

ENC 4212, Professional and Technical Editing

Fall 2015 / USF Sarasota-Manatee • Instructor: T. E. Roberts

Assignment 3, Verbal and Visual Media (20% of Grade) • Due Oct 19, 2015

ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate how a professional editor combines knowledge of sender, message, and receiver to create effective results using both verbal and visual media.


PART 1: COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTING. You are a senior communicator serving a Fortune 500 company (in whatever industry you prefer) that seeks your advice about the most effective way to communicate two important messages:

• Layoffs of 20 percent of the workforce across the entire corporation, around the world

• Restructuring to shed all manufacturing operations and focus only on business services.

PART 2: MOCK-UP / STORYBOARD. Mock-up a communications campaign announcing the company’s new service-oriented focus for three media -- print, internet, and TV. A mock-up is simply a rough sketch of images and basic verbal messages, not a finished version of what would actually appear. The term “storyboard” usually refers to key frames in a video presentation that show primary images and verbal messages. Both a mock-up and a storyboard are usually prepared as conceptual or brainstorming tools to help the communicator and his or her client/employer consider alternative messages and approaches. Out of this brainstorming comes (one hopes) an effective decision about how to proceed with the campaign itself. Many millions of dollars and significant competitive risk will be at stake in this decision.

Your submission (due on Oct. 19, 2015 by 6:00 p.m.) will consist of the following (also send the Week 6, 7, and 8 audio codes):

• A prose document of about 500 words in which you present your professional advice about how your client/employer should proceed

• A rough mock-up/storyboard of a proposed multimedia campaign to introduce the client’s new business strategy. You may use the computer, hand-drawn graphics (to be scanned and placed in an MS Word document), video, or a combination of these for this assignment.

FORMAT. Follow the format example shown in the pages below. Do a Google search to find examples of how a communications or advertising campaign uses mock-ups and storyboards as conceptual and planning tools for the early stages of a project. See this downloaded presentation for ideas: http://www.todroberts.com/USF/Advtsg-PubRelations.ppt


CUSTOMIZING THIS ASSIGNMENT: You are welcome to customize this assignment to fit your own career interests as long as your approach presents a challenge and learning opportunity equivalent to what has been provided by the instructor. You must contact me by email by Sept. 30, 2015, 6 p.m., if you wish to create such a customized approach. Include a brief statement of your thesis and a simple outline of how you plan to approach it. Mention also one or two reference sources you plan to use for your submission.

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[student name withheld]

ENC 4212 - Fall 2013

Assignment 3 - 19 Oct 2013


Rolling Back into the American Job Market


Walmart, for two consecutive years and the eighth time in the past decade, is number one on the Fortune 500 list. Despite this prestigious position, Walmart has seen a decline in revenue this year. While some argue that worldwide economic instability is to blame, it has become abundantly clear that it is American perception of the company that has spurred this change.

For nearly 50 years, Walmart’s vision has been to provide quality products for affordable prices. Historically, this goal has led to the dependence on overseas production and trade. In today’s global economy, the American people are in need of jobs and Walmart is the largest single employer in the world. For too long, Walmart has traded “low-cost” for “foreign-made” and “foreign-employed.” It is time to rethink the way

Walmart does business.

Around the world, Walmart will be cutting manufacturing personnel by 20 percent to “roll back” the jobs to America. The marketing campaign will focus on the American need for a greater, stronger, and more self-sufficient economy, turning from previous focus on the affordability of overseas manufacturing to national business growth, stimulating the American economy from within, and providing a more marketable image to the American people. As was the vision of the company founder, Sam Walton, Walmart will seek out and conduct business with American manufacturing companies. These companies, already established, employ the very American populace to whom Walmart sells its products. By augmenting the production of these companies, American employees will have greater purchasing power and a greater sense of pride for the products that they purchase.

Walmart can make this happen, and it is our mission to show the American people that it will. Walmart must take a fresh approach to show where the company is headed. Walmart’s business is changing, and so must its image. A greater focus on the American economy and workforce means a greater focus on American ideals. Walmart can not only say its American, but it can back it up with true American success stories, and fulfill the dream of its founder to provide affordable, American-made products to America.


Note from instructor: This sample is aimed at showing one choice, not the only choice, in how to create a storyboard to accompany a communications plan for Assignment 3. This is formatted simply as a two-column table in MS Word. Keep the graphic images low-resolution so they remain digitally small. (If you need help with this, see http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word-help/reduce-the-file-size-of-a-picture-



TV Narrator: In 1962, Sam Walton opened the first Walmart. Having been raised during the Great Depression, Walton was inspired to provide

American-made products at prices working-class Americans could afford.

Source of graphic image: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SamWalton-1936.jpg

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TV Narrator: Since then, Walmart has grown to become one of the most successful businesses and largest employers in the worl

Source of graphic image: https://www.technologyreview.com/blog/mimssbits/26677/

TV Narrator: …but today’s domestic economy has taken a turn. Many

American families have been left without jobs and homes.

Source of graphic image: http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article27195.html

TV Narrator: Walmart has decided to do something about it. We are restructuring the way we run, and by 2015, will be the leading purchaser and seller of American-made products in America, stimulating the economy and making American businesses more profitable.

Source of graphic image: http://thethings.info/2009/12/wal-mart-is-turning-the-american-dream/

TV Narrator: This is how we give back to the nation that made us great. Take pride in your nation. Choose American. Choose Walmart.

Source of graphic image: http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-Walmart-Pin-BUY-AMERICAN-Flag-Always-

/360367624131 - ht_662wt_883

NOTE: You may use more images and text than this if you wish. This sample is aimed at showing you only basic format and content.

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