MIT OpenCourseWare

From OpenCourseWare
to Open CourseWare
With a
Brandon Muramatsu,
MIT Office of Educational Innovation
and Technology
Citation: Muramatsu, B., (2010). From OpenCourseWare to Open CourseWare.
Presented at OER’11: Manchester, UK, May 12, 2011.
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Continuing the Cat Meme…
Source: icanhascheezeburger. (2009, March 9). algeblah confuzez mi. Retrieved May 11, 2011 from website:
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But I’m a dog
…everyone say,
Source: icanhasahotdog. (2009, August 2). Puppy Defense System CODENAME: CUTENESS. Retrieved May 11, 2011 from website:
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The talk I was going to give was going
to go something like…
 We’re experimenting with what we can do with
the course materials published in MIT
OpenCourseWare –for– MIT.
 Namely, let’s restructure the materials and
import them into Moodle and build
assessments around them … turning them into
“real” Open CourseWare.
With a
 And then, here’s a working example and what
we learned… But…
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Somewhere along the way
I got sidetracked…
 This little conference in [the other] Cambridge…
 …so, my apologies…
 Instead I’ll describe the motivation and process we will
be exploring this summer.
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 I’m with the MIT Office of Educational
Innovation and Technology (OEIT)
 I don’t work for MIT OpenCourseWare
 I *do* work with them
 So, I don’t represent MIT OpenCourseWare
 Also, I’m not making institutional commitments
about MIT or MIT OpenCourseWare
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Wouldn’t it be great if
MIT OpenCourseWare…?
About a year ago…
Early 2010
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MIT OCW is a Publication
 MIT OpenCourseWare is a free publication of
MIT course materials that reflects almost all the
undergraduate and graduate subjects taught at
OCW is not an MIT education.
OCW does not grant degrees or certificates.
OCW does not provide access to MIT faculty.
Materials may not reflect entire content of the
Reference: MIT OCW. (2010). About OCW. Retrieved on May 5, 2010 from
MIT OCW Website:
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…but…we’re at MIT, certainly
we should be able to do more
with OpenCourseWare…
Wouldn’t it be great if
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We were asking the wrong question!
What if we experimented
with MIT OCW…?
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Sure…OEIT can develop a custom copy
 Mirror of MIT OCW
 Within boundaries of
Creative Commons
License, by-nc-sa
 Project Greenfield
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Project Greenfield
 MIT Faculty have asked us about…
 Interactivity
 Tools and services
 Innovative browse mechanisms
 OEIT’s goals are to:
 Support MIT faculty
 Experiment, to show what’s possible (e.g., Web 2.0)
 Prototype tools and services
 … all with MIT OCW course materials
Project Greenfield
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Further Motivations
 Experiment with tools, content delivery
 Internal to MIT
 Lots of internal discussions
 Increase use of MIT OCW for on-campus courses
 Experiment with other LMS/VLEs
 External to MIT
 Increase in OER and especially open course
development (Saylor Foundation, Washington
SBCTC Open Textbooks, etc.)
 New models in certification (P2PU, KNEXT, etc.)
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“New” (Old?) Terminology
 Open CourseWare
With a
 Especially in the context of the Educause Next
Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC)
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With a
Open CourseWare
 Should facilitate rich interactivity with instructor, peers, and
 Must be of the highest pedagogical and technical quality,
integrating effective teaching strategies and interactive
 Should include clear student learning objectives and assessment
strategies that monitor and review student success;
 Must be standards-based to ensure they can be used broadly, yet
be customizable to the needs of different learners/instructors
(including persons with disabilities); [and]
 Should be openly licensed to allow institutions and faculty to tailor
to local needs and improve the courseware over time.
Reference: Next Generation Learning Challenges. (2011). Open Core CourseWare.
Retrieved May 11, 2011 from Next Generation Learning Challenges Website:
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MIT OpenCourseWare
 Serves a number of user groups:
 Faculty looking to teach a new subject, to see how other
faculty (esp. MIT faculty) teach courses
 Students, at MIT and elsewhere, looking for resources to
help them with a course
 Independent learners
 Is a publication
 Snapshot of courses taught by a particular faculty in a
particular term
 Has whatever materials the faculty made available
 Typically has slides and lecture notes, perhaps
assignments and exams.
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MIT OCW Scholar Goals
 Designed for independent learners who have few
additional resources available to them.
 The courses are substantially more complete than
typical OCW courses and include new customcreated content as well as materials repurposed
from MIT classrooms.
 The materials are also arranged in logical
sequences and include multimedia such as video
and simulations.
Reference: MIT OCW. (2011). OCW Scholar. Retrieved May 11, 2011 from
MIT OCW Website:
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Features of OCW Scholar Courses
 Modularized Content
 Good step, but pretty big
concept chunks
 With Quizzes
 Formative assessments, but
static and in PDF format <consistent with other MIT OCW
 Includes Video
 Link to specific time segments
 Includes link to OpenStudy
 Can ask a question and get an
answer, but still not a “course”
Designed for independent learners
What are others doing to build upon MIT
 Allowing users to connect
with other learners
 OpenStudy (9 courses)
6.00 Introduction to Computer Science
18.01 Single Variable Calculus (Fall
6.001 Structure and Interpretation of
Computer Programs
6.002 Circuits and Electronics
8.01 Physics I: Classical Mechanics
8.02 Electricity and Magnetism
18.01 Single Variable Calculus (Fall
18.02 Multivariable Calculus
18.06 Linear Algebra
Source: OpenStudy
What are others doing to build upon MIT
 “Tracking progress through a course”
 Nixty-versions of MIT OCW Courses
Source: Nixty,
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What are others
doing to build upon
MIT OCW ?—Saylor
 Remixing OERs,
including MIT OCW
 Includes Learning
 Adding Final
Source: Saylor Foundation,
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Reusing Courses, or Teaching directly
from OERs/OCWs
 Questions of scale, and…
 How much investment are you willing to
 For example, MIT OCW, consistent with their mission
takes a large investment to achieve the breadth,
instead of focusing on all the other things that would
make “Open CourseWare”
 How much investment is necessary to create a
“course” from the course materials?
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So what does this mean for the
Other Developments and
OCW Scholar
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 “Should facilitate rich interactivity with
instructor, peers, and content.”
 I’m not sure about this one yet.
 External OERs and learning objects?
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High Quality
 “Must be of the highest pedagogical and
technical quality, integrating effective teaching
strategies and interactive technologies.”
Arguably, high quality already
But, not designed for “teaching from…”
Newly designed for “learning from…”
Not especially interactive—but lots of resources out
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Learning Objectives and Assessment
 “Should include clear student learning
objectives and assessment strategies that
monitor and review student success.”
 Snapshot of course, with materials provided by
 Broadly speaking only engineering faculty have
somewhat detailed learning objectives (because of
 May or may not include assessments
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 “Must be standards-based to ensure they can
be used broadly, yet be customizable to the
needs of different learners/instructors.”
 Arguably already broadly used, but room for
 Technically hard to customize, because of how
materials are published (PDF)
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What might the end result look like
(for MIT)?
 OCW Scholar + Collaboration + Assesments +
Facilitators = Open CourseWare
 Might be an ongoing instantiation of a
massively open online course
 Probably be able to import this Open
CourseWare course into your LMS/VLE
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OpenEd 2011
 OpenEd 2011, October 24-27
 Park City, Utah <-It’s not Logan! Think ski resort!
 Call for Presentations: Monday, May 16
 Presentations, Open Science Fair, Questioning Our
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Brandon Muramatsu,
MIT Office of Educational Innovation
and Technology
Citation: Muramatsu, B., (2010). From OpenCourseWare to Open CourseWare.
Presented at OER’11: Manchester, UK, May 12, 2011.
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Greenfield as a Platform
 Tools
Integrated Recommender
Video Tools
Concept Tools [Jeff Merriman’s presentation]
CaPRéT [newly funded JISC project]
 Instructional Design and Assessments
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Integrated Recommender
 Recommender relates content
 MIT OCW Courses -> MIT OCW Courses
? MIT OCW Courses <-> OERs
 Based on
 Currently overlay of OCW/OER sites
MIT Faculty: Dave Pritchard, Physics & Haynes Miller, Mathematics
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Intrasite Hyperlinking (cont.)
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Concept Browser
 OCW is working on providing concept-type
descriptions for some course materials
 OCW Scholar
 Concept level (1-10 concepts per course)
 Includes learning objectives, some formative assessment
 Created by faculty
 Core Concept Catalog
 Very high-level, course concepts
 Hand applied
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Concept Browser
 What are we doing?
 iPad application (Vijay Umapathy, M.Eng. student)
 Search by concept, browse multiple media (text and video)
 “Playback” from the concept
 Core Concept Catalog
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Intrasite Hyperlinking
(Link within the site)
 Cross-reference key terms internally across all
OCW content
? Service:
? Could limit to OCW content, or expand to selected/all OER
? Could link to Wikipedia for definitions
? Development:
? Needs subject list, key terms, controlled vocabulary
? Testing with content experts for relevance of search results
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(Cut and Paste Reuse Tracking tool)
 Cut and paste from a lecture?
Simple cut and paste supported from HTML pages
~ Simple cut and paste possible from PDF/Word/etc.
? What about support
? When the user highlights text, an automatic linkback to exact
location in original page is created
? Extend to add attribution information automatically
and pasted with text
Reference: Muramatsu, B. (2009, August 27). Plagiarism is Good™ Revisited. Retrieved on
May 5, 2010 from Brandon Muramatsu’s Website:
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Building Upon MIT OpenCourseWare
 These work well because MIT OpenCourseWare
remains a publication
 “Magnify the value of [the] publication.”
 These services are provided and supported
external to MIT OpenCourseWare
 Very “light” integration (page/links or copy of content)
Source: MIT OpenCourseWare. (2010). MIT OpenCourseWare Teams Up with OpenStudy to Help
OCW Users Connect and Study Together [Press Release]. Retrieved from:
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