6 th Band

(623) 376-4344
(623) 376-4326
(623) 376-4345
Welcome to 4th, 5TH, or 6th grade Band! If you have already begun taking lessons on an instrument, please let
us know right away so that we can be sure that Beginning Band class is the best course for you. Beginning
Band is geared toward students whom either have no experience or some experience playing a band
instrument. The instruments offered in Beginning Band are: Flute, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet,
Trombone, Baritone, and Percussion. Note: we do not offer percussion in 4th grade, nor guitar or piano in
band at Highland Lakes. All beginning band instruments are available for rental at Music & Arts store (53rd
Ave./Bell Rd.). We are sure you have already had some thoughts about what instrument you’d like to play.
Finding a good match between student and instrument is important and there are a few key parts of the
picture: 1) sound preference, 2) the student’s physical characteristics, and 3) general appeal.
This year, students have been receiving information on band during their general music
classes over the first two weeks of school. Tuesday, August 28, 2012 @ 3:45p,
representatives from Music & Arts store will be at Highland Lakes for band instrumental
selection and rental. Students will then be registered during the week into Power Schools
per their instrument group so that we may begin rehearsals on September 4th. We are
dedicating this time to help you find an instrument that you will love for a lifetime! Please stop by
the band room upon picking up your student next Tuesday at 3:45p 
Each grade meets separately for band once or twice a week, respectively. For 4th grade band, students will
meet and learn the “Music Discovery Model” (MDM) during their general music class. The MDM will provide
the students opportunity to explore four band instruments during the year (one per quarter). The instruments
include clarinet, flute, trumpet, and percussion. For 5th grade band, students will meet twice during their
“specials” time and once a week (homogenously) during a unique time in their daily schedule (resulting in two
times per week). For 6th grade band, students will meet twice a week during their “specials” time. Below are
individual band times for the 2012-2013 school year:
*4th Grade Music Discovery Model (band): starting September 4th during general music class
*5th Flute: starting week of September 4th every Monday 2:00-2:45p, Tues/Thurs. 2:45-3:30p
*5th Clarinet: starting week of September 4th every Monday 10:15-11:00a, Tues/Thurs. 2:45-3:30p
*5th Saxophone: starting week of September 4th every Thursday 10:15-11:00a, Tues/Thurs. 2:45-3:30p
*5th Trumpet: starting week of September 4th every Thursday 1:15-2:00p, Tues/Thurs. 2:45-3:30p
*5th Low Brass: starting week of September 4th every Thursday 1:15-2:00p, Tues/Thurs. 2:45-3:30p
*6th Band: starting week of September 4th every Tuesday/Thursday 11:00-11:45a
Class Materials
Students are expected to have the following items prepared for class every day. Please have the following
materials by Tuesday, September 4th (if obtaining any of the following items would create a
financial hardship, please see your music specialist for assistance):
 Instrument and accessories
o 4th grade MDM – school will provide, 5th/6th rent from Music & Arts
 Pencil
 Method book for 5th/6th Grade – Traditions of Excellence, Book 1 (red)
 Highland Lakes Performing Arts polo shirt (to be discussed before 1 st concert)
 Smile and thirst for knowledge!
Behavioral Expectations
Positive Attitude:
o Show personal commitment to music.
o Demonstrate the ability to work within a group.
o Demonstrate respect and courtesy toward classmates and band specialists.
o Take pride in musical accomplishment.
o Generate School Pride, Enthusiasm, Spirit, and Moral through music.
o Have fun!
How and Where May I Obtain an Instrument?
Music & Arts store Trial/Purchase Plan: This is the safest plan to adopt. It takes the
financial risk out of buying, and presents the opportunity to exchange instruments if
necessary. There are two basic types of trial-purchase programs.
Music & Arts store Rental Program: Instruments are rented from $20 to $45 per month,
depending on the quality. Paid rent is usually applicable toward the purchase of the
The Purchase of A New Instrument: Good quality instruments are easier to play and will
hold their value as an investment. A new instrument will also cost less to maintain. Please
consult Mr. Burr, Ms. Johnsen, or Mr. Rockey before purchasing an instrument.
Internet and Newspaper Ads, Pawn Shops: It is extremely important to have a repair
person look at it before you purchase. Most used instruments need repairs. Repair costs
can range anywhere from $50 to $250. Please use caution when buying an instrument this
way. Do your homework on the brand of instrument. You need to know the instrument’s
value first. Price does not always equal quality.
Friends and Neighbors: An excellent way to lose friends.
Smart Music
Smart Music is a tool that helps music students get better faster. Students play or sing their part with background
accompaniment and get instant feedback on their computer. Why and how does Smart Music make learning music fun?
 Play songs from a huge Smart Music library
 Learn how your part fits with the rest of your musical group
 Smart Music listens as you play, giving you instant feedback
 Move at your own pace and control the tempo and key of the music.
 Record and play back your practice sessions. Students can even send recordings of their performances
to their family to demonstrate their progress
 Play solos and Smart Music will listen and follow your spontaneous tempo changes
Music Contract, Guidelines & Policies
SCHEDULED CONCERT(S): TBD – calendar forthcoming soon!
By joining a performance arts ensemble at Highland Lakes, the musician and family are making a
commitment for the student to be an essential part of a performance group; therefore, participation is
required. Please plan ahead. Unacceptable absences include scheduling conflicts that should have been
avoided. Although some dates seem far off, it is very important that you calendar them now. Please
make every effort to ensure that your child can attend all events. You will receive more detailed
instructions before each concert date. Your child’s grade will reflect a missed performance.
Any Highland Lakes rule applies to all students at ANY school function, including concerts, field trips
and any other performances. Please refer to the Highland Lakes Family Handbook for further
clarification. In the event that a member chooses not to participate with proper behavior, he or she
may be removed from the program.
The first ten minutes of class will always be an organized warm-up time. This is perhaps the most
important part of the rehearsal to ensure that their bodies are properly prepared for the day’s workout. In developing muscles, damage can occur when they are not properly warmed up.
Work habits include attendance, participation and effort. Students are expected to give their best
effort at all times. This includes proper preparation for the class by having the following for each class:
Traditions of Excellence, Book 1
Music Folder (school provides)
A Sharpened Pencil (NO PENS please)
Tuners & Metronomes are encouraged but not required
Dress code is conservative. Visual distractions on stage detract from the audio performance. All
musicians are to wear the following attire: ALL Musicians are to wear the official Highland Lakes
Performing Arts polo shirt and all black below the waist (meaning black dress PANTS, black dress
SOCKS, and black dress SHOES). The Official Shirts may be and will be available for purchase for
Private lessons are always encouraged with all music students. In the school setting we focus on group
performance and group playing while utilizing as much individualized instruction as possible. However,
all students benefit from receiving private lessons to supplement the instruction that they receive at
school. Music & Arts offer lessons in addition to teachers locally in the West Valley. Please contact Mr.
Burr, Ms. Johnsen, or Mr. Rockey for more information regarding private lessons.
Studios With Multiple Teachers
Music & Arts store
(602) 504-0206
Phoenix Conserv. Of Music (602) 353-9900
Highland Lakes Music Contract / 2012-2013
I understand that being a member of the Highland Lakes Band is a YEAR LONG COMMITMENT.
If your child does not meet the expectations of the Handbook, your child may be removed from the program.
I have read and understand the guidelines and policies of the Highland Lakes School Performing Arts. If I had
any questions prior to signing, I have inquired with Mr. Burr, Ms. Johnsen, or Mr. Rockey and received a
satisfactory answer or reply.
Parent’s Initials
Please return this form to Mr. Burr, Ms. Johnsen, or Mr. Rockey no later than September 7, 2012.
Student’s Name (PRINT)
Student’s Signature
Parent’s Name (PRINT)
Parent’s Signature
Home Phone Number
Cell Phone Number
Parent Email
In the Highland Lakes Performing Arts, students may participate in more than one performing ensemble.
Please Answer/Check Below:
*I Have Auditioned for Chorus ______
*I also will be playing an instrument in Orchestra ______