2 Starting and Expanding Your Business

U.S. Small Business Administration
Programs & Services Available for
Your Small Business
You’ve decided to go into
business, let us in the SBA
help you grow.
The SBA Advantage — Resources and Programs for Success
Starting and Expanding Your Business
Do you need assistance?
Business Counseling
Developing a business plan
Making contacts
Accessing business resources
Reviewing your loan package
Preparing for Federal contract
Starting and Expanding Your Business
The SBA and its resource partners
provide business education and
counseling programs across the country.
• Small Business
Development Centers
• Women’s Business Centers
• Small Business Training Network
• Procurement Technical Assistance Centers
Reaching the Underserved
SBA strives to reach those underserved
by our programs including:
• Women
• Veterans
• Minorities
• Native Americans
• Young Entrepreneurs
Financing Options for Your Business
SBA financial assistance programs
can help you:
• Start and grow your business
• Export your goods and services
• Recover from a disaster
SBA is primarily a guarantor of loans made by
private and other institutions.
The SBA does not offer grants to start or
grow small businesses.
Do You Know Your Financing Options?
• Loans Guarantees for:
• Inventory and working capital
• land and buildings
• Refinance existing business debt
• Surety bonds for small and minority
construction contractors
• Venture capital investing
• Export assistance
• Disaster assistance
SBA Loan Guarantee Approval Considerations
• Owners and operators of
good character
• Feasible business plan
• Management expertise and
commitment necessary for success
• Sufficient funds, including SBA
guaranteed loan, to operate the business
on a sound financial basis
• Adequate equity invested in the business
• Sufficient collateral
• Ability to repay the loan on time from the
projected operating cash flow
The 7(a) Loan Program
• SBA’s primary business loan program
• Broad eligibility requirements
• Wide range of financing needs
• Used for Franchise financing
• Maximum loan amount of $5 million
• Maximum guaranty can not exceed 90% of loan
• Look at Your SBA District’s Resource Guide for
different programs
– Found at www.sbaguides.com
Patriot Express Initiative Loan
Can be used for:
• Start-up
• Expansion
• Equipment purchases
• Working capital
• Inventory purchases
• Business real-estate purchases
Patriot Express Initiative Loan
Patriot Express loans qualify for
the SBA’s maximum guaranty:
• $450,000 (90 percent)
• Lenders are required to take
all available collateral for
loans between $350,000
and $500,000
• Certification of U.S. Immigration
Laws compliance is required
CAPLines Loans
Short-term, cyclical working capital
• Maximum loan amount: $5 million
• Maximum guaranty = 90%
• Uses: short-term/seasonal revolving line
of credit
• Maturity: up to 5 years
• Maximum interest: vary with amount/type/
length of loan
• Guaranty fees: vary with amount/
type of loan
• Maximum loan amount: $50,000
• Offered by Intermediaries
• Uses: purchase machinery, equipment,
fixtures, working capital, leasehold
improvements, increased receivables
• Maturity: 6 years or less
• Maximum interest: negotiable
• Guaranty fees: none
504/Certified Development Company Program
• Maximum loan amount: $5M to $5.5M
• Maximum guaranty: 50%
• Project costs: financed by 504 Loan 40%
lender finances — 50%
equity finances 10-20%
• Uses: long-term; fixed assets; debt refinancing
• Maturity: generally 10 - 20 years
• Maximum interest: fixed rate established when
debenture backing sold
• Guaranty fees: Eliminated thru 31 Dec ‘10;
other factors may apply
International Trade Financing
• National Export Initiative
• 96% of the world’s customers
reside outside the U.S.
• Conducting foreign business
is easier than ever
• Global communications
enhance business opportunities
• Exports create jobs in the U.S.A.
The Surety Bond Guarantee Program
SBA has two program options available:
• Prior Approval Program (Plan A):
– SBA guarantees 90% of a surety’s paid losses,
expenses on bonded contracts up to $100,000
and on bonds for socially and economically
disadvantaged HUBZone contractors and
veterans & service-disabled veterans.
– All other bonds guaranteed in the Plan A program
receive an 80% guarantee.
• Preferred Surety Bond Program (Plan B)
– SBA guarantees 70%, but sureties may issue,
monitor and service bonds without SBA’s prior
• Maximum bond maximum amount $2 million
Small Business Innovation Grants
1. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
Reserves a percentage of government R&D funds for small
• Participating agencies: Departments of Agriculture,
Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and
Human Services, Homeland Security, Transportation;
Environmental Protection Agency; NASA and the
National Science Foundation
2. Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)
Reserves a percentage of government R&D funds for
small businesses and nonprofit research institutions
• Participating agencies: Departments of Defense,
Energy, Health and Human Services; NASA and the
National Science Foundation
Federal Contracting
The HUBZone Program
• Federal set-asides or;
• Sole-source awards
• Price evaluation preference
• Qualified tracts throughout States & Territories
• Identified at www.sba.gov/HubZone
The 8(a) Business Development Program
• Program for women, disadvantaged
individuals, service-disabled veterans
and others in social or economic
• Offers assistance to businesses
competing for federal contracts.
• Sole-source or competitive Federal contracts.
• 7(j) Management and Technical assistance.
Women-Owned Small Business Program
• Approved 1 Oct 2010, implementation to be
made after 4 February 2011.
• To Qualify:
– Woman/Women Directly Own, Control &
Manage Daily Operations
– Woman/Women must be U.S. Citizens
• Economically Disadvantaged WOSB
– Plus
• Net Worth $750,000
• Income not exceeding $350,000
• Assets not exceeding $6m
• More info at www.sba.gov/wosb
Your Voice in Government
• The SBA Office of Advocacy
works to ensure proposed
federal rules and regulations
will not unfairly impact small
• The SBA Office of National
Ombudsman assists small
businesses subjected to unfair
audits, fines or enforcement
SBA on the Internet
• Easy-to-find information to
help small businesses start, grow and succeed.
• Small Business Training Network — an online virtual
campus offering free courses, work-shops and
• Ayuda en Español
The official resource to help businesses find:
• Compliance information
• Contacts at government agencies
• SBA assistance for Franchisors and Franchisees
SBA Resource Partners in Florida
• Florida Small Business Development Center
(SBDC) Program
– www.floridasbdc.com
• SCORE Florida
– www.scoreflorida.org
• Women Business Center (WBC) Program
– Jacksonville: www.myjaxchamber.com
– Melbourne: wbc.fit.edu
– Miami: www.flwbc.org
• Procurement Technical Assistance Center
(PTAC) Program
– www.fptac.org
• Veterans Business Outreach Center
– www.vboc.org
• Assistance for Spanish Speakers
– www.hbifflorida.org
Your SBA
For more information about
your local SBA resources go to:
Resource guides @ www.SBAGUIDES.com