MACBETH ESSAYS Choose topic: These are the official Macbeth

1. Choose topic: These are the official Macbeth Essay topics. In parentheses
are how the Act One Questions relate to each topic.
a. Explain how one of the following characters changes (physically, mentally,
emotionally, and/or morally) throughout the course of the play, and the
significance/effect of those changes:
i. Lady Macbeth
ii. Banquo
iii. Macbeth ( Vaulting Ambition: Macbeth is brave and loyal, but also a
person who thinks he deserves power. Find evidence throughout Act One
of these conflicting impulses in Macbeth.)
b. Select one of the following themes and show how it is illustrated and developed
through plot, conflict and character.
i. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
ii. The destructive effects of ambition, guilt and fear
iii. Analyze the significance of the paradox “Fair is foul and foul is fair …”
in the play. (Light and Dark/ Fair and Foul: These pairs of opposites
feature prominently in Act One as foreshadowing devices about the
conflicts in Macbeth as he contemplates assassinating his cousin, King
iv. The idea of deception - things are not always what they seem appearances can be deceiving. (Fate and predictions: The Weird Sisters
could be versions of the 3 Fates who spin the webs of our lives. What
effect do the predictions have on Banquo and Macbeth?)
c. In part, Macbeth is a meditation upon “manhood.” How do Lady Macbeth and
Macbeth define “manhood?” How do these definitions shift over the course of the
play? How do these definitions shape their marriage and relationship?
(Direst Cruelty: Lady Macbeth understands her husband very well. She knows
that she has to push at him in order for him to “do the deed”. Explore how Lady
Macbeth relates to her husband and what arguments she uses to encourage him to
take power.)
d. Trace Shakespeare’s use of one of the following images (blood, sleep, hands,
milk, or night) and explain the significance of that image.
2. Thesis check form: take your thesis out of your Act One Macbeth writing (or
write a new one) DUE: TUESDAY MAY 26
3. This is a shortened essay… only FOUR paragraphs
a. Introduction
b. First Body Paragraph
i. Evidence, Analysis
ii. Evidence, Analysis
c. Second Body Paragraph
i. Evidence, Analysis
ii. Evidence, Analysis
d. Conclusion
4. On Wednesday/ Thursday Quotation (evidence) transition check
5. Essays are due by the end of the day on Friday, May 29 to