Wideman's Essay Revised

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Ieshia Booker
January 25, 2015
ENGL 1001
Wideman’s Our Time
John Edgar Wideman, Our Time was a self-explanatory essay that explained his life
story. His story was told through his brother Robby. Through Robby, John explains his lifestyle,
where he grew up, where and how his life all began. John describes the neighborhoods, crimes,
brotherhood, the death he experienced in his life and how his family was towards one another or
when towards himself. Through his essay he mentioned a lot of characters such as himself,
Robby, his mother, John French, Garth and many others. Out of all the characters that were
involved in this life, I decided to talk about John’s mother and retell her story. I chose to write
my essay about John’s mother because she is a powerful woman. John’s mother took over so
many challenges in her life and dealing with her son Robby she had no choice but to overcome
them and make the best living she can for her family. John’s mother speaks for all the mothers
that have a families to take care of. John’s mother attitude was determined by how she speaks,
acts towards her family, how she views things and what she’s thinking.
In this story, John’s mother was the daughter of John French. She is a fair skinned
women. She has a redbone complexion with fine hair that was pasted down to her from her
grandfather. John’s mother was a French girl, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Sunday church
girl that was raised in Homewood. John’s mother was gentle style in every way, by the way she
spoke, thought, and moved on in the world as a single mother. She felt strongly about things that
she believe in but she isn’t very sociable about her feelings. Whoever John’s mother talks to, she
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has a gentle tone, a caring heart and has a deep conversation with them. She believes in mutual
respect and getting to know one another. Most of the time in John’s mother’s home to people
would say “there’s John French’s daughter!” John’s mother paid extreme detail everything
mainly roaches, poverty, the environment she lived in and the weather. She didn’t take public
tests. She was very socially awkward. But she was just like everyone else. She had to pay taxes,
participate in certain politicians. She also who cared so deeply about her society and why people
get away from murder so easy. She watched the news frequently and paid close attention to the
news but it starts to corrupt her mind and scare her. Throughout all the things John mother has
seen or hear, she always believed in God and knows that everything happens for a reason.
John’s mom is a well-rounded mother. Everything she’s done for her family was the best
intention, she thought. She’s always worried about Robby because he always come and go
throughout her house. She pours of his fears about Robby’s whereabouts because she never
knows when he will ever return. Just like any mother that’s concerned about her child’s
whereabouts, she just wishes that he would return home and she would carry him upstairs, tuck
him, and kiss him on his forehead like he was his little boy again. Because of all the unhappiness
John mother goes through, John can always identify when his mother is grieving or stressed.
There is plenty of times that John and his mother would sit and talk, she would tell him how she
is really feeling about certain or if anything is bothering her. Garth, John and Rob had been
friends for many years, but she has never heard Robby talk about Garth’s death. Ever since
Garth’s death, she thinks the worst now. She begins to always think that Robby is next because
of the lifestyle he is living right now. But nevertheless she is more afraid than ever now. After
she had talk to Robby, she started to notice that whatever she says to Robby he won’t listen to
her. She know that Robby’s listening to her but she knows that he is still going do whatever he
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wants, when he wants and there’s no way she can stop him. After having that talk with Robby
she starts to become suspicious but she became more exemplify to any tolerance and patience of
what’s going to happen next. With everything that the mother goes through with her children and
life, she still prays to God hoping for a change.
On December 29, 1950, John’s mother was blessed and gave birth to a baby boy named
Robby. So many tragic things happened at the end of the year from her parents pasting away to
losing a grandchild. Having those tragic insisted happening puts a toll on their family. When it
comes time to the end of the year John’s mother starts to get depressed and starts to get in her
own little world. When it comes around that time she also becomes scared and feel that she was
being jinxed. Even though Robby’s birthday was right after Christmas, she still makes sure she
gets gifts for his birthday but unfortunately some of his presents were trickled down from
Christmas on to his birthday. After all the tragedy she starts to think about Robby, she doesn’t
think he wouldn’t make it to end of the year. Through all of his crime that he does to her and
everyone, she still cares for him.
John’s mother became very aware of what Robby has become after Garth’s death. She
noticed from time to time, Robby began to act out. She knew that Robby was up to no good. She
tried moving to new neighborhoods and schools but Robby always found a way of acting up.
Then she started to notice that Robby would steal money at his mother’s purse to feed his
addiction. But Robby knew whatever he did his mother’s love for him would never change nor
go away. After Garth’s death and Robby’s troubles she began to feel radicalized and aggressive.
She knew that Robby facts of his crime was robbery, murder, flight and he was an outlaw. Then
there were the other side to guard the society, the laws, polices, judges, and all the people that
were in charge of punishing her son for his crime. She could never get in the middle of the two
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sides. She wants to be on Robby’s side but she know that Robby committed those crimes. She
has always chose to fight with Robby and help his battles together because she will always be his
mother. As she is by his side, she realize what Robby has done she accepts his guilt, and
necessary cruel punishment. Even though she’s there for him, she know that he will be punished
but she can’t prevent the punishment that they may give him. She believed in “Fair” punishment
and understands that his dues have to be paid. She dealt with so much with Robby that she
doesn’t know where to turn but she does everything in her power to be behind him one hundred
John’s mother attitude was determined by how she speaks, acts towards her family, how
she views things and what she’s thinking. Wideman’s Essay Our Time is a very heartfelt and
informational story. I enjoyed reading this story as much as writing this essay over the mother’s
story. Also I love how Wideman’s talks about every character individually and describes his
advantages and disadvantages. John Wideman tells what each character is like and what each
character don’t like and how their feeling about certain things or their personally thoughts. Every
character that is mentioned throughout the story gives you a clear illustrated picture of what their
life is about. This essay is very interested and it draws in your attention into the story. Its story is
very informational and I prefer others to read this story.