THE FAST OF THE 4th MONTH Today, June 17th on satan’s calendar, is the 1st day of the 4th month in our Creator’s restored calendar. As in the last video, there is no audio to this video reflecting the 84 days of silence from heaven that we are currently in. In the book of Zechariah there are 4 fasts that are specifically set apart. These fasts are recorded in Zechariah’s end time prophecy and they are there to testify to 4 particular fasts at the time of the end. They are recorded in chapter 8; Zechariah 8:19 Thus saith YEHWEH of hosts; The fast of the FOURTH MONTH, and the fast of THE FIFTH, and the fast of THE SEVENTH, and the fast of THE TENTH ARE TO BE FOR A BEAUTIFUL APPOINTED TIME TO THE HOUSE OF JUDAH FOR JOY AND GLADNESS, FOR LOVE, TRUTH AND PEACE. The appointed time that He is talking about in this verse is when all of that which opposes His will or His desire is going to be purged out and His will or His desire will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In order to understand what YEHWEH is commanding us to lift up to Him with fasting in this verse, you need to understand where we are at in time in lieu of the time of correction that He is getting ready to unleash upon the inhabitants of the earth and why He is sending it. He called for the outline of these four fasts in the 7th month of the year of His restored 7th year Sabbath. This fast was on the Day of Atonement of that year. This fast was discussed in a video called; “Fasting for the Bands of Iniquity to be Loosed” Then this fast was mirrored in the 10th month of that year. This fast was discussed in a video called; “The Ezekiel 24 Fast” I’ll put a link to these two videos in the video description box below. In a little bit I will share with you a fascinating correlation to the timing of the Ezekiel 24 fast nearly 1 ½ years ago that lines up with the here and the now and the timing of the fast of the 4th month of this year. The fast that YEHWEH is calling for you and I to lift up to Him at this time is for the appointed time that His Son and His first fruits will rule here for 1,000 years with satan and his cronies bound to come & for the walls of darkness to come tumbling down. His desire for the fast that He wants us to lift up to Him is outlined in Isaiah 58. These verses say; Isaiah 58 1 Cry aloud, spare not (or do not refrain yourself), lift up your voice like a trumpet and stand boldly (announce) to the people their rebellion and to the house of Jacob their sins. 2 Seek me day by day and desire to know my path (His Torah), and be a nation that does righteousness and do not forsake Elohiym’s judgments: Inquire of my right judgments and desire to approach Elohiym. 3 Why have I not seen your fasting and the affliction of your life? You have no knowledge. Behold, in the day of your fast you come forth for your all of your desires and harass the workmen. 4 Behold, you fast for strife and contention AND YOU DO NOT FAST TO STRIKE THE FIST OF INIQUITY SO THAT YOUR VOICE WOULD HAVE BEEN HEARD ON HIGH. 5 THIS IS TO BE A FAST THAT I HAVE CHOSEN; a day for man to afflict his soul. Bow down your heads in thorns in sackcloth and ashes. And spread the cry to fast this day as a desire to YEHWEH. 6 IS NOT THIS THE FAST THAT I HAVE CHOSEN? TO LOSE THE BANDS OF INIQUITY, TO UNTIE THE HEAVY BURDENS, TO LET THE OPPRESSED GO FREE AND TO TEAR OFF EVERY YOKE? 7 You have not divided your bread to the hungry and you mistreat the lowly that come to your house because you hide your eyes when you see the naked and you do not cover his flesh. 8 Now break open as the morning light AND HURRY TO BE MADE WHOLE: AND BRING FORTH RIGHTEOUSNESS AS I GATHER THE SPLENDOR OF YEHWEH. 9 Then you will call out and YEHWEH will listen and if you will cry out to be delivered, I will say, behold, and I will take away the yoke from your midst and I will send away the speaking of iniquity with my finger. 10 And the hungry soul will obtain, and the afflicted soul will be satisfied and light will rise up in the darkness and that which is concealed will be in the noon day light. 11 And YEHWEH will guide you continually and He will satisfy your soul in the dry places and He will deliver your body: and you will be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail. 12 And from you I will build the vanished places that were made desolate (by the false shepherds like Saul of Tarsus and his followers that make up the blasphemous religion of christianity): and I will rise up the foundation of many generations and you will be called “THE REPAIRER OF THE BREACH” “THE RESTORER OF PATHS” TO DWELL IN. 13 IF YOU WILL RETURN YOUR FEET TO THE SABBATH AND DO MY DESIRE ON MY SET APART DAY AND CALL THE SABBATH A DELIGHT, the sanctified of YEHWEH, and glorify it; AND GLORIFY MY PATH (HIS TORAH), and attain my desire by speaking my words: 14 Then you will delight upon YEHWEH and you will ride upon the high places of the earth and I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father: BECAUSE THE MOUTH OF YEHWEH HAS SPOKEN IT. The question that I have for you today is are there 5 of you who will lay siege to that which He has restored, including His Sabbaths and flee and restore with me and join with me in lifting up this fast? When Abraham petitioned YEHWEH about destroying Sodom, he asked Him if He would destroy it if He found 50 righteous there? Then he asked Him if He would destroy it if there lacked 5 of the 50? Then he asked what if there lacked 5 of the 45? The parallel of the number 5 is of huge significance in this and it has been all through YEHWEH’s end time timeline and it is in His word as well. Ezekiel recorded that there will be 5 others standing with the man clothed in linen. Abraham went on to ask YEHWEH what if there lacked 10 of the 40 and there was only 30 or if there lacked 10 of the 30 and there was only 20 all the way down to 10. YEHWEH told him that He would not destroy them even if there remained 10. The number 10 is also very significant in this, especially as we approach the 10 days that are between the Feast of First Fruits this year and the end of my walking naked and barefoot for 3 years. If the five who will stand with me come together by then, it is possible that they (& myself) might even literally be thrown in prison for these 10 days. A point that I want to make today is that I have no evidence at this time that there are 5 others fully standing with me to date in that which YEHWEH has restored. I have spoken in previous videos that I believe that YEHWEH is calling these 5 together and I know of a couple of men who are digging out as I write this. But they have not fled yet and are still amongst the dead at the time that this is being posted. Another point that I want to make is there will not be 10, just like there were not 10 in Abraham’s day in Sodom. The reality is, YEHWEH’s wrath will not be stayed much longer. The bottom line about the fast that YEHWEH has called for us to lift up to Him is that we are fasting for all that opposes His will to be purged out so that His will will finally be done on earth as it is in heaven. He has called for this fast to be on the 9th day of this 4th month (June 25th on satan’s calendar). It was on the 9th day of the 4th month when the famine prevailed in Jerusalem and the city was broken up after Nebuchadnezzar’s siege (2 Kings 25:3, Jeremiah 39:2, 52:4) I said earlier that I would share with you a fascinating correlation to the timing of the Ezekiel 24 fast that YEHWEH called for us to lift up to Him 1 ½ years ago. This fast was on the 10th day of the 10th month of that year. The 10th day of the 10th month of the 9th year of Zedekiah’s reign was the day that Nebuchadnezzar laid siege against Jerusalem. And it was the precisely 1 ½ years later on the 9th day of the 4th month in the 11th year of Zedekiah’s reign that the famine prevailed and the city was broken up. Is the timing of these fasts another coincidence? In order for the bands of iniquity to be loosed, first the walls of darkness need to come tumbling down. Right before the verses outlining the fast in Zechariah 8, in chapter 7 Zechariah recorded YEHWEH talking about how Israel fasted for themselves while in the captivity and not for Him and His righteousness. Then He went on to say; Zechariah 7 12 They made their hearts like a hardened stone AND THEY WOULD NOT HEAR THE TORAH AND THE WORDS WHICH YEHWEH OF HOSTS HAD SENT IN HIS SPIRIT BY THE FORMER PROPHETS: therefore THERE WILL BE GREAT WRATH from YEHWEH of hosts. 13 It will be AS WHEN I CALLED OUT AND YOU WOULD NOT HEAR ME; SO IT WILL BE WHEN YOU WILL YOU CALL OUT THAT I WILL NOT HEAR YOU saith YEHWEH of hosts: These verses outline why He is sending His wrath. It is the words that YEHWEH has sent by His spirit through His servants the prophets that are telling you to return to His Torah with the statutes and judgments. It is the words that YEHWEH has sent by His spirit through His servants the prophets that are telling you to return to His restored Sabbaths and the rest of His appointed times. It is the words that YEHWEH has sent by His spirit through His servants the prophets that are telling you to put a difference between the clean and the unclean. It is the words that YEHWEH has sent by His spirit through His servants the prophets that are telling you to return to that which He has restored and magnified. It is the words that YEHWEH has sent by His spirit through His servants the prophets that are telling you lift up to Him the offering in righteousness that He has bid you to offer up to Him. It is the words that YEHWEH has sent by His spirit through His servants the prophets that are telling you to lift up these four fasts to Him at this time. Will you hearken or will you continue to forbear? The verses above in Zechariah 7 tell you that there is going to come a point that when you cry out for Him to deliver you that He is not going to hear your cry because you would not hear Him. -fasting for the band of… -Ezekiel 24 fast