Summer Opportunities 2014 HHS Student Services Department provides this comprehensive list of resources for parents and students to plan summer activities. This list will be updated as more information arrives. Refer to the website for most recent information and deadlines (some activities require on-line registration). Some applications may be available in Student Services. Feel free to contact any counselor for more details. Also, refer to the WCPSS list of summer camp programs for elementary through high school students at Name/Description Dates Place Cost? Summer Ventures for Science and Math Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics (SVSM) is a cost-free, state-funded program for academically talented North Carolina residents who may pursue careers based in science and mathematics. The program brings rising juniors and seniors together in residential settings for intensive study. Go to NC Governor’s School The Governor's School of North Carolina is a six-week summer residential program for intellectually gifted high school students, integrating academic disciplines, the arts, and unique courses on each of two campuses. The curriculum focuses on the exploration of the most recent ideas and concepts in each discipline, and does not involve credit, tests, or grades. The program is entirely free of charge to all students, funded by the General Assembly of North Carolina. For more information, go to Wake Tech Community College—Applied technologies and exploration camps. For more information Classes include Game Design, Engineering Technology, Robotics and Electronics Camp intern positions also available—check website. Institute for Future Agricultural Leaders week-long program for selected North Carolina high school students interested in agricultural careers, and is co-sponsored by the North Carolina Farm Bureau and NC A&T State University JuneAugust Specified campuses None June and July 2014 Salem College or Meredith College None Broadreach Summer Adventures Educational adventures for teens 13 – 18. Go to and for more details. Summer Science, Engineering and Architecture Enrichment Program Clemson University offers a summer enrichment program for rising 10 th – 12th grade students. Courses are two weeks in duration. Go to for more details and an application. Application Deadline November deadline each year to school contact School hosts info session on program Dates vary Wake Tech main and north campuses NCSU NC A&T State U. $270-350 per week Limited seats— apply starting March 2014 None April Various Various Various Various from June through August Clemson University Check website June Limited enrollment Apply now. Washington University, St.Louis, MO $6985. Selected students will work 20 – 35 hours per week within Raleigh. Carnegie Mellon Pittsburgh, PA Beginning salary: $5.50 per hour University of Notre Dame $2,800 (scholarships available) Varies Various dates Savannah College of Art and Design Converse College, SC Various dates Georgetown University High School Summer Scholars Program Students must be current sophomore or junior, have a B average and 1800 SAT or 180 PSAT or equivalent on ACT or PLAN score or at least 25. For more info, visit Raleigh Summer Youth Employment Program Youth perform public service while earning money and acquiring valuable job experience. The program seeks to develop good work habits and to stress both education and job experience. Go to and click on “youth services” division for more details Check website Summer Pre-College Program For rising juniors who are at least 16; Programs include: advanced placement/early action, fine arts, architecture, art, design, drama, music, high school game academy. Notre Dame Summer Scholars Summer Experience Rising juniors and seniors have an opportunity for academic enrichment in acting, business, film and video production, life sciences, literature, policy/debate, public speaking, pre-law, psychology and theology. For more details, go to . Rising Star SCAD Programs Take classes or participate in workshops related to visual and performing art, design, or architecture. For more information, go to Converse College Summer Workshops Workshops offered: Young Writers Workshop, Visual Arts Workshop, Converse Theater Workshop, CSI Converse! Go to for more details and application. Summer Programs at Georgetown University Discover your passion by exploring summer programs. . Young Scholars Program at University of Maryland Rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors can pursue academic interests and discover career opportunities and earn college credit. Engineering High School Summer Program (aerospace engineering, robotics, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, mechatronics, motor sports, nuclear technology) For more details, go to 6/29 – 8/9 Summer Session (Five weeks of academic exploration and discovery) Visit for more details Phillips Exeter Academy Summer School Teen Ink Summer Programs Directory Check the listing of summer programs—writing, music, arts, and sports Various dates Varies from 6/10 – 6/29 July 6August 9, 2014 Various Scholarships available Varies Early March $775 Scholarships available Scholarships available 5/1/14 University of Maryland Check website April North Carolina State University $250-775. 4/1/14 New Hampshire Varies Space limited Various Various Check website C-Tech Summer Program (Computers and Technology at Virginia Tech – a program designed to develop and sustain the interests of women in engineering) Go to for more details General Hugh Shelton Leadership Challenge Applicants must be a rising 9 – 12th grade students with a 3.0 or higher gpa. For more info and an application, visit MITES Program Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) sponsors a six-week program for high school juniors who are US citizens or permanent residents interested in engineering and science. For more information or to apply, go to Martha Guy Summer Institute for Future Business Leaders This institute provides students with a combination of business exploration and extracurricular activities. For more info, go to Limited to high school juniors. Harvard Summer School Courses include: drama, writing, math, college prep and seminars. Visit for more details Duke University TIP Enroll in summer courses for credit. Go to for more details Summer Study Programs Go to for details and application Academic Enrichment Opportunities College level courses. Earn high school credit and strengthen admissions profile while enriching knowledge. Interested students must have at least 3.5 gpa. Go to for more details. Various Virginia Tech Various Various Various MIT School of Engineering, Cambridge, MA Appalachian State University No cost Harvard varies May 2014 Check website Various locations Various varies varies March Check website See website NC State University varies See website July 13August 2 June July June, July, August 8 weeks during the summer $1000. Scholarships available $575 Check website Space is limited. May deadline. February 28 Scholarships available UNC-Wilmington Summer School Students admitted to UNC Wilmington are eligible to take summer courses. For more details, go to . JuneAugust UNC Wilmington, NC Varies Registration begins in April Military Academy Summer Program Non-military, but structured and disciplined residential learning environment that challenges students to grow in mind, body, and spirits. Variety of courses offered. Go to for more details. July Fork Union Military Academy Check website Check website Summer of Art Pre-college program for students 15 and older who are interested in art and design. Courses include: animation, architecture, digital media, digital photography, painting, drawing, illustration and fashion design. Go to for more info. June and July dates Otis College of Art and Design Los Angeles Check website Check website North Carolina Outward Bound Summer enrichment activities include Appalachian Mountain backpacking and rockclimbing and/or whitewater canoeing. Self-reliance, environmental stewardship, physical fitness, craftsmanship and compassion are taught. Go to for more details and application. US Army/US Army Reserves Summer Opportunities Skills training, leadership development, money for college, travel, excitement, over 150 career fields available. Send an email to or for more details. June, July, and August dates North Carolina mountains Depends on course First come—first served basis Various Various Students paid 4 Star Summer Camps – UVA Academic enrichment program for all high school grade levels. Specific areas include SAT/PSAT prep, ESL Program, Junior Program, and Senior Program. Activities include seminars, recreation, and enrichment. Two week or four week sessions available. For more details, go to Minority Engineering Training Program June, July, August dates University of Virginia $1500 and up Applications currently being accepted. Call 1877-241-8751 or 1877-276-0697 for an application. Visit website Various dates Colorado School of Mines Various dates Wake Forest Community House, Flaherty Park, etc. Various The Colorado School of Mines (CSM) is currently accepting applications for its Summer Minority Engineering Training (SUMMET) Program for high school sophomores and juniors interested in engineering. For information about the program and its application, please visit under Prospective Students Wake Forest Parks and Recreation Wake Forest sponsors several camps and events during the summer. For more information and applicant, go to Counselor in Leadership Training Program For more information, go to, Various Varies Applications accepted until classes/events are filled Varies Visit website $500-1000 Fills up fast— register early. Peace College, Raleigh NC Summer Leadership Experience Rising sophomore and junior female students are invited to apply for a summer program to develop leadership skills. For more information, go to Design Camp – NC State University High school students in good academic standing can apply to work with NCSU faculty and graduate students on projects involving: architecture, landscape architecture, industrial design, art and design, and graphic design. Go to Applications available online February 1 April Various weeks NCSU Raleigh, NC Varies Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts See website See website United States Naval Academy Summer Seminar Juniors have an opportunity to visit the Naval Academy for one week during the summer to experience all aspects of the academy, including: academic program, physical training and midshipman life. Go to to apply. Junior Statesmen Summer School Juniors are invited to participate in politically relevant courses during the summer at specific university. Courses include: AP US Govt., Speech Communication, AP US History, Congressional Workshop, US Foreign Policy, and more. Go to to apply and get more details. PACE Summer Scholars Program Sophomores and juniors eager to experience the atmosphere of university life are invited to participate. Faculty work with students and schedule a program of study and cultural events. For more details Go to Hollinsummer Open to high school girls, this two-week program includes two classes and extracurricular activities, from athletic clinics to outdoor programs. Classes are taught by Hollins faculty. Hargrave Military Academy Summer Programs Enrichment, repeat and elective courses are offered during the summer session. Go to for more details and application for admission. Various dates from June - August, Various dates in July USNA, Annapolis, MD Not specified See website Georgetown Princeton Yale Stanford $4750. Scholarships available Applications accepted until all spaces filled. Apply early. New York $1400.2400. June Hollins University, Virginia Varies Check website Applications accepted until all spaces filled Hargrave Military Academy, Virginia $4000 Check website NC Project SEED Rising juniors and seniors interested in completing a summer science research internship and have completed Chemistry are encouraged to apply. June and July dates NC State No cost, Participants earn stiped See website Wake Forest University $4000. Financial aid available Application review begins in March. Apply early. Summer @ Andover Several academic and art related courses to be taught during the summer. Go to for more details and application. LENS@Wake Forest 3 week program equipping current high school students with academic foundation necessary to become global citizens. Sustainability: Operate Locally and Extend Globally July dates Engineering Summer Camp The Mentoring and Enrichment Seminar in Engineering Training (MESET) program is a twoweek residential engineering-introduction program for students. The program is limited to 50 students. Participants stay on the University of Houston campus in a dormitory. UH engineering students will be their mentors and counselors. Juniors are eligible to apply for participation in this camp. For more details, go to University of Houston $300 Scholarships available May North Carolina ACE Academy This week-long camp is open to any high school student who is interested in exploring careers in Aviation. For more information and application, go to July and August Various airports in the triad $100 None specified USC Summer Seminars Rising juniors and seniors have an opportunity to participate in a four-week residential program studying in one of 18 seminars taught by USC professors. Successful completion of the Seminar grants students three university elective credits. Go to for more details and online application. (2 week or 4 week sessions) University of Southern California Cost varies. Financial aid available None specified Summer Academy in Math and Science The Summer Academy in Mathematics & Science at Elmhurst gives high school students a great start on a dynamic career in a math or science related field. The program is ideal for high school students who are considering careers in fields like mathematics, computer science, engineering, biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, and nursing. The program is designed specifically for students from groups underrepresented in such professions, but all high school students— including seniors—are encouraged to apply. Go to for more details. Elmhurst College $200 registration fee None specified Music Camp—NC Summer Institute in Choral Art, Inc. Week long summer music camp. Includes choral literature, show choir, as well as a performance at the week’s end. Warren Wilson College $435. Per camper. Scholarships available April Various Various Varies Check website Various Clemson University See website Counselor referral Various dates Various Check website Check website Summer Camp Options Listing of summer camps and educational opportunities for all ages. or Additional camp options in NC and SC— C-CATS A selective program offered by Clemson University open to top 9 th and 10th grade students from SC, NC, and GA. Must be top 15% of class and be nominated by the school counselors. Go to iD Tech Camps Weeklong day and overnight technology camps for beginner to advanced learners. Topics include: 3D Video Game Design, Web and Graphic Design, Video Editing, Robotics and more. Go to for registration details. Apply early. All other costs covered Vanderbilt University PreCollege PAVE Program Six-week summer course of study designed to strengthen the academic skills of students who are planning to enter a college engineering, pre-medical, science, or technology program. Depending on course, there may be opportunity for high school credit. For more details, go to Oxford Advanced Studies Program Students aspiring for competitive institutions are invited to consider Oxford, England for summer study, to give an extra edge to academic skills. Go to for more details. Varies Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN Check website April Varies Oxford, England $9200. plus registration Check website Duke University Summer Youth Programs Various programs range from Bioscience, Writing, Drama, Performing Arts and Computer Camps throughout the summer. Many options for grades 9 – 11. For registration information and details, go to Methodist University Music Camp Students, grades 9- 12, with at least a year of instruction in the areas of band, orchestra, jazz, piano, chorus or guitar are eligible to apply. For additional information or brochures, go to Broyhill Leadership Conference Leadership training for students (10th – 12th grade). Students interested in personal development and leadership training should apply. Go to to apply online. Various dates in July Duke University Durham, NC varies Check website Varies Methodist University Check website May varies Queens University, Charlotte NC $260. June Tiger Woods Learning Center Summer Academy Week long learning experience focusing on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and Golf for the beginning player. For application and details, go to June, July and August dates Southern California Check website Early enrollment is suggested. Space is limited. Summer High School Transportation Institute Rising juniors or seniors with at least a 2.5 gpa may apply. Topics of transportation education, career and other existing opportunities in the transportation are shared. For application and more details, email or call 336-334-7745. Boston University High School Programs Programs available for rising 9th to rising 12th grade students: High School Honors, Research Internship, Summer Challenge and Summer Preview. For more details and application instructions, go to . Email contact person NC A&T State University July Boston University Check website Check website GlaxoSmithKline’s Science in the Summer program in North Carolina needs high school students to work as camp assistants during week-long science camps at libraries and communitybased centers in Alamance, Caswell, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Harnett, Johnston, Orange and Wake counties during summer 2011. The theme for this summer is “Electricity & Magnetism”. For more information, SMU-Southern Methodist University Programs for students ranging from sports to computer and study skills camps. For more information Various dates Libraries in several counties including Wake SMU Campus Dallas, TX Paid position March Check website Check website JuneAugust Email contact person for details Brown University Pre-College Programs Summer at Brown is about challenge, discovery and new friends. A true residential college experience. Prepare for college success and experience life in the Ivy League. For more information, go to Various Dates Yale University Juniors and Seniors only. Courses are for college credit. For more information, go to Providence, Rhode Island Check website Check website New Haven, CT Check website Check website George Washington University—Experience the academic rigors of learning in a college environment. Credit or Non-Credit courses available. Summer 2014 Washington DC Cost varies Check website New York Film Academy—Opportunities for students ages 14-17 interested in filmmaking, digital filmmaking, acting, design, and more. Locations include New York City, Paris, Italy, Orlando, Los Angeles, Cambridge, MA, and Switzerland. Summer 2014 Various locations Varies depending on location and classes Check website Northwestern University—Various opportunities for students. For more information JuneAugust Evanston, IL Cost varies April American University—High school students have opportunity to learn professional-level skills from seasoned faculty and take field trips to see first-hand how experts put those skills to work. For more information (Go to summer programs, then college programs for high school students.) JuneAugust Washington, DC Varies Check website Check website EmoryUniversity—Summer academic program for high school students. A glimpse of academic and residential life at a top-ranked national university For more information JuneAugust Atlanta, GA Varies Check website May Barnard—Opportunity to discover NYC in and out of the classroom while taking fascinating classes. For more information June and July New York City Cost varies May Davidson College offers a variety of camps throughout the summer, including basketball, field hockey, tennis, volleyball, and wrestling. Academic camps also available. For more information (search summer camps). Summer 2014 Davidson, NC Varies depending on camp Check website PROMYS Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists is a six-week residential program for students who have a strong interest in mathematics. Applications are available at Various Boston University $3300. (financial assistance available) $3200. Scholarships available May Apply early Beloit College—Program for rising juniors and seniors. For more information July Beloit, WI Summer Studios at CAM Raleigh—High School Summer Design Studios are week-long art and design workshops held at the Contemporary Art Museum in downtown Raleigh. For more information Rising 9th through 12th eligible. July and August dates NC State University $500-1000. Financial assistance available Registration begins February Spots fill up fast. Career Explorations 2014-Johnson and Wales University Three-day summer programs for rising junior and seniors. Various programs offered on each campus. For more information Duke University Summer College for High School Students Get ahead this summer and earn college credits with other academically motivated students from around the world. Appalachian State Forensic Science Camp Camp designed for students with an interest in the laboratory analysis of crime scene evidence. Register online at North Carolina Central University School of Business Youth Business and Entrepreneurship Academy –selected students will receive business training and exposure to higher education on the campus of NCCU. Check Make It Happen Founcation at Free Enterprise Leadership Challenge Rising 10th, 11th , and 12th grade students interested in entrepreneurship, capitalism, and the economy. FELC provides practical training for school, jobs, and excurricular activities. See website for additional information Girl’s State A week of government study of city and state. For more information contact Melanie Lachance Boy’s State Week long workshop concentrating on NC state government and politics. For more information contact Melanie Lachance University of Alabama Early College On campus summer program for high-achieving high school students. See website for class lists and more information Quest Bridge Become a college prep scholar. Apply online at Dates vary in July Dates vary Charlotte, NC plus other locations Durham, NC Varies June deadline See website Varies Check website Check website Appalachian State, Boone NC NCCU campus $484 before 3/31/13 $509 after Full scholarship if selected Space fills up fast. Check website. Wingate, NC $100. Register now. Other locations and dates available. Catawba College $400. March Catawba College $325. May Check website University of Alabama Varies Check website Check website Online classes Check website March May March Heritage High School Sports Camps Heritage Sports Camps are committed to providing a Safe, Fun, and Skill-focused experience for kids between the ages of 8 and 15. HHS Sports Camps offers 4 different sports: Soccer, Football, Basketball, and Lacrosse. Please check the online brochure on the school website under athletics. Campers can sign-up for one or more camp sessions. June dates Heritage High School Check website Check website for details. UNC Charlotte Summer Opportunities The programs cover a variety of topics, including law, computer forensics, engineering, business, theater, and much more. Most programs last a week. Details are available here: Wake Tech Summer Camps Wake Tech's Summer Camps offer exploration, discovery, and all kinds of fun to help young minds grow. There's a great variety of offerings for 6th-12th graders. Youth Leadership Program The Initiative’s Summer Youth Leadership Program aims to develop the next generation of leaders through an intensive, innovative 8 week program. This program places rising high school seniors in internships with high-performing community organizations around the state. Miami University Summer Scholars Program An opportunity for high –achieving rising high school juniors and seniors to spend two weeks on a college campus exploring a topic of their choice with an acclaimed Miami faculty member. The program offers students a significant advantage in the college application process, with structured workshops focused on application essay writing, ACT/SAT test prep, and developing leadership skills. UNC-Charlotte Summer Camps Program covers a variety of topics, including law, computer forensics, engineering, business, theater, and much more. Most programs last a week. For more information, Marine Corps Summer Leadership and Character Development Academy Exposes students to USMC leadership fundamentals, core values, character development and ethical decision making exercises. Contact Staff Sergeant Montejano 919-556-4662/4559 Free Enterprise Leadership Challenge 2014 Meet other top performing students, experience an independent college setting, get advice from real world guest speakers, Shelton Leadership Challenge 2014 @ECU One week summer experience for rising freshman, sophomores, juniors, or seniors in high school. Shelton’s cornerstones of values-based leadership—honesty, integrity, compassion, diversity, and social responsibility Berry College PLUS Summer Enrichment Program PLUS (Preparing Leaders for Ultimate Success) is designed to instill in rising seniors from diverse backgrounds the aspiration and skills to adjust to college. Check website for more information June and July dates Charlotte, NC Varies Varies depending on the session. Check website. June 16August 7 Various locations Check website Check webstie July 6-18 and July 20August 1 Miami University, Oxford, OH Check website-varies Applications due May 1, 2014 Varies Charlotte, NC Varies May deadline See website for more information June and July Various locations Check website Check website June 2227, 2014 ECU, Greenville, NC $600. Check website June 2228 Berry College, Mount Berry, GA $275. April 19, 2014 Check website NCCU School of Business Summer Youth Business and Entrepreneurship Academy The academy is open to 20, high-achieving rising 10th and 11th grade students, with a B average or higher. Selected students will receive business training and exposure to higher education on the campus of NCCU, along with a full scholarship to cover that cost of attendance plus materials. UNC School of Social Work—Social Work Introduction for the Next Generation (SWING) 2 day on campus event sponsored by the UNC SSW and the Health Affairs Pipeline Partnership Initiative, a UNC collaboration aimed at increasing the recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority students in health careers. June 1627, 2014 NCCU, Durham, NC June 13 and 14, 2014 UNC Chapel Hill Full Scholarship April 25, 2014 May 1, 2014 Continue to check the updated summer opportunities bulletin on the school website at