Audience research

Audience research
My idea
I will create a nine question questionnaire
that can find out everything I need to know
to create a good magazine. I will give the
questionnaire to twenty people who like rock
and metal music. I will only give it to people
who like this type of music because that is
what will be contained in my magazine.
I thought that questionnaires were a good
idea because they can get the answers that
I need to make a successful magazine.
People are more likely to answer questions
truthfully when they are written, not spoken,
and anonymous.
What I need to know
What colours people want the magazine to be.
What bands will be in the magazine.
The cost of the magazine.
Prizes that can be won through the competitions and what type of
competitions they will be.
What sort of articles will be in the magazine.
What else will be in the magazine.
Questions to ask
What are your 3 favourite colours? - This is to find out what sort of colours. I
will use the three colours that are chosen most.
Who are your 3 favourite bands? - I will include these bands in the articles, on
the front cover and elsewhere in the magazine.
My magazine will have about 30 pages. How much would you be willing to
pay for this magazine? - This is to find out how much people will pay for my
type of magazine.
What type of competitions would you like to see? - This is to find out what
competitions people would actually complete and submit.
What prize would you like to expect from the competition? - I will use the most
reasonable suggestion for the prize in my magazine.
Questions to ask
What sort of articles would you want to see in the magazine (news, reviews,
tour stories, fashion, real life)? I will use all of the things that the people
answering the questionnaire want but will do my double page spread as an
article anyway.
What are your ten favourite songs? This will determine what songs are put on
the ten track, free CD. The top ten songs will be used.
What events would you like to see listed in the magazine (tours, concerts,
normal clubs)? This is to see whether people would be interested in what is
on at normal clubs.
How often would you like to see this magazine come out? Once a month or
once a week? This is to determine how often the magazine would come out.
What are your 3 favourite
I have asked this to find out what colours are favoured by people who like rock and metal music. This will
determine which three colours I will use throughout the magazine. This will make more people buy it because
it will be attractive to those who are looking for a magazine of this sort.
Black - 20
White - 2
Grey - 12
Pink - 3
Red - 15
Purple - 3
Blue - 4
Black, red and grey do look
good together so I’m glad
people chose these colours.
But when I put the blue next
to them, it doesn’t go with the
red. If I do use blue in my
magazine then I will have to
make sure that it isn’t near
any of the red copy or
Yellow - 1
Black, grey and red were the most popular colours in my questionnaire. Originally I wanted to
use black, white and purple for my theme but this is not what the public want. Blue is the next
most chosen colour on my list. This may be used if I feel that these colours are not enough to
draw people in on their own. These four colours will show people what type of magazine this
is as the colours were chosen by people who like this genre of music.
Who are your 3 favourite
The top five results that I got were Slipknot, Guns ‘n’ Roses, Evanescence, Limp Bizkit and Motorhead. People
did like different bands but I only took these five into account as they are the most popular choices and some
of the bands people mentioned, I’d never heard of so some others may not have heard of them.
Slipknot - 4
Guns ‘n’ roses - 14
Evanescence - 15
Limp Bizkit - 12
Motorhead - 2
The band mentioned most will be Evanescence because they were the most popular and the least mentioned will be motorhead because they
were the least popular band.
My magazine will have 30 pages. How much would you
be willing to pay for this?
magazine will cost between 1 and 2 pounds because this is how much most people
was appropriate for the magazine to cost and how much they would be willing
2- 3 - 4
to pay. There would be no point in pricing my magazine higher than what people would
pay because then they wouldn’t buy it and the company would not make any money.
What type of competitions would you like to see?
I gave people a choice because there are two many different sorts of competitions for people to remember. I
asked them to choose two that they would like to see in a magazine competition.
Crosswords - 19
Word searches - 12
Quizzes - 2
Sudoku - 7
I will use a crossword for the main
competition, a word search in the corner of
my main article and sudoku on the contents
page to keep people entertained.
What prize would you expect from a competition?
Again, I gave the participants a list to choose from as these prizes are realistic, however I only asked them to choose one.
VIP tickets (Backstage passes) - 12
Signed CD - 7
Group T-shirt - 0
Shopping trip - 1
VIP tickets and
backstage passes will
be the prize for the
competition. They will
be to an
Evanescence concert
because they were
the most popular
What sort of articles would you want to see in the
magazine (news, reviews, tour stories, fashion, real
For this question, the participants were told to tick as many as they wanted to.
News - 20
Reviews - 20
Tour stories - 17
Fashion - 18
Real life - 11
My main story will be on celebrity
news and maybe have a review on
the same page in a bottom corner.
What are your ten favourite songs?
Limp Bizkit - Break stuff
Evanescence - Bring me to life
Guns ‘n’ Roses - November Rain
Aerosmith - Walk this way
Guns ‘n’ Roses - Sweet child ‘o’ mine
Deep Purple - Smoke on the water
AD/DC - Ace of Spades
Slipknot - Snuff
Evanescence - My Immortal
I asked
people to
name their
songs and
these were
the most
What events would you like to see listed in the
magazine (tours, concerts, normal clubs)?
Everybody that I questioned thought that all of these should be featured in my magazine.
Tours - 20
Concerts - 20
Normal clubs - 20
How often would you like to see this magazine come
out? Once a month or once a week?
My magazine will be produced once a
month because how is how often most
people want the magazine to be
Once a week - 8
Once a month - 12