
EcoColumn Lab
Purpose: This lab will provide an opportunity to explore several types of ecosystems, the components within
each ecosystem, the conditions required for the sustainability, and the interconnections between the various
chambers composing the column.
Materials (per lab group):
• 2-liter clear plastic bottles (6) with the labels removed completely*
• 2-liter bottle caps (3)*
• Scissors (1)
• Soil (top soil – 1 bag)
• clear packaging tape (1 roll)
• straw (1)
• gravel ( 1 bag)
• rocks (1 bag)
• seeds or viable plant cuttings*
• leaves, grass clippings, and / or fruit pieces*
• selected aquatic plants (anacharis, elodea, duckweed, hornwort, green hedge, ludwigia, etc.)*
• terrestrial fauna (pillbugs, earthworms, earwigs, fruit flies, etc.)*
• aquatic fauna (small fish (Beta Fish), small aquatic snails, etc.)*
* Students will bring these materials to school.
Procedure: Setup your EcoColumn as per the diagram found on the next sheet.
Over the next 6 weeks, you will monitor all possible abiotic and biotic factors pertaining to your ecosystem
column. Data is to be recorded regularly (see form attached) and is to be included in the final lab report. Use the
attached data sheet as an example to help organize your record keeping. All data collected and associated
analysis charts / graphs will be attached to your formal lab write-up.
Ecology Unit 1 –Ecosystems Dynamics and Interactions HS-LS2-2, HS-LS2-6
Ecology Unit 2 –Matter and Energy in ecosystems HS-LS1-5, HS-L21-7, HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4, HS-LS2-5
Lesson adapted from
 Purpose/Hypothesis
The purpose/objective should be clearly identified. Why did you conduct the experiment? What specifically are
you trying to discover by creating your ecosystem column?
Write a hypothesis for each of the three chambers: terrestrial and aquatic. These should be in the form of
“If…Then…” statements and some explanation for WHY you think this should be provided.
1. Hypothesize the stability and sustainability of your ecosystem column through this investigation.
2. Differences between the chambers
3. Food chains and food webs present
4. Biogeochemical cycles in action
5. Compare and contrast your simulated ecosystems with natural ecosystems outside the class room.
6. Describe the available niches
7. Is there any evidence for competitive exclusion or resource partitioning?
8. Have you observed the law of tolerance in action?
9. What limiting factors exist?
Ecology Unit 1 –Ecosystems Dynamics and Interactions HS-LS2-2, HS-LS2-6
Ecology Unit 2 –Matter and Energy in ecosystems HS-LS1-5, HS-L21-7, HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4, HS-LS2-5
Lesson adapted from
Your group will be making an eco-column using 6 different clear 2-liter pop bottles. The eco-column will have 2
Terrestrial Chamber
Make cut(s) here
Aquatic Chamber
Make cut(s) here
Schematic #1
Ecology Unit 1 –Ecosystems Dynamics and Interactions HS-LS2-2, HS-LS2-6
Ecology Unit 2 –Matter and Energy in ecosystems HS-LS1-5, HS-L21-7, HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4, HS-LS2-5
Lesson adapted from
Ecology Unit 1 –Ecosystems Dynamics and Interactions HS-LS2-2, HS-LS2-6
Ecology Unit 2 –Matter and Energy in ecosystems HS-LS1-5, HS-L21-7, HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4, HS-LS2-5
Lesson adapted from
Data Sheet
Significant EcoColumn Observations
Aquatic Chamber
Terrestrial Chamber
Ecology Unit 1 –Ecosystems Dynamics and Interactions HS-LS2-2, HS-LS2-6
Ecology Unit 2 –Matter and Energy in ecosystems HS-LS1-5, HS-L21-7, HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4, HS-LS2-5
Lesson adapted from
Analysis Questions
Answer the following questions in complete sentences, providing sufficient detail and explanations. Response
should be clear, organized, and as comprehensive as possible. If your handwriting is difficult to read, it may be
difficult to find points in your responses.
1. How is matter being cycled and energy flowing in the column?
Identify two Food Chains or Food Webs in each of your habitats (chambers). Use arrows to illustrate
these food chains and food webs; complete sentences are not required for question 2 a, b, or c.
(a)Aquatic Chamber
(c)Terrestrial Chamber
3. Identify and briefly discuss the biogeochemical cycles which are taking place/which are present in your
EcoColumns. Do not merely state that “they are all present”; instead, provide more specific information.
4. Discuss five limiting factors in your habitats, clearly stating which chamber(s) you are referring to.
5. Discuss the stability and sustainability of the ecosystem columns in the lab, including your own.
If you could add another chamber to your column, other than simply placing an extension on top or
increasing the volume of each chamber, what type of chamber would you add? You need to come up
with some feasible, realistic, and perhaps creative additional chamber. (Do not state that you would
“leave it as it is”).
 Post Lab Questions
1. Highlight the important changes/trends (both quantitative and qualitative) that occurred in your column and
discuss the underlying causes/reasons behind these changes. The goal would be to try to make sense of the
changes you observed and logical deduce why your column behaved as it did.
2. Pick another group in your class. How do your data compare to theirs? Brainstorm some causes/reasons for
any differences.
3. Discuss your hypotheses. Was your hypothesis for each ecosystem chamber supported by your data and
4. Discuss how the two ecosystems (terrestrial, aquatic) are interrelated to each other (what are the links?)
5. Finally, address any sources of error in this lab. This should be narrated in a “cause and effect” manner and
talk about specific problems. A good example would be “water did not drain from the terrestrial chamber so
…” while a bad example would be “we messed the measuring one day.”
Ecology Unit 1 –Ecosystems Dynamics and Interactions HS-LS2-2, HS-LS2-6
Ecology Unit 2 –Matter and Energy in ecosystems HS-LS1-5, HS-L21-7, HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4, HS-LS2-5
Lesson adapted from
Required Format:
Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman or Arial font only, 1” margins on all sides, page numbers, title page (w/
name, lab partner(s) name, title, date, and references page.
Project Write Up:
 Title
 This should be creative but still descriptive of the experiment. Titles should be as informative as possible
while maintaining clear and concise language. Do not entitle the project “Ecosystem column” or some vague
variation that would be unclear to someone not in this class.
 Methods
 Write an explanation of how your eco-column was created. Your methods should be detailed enough that
someone unfamiliar with your experiment can take your write up and successfully repeat your experiment.
 You DO NOT have to explain in detail how the bottles were constructed. You may simply say “Ecocolumn
bottles were cleaned, prepared, and cut according to the directions provided by the teacher”.
 This section should be in a narrative in clear and concise English, not in recipe form (i.e., do not say first we
did this, then second we did this, then third we did this).
 The methods should be written in PAST tense always telling what was done not what should be done.
 Avoid the use of personal pronouns (I, we, she, he etc.).
 Instead of saying: “Then I took the pH probe and stuck it my column”, you should say “A pH probe was used
to measure pH in the eco-column.”
Ecology Unit 1 –Ecosystems Dynamics and Interactions HS-LS2-2, HS-LS2-6
Ecology Unit 2 –Matter and Energy in ecosystems HS-LS1-5, HS-L21-7, HS-LS2-3, HS-LS2-4, HS-LS2-5
Lesson adapted from