Ch 12 KT-CS

AP US History
Name ___________________________
Key Terms Ch 12
Per ____ Date _____________
The Making of Middle Class America
DUE DATE: ______________________
1. John Tyler
2. Webster-ashburton Treaty
3. Stephen Austin
4. Alamo
5. Sam Houston
6. John O’Sullivan
7. Oregon Fever
8. James K. Polk
9. Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!
10. 49th Parallel
11. John Slidell
12. Annexation of Texas
13. Oregon Treaty
14. Treaty of Gudalupe Hidalgo
15. Free Soil Party
16. Lewis Cass
17. Compromise of 1850
18. Fugitive Slave Act
Chapter Synthesis
Chapter ____________
Name ____________________________
Topic _____________________________
Historical Period ________________________
TIMELINE: Use your notes and key terms to summarize key ideas and information for this chapter: Decide on the 10 most
important events of this chapter (in chronological order). You have limited space so choose your words wisely, be succinct and clear.
Event, Idea, Concept
Brief Description with Significance
7 Themes: A challenge in AP US History is to recognize patterns/changes that cross Historical Periods – there are seven (7) themes
for AP US History. As you review your notes and key terms for the chapter, categorize them thematically below. Also, make notes of
any trends, patterns, and/or changes, connecting them to other Historical Periods.
Debates over the role of the state and its role as an agent for change; mechanisms for creating, implementing, or limiting participation in the political process and the resulting social
effects; changing relationships among the branches of government (national, state, and local); efforts to define or gain access to individual rights and citizenship; tensions between liberty
and authority
Economic development (agricultural, commerce, manufacturing; effects of different economic systems and values, labor systems, technological innovations, and gov’t policies;
Ideas, beliefs, social mores, and creative expression that have shaped American society; effects of aesthetic, moral, religious, scientific, and philosophical principles on individuals and
group actions; interactions between beliefs and communities, economic values, political movements, and attempts to align American society with specific ideals
American national identity and group identities in US history (gender, class, racial, ethnic, religious, regional)
Global context of US origination, development, and influence of the US on world affairs; impact of competition for territory and resources on the US and others; effects of US foreign
policies and military actions on the world, as well as social issues with the US
How and why people who have moved to, from, and within the US adapted to social and physical environments; effects of migrations on America; impact of peoples’ beliefs, traditions,
technologies, religions, and gender roles on American society
Role of the environment, geography, and climate in constraining and shaping human actions; interactions between Americans and its environment; efforts to interpret, preserve, manage,
or exploit natural and man-made environments and their historical contexts
Timeline for the period _____________ - _______________
Alamo and Goliad
Andrew Jackson 2nd Term
Andrew Jackson elected
Annexation of Texas
Austin Settles Texas
Battle of San Jacinto
Compromise of 1850
End of Mexican War
Gag rule over slave talks in Congress
Gold discovered at Sutter’s Mill
Gold Rush begins
James K. Polk elected
John Tyler succeeds as president
Manifest Destiny – O’Sullivan
Millard Fillmore succeeds as president
Missouri Compromise
Nullification Crisis
Oregon Treaty
Panic of 1837
Preemption Act
Seneca Falls Convention
Slidell secretly attempts to purchase CA
Tariff 1842
Trail of Tears
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Van Buren elected
War with Mexico declared
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
William Henry Harrison elected/dies
Wilmot Proviso
Zachary Taylor dies
Zachary Taylor elected