Plant Classification Web-Quest: Types, Evolution, Reproduction

Plant Classification Web-Quest
*Log in to Haiku and click on the Plant Classification page.
List the four types of plants: 1. _________________________ 2. ______________________
3. _________________________ 4. _______________________
Which evolved first? ___________________ Which one evolved last? ______________________
Why do you think plants with seeds evolved last? _______________________________________
*Use the Bioloby4Kids Links to answer questions 1 through 10 below.
Overview Link1. What do all plants have in common? __________________________________________
2. Why would a scientist study plants today? _____________________________________
Basic Structure Link3. List three ways some plants are specialized or different from other plants?
 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________
 __________________________________________________________________
Plant Reproduction Link4. Define Asexual Reproduction:
5. Define Sexual Reproduction:
6. What is a conifer? ________________________________________________________________________
7. What is a flowering plant? _________________________________________________________________________
Moses and Liverworts Link8. Why can’t mosses and liverworts grow tall? ______________________________________
9. Why is water a requirement for reproduction for mosses and liverworts? ________________
10. Where might you find mosses and liverworts? _____________________________
Ferns and Horsetails Link11. How are ferns different than mosses? _________________________________________
12. How are ferns the same as mosses? ___________________________________________
13. How are ferns different than horsetails? _______________________________________
14. How are ferns the same as horsetails? _________________________________________
Gymnosperms Link15. What are the 3 main characteristics of a gynosperm?
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
 _____________________________________
16. What are some examples of a conifer?
17. How is the Ginkgo tree different that almost all other trees?
Angiosperms Link18. What is the most recent evolutionary advantage for plants? ________________________
19. Why is it an advantage?
20. What is the difference between a monocot and a dicot?
Watch the videos and answer the questions: (If the video keeps pausing , press pause and let it load before you
watch it.)
# 1: Angisperms,mov- What is the scientific term used to classify non-vascular plants? __________________
# 2: Angiosperms are what percentage of all plant species? ___________________
How many angiosperm plant species are there? ________________________
What is another name for an angiosperm? ___________________________________
#3: Plant - What is pollinations? ___________________________________________________
List four pollinators? 1. _________________________ 2. __________________________
3. _________________________ 4. _________________________
# 4 How many species of ferns and fern allies are there? _________________________
How do ferns reproduce?______________________________________________