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Roe v Wade Argumentative Essay

Roe v Wade Argumentative Essay
Roe v Wade should not be overturned as it bans abortion so subsequently, it takes away the right
for women to have freedom with their bodies can largely impact a women's livelihood and have a
worldwide impact on abortion laws.
In one article it says, “Overturning Roe v Wade would not only be the outcome of decades of
hateful campaign against women’s rights; it would also be deeply racist and classist”
(Callamard). It would be a hateful campaign against women's rights because as history shows
women were always told what they can and can't do as opposed to men, therefore, stripping their
freedom. Also overturning Roe v Wade would largely affect the livelihood of those women of
color and lower economic status since that demographic tends to not make enough money to
support themselves and the baby.
In another article, it says, “We fervently call on the US authorities to protect the right to legal and
safe abortion. Anything less would be a gross failure to uphold human rights, including the rights
to life, health, bodily autonomy, privacy and dignity” (Callamard). The reality is some women
might result to unsafe abortions because a baby would largely affect their life. Unsafe abortions
come with huge risks like death, but this wouldn't be an issue if Roe v Wade wasn't overturned.
My final source states, “It could lead some countries to adopt new restrictive laws” (Hernandez).
Overturning Roe v Wade would signal to other countries that restricting rights is acceptable as
the US is looked up to as to what governments should be doing in their own countries. This can
lead to countries that already have abortion banned thinking it's right to ban it. For example,
Poland has faced criticism over its ban on abortion from the European Union but if Roe v Wade
is overturned they could argue the USA which is a close ally has done the same as them. Also
overturning it could influence countries to make more restrictive laws.
Some might argue that the life of a human begins at conception, therefore, making abortion
equivalent to murder. Truth is religious and scientifically based people have their opinions on
when they think life begins. It’s unfair to only listen to one side and disregard the other side.
There's no one right answer to when an embryo/fetus is considered a human. So the argument
“human life begins at conception” isn’t valid because it becomes a situation of whether a certain
religious belief is correct or not and people will either closely follow their religion, or not and go
with science.
Roe v Wade should not be overturned. In doing this it will impact other countries' governments,
compromise the livelihood of women, and deny women's rights. We need to educate the Supreme
Court justices about the issues that can arise from overturning Roe v Wade and the public needs
to speak up even more so our voices are heard so this decision doesn’t get overturned.
Works Cited
Callamard, Agnes. Conducted by Amnesty International.“ “If Confirmed, US Supreme Court
Decision Could Endanger Abortion Rights around the World.” Amnesty International, 3 May
Hernandez, Joe. ”What Overturning Roe v. Wade Could Mean for the Rest of the World.” NPR,
NPR, 5 May 2022,
Veazey, C. Conducted by David Masci. (2020, May 30). Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion:
An argument for abortion rights featuring the rev. Carlton Veazey. Pew Research Center's
Religion & Public Life Project. Retrieved June 14, 2022, from