Academic Writing WEEK 1 CLASS 1 Think and Write *Please take out a piece of paper and spend five minutes writing down your answers to the following questions. It will be collected. What is the easiest part about writing an essay? What is the hardest part? What do you need to improve on the most? What skills could you help other improve on? Academic Writing Vocabulary outline supporting details topic signal/transition words paragraph sentence fragment topic sentence direct quotation thesis statement paraphrase indent citations summary draft free writing reference page essay plagiarism With a partner define as many of the academic writing vocabulary terms as you can. Your definition can be a few words or a sentence. Practice Creating an Outline You are going to watch a video called “How It’s Made: Canned Pineapples” During the video you need to take notes on whatever you think is important After the video you will use your notes to create an outline for a (pretend) essay called “Summary Paper: How Canned Pineapples Are Made” We will watch the video twice Homework Create an outline you will turn into a paragraph next class Outline must have topic (main) sentence, three main points, and concluding sentence My Favorite _________________ (food, music, place, person, movie, book, sport, car, etc.) Sample Paragraph Outline Bring in 2 new vocabulary words you could use to improve your writing Sample Paragraph Outline 1. Topic Sentence 2. Main Point 1 A. Supporting detail 3. Main Point 2 A. Supporting detail 4. Main Point 3 A. Supporting detail 5. Concluding Sentence My Favorite Sport Paragraph Outline 1. American football is my favorite sport. 2. Game day experience A. Tailgating B. Brings people together 3. Hometown Pride A. Family connection 4. Violence A. Exiting to watch 5. With all of these reasons American football can be your favorite sport too.