UniCredito Italiano Group 1st Quarter 2002 Results Alessandro Profumo - CEO Milan, May 14th 2002 Agenda 1Q2002 Group Highlights Divisional Reporting Italian Commercial Banking Wholesale Banking Investment Banking Asset Management New Europe Banking Conclusions 2 GOOD INCREASE OF OPERATING INCOME OVER 2001 QUARTERLY AVERAGE THANKS TO REVENUE GROWTH AND COST CONTROL TOTAL REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES (Euro mln) +3.3% +4.3% +3.4% 2,457 1Q01 restated (Euro mln) +0.4% 2,453 2,537 01 Avg restated 1Q02 1,242 1Q01 restated 1,289 1,295 01 Avg restated 1Q02 +2.2% OPERATING INCOME (Euro mln) +6.7% 1,215 1Q01 restated 1,164 01 Avg restated 1,242 1Q02 3 NON-OPERATING ITEMS IN LINE WITH 1Q2001 RESTATED 14.3% of Operating Income, of which Euro 174 mln Specific provisions and Euro 4 mln for possible loan losses (Euro mln) +1,242 -64 0.16% (0.62% Annualised) of Total Net Customers Loans, in line with 1Q’01 -178 -20 -16 -433 Tax Rate at 44.9%, due to the end of benefits of the Ciampi Law (1) -130 +401 Operating Goodwill Net loan Other net Net Extr. Taxes income Income amort. loss prov. prov. Minorities Net Income (1) In 2001 the Group made lower provisions for taxes (in line with the prescriptions of the Ciampi Law), resulting in a lower tax rate. UCI prudentially made equivalent provisions for risks and charges, neutralising tax benefits from the Ciampi Law in the bottom line 4 NET INCOME 10.3% UP ON ‘01 AVERAGE RESTATED, EFFICIENCY AND PROFITABILITY STILL AT EXCELLENT LEVELS -3.1% NET INCOME Net income slightly down vs 1Q’01 restated (-3.1%) but significantly higher than 2001 Av. (+10.3%) +10.3% (Euro mln) 414 1Q01 restated 364 01 Avg restated 401 1Q02 COST/INCOME RATIO % 50.5 1Q01 restated 52.6 01 Avg restated ROE % 51.0 20.8 1Q02 1Q01 restated (1) 18.0 (2) 01 Avg restated 18.2 (1) 1Q02 (1) Calculated on end of period net equity excluding profit for the period and including profit for the previous period allocated to reserves. For 1Q’02 deducting also Euro 234 mln of net shareholders’ equity increase to finance the acquisition of ZABA (not yet consolidated). 5 (2) Calculated on end of period net equity (excluding profit for the period) INCREASED CONTRIBUTION OF WHOLESALE BANKING AND NEW EUROPE BUSINESSES ... REVENUE COMPOSITION BY BUSINESS AREA (Net of infra-Group dividends and of Corporate Centre & Elisions negative contribution) 1Q’01 restated : Euro 2,591 mln 1Q’02: Euro 2,665 mln 0.2% 4.6% 12.6% 4.8% 7.4% 13.5% 10.1% 71.4% 75.4% Italian Banking Investment Banking (UBM+TL) New Europe Banking Asset Management (Pioneer) New Initiatives 6 ... SUPPORTING A GOOD REVENUE INCREASE (3.3% Y/Y) WITH STRONG PERFORMANCES OF INTEREST INCOME AND TRADING FROM FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS TOTAL REVENUES BREAKDOWN (Euro mln) 2,457 +3.3% 2,537 +7.0% Net interest income 1,251 1,169 -4.4% Net commissions 815 Trading from financial trans. 319 Other income 154 1Q01 restated 779 +3.1% 329 +15.6% 178 1Q02 Net interest income up 2.7% on quarterly average 2001 Diversified mix of revenues: Net Interest Income/Total Revenues still under 50% Net non interest income in line with 1Q01 (-0.2%). Growth in trading profits and other income partially offsets the decrease of net commissions 7 GOOD NET INTEREST INCOME GROWTH DESPITE A WEAK ECONOMIC CICLE BOTH IN ITALY AND IN NEW EUROPE Italian banking (Euro mln) Group 8.1% increase in customer -1.5% 992 1,004 990 +3.1% 1,170 1,213 1,251 Avg 01 1Q01 (-58 bp vs. avg 2001) 1Q02 +17% 1Q02 The parent company benefited from the decrease of interest rates, reducing the interest paid on debt issued and the cost of equity investments financing 57 bp increase of mark up vs. 1Q01 87 bp reduction of mark down vs. New Europe Avg 01 deposits vs. 1Q01 (3.7% on avg 2001 deposits) (+38bp vs. avg 2001) 1Q01 1Q01 vs. 1Q01 (1.1% on avg 2001 loans) -0.3% (at unchanged FX) +6.9% 3.1% increase in customer loans (at unchanged FX) 18.9% increase in gross retail loans* +11% 209 221 Based on Bank of Italy Matrix figures 245 1Q01 Avg 01 *Management 1Q02 accounts vs. 1Q01 (+6.0% on avg 01) 7.2% increase in gross corporate loans* vs. 1Q01 (+6.0% on avg 01) 2.2% increase in retail deposits* vs. 1Q01 (+0.9% on avg 01) 9.8% increase in corporate deposits* vs. 1Q01 (+5.7% on avg 01) Selective lending policy towards less profitable customers Widening overall spread between assets and liabilities 8 NET COMMISSIONS AFFECTED BY THE NEGATIVE CONTRIBUTION FROM MUTUAL FUNDS (Euro mln) NET COMMISSIONS Asset management 01 Avg* 1Q’02 % ch. 451 419 -7.1 331 287 -13.3 Segregated accounts 63 71 +12.7 Insurance products 57 61 +7.0 Mutual funds Securities in custody Other services, of which: 83 83 - 281 277 -1.4 Loans granted & received 120 114 - 5.0 Cash manag. services 100 106 +6.0 815 779 -4.4 TOTAL Decrease in Commissions from Mutual Funds mainly due to lower sales of Luxembourg funds and to the lower share of equity and balanced funds on total AuM: Av. 1Q02 Equity Funds 45.3% vs. Av. 48.3% in 2001 Av. 1Q02 Balanced Funds 13.6% vs. 16.4% in 2001 Still good impact of capital guaranteed products on commissions from segregated accounts and insurance products * Consistent with the new Bank of Italy criteria for breakdown of commissions; 1Q’01 restated not available 9 BRILLIANT SALES OF CAPITAL GUARANTEED AND INSURANCE PRODUCTS IN ITALY SUSTAIN OUR CONFIDENCE IN MEETING NET COMMISSIONS BUDGET TARGETS CAPITAL GUARANTEED PRODUCTS: EURO 2.8 Bn NET INFLOWS IN 2002, EURO 10.2 Bn FROM LAUNCH TO APR. ‘02 (Euro mln) Total Group Insurance Portfolio as at 31.3.02: Euro 13,434 mln, +7.7% yoy, of which: Euro 9,452 mln unit-linked Euro 3,982 mln other policies Total New Premiums as at 31.3.02: Euro 1,018 mln, of which: Tot: 3,988 4,000 386 3,000 Tot: 1,989 2,734 16 2,000 Tot: 2,038 191 Tot: 1,018 1,242 1,000 0 Tot: 465 1,156 465 386 1Q’01 2Q’01 Fund, Equity & Index Linked Notes Tot: 736 Euro 963 mln Single Premiums Euro 55 mln Annual Premiums 94 632 868 731 3Q’01 4Q’01 Segregated Accounts 691 1Q’02 384 258 April’02 Unit Linked (UNISTAR) LIFE INSURANCE Increased contribution of annual premiums (Annual/ Total Premiums written: 5.3%, +150 bp vs. 1Q’01), positively impacting the profitability of our sales 10 STILL GOOD RESULTS IN INCOME FROM FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS (+3.1% Y/Y) SUPPORTED BY SOUND RISK MANAGEMENT INCOME FROM FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS +3.1% 329 (1) (Euro mln) 319 Cautious risk management: (1) Euro 4.2 mln Av. Daily VAR for UBM in 1Q’02 +29.5% Investment Banking (UBM & TL) Euro 2.8 mln for TL 179 Euro 5.5 mln UBM+TL 232 +0.6% Italian banks New Europe banks 103 31 1Q’01 (1) (2) 103 -13.6% 27 Increased contribution of CorporateLab, accounting for around Euro 216 mln (137 (2) Euro mln inside UBM and 79 Euro mln inside the Italian Banking division). Volumes of derivatives sold to corporate customers (3) up to Euro 8.9 bn (around 46% of total 2001 sales) 1Q’02 Balance due to other Group companies Of which: Euro 124 mln from Sales, Euro 13 mln from trading (3) Excluding large corporate customers 11 OPERATING COSTS IN LINE WITH 2001 QUARTERLY AVERAGE, +4.3% ON 1Q’01 RESTATED MAINLY DUE T INCREASED STAFF COSTS Staff costs: (Euro mln) +4.3% +0.4% 1,295 1,242 +2.5% +7.0% Staff Costs 768 718 434 442 Depreciation 82 1Q01 restated 749 +13.4% 93 1Q02 442 -5.3% +0.3% due to the development of New Initiatives (Xelion and Clarima) +3.5% due to strengthening of commercial units and the incentivisation program -1.8% -1.8% Other costs 1,289 +3.2% due to the development of Wholesale Banking (IB and Asset Management) 98 01 Avg restated Total Staff from 63,506 (1Q’01 restated) to 62,288 as of 31.3.2002 (-1.9% y/y) Other costs still do not include the expenses related to the S3 Project 12 GOOD ASSET QUALITY INDICATORS DESPITE THE ECONOMIC SLOWDOWN, WITH IMPROVED COVERAGE RATIOS Coverage ratios Net NPLs and Doubtful Loans as % of Total Net Loans 3.3 3.2 56.2 43.7 1.6 1Q02 Net Doubtful Loans/ Total Net Loans 2001 restated Net NPLs/ Total Net Loans Dec. 2001* 1Q’02 Net Doubtful Loans 3,770 3,770 Net NPLs 1,809 1,848 * Restated 44.5 1.6 2001 restated (Euro mln) 56.7 On Gross Doubtful Loans % ch. on Dec.’01 +2.1 1Q02 On Gross NPLs Slight increase of Net NPLs (+2.1% on 31.12.2001 restated) compensated by the reduction of other doubtful loans (2.0% on 31.12.2001 restated); stable Net NPL/Tot. Net Loans Ratio Significantly higher Coverage Ratios: +60 bp on Total Gross NPLs, +80 bp on Tot. Gross Doubtful Loans, thanks to conservative provisioning in all the business areas 13 DIVISIONAL CONTRIBUTION TO GROUP NET INCOME GOODWILL AND HOLDING CHARGES: (Euro mln) 122(1) +45.1% 24(1) +1.2% 54(1) +13.1% - 55 goodwill depr. - 110 holding loss (net of dividends), of which 95.8 due to financial costs -15 N.m. 566 -0.4% -165(1) N.m. 401 -3.1% 381(1) -9.0% Italian banking(2) Inv. banking(3 ) Pioneer Group(4) Wholesale banking (1) (2) (3) New Total preNew Initiatives(6) Corp. Centre Europe banking(5) Net of infragroup dividends. Goodwill depreciation is fully charged to Corp. Centre Credito Italiano, Rolo Banca 1473, Cariverona, CRT, Cassamarca, Caritro, CRTrieste, Banca dell’Umbria, CRCarpi, Mediovenezie, BMC, Adalya Banca Imm. Spa, Banque Monegasque, Unicredit Suisse, BAC Marino, CRTS Zagabria, RoloPioneer Lux, Rolo Pioneer Sgr, Gesticredit, Gestiveneto, Fondinvest, Pioneer inv. Management SA, S+R Investimenti, Fida Sim, FRT Sim, Fid. Cordusio, CRV Ireland, CRTS Ireland, Uniriscossioni, Quercia Funding, Unicredit Servizi informativi, Unicredit Prod. Acc., Trivimm, Quercia Software UBM, TradingLab, Euro Capital Structures (4) (5) (6) (7) Corp. Centre & elisions(7 Group total ) Group Pioneer Global Asset Management Spa, Unicredit Capital Italia Spa Group Pekao, Bulbank, Pol’nobanka, Splitska Banka Xelion, Clarima Parent Company, other financial companies and elisions 14 Agenda 1Q2002 Group Highlights Divisional Reporting Italian Commercial Banking Wholesale Banking Investment Banking Asset Management New Europe Banking Conclusions 15 ITALIAN BANKING DIVISION 1Q RESULTS IN LINE WITH INTERNAL EXPECTATIONS; SLIGHT DECREASE OF REVENUES DUE TO LESS FAVOURABLE MARKET ENVIRONMENT (Euro mln) 1Q’01 1Q’02 % ch. Net interest income 992 990 -0.2 Net non interest income 963 913 -5.2 1,955 1,903 -2.7 -948 -953 +0.5 1,007 950 -5.7 -110 -103 -6.4 -20 -23 +15.0 8 -2 N. m. -377 -355 -5.8 Net income 508 467 -8.1 Net income for the Group 420 381 -9.3 48.5% 50.1% Total revenues Administr. costs (incl. depr.) Operating income Net loan loss provisions Other net provisions Net extraordinary income Tax expenses Cost/Income ratio(1) Stable interest income vs. 1Q01 Decrease in commissions vs. 1Q01 mainly due to different asset mix (-24 mln Euro) and lower commissions from securities in custody (-20 mln Euro) Stable costs vs. 1Q01, with tight costs control expected for 2H02, resulting from the merger of the existing 7 banks into a unique entity 16 SELECTIVE LOAN GROWTH KEEPS ASSET QUALITY AT EXCELLENT LEVEL 7 MAJOR ITALIAN BANKS ONLY 2001 1Q’02 % Ch. On Dec.01 Net Doubtful Loans 2,681 2,709 1.0% Net NPLs 1,483 1,493 0.7% 2.60% 2.78% +18 bp 3.30% 3.30% 37.8% 37.9% +10 bp 46.3% 46.8% +50 bp Gross NPL /Gross Loans Gross NPL /Gross Loans T-2 Coverage on Total Gross Doubtful loans Coverage on Total Gross NPLs - Very limited increase of Net Doubtful Loans and NPLs due to the economic slowdown Stable Gross NPL/Gross Loans T-2 Ratio Increased Coverage Ratios 17 S3 PROJECT IS WELL ON TRACK PHASE 1 (JAN - JULY 2002): FROM 7 BANKS TO THE MERGER IN UCI BANCA INTERNAL COMMUNICATION Top Management’s Roadshow in the main Italian towns to meet all 7,500 middle managers to share the rationale and targets of the S3 Project LEGAL AND ACCOUNTING Approved acquisition of the minorities by all the Shareholders’ meetings of the Italian Banks Assets and Liabilities of the single banks as well as of the Parent Company identified 1st July 2002: merger date ORGANISATION Organisational charts as well as branch network redesign for all 3 banks completed Operational models for the 3 new banks defined Managing Director and “first line” management of the new 3 banks appointed 18 PHASE 2 (JULY 2002 – JANUARY 2003): FROM UCI BANCA TO 3 SEGMENT BANKS (RETAIL, PRIVATE AND CORPORATE) ORGANISATION Complete divisionalisation of UniCredit Banca (headquarters and network) to be completed by Sep02 COMMERCIAL ALIGNMENT & ENHANCEMENT Harmonisation of product ranges, commercial policies, planning & control tools, credit processing already started; high value product lines to be aligned by Sep02 IT INTEGRATION Completion of IT for new Private and Corporate Bank by Sep02; fine tuning and customer migration by Dec02 19 Agenda 1Q2002 Group Highlights Divisional Reporting Italian Commercial Banking Wholesale Banking Investment Banking Asset Management New Europe Banking Conclusions 20 EXCELLENT RESULTS IN INVESTMENT BANKING, MAINLY DUE TO THE STRONG GROWTH OF CORPORATE DERIVATIVES By nature (Euro mln) Net Interest margin % ch. 12 +71 179 232 +30 6 26 +333 192 270 +41 CorporateLab (Corporate Deriv.) 68 137* +101 Investment & Corporate Banking 4 15 +275 Sales & Trading (incl. Inst. Deriv.) 46 63 +37 TradingLab (Retail Derivatives) 74 55 -26 Staff costs -19 -30 +58 Other costs -26 -27 +4 147 213 +45 -4 -5 -60 -86 +43 83 122 +47 Net Commissions Total revenues By business line 1Q’02 7 Trading profits Operating income Net provisions & other costs Tax expenses Net income * 1Q’01 N. m. In 1Q’02 Euro 124 mln from Sales (of which Euro 69 mln through the Italian Network and Euro 55 through Non-Captive distribution) and Euro 13 mln from Trading High growing, recurring, noncyclical and stressproof Trading Profits generated by: CorporateLab TradingLab Institutional deriv. Securities business Exceptional results for CorporateLab: 1Q’02 Revenues accounting for 62% of FY’01 Results (Euro 220 mln) Significant growth in Investment and Corporate Banking, despite the negative market scenario Excellent C/I Ratio (21%), 2.3% down on 1Q’01 21 TRADING RISKS UNDER STRICT CONTROL, WITH A FURTHER CONSIDERABLE IMPROVEMENT OF THE AV. DAILY P&L / AV. DAILY VAR RATIO Avg Daily P&L / Avg Daily VaR UBM+TL Daily VAR(1) and P&L (Jan. 2001 - Mar. 2002) Euro mln 17% 1999 8 UBM+TL Daily VAR and P&L 33% 6 No negative daily P&Ls in 2002 up to end of March More and more efficient use of VaR Channel: Avg Daily P&L / Avg Daily VaR Ratio from 17% in 1999 to 33% in 1Q2002 No negative outliner from 1st January 2001 -2 -6 02 02 02 /0 3/ 02 /0 2/ 02 01 /0 1/ 02 01 /1 2/ 02 01 /1 1/ 02 01 /1 0/ 02 01 /0 9/ 02 01 /0 8/ 02 01 /0 7/ 02 01 /0 6/ 02 01 /0 5/ 02 01 /0 4/ 02 01 /0 3/ 02 /0 2/ 02 /0 1/ 01 -8 02 1Q02 0 VaR 2001 Low 1Q’02 Average Daily VAR(1), 12% up vs 4Q’01 (Euro 5.5 mln vs Euro 4.9 mln) due to increased volumes 2 Daily P&L 2000 23% 4 -4 21% (1) Figure relates to UBM and TL combined; calculation made with a 98-99% asymmetric double tail confidence interval. P&L net of accounting adjustments as of 31.12.2001 22 Agenda 1Q2002 Group Highlights Divisional Reporting Italian Commercial Banking Wholesale Banking Investment Banking Asset Management New Europe Banking Conclusions 23 BRILLIANT NET SALES IN THE US AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AREAS ... 2001(1) Net Sales Inv. Perf.(2) 30st Apr. 2002 111,049 +2,478 -1,623 111,904 USA 21,742 +1,836 -940 22,638 Italy of which Institutional 85,580 -140 -742 84,698 5,731 +276 -156 5,851 International 2,683 +671 +44 3,398 New Europe 1,044 +111 +15 1,170 (Euro mln) TOTAL PIONEER AuM (3) Non Captive/Total AuM(3) - Assets Breakdown 30,71% 32% 29,22% 30% 28% 26% 25,31% 24% 22% Record Net Sales in the US (Euro 1.8 bn vs. Euro 1.4 bn in FY01) and International Division (Euro 671 mln vs. Euro 596 mln in FY01) and positive results in New Europe and ItalyInstitutional, completely offsetting negative sales in the Italian Retail Area Increasing “Non Captive” share on 20% 2000 2001 (1) Based on official BCE FX as at 31.12.2001 30 April 2002 (2) Including FX effect total AuMs (3) (3) Excluding Proprietary Funds 24 ...AND A STRONG EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT LEADING TO A 30% EBIT INCREASE 1Q02/Av.01 % ch. 1Q02/1Q01 % ch. +37% 131 130 1Q01 Av.01 +6% +0.3% +5% +1.8% 138 110.5 112.2 112.5 +30% 48 37 35 1Q02 Revenues 1Q01 Av.01 (1) 1Q01 Av.01 Average AuM 1Q02 Managerial EBIT 72% 73% 65% 1Q02 47.3 46.4 1Q01 Av.01 49.1 17.2 13.4 12.5 1Q01 1Q01 Av.01 1Q02 Managerial EBIT on Av. AuM, bp (2) (1) Revenues from pure Asset Management Av.01 1Q02 Managerial C/I Ratio (2) Annualised data 1Q02 Revenues on Av. AuM, bp(2) 25 MOMENTUM ACQUISITION PERFECTLY FITS PIONEER’S STRATEGY, COMPLETING THE PRODUCT RANGE AND REINFORCING THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK PIONEER brings VALUE CREATION Euro 112 bn AuM Creating an extensive Institutional Hedge Fund product provider Euro 503 mln AuM (Alternative Assets) Unified investment process and focus on risk management Strong distribution network Established operating platform to facilitate growth PAI Dublin: single strategy products Exploiting current growth in Alternative Investment products with an established brand and worldwide distribution capability Offering a complete set of Alternative Investment products: Single Strategy,Fund of Funds, Structured Products, Managed Accounts PAI Milan: multi- Developing long only business in existing Momentum locations Strong Operational Risk Cost-saving in marketing & international distribution network development manager provider in the Italian market Management Momentum* brings Euro 1.5 bn AuM as of 31.04.2002 Strong brand in the FOHF market Strong track record in FOHF products Innovative FOHF product development in expanding marketplaces (e.g. Structured products) Established distribution offices in London, Hong Kong, Israel and Australia (*) Total Investment: Euro 120 mln (calculated with Euro/USD FX as at 10.5.2002: 0.915), approx. 8% of Total AuMs as of Apr.02 26 Agenda 1Q2002 Group Highlights Divisional Reporting Italian Commercial Banking Wholesale Banking Investment Banking Asset Management New Europe Banking Conclusions 27 OPERATING INCOME UP 23% Y/Y AND NET INCOME GROWTH AT +19% Y/Y (+23% AND +18% AT END 1Q02 FX RESPECTIVELY) (Euro mln) At end of March FX Total Revenues At end of period FX(1) 324 Operating Income +10.1% +10.8% 359 +23.4% +23.4% 1Q01 1Q02 Cost/Income 117 114 -2.6% 52.5% 1Q01 1Q02 +17.2% Non Net Interest Income 190 154 Customer volumes growth constrained by slight delay in macroeconomic pick-up and +18.4% by tight pricing policy: 245 Selective Customer Loans 207 growth: +1.5% yoy(2) (+9.6% y/y retail and corporate average volumes) Customer Deposits: +2.7% 1Q01 1Q02 yoy(2) (+4% y/y retail and corporate average volumes) Net Interest Income 47.1% 1Q01 1Q02 -5.4 pp -5.7 pp 1Q01 1Q02 (1) Exchange ratio of 31 mar 02 for 1Q02, exchange ratio of 31 mar 01 for 1Q01 (2) End of period Perimeter: Group Pekao, Bulbank and Unibanka fully consolidated, Splitska at net equity with P&L impact of Euro 2.4 mln in 1Q01 and Euro 4.2 mln in 1Q02 in NE dividend figure -2.6% Negative impact of conservative customer lending activity on commissions (-4.7% y/y) Positive contribution of other income (+18.2% y/y) due to fees on current account packages EFFICIENT COST CONTROL Staff costs down 1.1% at unchanged FX (-1.158 headcount reduction vs 1Q01) Tight procurement, centralised purchasing, outsourcing Real estate restructuring INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY Total Revenues per employee up 16% at unchanged FX from Euro 57 th. in 1Q01 to 66 th. in 1Q02 28 INCREASED CONTRIBUTION TO GROUP’S NET INCOME FROM NEW EUROPE BANKS (+2 pp y/y), DIVISION’S C/I AT EXCELLENT LEVEL THANKS TO RESTRUCTURING NEW EUROPE BANKING NET INCOME – UCI’s PORTION: EURO 54 mln (+12.5% y/y) UNIBANKA* 2% (Euro 1 mln) BULBANK 10% (Euro 5 mln) SPLITSKA 8% (Euro 4 mln) * Formerly Pol’nobanka Differently from FY01 Splitska is consolidated by net equity method GROUP PEKAO 80% (Euro 43 mln) Uni Banka Total Division 15 9 359 +10 173 8 4 190 +23 ROE,% 18.6 11.1 11.4 18.4 +92 bp C/I Ratio, % 47.5 45.1 60.7 47.1 -57 bp Group Pekao Bulbank Total Revenues, (Euro mln) 330 Operating Income, (Euro mln) (1) Balance due to Splitska Banka, consolidated by Net Equity Method (1) % Ch. y/y on Tot. (2) (2) Calculated at Unchanged FX as at the end of March 2002 29 OVERALL ASSET QUALITY OF THE DIVISION PRESERVED THANKS TO PEKAO’S SELECTIVE LENDING POLICY AND EFFECTIVE RECOVERY ACTIONS Coverage ratios Net NPLs and Doubtful Loans as % of Total Net Loans 9.2 9.0 78.6 54.6 2001 restated 1Q02 Net Doubtful Loans/ Total Net Loans Net Doubtful Loans Net NPLs * Restated 56.8 2.8 2.5 (Euro mln) 78.6 2001 restated Net NPLs/ Total Net Loans Dec. 2001* 1Q’02 876 847 240 255 On Gross Doubtful Loans % ch. on Dec.’01 -3.3 +6.2 1Q02 On Gross NPLs Selective and conservative lending policies (weight of net non-performing and doubtful loans on total loans nearly stable) Improvement of coverage ratios Implementation of new lending rules and procedures, active monitoring Effective recovery actions 30 REVENUE GROWTH, RISK CONTROL AND INCREASED EFFICIENCY TO BE SUPPORTED BY THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW PROJECTS New IT systems in Pekao and Bulbank to be completed by 2003 “Credit Excellence Project” to improve credit process and monitoring in all NE banks New common platform for card processing to increase economies of scale and to enhance competitive advantage Divisionalisation to lead to improved commercial effectiveness (for Pekao to be completed by June 2002) Product enlargement (current account packages, investment products, pension funds, life insurance, cards) 31 Agenda 1Q2002 Group Highlights Divisional Reporting Italian Commercial Banking Wholesale Banking Investment Banking Asset Management New Europe Banking Conclusions 32 SUMMING UP Good Net Income growth on 2001 quarterly average (+10.3%), in line with our expectations and targets Business diversification enhances the Group’s revenue generation capability (+3.4% on 2001 quarterly average) Strong innovation capability results in high value added products for corporate and retail customers Good cost control (+0.4% on 2001 quarterly average), C/I Ratio at excellent levels (51%) Stable total doubtful loans with higher coverage ratios S3 project well on track 33 Annexes 34 1Q02 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (Euro mln) % ch. on Avg. 01 1Q01 1Q02 % ch. Avg.01 Net interest income (incl. dividends) 1,169 1,251 +7.0 1,218 +2.7 Net non interest income 1,288 1,286 -0.2 1,235 +4.1 2,457 2,537 +3.3 2,453 +3.4 1,242 1,295 +4.3 1,289 +0.4 1,215 1,242 +2.2 1,164 +6.7 64 64 +0.0 69 -7.6 175 178 +1.7 192 -7.3 Other net provisions* 30 20 -33.3 72 -72.2 Net extraordinary income 30 -16 n.m. 54 n.m. Taxes 438 433 -1.1 394 +9.8 Minorities 124 130 +4.8 127 +2.6 Net income 414 401 -3.1 364 +10.3 Tax rate, % 44.9 44.9 Total revenues Administrative costs (incl. depr.) Operating income Goodwill depr. Net loan loss provisions (*) Including provisions to general banking risk fund 44.5 35 ASSET QUALITY BY DIVISION (Euro mln) Gross NPL % change on Dec. ‘01 Dec.01(2) 1Q02 New Europe banks Dec.01(2) 1Q02 2,761 1,119 Italian banks 2,805 +1.6 1,192 Other (1) Dec.01(2) 1Q02 245 +6.5 268 Group Dec.01(2) 1Q02 4,125 +9.4 4,265 +3.4 Gross NPL/Tot. Gr. Loans,% 2.7 2.8 10.3 11.5 1.7 1.6 3.4 3.6 Net NPL/Tot. Net Loans,% 1.5 1.6 2.5 2.8 0.6 0.6 1.6 1.6 4,309 4,363 +1.2 1,928 1,962 +1.8 457 465 1.8 6,694 6,790 +1.4 2.7 2.8 9.0 9.2 1.5 1.3 3.2 3.3 -on total gross NPL, % 46.3 46.8 78.6 78.6 64.9 62.7 56.1 56.7 -on tot. Gross doubtful loans, % 37.8 37.9 54.6 56.8 53.4 54.0 43.7 44.5 Total gross doubtful loans % change on Dec. ‘01 Net Doubtful Loans/Tot. Net Loans,% Coverage ratios (1) (2) Mainly Locat, UniCredit Factoring and Parent Company 2001 restated 36 1Q02 RESULTS BREAKDOWN BY DIVISION (Euro mln) Italian banking Wholesale banking New Europe banking New Initiatives Corp. Centre & elisions Group total Interest margin (incl. div.) 990 4 245 1 11 1,251 Net non interest income 913 395 114 3 -139 1,286 1,903 399 359 4 -128 2,537 953 148 169 19 6 1,295 of which: Staff 537 83 87 3 58 768 Operating income 950 251 190 -15 -134 1,242 126 5 50 - 17 198 - - - - 64 64 355 93 49 - -64 433 -2 - +2 - -16 -16 Net income 467 153 93 -15 -167 531 Net income for The Group 381 146 54 -15 -165 401 Total revenues Administrative costs (incl. depr.) Net provisions and other costs Goodwill depreciation Tax expenses Extraordinary Income 37 WHOLESALE BANKING DIVISION INCOME STATEMENT (Euro mln) UBM Interest margin (incl. div.) T.Lab ASSET TOTAL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT (Pioneer+UCI BANKING(1) Capital Italia) TOTAL WHOLESALE BANKING (2) 19 -7 12 -8 4 197 62 258 137 395 216 55 270 129 399 39 19 57 90 148 of which: Staff 24 6 30 52 83 Operating income 177 36 213 39 251 0 0 0 0 0 70 15 86 7 93 Net income 101 21 122 31 153 Net income for The Group 101 21 122 24 146 34 21 Net non interest income Total revenues Administrative costs (incl. depr.) Extraordinary Income Tax expenses C/I Ratio, % 18 (1) Balance due to roundings and to Euro Capital Structures (52% owned by UBM) 69 (2) Balance due to roundings 37 38 NEW EUROPE BANKING: RESULTS BREAKDOWN BY BANK (Euro mln) (UCI stake) BULBANK (85,2%) UNI BANKA (72,4%) TOTAL (1) Interest margin (incl. div.) 224 10 7 245 Net non interest income 106 5 3 114 330 15 9 359 157 7 6 169 - Staff costs 82 3 2 87 - Other costs 59 3 3 64 173 8 4 190 47 0 2 48 Net income 81 6 2 93 Net income (UCI’s portion) 43 5 1 54 ROE 18,6% 11,1% 11,4% 18,4% Cost/income (excl. goodwill dep.) 47,5% 45,1% 60,7% 47,1% 36% 28% 21% 34% Total revenues Operating costs (incl. dep.) Net operating income Net loan loss provisions Tax Rate (1) Group PEKAO (53,2%) Including Euro 4.2 mln due to Splitska Banka consolidation at net equity; balance due to roundings 39