541 NC 581 South
Goldsboro, NC 27530
Telephone (919) 736-5050
900 Rosewood Rd
Goldsboro, NC 27530
Telephone (919) 705-6050
Dear Parents and Students-
Welcome to the Rosewood Band! This handbook is provided so that all band members and parents will understand the expectations for the year ahead. I have done my best to outline policies and procedures in the handbook, but if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
In band rehearsals we deal with a lot of expensive equipment in a small space in which we generally make a lot of noise. For this reason, it is imperative that band students be organized, prepared, and attentive for every rehearsal. Musical instruments should be treated with the utmost care and respect so that they do not get damaged. Students are also expected to come prepared for class and with all needed materials. When an individual arrives unprepared for class or rehearsal, it hurts the GROUP, as well as the individual.
It is also important to note that the creative process in which we are involved cannot take place unless there is a quiet, attentive atmosphere in the classroom. Students are expected to have a cooperative, respectful attitude each day, and can expect the same in return from the director.
Have instrument, music, pencil and all needed materials each day
Keep hands, feet, instrument, and objects to yourself
No profanity, rude gestures, or bullying
Do not touch items or equipment that does not belong to you.
Read the board when you enter the band room. Special instructions, needed materials, and rehearsal order will be on the board.
Play your instrument only when the director instructs you to.
Once class begins, please raise your hand if you have a question.
Return equipment to its proper storage space after use.
Absolutely NO FOOD, DRINK, or GUM in the band room. Bottled water is allowed.
Respect the property of others. Instruments are expensive!
-Use/play only your instrument
-Don’t touch another person’s property without their permission
-Respect the equipment in the room
-Only percussionists are allowed to touch or play the percussion instruments
Students should go to the bathroom on their way to class or after class. Students may be granted bathroom privileges at the discretion of the teacher as situations arise. There are no water fountains located in the nearby vicinity of the band room. It is strongly encouraged that students bring a filled water bottle to class. No students will be allowed to leave the room for a drink once class has begun.
35%- All Scheduled Performances
40%- Class work, daily participation and conduct.
25%- Written tests and playing tests
A = 90 – 100
B = 80 – 89
D = 60 – 69
F = Below 60
C = 70 – 79
All students should have their instrument, music, pencil, agenda, and other needed supplies each day.
Students are to participate each day. If a student is ill, has an orthodontic issue, etc. please bring a note from the parent or guardian so that the student’s participation grade is not lowered.
-If a student cannot play their instrument because it is broken or in the shop for repairs, please bring a note from the parent or guardian so that the student’s participation grade is not lowered.
-Work from other classes should not be out during band class. If a student is found doing work for another class during rehearsal, if will be confiscated and the student’s participation grade will be lowered.
-Electronic devices are not permitted for use in class or at performances unless specific permission has been granted by the director for a learning purpose. Violation of this policy will result in lowering of the participation grade and the device may be confiscated in accordance with school policy.
Tests and quizzes may be either written or playing based. If a student is absent on the day of a test or a quiz, they need to make arrangements with the director to make that test up. Making arrangements to make up work is your responsibility.
It is essential that band students practice their instruments on a regular basis. Parents should enforce athome practice time on a daily basis.
For beginning students, I recommend short practice intervals of about 10 minutes, at least once each day. Playing the instrument everyday, even for this short period of time is crucial to development of good playing technique and continued improvement. Students are assigned new material for practice weekly.
Recommended practice:
6 th and 7 th grade students: 10 minutes per day
8 th grade and high school students: 2 hours per week in intervals of the student’s choosing.
Band class is a performance-based class. Therefore, student attendance at all Concerts and performances is mandatory! When one person misses a performance, it affects all of the other students in the group.
Failure to attend a scheduled concert or performance will result in the student being given a written assignment to complete as a make-up. This graded written assignment will take the place of the performance grade regardless of the reason for the absence. If a student is absent from a performance AND fails to turn in the make-up assignment within two weeks of the scheduled event, a grade of “0” will be given for that event.
*Please check with the director before you buy expensive accessories. Many accessories that are sold are not needed for middle school band.
All students Band book – Standard of Excellence Book One for 6 th and 7 th grade, Standard of Excellence Book
2 (blue) for all other students.
Flute cleaning rod and cleaning cloth, cork grease.
Clarinet Swab and 4 reeds in good condition at all times. Reed checks will be done periodically and will count towards daily participation grades. Reeds can be purchased from the director before and after class or from any music store.
Saxophone 4 reeds in good condition at all times. Reed checks will be done periodically and will count towards daily participation grades. Reeds can be purchased from the director before and after class or from any music store.
Trumpet Valve oil, tuning slide grease. Advanced students may need to purchase a mute, but more information will be given if needed.
Trombone slide cream and spray bottle or slide oil.
Percussion Drum kit with bells, and practice pad
Vic Firth SD1 General snare sticks, bell mallets
Upgrading instruments and equipment is recommended by the time students reach high school. Please check with the director, who can provide you with a list of recommended mouthpieces or instruments.
Sheet music will be given to students for their use in class and at home. Sheet music is very expensive and should be treated with the utmost care. Students should only write on music with a pencil. Music should be returned in good condition. Students may be charged for music that is not returned, or is excessively damaged.
Each student is expected to furnish his or her own instrument. Instruments may be purchased or rented from area music stores. The school owns some instruments that may be loaned to students. These instruments will be assigned to students at the discretion of the director.
Buyer Beware!!
Like with anything else, you get what you pay for when you purchase a band instrument.
Buying an inexpensive instrument from Costco, Wal-mart, E-bay, or Pawn Shops may look like a great deal, but students often have many problems with these instruments. Please talk to the director before you purchase an instrument. Often, the director may know of a store or website where instruments can be purchased at a discount. They can also tell you which brands to avoid, and which brands will hold up well over time.
If a financial situation arises which affects your ability to provide an instrument, please talk with the director.
Information will be kept strictly confidential, and an alternative may be found that will help both your student and the band.
All students should have an ID tag on their case with their name, and School clearly printed on it. Names should also be written on supplies, music, and accessories.
Rosewood Band has established a tradition of traveling each year to further garnish students with educational opportunities in music. Trips are planned several months in advance and are offered to all students participating in the Rosewood Band Program. Costs associated with the trips are kept as low as is possible depending on the nature of the trip, destination, and duration. Students will be given ample fundraising
opportunities in order to help cover the costs of any trip. Additional information about trips and fundraising will be distributed to students and parents at a later date.
It is expected that students represent our band, school and community in a positive manner at all times and students may be denied the opportunity to travel with the band if the principal and / or director feels it is necessary to do so based on previous disciplinary history. If a student is assigned ISS or OSS for any reason by any staff member during the year and/or semester in which the trip is to occur, they may be denied the opportunity to attend the field trip. Depending on the nature and costs associated with the trip, refunds may not necessarily be given if a student is unable to attend due to a disciplinary issue.
The Rosewood Arts Department holds an annual awards banquet near the end of each academic year. Special
Awards and Recognitions may be given to students at the director’s discretion. These awards are funded by the Rosewood Arts Boosters, and the directors themselves. The awards are intended to recognize exceptional performance and to encourage students to strive toward higher goals. Awards may not be given to every student and may vary in nature from one year to the next.
Lettering in Band
Members at the high school level may earn a Varsity Letter in Band if they fulfill the following requirements:
Student must be enrolled in the class both semesters of the same academic year.
Student must maintain an A average for both semesters.
Student must attend all required performances.
Student must participate in at least one department fundraiser.
Many times parent letters never make it to the parents until it is too late. It is for this reason I ask that students and parents make it a regular habit to check my website to keep alert of any updates and notifications that may not have made it home in hard copy.
I am looking forward to working together to have a rewarding, fun, and successful year. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.