Language-Based Security A Brief Overview

Language-Based Security
Reference Monitors
Greg Morrisett
Cornell University
Papers for this lecture
F.B.Schneider, “Enforceable Security Policies.” In ACM Trans. on
Information and System Security, 2(4), March 2000.
R.Wahbe et al. “Efficient Software-Based Fault Isolation.” In
Proceedings of the 14th ACM Symp. on Operating Systems
Principles, pages 203--216, December 1993.
U.Erlingsson and F.B.Schneider. “SASI Enforcement of Security
Policies: A Retrospective.” Cornell Technical Report TR991758.
U.Erlingsson and F.B.Schneider. IRM Enforcement of Java Stack
Inspection. Cornell Technical Report TR2000-1786, January
D.Evans and A.Twynman. “Flexible Policy-Directed Code Safety.”
In 1999 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland,
CA, May 1999. []
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
A Reference Monitor
Observes the execution of a program and halts
the program if it’s going to violate the security
Common Examples:
– operating system (hardware-based)
– interpreters (software-based)
– firewalls
Claim: majority of today’s enforcement
mechanisms are instances of reference
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Reference Monitors Outline
• Analysis of power and limitations [Schneider]
– What is a security policy?
– What policies can reference monitors enforce?
• Traditional Operating Systems.
– Policies and practical issues
– Hardware-enforcement of OS policies.
• Software-enforcement of OS policies.
– Why?
– Software-Based Fault Isolation [Wahbe et al.]
– Inlined Reference Monitors [Urlingsson & Schneider]
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Requirements for a Monitor
• Must have (reliable) access to information about what
the program is about to do.
– e.g., what instruction is it about to execute?
• Must have the ability to “stop” the program
– can’t stop a program running on another machine that you
don’t own.
– really, stopping isn’t necessary, but transition to a “good”
• Must protect the monitor’s state and code from
– key reason why a kernel’s data structures and code aren’t
accessible by user code.
• In practice, must have low overhead.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
What Policies?
We’ll see that under quite liberal assumptions:
– there’s a nice class of policies that reference
monitors can enforce.
– there are desirable policies that no reference
monitor can enforce precisely.
• rejects a program if and only if it violates the policy
– monitor can have access to entire state of
– monitor can have infinite state.
– but monitor can’t guess the future – the predicate
it uses to determine whether to halt a program
must be computable.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Some Definitions
Model programs as labeled transition systems:
– pP: set of possible program states
– P0  P: set of possible initial states
– : set of labels
– p1  p2  P x  x P: transition relation
– : infinite sequence of states and labels
(p0,0),(p1,1),(p2,2),... such that
p00p11p22... and p0P0
– [..i]: the first i pairs in the sequence 
– : set of all sequences
– p: set of all sequences starting with p
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
A Unix Process on an x86 machine:
– p: memory of the machine, contents of the disk,
program counter, registers, etc.
– : read(addr), write(addr), jump(addr),
syscall(args), other.
– transition relation would need to faithfully model
the x86 instructions by transforming the state and
emitting the appropriate label.
• if pc = 50, Mem[50] = “movl ebx,[eax+4]”, eax=12, and
ebx=3, then we’d transition to a state where Mem[16] = 3
and pc = 54 and the label was “write(16)”.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Security Policies
Schneider defines a policy P to be a
predicate on sets of sequences.
P : 2  bool
A program p satisfies a policy P iff
P(p) is true.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
P = false
P = true
P = false
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Why Sets of Sequences?
There are some conceivable policies (e.g.,
confidentiality in an information theoretic setting) that
involve statistical properties of sets of execution
let Secret = 42 in Out := rand()
out = 0
out = 1
out = 2
out = 41 out = 42
out = 43
We don’t want to reveal anything about the secret.
• P({out:=42}) should be false
• P() should be true (i.e., admit all executions)
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Back to Reference Monitors
A reference monitor only sees one execution
sequence of a program.
So we can only enforce policies P s.t.:
(1) P(S) = S.P ()
where P is a predicate on individual
A set of execution sequences S is a property if
membership is determined solely by the
sequence and not the other members in the
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
So, reference monitors can’t enforce security
policies that aren’t properties.
And we’ve already seen one policy regarding
information leakage that can’t be described in
terms of single execution sequences.
So reference monitors can’t enforce every
conceivable security policy. Oh well...
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
More Constraints on Monitors
Shouldn’t be able to “see” the future.
– Assumption: must make decisions in finite time.
– Suppose
() is true but
([..i]) is false for
some prefix [..i] of . When the monitor sees
[..i] it can’t tell whether or not the execution will
yield  or some other sequence, so the best it can
do is rule out all sequences involving [..i]
including .
So in some sense, P must be continuous:
(2) .P ()  (i.P([..i]))
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Safety Properties
A predicate P on sets of sequences s.t.
(1) P(S) = S.P ()
(2) .P () (i.P([..i]))
is a safety property: “no bad thing will happen.”
Conclusion: a reference monitor can’t enforce a
policy P unless it’s a safety property. In fact,
Schneider shows that reference monitors can
(in theory) implement any safety property.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Safety vs. Security
Safety is what we can implement, but is it what
we want?
– already saw “lack of info. flow” isn’t a property.
Safety ensures something bad won’t happen,
but it doesn’t ensure something good will
eventually happen:
– program will terminate
– program will eventually release the lock
– user will eventually make payment
These are examples of liveness properties.
– policies involving availability aren’t safety prop.
– so a ref. monitor can’t handle denial-of-service?
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Safety Is Nice
Safety does have its benefits:
– They compose: if P and Q are safety
properties, then P & Q is a safety property
(just the intersection of allowed traces.)
– Safety properties can approximate liveness
by setting limits. e.g., we can determine
that a program terminates within k steps.
– We can also approximate many other
security policies (e.g., info. flow) by simply
choosing a stronger safety property.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Practical Issues
In theory, a monitor could:
– examine the entire history and the entire machine state to
decide whether or not to allow a transition.
– perform an arbitrary computation to decide whether or not to
allow a transition.
In practice, most systems:
keep a small piece of state to track history
only look at labels on the transitions
have small labels
perform simple tests
Otherwise, the overheads would be overwhelming.
– so policies are practically limited by the vocabulary of labels,
the complexity of the tests, and the state maintained by the
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Reference Monitors Outline
 Analysis of the power and limitations.
 What is a security policy?
 What policies can reference monitors enforce?
• Traditional Operating Systems.
– Policies and practical issues
– Hardware-enforcement of OS policies.
• Software-enforcement of OS policies.
– Why?
– Software-Based Fault Isolation
– Inlined Reference Monitors
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Operating Systems circa ‘75
Simple Model: system is a collection of running
processes and files.
– processes perform actions on behalf of a user.
• open, read, write files
• read, write, execute memory, etc.
– files have access control lists dictating which
users can read/write/execute/etc. the file.
(Some) High-Level Policy Goals:
– Integrity: one user’s processes shouldn’t be able
to corrupt the code, data, or files of another user.
– Availability: processes should eventually gain
access to resources such as the CPU or disk.
– Secrecy? Confidentiality? Access control?
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
What Can go Wrong?
– read/write/execute or change ACL of a file for
which process doesn’t have proper access.
• check file access against ACL
– process writes into memory of another process
• isolate memory of each process (& the OS!)
– process pretends it is the OS and execute its code
• maintain process ID and keep certain operations
privileged --- need some way to transition.
– process never gives up the CPU
• force process to yield in some finite time
– process uses up all the memory or disk
• enforce quotas
– OS or hardware is buggy...
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Key Mechanisms in Hardware
– Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)
• provides an inexpensive check for each memory access.
• maps virtual address to physical address
– small, fully associative cache (8-10 entries)
– cache miss triggers a trap (see below)
– granularity of map is a page (4-8KB)
– Distinct user and supervisor modes
• certain operations (e.g., reload TLB, device access)
require supervisor bit is set.
– Invalid operations cause a trap
• set supervisor bit and transfer control to OS routine.
– Timer triggers a trap for preemption.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Steps in a System Call
User Process
calls f=fopen(“foo”)
library executes “break”
calls fread(f,n,&buf)
library executes “break”
saves context, flushes TLB, etc.
checks UID against ACL, sets up IO
buffers & file context, pushes ptr to
context on user’s stack, etc.
restores context, clears supervisor bit
saves context, flushes TLB, etc.
checks f is a valid file context, does
disk access into local buffer, copies
results into user’s buffer, etc.
restores context, clears supervisor bit
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Hardware Trends
The functionality provided by the hardware hasn’t
changed much over the years. Clearly, the raw
performance in terms of throughput has.
Certain trends are clear:
small => large # of registers: 8 16-bit =>128 64-bit
small => large pages: 4 KB => 16 KB
flushing TLB, caches is increasingly expensive
computed jumps are increasingly expensive
copying data to/from memory is increasingly expensive
So a trap into a kernel is costing more over time.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
OS Trends
In the 1980’s, a big push for microkernels:
– Mach, Spring, etc.
– Only put the bare minimum into the kernel.
• context switching code, TLB management
• trap and interrupt handling
• device access
– Run everything else as a process.
• file system(s)
• networking protocols
• page replacement algorithm
– Sub-systems communicate via remote procedure
call (RPC)
– Reasons: Increase Flexibility, Minimize the TCB
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
A System Call in Mach
User Process
Unix Server
saves context
checks capabilities,
copies arguments
switches to Unix
server context
checks ACL, sets up
buffers, etc.
“returns” to user.
saves context
checks capabilities,
copies results
restores user’s
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Claim was that flexibility and increased assurance
would win out.
– But performance overheads were non-trivial
– Many PhD’s on minimizing overheads of communication
– Even highly optimized implementations of RPC cost 2-3
orders of magnitude more than a procedure call.
Result: a backlash against the approach.
– Windows, Linux, Solaris continue the monolithic tradition.
• and continue to grow for performance reasons (e.g., GUI) and
for functionality gains (e.g., specialized file systems.)
– Mac OS X, some embedded or specialized kernels (e.g.,
Exokernel) are exceptions. VMware achieves multiple
personalities but has monolithic personalities sitting on top.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Performance Matters
The hit of crossing the kernel boundary:
– Original Apache forked a process to run each CGI:
• could attenuate file access for sub-process
• protected memory/data of server from rogue script
• i.e., closer to least privilege
– Too expensive for a small script: fork, exec, copy
data to/from the server, etc.
– So current push is to run the scripts in the server.
• i.e., throw out least privilege
Similar situation with databases, web browsers,
file systems, etc.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
The Big Question?
From a least privilege perspective, many
systems should be decomposed into
separate processes. But if the
overheads of communication (i.e., traps,
copying, flushing TLB) are too great,
programmers won’t do it.
Can we achieve isolation and cheap
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Reference Monitors Outline
 Analysis of the power and limitations.
 What is a security policy?
 What policies can reference monitors enforce?
 Traditional Operating Systems.
 Policies and practical issues
 Hardware-enforcement of OS policies.
• Software-enforcement of OS policies.
 Why?
– Software-Based Fault Isolation
– Inlined Reference Monitors
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Software Fault Isolation (SFI)
• Wahbe et al. (SOSP’93)
• Keep software components in same hardware-based
address space.
• Use a software-based reference monitor to isolate
components into logical address spaces.
– conceptually: check each read, write, & jump to make sure
it’s within the component’s logical address space.
– hope: communication as cheap as procedure call.
– worry: overheads of checking will swamp the benefits of
• Note: doesn’t deal with other policy issues
– e.g., availability of CPU
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
One Way to SFI
void interp(int pc, reg[], mem[], code[], memsz, codesz) {
while (true) {
if (pc >= codesz) exit(1);
int inst = code[pc], rd = RD(inst), rs1 = RS1(inst),
rs2 = RS2(inst), immed = IMMED(inst);
switch (opcode(inst)) {
case ADD: reg[rd] = reg[rs1] + reg[rs2]; break;
case LD: int addr = reg[rs1] + immed;
if (addr >= memsz) exit(1);
reg[rd] = mem[addr];
case JMP: pc = reg[rd]; continue;
0: add r1,r2,r3
1: ld r4,r3(12)
2: jmp r4
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Pros & Cons of Interpreter
– easy to implement (small TCB.)
– works with binaries (high-level languageindependent.)
– easy to enforce other aspects of OS policy
– terribly execution overhead (x25? x70?)
but it’s a start.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Partial Evaluation (PE)
A technique for speeding up interpreters.
– we know what the code is.
– specialize the interpreter to the code.
• unroll the loop – one copy for each instruction
• specialize the switch to the instruction
• compile the resulting code
PE is a technology that was primarily
developed here in Copenhagen.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Example PE
Original Binary:
0: add r1,r2,r3
1: ld r4,r3(12)
2: jmp r4
while (true) {
if (pc >= codesz) exit(1);
int inst = code[pc];
Specialized interpreter:
Resulting Compiled Code
reg[1] = reg[2] + reg[3];
addr = reg[3] + 12;
if (addr >= memsz) exit(1);
reg[4] = mem[addr];
pc = reg[4]
0: add r1,r2,r3
1: addi r5,r3,12
2: subi r6,r5,memsz
3: jab _exit
4: ld r4,r5(0)
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
SFI in Practice
Used a hand-written specializer or rewriter.
– Code and data for a domain in one contiguous segment.
• upper bits are all the same and form a segment id.
• separate code space to ensure code is not modified.
– Inserts code to ensure stores [optionally loads] are in the
logical address space.
• force the upper bits in the address to be the segment id
• no branch penalty – just mask the address
• may have to re-allocate registers and adjust PC-relative offsets
in code.
• simple analysis used to eliminate unnecessary masks
– Inserts code to ensure jump is to a valid target
• must be in the code segment for the domain
• must be the beginning of the translation of a source instruction
• in practice, limited to instructions with labels.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
More on Jumps
• PC-relative jumps are easy:
– just adjust to the new instruction’s offset.
• Computed jumps are not:
– must ensure code doesn’t jump into or around a
check or else that it’s safe for code to do the jump.
– for this paper, they ensured the latter:
• a dedicated register is used to hold the address that’s
going to be written – so all writes are done using this
• only inserted code changes this value, and it’s always
changed (atomically) with a value that’s in the data
• so at all times, the address is “valid” for writing.
• works with little overhead for almost all computed jumps.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
More SFI Details
Protection vs. Sandboxing:
Protection covers loads as well as stores:
stronger security guarantees (e.g., reads)
required 5 dedicated registers, 4 instruction sequence
20% overhead on 1993 RISC machines
Sandboxing covers only stores
requires only 2 registers, 2 instruction sequence
5% overhead
Remote Procedure Call:
10x cost of a procedure call
10x faster than a really good OS RPC
Sequoia DB benchmarks: 2-7% overhead for
SFI compared to 18-40% overhead for OS.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
• What happens on the x86?
– small # of registers
– variable-length instruction encoding
• What happens with discontiguous hunks of
• What would happen if we really didn’t trust
the extension?
– i.e., check the arguments to an RPC?
– timeouts on upcalls?
• Does this really scale to secure systems?
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Inlined Reference Monitors
Schneider & Erlingsson
Generalize the idea of SFI:
– write specification of desired policy as a security
• (Possibly infinite number of) states used to track
history/context of computation.
• Transitions correspond to labels on computation’s
• No transition in automaton means the sequence should
be rejected.
• In principle, can enforce any safety property.
– general re-writing tool enforces the policy by
inserting appropriate state and checks.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Example Policy
“Applet can’t send a message after reading a file.”
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
SFI Policy
(retOp() && validRetPt(topOfStack)) ||
(callOp() && validCallPt()) ||
(jumpOp() && validJumpPt()) ||
(readOp() && canRead(sourceAddr)) ||
(writeOp() && canWrite(targetAddr))
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
1st Prototype
– Security Automata-based Software fault Isolation.
– One version for x86 native code, another for JVM
• x86: labels correspond to opcode & operands of an
instruction, sets of addresses that can be
read/written/jumped to.
• JVM: class name, method name, method type signature,
JVML opcode, instruction operands, JVM state in which
operation will be executed.
– SAL: Security Automata specification Language
• finite list of states, list of (deterministic) transitions
• simple predicate language for transitions
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Example SAL
/* Macros */
MathodCall(name) ::= op == “invokevirtual” && param[1]
== name;
FileRead() ::=
Send() :=
/* Security Automaton */
start ::=
!FileRead() -> start
FileRead() -> hasRead;
hasRead ::=
!Send() -> hasRead;
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
x86 Prototype
• Leveraged GCC
– code had to come from gcc
• assumes programs don’t care about nop’s.
• assumes branch targets restricted to the set of labels
identified by GCC during compilation.
• Relative to original code (std. dev)
2.378 (0.3%)
3.643 (2.6%)
logical logstructured disk
1.576 (0.3%)
1.654 (0.5%)
MD5 message
1.331 (1.4%)
1.363 (0.1%)
page evicition
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Java Prototype
• Implemented JDK 1.1 Security Manager
– more on this later in the course
– essentially: check that certain methods are
called in the right “stack” context
• Same cost as Sun’s implementation
– primarily because of partial evaluation
• Easier to see the policy
– for Sun, it’s baked into the code
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Some Pros and Cons:
• Policy is separate from implementation
– easier to reason about and compose application-specific
policies and get it right because things are automated
– e.g., SFI is a half-page policy and there were bugs in MiSFIT
• Analysis and optimization can get rid of overheads
– but this increases the size of the TCB
• Stopping a “bad” program might not be “good”
– suppose it holds locks...
• Vocabulary is limited by what can be observed.
– what’s a “procedure call”? what’s a “file descriptor”?
– more structure on the code (e.g., types) leads to a bigger
vocabulary (Java vs. x86)
– but then it’s not working on native code
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
2nd Prototype: PoET/PSLang
• PoET: Policy Enforcement Toolkit
– similar to SASI but specific to Java and the JVM
– organized around JVM “events”
• e.g., method calls, instructions, returns, etc.
• similar to ATOM and other toolkits for monitoring
• also similar to “aspect-oriented” programming.
• PSLang: Policy Specification Language
– has full power for Java for defining events and
– spec is at the Java level, but rewriting is done at
the JVM level.
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Ex: “at most 10 windows”
int openWindows = 0;
Object lock = Lock.create();
ON EVENT begin method
WHEN Event.fullMethodNameIs(“void”)
if (openWindows = 10) {
HALT[ “Too many open GUI windows” ];
openWindows = openWindows + 1;
ON EVENT begin method
WHEN Event.fullMethodNameIs(“void java.awt.Window.dispose()”)
openWindows := openWindows – 1;
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Java 2 Security Model
• Each hunk of code is associated with a protection
• e.g., applet vs. trusted local-host code
• Each protection domain can only perform certain
• e.g., applets can only access /tmp while trusted local-host code
can access any file.
• Both direct and indirect access control:
• applet can’t directly call load(“/etc/passwd”)
• nor can it call a trusted piece of code that calls
• avoids accidentally leaking access through a method.
• But sometimes, we need indirect access
• this is achieved through amplification (similar idea to setuid)
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Example Security Domains
Untrusted Applet: /home/*
GUI Library: /fonts/*
use plain font
show on screen
use plain font:
doPrivileged {
File Library: *
load(file F):
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Java 2 Stack Inspection
A richer notion of “context” than just the domain of the
executing code.
on whose behalf is the code executing?
switches from the caller’s protection domain to the
method’s protection domain while executing the statement
June 2001
examines the “stack” from most recent to least recent.
if it encounters a frame from a protection domain that does
not have permission P, throws a security exception.
stops when it reaches the end of the stack or a
doPrivileged command.
Lang. Based Security
3 Implementations
• Sun’s implementation
– no overhead on method call, doPrivileged
– crawls the stack on checkPermission
– hard to see what the policy is
• Naive PSLang
use an external stack object
push the domain upon each method call, pop upon return.
push a different domain upon doPrivileged.
crawl the stack object on checkPermission.
• Optimized PSLang
– takes advantage of reflection facilities to crawl the stack in a
fashion similar to Sun’s
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
Performance Overhead
Naive approach is very expensive because there are a
lot of method calls relative to domain crossings.
IRM approach can beat JVM because of static (local)
June 2001
Lang. Based Security
• Reference monitors
– implement safety policies
• OS policies
– designed in a different era
– leverage hardware for efficient checking
– but overheads discourage “least privilege”
• Software Fault Isolation
– small overheads, but limited protection
– not clear it scales in many directions
• Inlined Reference Monitors (SASI/PoET)
– competitive with hand-rolled systems
– more flexible, easier to reason about policies
– limited by “vocabulary” and structure of the code
June 2001
Lang. Based Security