Vocabulary Quiz 2

English 9 – Vocabulary Quiz 1
Name _________________________
All incorrect answers cost six points each.
A. Define each word or root word below.
4. evince
5. perverse
B. Correctly use the following words in specific sentences.
6. invincible
7. stratosphere
8. versatile
C. Briefly answer the questions below.
9. Is our town provincial?
Support your answer.
10. In what hemisphere do we live?
11. Why does victimize have the root word VICT?
12. What is something that could be described as being spherical?
13. What does the biosphere contain that cannot be found in any other layer of the earth or its atmosphere?
14. Circle the correct word in the sentence below.
I will (avert, divert) my eyes away from any gory scene in this movie!
15. Circle the correct word in the sentence below.
While my brother cleaned up the mess we made in the kitchen, I tried to (avert, divert) Mom to
the garage.
English 9 – Vocabulary Quiz 1
Name _________________________
All incorrect answers cost six points each.
A. Match the following root words with the correct definitions that follow.
1. _____ to turn or to turn around
2. _____ to conquer or overcome
3. _____ a ball or round
B. Match the following words to the correct definitions.
A. evince
B. perverse
C. invincible D. stratosphere
E. versatile
4. ______ incapable of being conquered or overcome
5. ______ a layer of the atmosphere that maintains a constant temperature year round
6. ______ capable of doing many things well; having many functions
7. ______ to be outward evidence of; show or reveal
8. ______ directly away from what is right or good; stubborn
C. Fill the blanks in the sentences below with the best words from the list.
A. provincial
B. hemisphere C. victimize D. spherical E. biosphere
F. avert
G. divert
9. ______ I always ______________ my eyes away from any gory scene in a movie!
10. ______ While my brother cleaned up the mess we made in the kitchen, I tried to _________ Mom to the
11. ______ While some people may get bored with country life, I prefer living in a ___________ setting.
12. ______ While the earth looks completely _______ on most globes, the planet is actually closer to being
shaped like an egg, which makes it an ellipsoid.
13. ______ Bullies frequently _______ people who will not put up much resistance. You can help stop
those bullies by speaking out for those people who can't or won't speak up for themselves.
14. ______ All life on earth can be found in the ____________.
15. ______ Since America is above the Equator, we live in the Northern _____________.