Welington Management Company. Feb-14 Investment option changes - DWS Global Equity Thematic Fund The name of the investment changed to Ironbark GTP Global Equity Thematic Fund. Feb-14 Investment option changes - RREEF Paladin Property Securities Fund The name of the investment changed to Ironbark RREEF Paladin Property Securities Fund. Feb-14 Investment option changes - RREEF Global (ex-Australia) Property Securities Fund The name of the investment changed to Ironbark RREEF Global (ex-Australia) Property Securities Fund. Feb-14 Investment option changes - Vanguard Cash Plus Index Fund The name of the investment changed to Vanguard Cash Plus Fund Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares SandP Asia 50 Index Fund The name of the investment changed to iShares Asia 50 ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares SandP Europe 350 The name of the investment changed to iShares Europe ETF. NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB. Index Fund Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares SandP Global 100 Index Fund The name of the investment changed to iShares Global 100 ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares Russell 2000 Index Fund The name of the investment changed to iShares Russell 2000 ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares SandP Global Healthcare Sector Index Fund The name of the investment changed to iShares Global Healthcare ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares MSCI EAFE Index Fund The name of the investment changed to iShares MSCI EAFE ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares FTSE China 25 Index Fund The name of the investment changed to iShares China Large-Cap ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares MSCI BRIC Index Fund The name of the investment changed to iShares MSCI BRIC ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index Fund The name of the investment changed to iShares MSCI Emerging Markets ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares MSCI Hong Kong Index Fund The name of the investment changed to iShares MSCI Hong Kong ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares MSCI Japan Index Fund The name of the investment changed to iShares MSCI Japan ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - iShares MSCI Singapore Index Fund Investment option changes - MLC Wholesale Long-Term Absolute Return Portfolio The name of the investment changed to iShares MSCI Singapore ETF. Feb-14 Investment option changes - PIC Wholesale Long-Term Absolute Return Portfolio The name of the investment changed to PIC Wholesale Inflation Plus - Assertive Portfolio and the net management fee of the investment reduced and the investment objective of the investment changed. 24-Apr-14 Investment options terminated - INVESCO Diversified Growth Fund To advise members that Invesco Australia Ltd was terminating the INVESCO Diversified Growth Fund. Feb-14 NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 The name of the investment changed to MLC Wholesale Inflation Plus - Assertive Portfolio and the net management fee of the investment reduced and the investment objective of the investment changed. 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB. 25-Jun-14 Incorrect binding form sent NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL 236465 MLC Superannuation Fund ABN 40 022 701 955 To advise members that a non-binding nomination is recorded against their account. 105-153 Miller St North Sydney NSW 2060 Australia GPO Box 2567 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia Tel 132 652 Part of the National Australia Bank Group of Companies. An investment with NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited is not a deposit or liability of, and is not guaranteed by, NAB.