Ecology Class Agenda: Week Bell Question: Ecology 4/21/15 Class Agenda: • Alaska Animal Adaptations Week 9 Bell Question: What is one way that Alaskan mammals are adapted for their environment? Ecology 4/20/15 Class Agenda: • Alaska Animal Adaptations • Snake Biomass Data Week 9 Bell Question: what three biomes are found in Alaska? Ecology 4/17/15 Class Agenda: • Fill out and turn in Bell Sheet • Finish Mammals note page Week 8 Bell Question: What are four “hallmarks” of mammals? Ecology 4/15/15 Class Agenda: • Secret Yellowstone – 15 facts Week 8 Bell Question: What is a limiting factor in the Desert biome? Ecology 4/14/15 Class Agenda: • Finish Biome notes Week Bell Question: What is a limiting factor in the tropical rainforest biome? Biome notes A. Distribution world wide B. Climate (average temp, rainfall, etc.) C. Typical flora (plants) and their adaptations D. Typical fauna (animals) and their adaptations E. Limiting factors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tundra Grassland Taiga Desert Tropical Rainforest Temperate Rainforest Deciduous Forest Chapparal Ecology 4/13/15 Class Agenda: • Biome notes Week 8 Bell Question: What is a biome? Ecology 4/10/15 Class Agenda: • Lab Exercise – From Land to Mouth Week 7 Bell Question: Name two invasive species in Alaska Ecology 4/8/15 Class Agenda: • Rat Island Notes • Chokecherry Tree article questions and answers Week 7 Bell Question: What is one effect of an invasive species? Ecology 4/7/15 Class Agenda: • Midterm test corrections/make ups • Invasive Species notes Week 7 Bell Question: What is an invasive species? Ecology 4/6/15 Class Agenda: • Get a new Bell Sheet • Midterm – you may use notes Week 7 Bell Question: Which level of your Eco Column changed the most? Describe how it changed Ecology 3/30/15 Class Agenda: • Finish data for Eco Columns • Snake Biomass Data • Work on Eco Column Report – due Wed Week 6 Bell Question: What are two things that have come about to better respond to oil spills since the Exxon Valdez Oil spill? Ecology 3/27/15 Class Agenda: • Fill out and turn in Bell Work • Quiz • Eco Column Data • Snake Biomass Data • Testing next week • Midterm April 3 Week 5 Bell Question: How many more gallons of oil were spilled during the Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010 and the Exxon Valdez in 1989? Ecology 3/26/15 Class Agenda: • The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill • Work on Eco Column Report Week 5 Bell Question: What happened on March 24 26 years ago Ecology 3/26/15 Class Agenda: • Eco Column data • Snake Biomass data • Work on Eco Column report • Exxon Valdez Week 5 Bell Question: Where are the wood bison being relocated to? Ecology 3/24/15 Class Agenda: • Wood Bison in Alaska • Feed the snake – biomass data Week 5 Bell Question: The type of symbiosis where one organism benefits and one does not but is not harmed is… Ecology 3/23/15 Class Agenda: • Get new Bell Sheet • Eco Column data and report • Snake biomass data • Finish Living Together Week 5 Bell Question: Which type of symbiosis do both organisms benefit? Ecology 3/20/15 Class Agenda: • Happy First Day of Spring • Snake Biomass Data • Eco Column Data • Symbiosis – Living Together Week 4 Bell Question: What is symbiosis? Ecology 3/19/15 Class Agenda: • Snake Biomass Data • Food Chains and Webs lesson/worksheets Week 4 Bell Question: What is the ultimate source of energy in most ecosystems on Earth? Ecology 3/18/15 Class Agenda: • Data on Eco columns • Notes on Biomass • Biomass data for snake Week 4 Bell Question: What is biomass? Ecology 3/5/15 Class Agenda: • Feed Fish • Fix compost • Planet Earth Pole to Pole • Happy Birthday Gaven • Be ready for a quiz after break! Week 3 Bell Question: What is a biological community? Ecology 3/4/15 Class Agenda: • Fix Eco Columns and make observations • Set up compost lab • Finish notes • Note checks Week 3 Bell Question: What is a population? Ecology 3/3/15 Class Agenda: • Biotic Relationships notes Week 3 Bell Question: What is a biome? Ecology 3/2/15 Class Agenda: • Get a new Bell Sheet • Check/Fix Eco Columns • Notes on Aquatic Ecosystems Week 3 Bell Question: What is an ecosystem? Ecology 2/27/15 Class Agenda: • Eco column set up • Aquatic ecosystem notes • Turn in Week 2 Bell Work Week 2 Bell Question: List at least one interaction between a biotic factor and an abiotic factor in your eco column Ecology 2/26/15 Class Agenda: • Eco column set up • Aquatic ecosystem notes Week 2 Bell Question: The word “aquatic” means… Ecology 2/25/15 Class Agenda: • Bring in your stuff for your eco column • Planet Earth – 15 facts Week 2 Bell Question: What does “biotic” mean? Ecology 2/24/15 Class Agenda: • Finish Guess Lab • Eco column set up Week 2 Bell Question: List at least 3 abiotic factors Ecology 2/23/15 Class Agenda: • Housekeeping • Abiotic Factors notes • Finish Guess Lab • Finish Collages Week 2 Bell Question: What does “abiotic” mean? Ecology 2/20/15 Class Agenda: • Housekeeping • Social contract • Finish collages • Guess lab Week 1 Bell Question: What is ecology?