Supreme Court Analysis Paper Outline (save as: First initialLast Name_SC Outline) Requirements (12 point Times New Roman font, 1” margins) Detailed Outline (see example below for guideline) in proper outline format Reference Page (doesn’t have to be complete, just what you have so far, but should be in proper format) *Remember this will be a grade (lines on the page indicate a new page) Name Period Case I. Introduction of Case A. Roe v. Wade has been one of the most controversial cases of the 20th century. The hot topic of abortion found its way to the Supreme Court in 1973. B. This important case helped define the right to privacy by extended the 14th amendment to cover a woman’s right to an abortion, striking down laws limiting abortion across the United States. II. Background/Facts of the Case/Circumstances A. Jane Roe is actual a fake name to protect the identity of Norma McCorvey, a single woman. She was challenging the Texas law which did not allow abortion. By the time the case was heard, she had given the baby up for adoption. (Finkelman & Uropsky, 2003). B. Roe v. Wade was decided along with Doe v. Bolton. Mary Doe was a mother of three. III. Constitutional Question A. Right to privacy, as established by Griswold v. Conneticut (1965) (Gerber, 2000) B. 14th Amendment, due process IV. Court Decision (Finkelman & Uropsky, 2003) A. Majority Opinion 1.With a 7-2 decision, Justice Blackmun wrote the opinion of the court 2.Concurring Opinion – Burger 3.Concurring Opinion – Douglass 4.Concurring Opinion - Stuart B. Dissenting Opinions 1.White 2.Rehnquist V. Relevant Precedents A. Griswold v. Connecticut VI. Impact A. The impact of Roe v. Wade has been long reaching. VII. Opinion A. Inspite of my personal pro-life or pro-choice leanings, I do not believe that the Supreme Court should have entertained this court case. I firmly believe that this should have been a state issue. VIII. Conclusion A. Roe v. Wade set a precedent, firmly establishing the right to privacy…. Name, # References Gerber, S. (June 2000). Privacy and Constitutional Theory. Social Philosophy and Policy, pp 165-185. Finkelman, P. & Uropsky, M. Roe v. Wade in Landmark Decisions of the United States Supreme Court (2003).