Day 9 +10- Helping Verbs and Fiction with prep quiz

Day 9 – Verbs and
• Understand and identify the importance of helping verbs and their usage.
• Analyze a work of fiction for the effects of narrative techniques and plot
• Identify the stages of plot; analyze plot development
Vocabulary completing the sentence
Passages from test prep packet-The tortoise and the Hare/ As his head Sank
deep - annotations due 9/4
Verb worksheet (complete if not finished)
Warm Up
Copy the sentences
Label (Prepositional phrases)
Circle the subject
Underline the verb and label it Linking(L) or
Prepositions Quiz
Clear everything off of your desk except a pencil.
You will have 15 Minutes to complete the quiz.
Make sure your write neatly
Include your name at the top.
• Good Luck!!!!!
Prepositions Grade
A = 50+
B = 44 – 49
C = 39 – 43
D = 33 – 38
F = 0 – 32
• Quietly…
• Take out your homework.
• We will be checking homework from yesterday.
• Correct any incorrect answers you have.
Continued Intro to Fiction…
• Read :The Skull and the Arrow and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
• Do not write on the passages.
• Pay close attention to the details within the
text because you will have group
discussion after you read.
Day 10 – Verbs and
Fiction Continued
• Understand and identify the importance of helping verbs
and their usage.
• Analyze a work of fiction for the effects of narrative
techniques and plot elements.
• Identify the stages of plot; analyze plot development
Vocabulary Quiz Tuesday
Verb worksheet (complete if not finished)
Warm up
Copy the sentences
Label (Prepositional phrases)
Circle the subject
Underline the verb and label it Linking(L) or Action(A)
1. She has too many friends.
2. You do beautiful work.
3. Bill was the captain of the ship.
4. Chris has a new digital camera.
Passage Packet
• You have two minutes to write your name on your
packet and pass it to the person at the head of your
Group Activity 5 min.
• Get into your groups and discuss the two readings.
• Were they literary, commercial, both, none?
– Why?
– How could you make them commercial?
– Literary?
• Stay on topic and write down your responses.
Group Activity 8 minutes
• Stay on task and record your answers to the questions.
• Each group member must have a job:
Record Keeper(records the answers)
Task Master(in charge of group behavior and staying on task)
Keeper of Time(watches that the group finishes on time)
Speaker for the group(Answers for the group)
Grammar Time!
“auxiliary” just means “helping”
WARNING: Auxiliary verbs do not
function as verbs. They HELP the
main verb.
Auxiliary/Helping Verbs
(sing to the tune of “Jingle Bells” for a handy
• be
• am
• is
• are
• was
• were
Auxiliary/Helping Verbs
• help the main verb express action or a state of being
• can speak
• may be
• has been named
• should have been caught
Auxiliary Verbs
Verb Phrase
• A verb phrase has one main verb and one
or more auxiliary verbs
• Many people in Africa can speak more
than one language.
• The packages may be at 401 Maple Street.
Verb Phrase “Math”
• auxiliary verb(s) + main verb = verb phrase
• There may be more
than one auxiliary verb in a
verb phrase. There is only one main verb in a verb
phrase. It is always the LAST WORD in the verb phrase.
The main verb is either action (speak, named, caught)
or linking (be).
•can speak •has been named
•may be •should have been caught
Auxiliary Verb or Main Verb?
The highlighted words can function as main verbs or auxiliary
verbs. Can you tell which job each is doing?
I am a teacher.
I am writing a letter.
We are hungry.
The girls are playing ball.
Handy Tip for Verb Phrases
• Sometimes a verb phrase is interrupted by another part of
speech, like an adverb. In a question, the subject often interrupts
the verb phrase.
• Our school has always held a victory celebration when our team
• Did you hear Jamie Foxx’s speech?
Group Exercise – Verb Worksheet
Get into your 4 person groups and take a worksheet.
Each person needs to contribute to their group.
You will have 10 minutes to complete.
This will be a classwork grade.
Closure – 3 , 2, 1
Write 3 things you learned today on verb phrases
or fiction.
Compose 2 questions you still have concerning
verb phrases or fiction.
Choose a favorite vocab word and write 1
sentence using it.
Turn it in as you leave the room.