Course Syllabus 2015-2016 Lake Career & Technical Center Developing Skills for a Lifetime Medical Terminology INSTRUCTORS: Shelly Bonds, RN Amy Wackerman, RN LCTC: 573-346-9260. PREREQUISITES: None HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS: 2 GRADE LEVELS: 10-12 INTEGRATED ACADEMIC CREDIT : One unit of elective English credit will be awarded to student’s completing at least four credits in a career and technical education program and upon successful completion of the English criteria established. A value of .5 credits may be awarded at the end of each year. COLLEGE CREDIT: State Fair Community College offers dual credit to Juniors and Seniors who qualify. Students can discuss with Instructor and/or the LCTC Guidance Counselor. WORK-BASED LEARNING ACTIVITIES: are provided through field trips. INDUSTRY RECOGNIZED CREDENTIAL: CPR Certification =================================================================== === COURSE RATIONALE: Medical Terminology class will assist the student in building a professional vocabulary in medical terminology required for working in health care associated occupations. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to identify and define medical terms related to diagnosis, pathology, and treatment of the major body systems. The Medical Terminology course is designed to prepare the student with suitable knowledge for entry level employment or continuing education in a variety of health careers. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Medical Terminology allows students to develop an understanding of the language of medicine and enhance professional communication in health care environments. The course provides the basic principles in the development of medical terms through the study of prefixes, word roots, and suffixes. Emphasis is on anatomy and physiology of each body system, as well as diseases related to each system. Individually, students create a model of the body structures using modeling clay and a miniature skeleton to solidify comprehension and relate these structures to the human body. Field trips and observations will enhance student awareness of various medical facilities and health careers. Students will learn to perform vital signs as well as become certified in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). POWER STANDARDS/COURSE OBJECTIVES: MT1 Demonstrate knowledge of the Skeletal System. MT2 Demonstrate knowledge of the Muscular System. MT3 Demonstrate knowledge of the Cardiovascular System. MT4 Demonstrate knowledge of the Digestive System. MT5 Demonstrate knowledge of the Nervous System. MT6 Demonstrate knowledge of the Reproductive System. WE- Work Ethics PE1b- Pre-Employment- Resume’ OUTCOMES/GOALS: 1. The student will gain knowledge of the language utilized in the medical field. 2. The student will be able to perform vital signs and CPR. 3. The student will study anatomy and physiology which will be necessary to further their career in the health care field. 4. The student will study diseases and abnormalities for each body system which are common in the medical field. CAREERS IN THE HEALTH CARE FIELD & EARNINGS: Occupation Avg. National Annual Income Avg. Hourly Income C. N. A. $25,100 $12.07 Dietetic Tech $25,780 $12.39 Pharmacy Tech $29,810 $14.33 Phlebotomist $30,670 $14.74 Medical Records $35,900 $17.26 Surgical Tech $38,000 $18.00 Licensed Practical Nurse $42,490 $20.43 Radiology Tech $55,870 $26.86 Respiratory Therapists $56,730 $27.27 Registered Nurse $66,640 $32.04 Dental Hygienist $71,520 $34.38 Speech Therapists $71,550 $34.40 Physical Therapists $82,390 $39.61 RESOURCES: Introduction to Medical Terminology Textbook and Workbook. Ann Ehrlich and Carol Schroeder Materials & Supplies Needed: flash cards and highlighters. EVALUATION: Students are able to view their grades and attendance via the Student Portal. A link has been provided on the LCTC webpage - GRADING SCALE: Total points accumulated from all assignments will be used to establish the semester grade. A AB+ B BC+ 95% - 100% 90% - 94% 87% - 89% 83% - 86% 80% - 82% 77% - 79% C CD+ D DF 73% - 76% 70% - 72% 67% - 69% 63% - 66% 60% - 62% 59% and below Students have one week (7 calendar days) to complete work that was missed due to absence. Students will communicate with instructor regarding absences. Students are responsible for checking in and getting missed assignments from instructor. **STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO KEEP GRADES AND ATTENDANCE HIGH IN MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY CLASS AS THIS AFFECTS THE RANKING TO BE CHOSEN TO CONTINUE INTO HEALTH OCCUPATIONS CLASSES. CTSO (Career & Technical Student Organization): Students are strongly encouraged to be members of SkillsUSA where students will develop leadership skills and be able to compete within their program area of study. Competitions can occur at the district, state, and national levels. Student dues are $15 and can be paid to the instructor. CLASSTOOM & STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: 1. Actively listen, watch and participate. 2. Be POSITIVE!!! 3. RESPECT yourself, instructor, fellow students & all belongings. 4. HONESTY is expected! TRUST is CRITICAL in the health care field. 5. Take care of your personal needs quickly & quietly!!! 6. Clean up after yourself before leaving the classroom or clinical location. 7. FOLLOW the LCTC HANDBOOK as well as your HIGH SCHOOL HANDBOOK!!! 8. If absent call instructor at 573-346-9260 or leave a message with your name, instructor and that you will not be in class. 9. CELL PHONE USE Cell phone use is not allowed in the classroom unless it is assigned as part of the lesson plan. Students are allowed to use their cell phones, for texting, in commons area during break time.