Step 1: GATHER BACKGROUND INFORMATION BY COMPLETING THIS SHEET A) Fill In the table ‘The 5 Food Groups’ (HINT: Click on the Australian Guide To Healthy Eating Link) FOOD GROUP (Hint: look on p.6) 1. 2. 3. Fruit 4. 5. A FOOD EXAMPLE Banana, Apple RECOMMENDED SERVINGS FOR 8-11 YEAR OLDS (Hint: look at Table 1, p.24) 1-2 serves per day B) Watch the ‘What’s Good For Kids’ video link, then answer the following question. What are the 3 things that are good for kids? 1._____________________________________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________________________________ * Watch the ‘Good for Kids, Get Active’ video link, then answer the following question. C) How much energetic activity do kids need each day? _____________________________________________________________________________________ D) How much physical activity do 9-16 year olds in Australia currently do? (HINT: Click on the 2007 Australian National Children’s Nutrition & Physical Activity Survey link). _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ E) Read the article ‘Nutrition Facts about 5-12 year olds in the Hunter New England Area Health’ (by clicking on the link provided), then answer the following questions. 1. What are the current eating habits for 5-12 year olds in the HNEAH? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.What are the overweight / obesity rates? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why is being over weight unhealthy for kids? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. In the space below, draw the energy balance scales needed to maintain the same weight. F) Use the ‘Canteen Menu Planner’ link to help you complete the following table. FOOD CATEGORY 1. RED 2. FOOD EXAMPLES -Potato chips, mars bars, pies, RECOMMENDATIONS * Only Include these foods no more than twice per term * * * * * CRITERIA * * * * * * 3. * * * * * * G) INVESTIGATION WORK: Survey your class to find out what could make fruit and vegetables an appealing product to include on your canteen menu. Record your results on the following PMI chart. Statement for students to respond to: “Fruit and vegetable eating is something I want to do.” MINUS INTERESTING PLUS H) Click on the ‘Planning a Healthy school canteen menu link’ and answer the following questions. 1. How many recess foods need to be included on the menu? Give examples. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How many lunch foods need to be included on the menu? Give examples. _____________________________________________________________________________________ I) What are some ideas for occasional foods? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ J) Use the Australian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescence link (Under extension work) to identify 1.The recommended dietary salt intake: _____________________________________________ 2. The recommended dietary sugar intake: ___________________________________________ 3. The recommended dietary saturated fat intake: _____________________________________ K) Use the free space below to make any additional notes that you think may be useful for planning your canteen menu or writing your school newsletter feature article.