The success of our partnership relies on working together effectively

Workers Comp Risk Services
Ph: 1300 881 704
PO Box 1429, OAK FLATS DC 2529
Workers Compensation insurance is more often the single largest cost to a business, aside from
wages. Our objective is to create a partnership between yourselves and WCRS to achieve the best
results in minimising your premiums both financially and strategically.
The success of our partnership relies on working together effectively, the roles and responsibilities
that each party has in creating and maintaining the best protection supported by a strong
commitment to share the benefits among those who contribute to its success.
What you can expect from WCRS service team
Service Delivery
Email Enquiries
Phone Enquiries
Claim monitoring with insurer
Negotiate Insurer Risk Funding
Meeting at employer premises, review claims
Formal claim reviews
Premium forecasts
24/7 support
same day
As needed
As needed
As needed
Our complete list of services include tailored consultancy solutions for
claim, injury and premium management, such as;
Claim and strategic reviews with all relevant stakeholders
Case conferencing
Monitor suitable duties, treatment & RTW plans
Coordination of wage reimbursement
Negotiation of agent risk mitigation services
Accident investigation
Work conditioning
Risk inspections
Industry rating review
Premium forecasting
Insurer tenders
Policy payment options
Mergers & Acquisitions
Burning cost assessment – Retro Paid Loss
Workers Comp Risk Services
Ph: 1300 881 704
PO Box 1429, OAK FLATS DC 2529
Benefits to Your Company
This agreement applies to all aspects of our national service and the benefits will be:
 Ongoing support to the management team in managing claims and review premiums
 Reduce staff time spent on workers compensation.
 Increased financial control of expenditure, which ultimately affects your premium
 Better coordination between services utilised to provide tailored solutions
 Appropriate utilisation of resources, for example, rehabilitation services, medical treatment
 Organise greater accountability from the insurer.
 Technical expertise within the Workers Compensation schemes.
 Develop a strategic partnership and ensure common goals are achieved.
The privacy of OUR CLIENT’S personal information is important to WCRS. We take the Australian
National Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 seriously. We apply these principles to the
handling, collection, use, storage and disclosure of all client information.
WCRS will ensure the security of the information we collect, and take all reasonable measures to
ensure it is not misused, lost, modified or disclosed to unauthorised parties. Information may be
stored electronically or in hard copy.