KNR 205: Scientific Principles of Coaching

Chapter 3
Basic Concepts of Anthropometry
Objective (from syllabus)
 To understand the relationship between human
body size, shape and composition, and
movement capability
 Definition:
 Dimensions and composition of the body
E.g. bone thickness & proportions, body fat %, lean
body mass
See also kinanthropometry, which is the same
thing but as applied to movement
 Tools for measurement
 All kinds of rulers, calipers and so on (and for lean
body mass, some regression models to estimate
body fat % based on a variety of assumptions)
Height, body segment
length, bone
diameter, skinfold +
fat width
Stadiometers, anthropometers, bicondylar calipers,
skinfold calipers etc...
 Body size
 It’s a field for the obsessive in terms of measuring
 Determination of body shape
 A variety of proportions are measured
Bulk (fatness?)
BMI (mass/ht2)
[(Sitting ht)/)(standing ht)] x 100
Limb length
relative to torso
Certain proportions and shapes have been found
to be associated with health or performance in
certain activities, hence the interest
Consider also
cause and effect
Exceptions are always interesting
though (e.g. Usain Bolt)
 Tissues composing the body
So, abnormally
fat, thin, or
people don’t
get such
Anthropometry is interested in estimating tissue proportion in the
Most popular example is lean body mass & fat – gives the 2component anthropometric model
DEXA (dual x-ray absorpiometry): 3-component model – lean
tissue divided into calcified tissue and other non-fat tissue
The book cites errors even with underwater weighing, which is
normally the gold standard for estimation of body fat %
Should bear in mind that with all estimation techniques, they work
best for typical people
More accurate, but a lot more expensive than a set of calipers
General idea opposed to losing weight, you should
increase lean body mass (yes, increase...or at least not lose it).
Implies increased training to
build muscle mass...which in turn
leads to fat loss
MRI, CAT scans
even better but
even more
 Somatotyping
Skinfolds relative
to height
The practice of classifying body types according to
3 dimensions (following the most popular HeathCarter method)
Bone girth relative to arm, leg
girth, with fatness taken out
Endomorphy (fatness)
Mesomorphy (muscularity & bone size)
Ectomorphy (thinness)
 Replete with measurement errors, but still tends to be
quite reliably associated with performance stereotypes
Weight relative
to height
 Human variation
 Emerges from a variety of causes
 Age and activity are covered in the next chapters
 In the musculoskeletal system
 Nothing very interesting here (and open to
“typical” make up of males and
females is an example of this – see
 In physical dimensions
Caster Semenya controversy
 As before, these are open to misinterpretation and
 Features that are more determined by genetics might (??)
be more reasonably analyzed (e.g. jaw line in males
generally larger)
Chapter 4
Musculoskeletal changes across the life span
Objective from syllabus
 To summarize how concepts related to the
musculoskeletal system and anthropometry are
affected by growth and maturation
Auxology and gerontology defined
 Auxology – the science of growth
Is physical age proceeding apace with
chronological age?
 Gerontology – the science of aging
What does aging do to your body & mind?
 Tools for measurement
Similar to anthropometry (after all, it’s still
Changes across the lifespan
 Physical growth, maturation, and aging
 Embryological development
 Ovum + spermatozoan  zygote (fertilized cell)
 Zygote repeatedly divides and multiplies
 Mesodermic development follows
 Growth of organs, tissues, musculoskeletal system
Marked by hyperplastic growth (increase in # cells)
The postnatal years
 Keep on growing, keep on maturing (a term implying
genetically determined growth)
 Exercise and aging – see ch. 12
Changes across the lifespan
 Age-related changes in the skeletal and articular systems
 Two main phases
 Foetal (hyperplastic)
 Pubertal (hypertrophic)
Stages in development of bone
 Bone grows initially from cartilage
 Cells calcify and then remodeling proceeds via formation
and erosion of cells to give the final shape
Growth of length and width of bone
 Epiphyseal (growth) plate in which cartilage calcifies causes
bone to lengthen
 Continues until cartilage ceases to calcify
Change in thickness not limited by age (see ch. 5)
Changes across the lifespan
 Age-related changes in the skeletal and articular
Skeletal composition changes across the life span
Childhood: more collagen, thus more flexible bone
(Young) Adulthood: more salt, thus more strength
Old Adulthood: yet more salt, so more brittle, but also
total mass of bone decreases
 Increased porosity, decreased density, increased
hardness, more brittle...not good news...
Changes across the lifespan
 Age-related changes in the skeletal and articular systems
Bone failure in relation to bone development, age or activity
In post-menopausal women, linked to estrogen depletion, so that
bone absorption increases relative to it’s growth
To offset this, as bone mass peaks at 16 to 20, health experts
recommend maximizing bone mass by that time
Osteoporosis in males is accelerating (lifestyle changes)
Type of fractures change with age and type of bone
Forearm fractures in childhood
Hip and wrist fractures in elderly women
Effect of various factors on range of motion
Decrease with age (how many can still suck their [own] toes)?
Decrease with arthritis
Changes across the lifespan
 Age-related changes in the
muscular system
 Umm...the more
interesting stuff is in
chapter 5 (hopefully)
 Change in body dimensions
across the life span
The “growth spurt”
(peak height velocity)
see. P. 49
In females early maturers
ended up being no
different to late
maturers in height
In males, late maturers
started off being shorter
and ended up being
significantly taller
Changes across the lifespan
 Age-related changes in the muscular system
Combining size measurements to provide
information about shape
Changes across the lifespan
 Age-related changes in the muscular system
Secular trend in body dimensions
Changes across the lifespan
 Age-related changes in the muscular system
Growth rates of body segments
As expected following fig. 4.5, body parts grow at
different rates
 Limbs grow faster than trunk; legs grow faster than arms
Growth rates of body tissues
Brain size close to adult early on
Reproductive tissue grows rapidly through puberty
Changes across the lifespan
 Age-related changes in
the muscular system
Sexual dimorphism in
 Female growth spurt
two years earlier
than males’
 Females often
taller than males
between 10-13
Fatness progresses
differently for males
and females
Changes across the lifespan
 Age-related changes in the muscular system
Somatotype changes during growth, maturation,
and aging
2 pubertal stages in males
 First an increase in ectomorphy at around 11-15 yrs
 Then an increase in mesomorphy between 15-24 yrs
 Methods of determining age
Dentistry, bone growth, menarche and sexual
maturity are the methods, but there’s nothing of
particular interest here. Correct me if I’m wrong
Chapter 5
Musculoskeletal adaptations to training
Objective from syllabus
 To summarize how concepts related to the
musculoskeletal system and anthropometry
adapt to physical activity
Musculoskeletal adaptations to
 Effects of physical activity on bone
 Generally, the more activity a bone sustains, the
more it will adapt to be suited to that activity (gets
thicker with prolonged use)
 Effects of activity level on bone
Elite youth athletes and stress fractures – too much
too soon
Loss of bone mass in space
Loss of bone mass at rest (bone needs activity to stay
healthily dense)
Exercise generally increases bone mass (weight
bearing – swimmers vs. others)
Musculoskeletal adaptations to
 Effects of physical activity on
 Effects of activity type on
Weight bearing activities
best to add bone
 Swimmers vs. wtlifters
 Takes about 3-4
remodelling cycles to
reach new steady state
for bone tissue quality
 Bone decreases in
quality quicker than it
increases, so activity
should be sustained for
maximum effect
Bone repair and physical
See fig. 5.1 – the
implication is that bone
(& other tissue) needs
time to repair from any
Musculoskeletal adaptations to
 Effects of physical activity on joint structure and ranges of
Synovial fluid, articular cartilage, and ligaments
 Cartilage
 Short bout of cyclical exercise results in thickening of cartilage
 Thickens as a result of absorbing synovial fluid
 Chronic exercise leads to long-term thickening
 (except where compressive forces are excessive – e.g.
downhill running)
Musculoskeletal adaptations to
 Effects of physical activity on joint structure and ranges of
Synovial fluid, articular cartilage, and ligaments
 Synovial fluid
 Short run can increase synovial fluid from about .2-.5ml in the
knee to three times as much
 Becomes less viscous (hence more easily soaked up by cartilage)
 Cartilage soaks it up, so it is probably still the cartilage doing the
 Exercise strengthens and stiffens ligaments (increase in both
collagen synthesis & cross linking)
Musculoskeletal adaptations to
 Effects of physical activity on joint structure and
ranges of motion
Degenerative joint disease and exercise
Linked with obesity (physical activity?), ageing
Does jogging lead to osteoarthritis (degenerative joint
Clinicians apparently say so, but the evidence is weak
 Epidemiological studies imply the relationship exists only
for those with previous ligament damage – so that the
joint moves abnormally over a protracted period of time
Musculoskeletal adaptations to
 Effects of physical activity on muscle-tendon units
Muscle size decreases with disuse
A function of the muscle-tendon unit, not the joint capsule or
Joint laxity is a bad thing (stretched ligaments)
Highly joint and activity specific
Seems to be primarily increased through stretchiness of
connective tissue (some sarcomere adaptation)
Not limited by increased muscularity (being muscle-bound is
not inevitable)
Musculoskeletal adaptations to
 Effects of physical activity on muscle-tendon units
Strength training
First 6-8 weeks: neurotrophic stage – improved
coordination leads to rapid increases in strength
Then...hypertrophic stage – muscle fibers increase in
cross-sectional area
Tendon adaptation
Slower to adapt than muscle
Adapts via collagen synthesis
Injuries most common at muscle-tendon junction
Musculoskeletal adaptations to
 Effects of physical activity on body size, shape, and
Body composition will alter as a result of exercise, but
ectomorphy might not (and weight might increase)
Role of lifestyle factors in determining physique
 Many differences between athletes’ physique and those of
the “normal” population are simply adaptations to training
Relationship of body sizes and types to sports
 Well, we can see it can’t we?
 Long distance runners are lighter, sprinters more muscular,
gymnasts shorter, and so on...
Results of Lab
Definitely need to take
these with a pinch of
salt. We could all do
training/retraining on
skinfold techniques,
and even then there
were some definite
issues with the
Our class average
Compare to p.61