Side note: I checked the CDC's MMWR this morning as well and

September SIPHC Meeting Notes
1. Logo- New Branding for IDPH
 Branding Documents and Logos will be sent via email this afternoon [find links under
Central Repository]
2. Rural Public Health Institute- no funding for next year. IDPH & Mid America looking for funding
to continue RPHI.
3. Community Health Worker Advisory Board- Sent email and application on 8/15/2014“this may be of interest to have a SIPHC representative to serve on this board to keep abreast of the
Community Health Worker implementation…I see public health administrators fitting in as “1 member
who is a public health professional with experience in community health policy”.
4. DHS response for CRV- Brian Bond returned the same response
“If Health Departments or any IDHS Provider loads their Audit Reports i.e. (IDHS Financial Reporting
Packet) in the CRV they are not required to submit a manual hard copy too IDHS. The preferred method
for all submission of information is the CRV.” – emailed by Brian Bond, DHS Office of Contract Compliance
5. Revisions to Public Act 098-0716- TB test requirements in public schools
 Copy of act is attached.
 Guidance received from IDPH Communicable Disease Section Chief, Fred Echols via phone.
IDPH supports the new language. Ultimately up to the school district to establish protocol.
 [Online link Here]
“As it reads, public schools in Illinois now have the option of requiring TB skin tests as part of a physical
exam. I spoke with IDPH Communicable Disease Section Chief, Fred Echols via phone this morning and he
stated that IDPH supports this new language. It is ultimately up to the school district to continue initial
and routine physical exams as they are presently, or change them. (I didn’t see any language that talked
specifically about food service employees or waivers from the health department.)
That being said, this new language is a “minimum requirement” so to speak. The school district can
continue requiring TB skin tests as part of a new employee exam and/or annual physical. Dan may want
to consult ISBE for additional recommendations or to find out what other school districts are doing
regarding the new language. If he is leaving it up to your recommendation, I would evaluate based on
your TB outbreaks and/or latent TB rate in Jasper County. There are also other options like a TB screening
form that may be required for employees to fill out. I can provide you with some samples if you do not
already have one.
Side note: I checked the CDC’s MMWR this morning as well and there is still a tubersol shortage. I am
unaware if the two issues are linked… It would make sense if nonmedical employers are re-evaluating
their TB skin test requirements since it is so hard to acquire right now. That’s just my 2 cents, not IDPH’s
;)…” –emailed by Allison Hasler
6. IDPH Hispanic Heritage Month
 September 15th- October 15th
Deadline to submit nominee is September 12th EOD
Certificate will be presented either at place of work or existing event by the RHO (Dr.
Hasbrouck will select one region to present the certificate to the Champion)
Hard-copy is attach
7. MCH Focus Group in November
 The goal is for the questions to be clear to participants so the state and local
communities can receive the feedback we need to improve MCH services.
 Questions asked:
#1 What can be done to strengthen existing health services for you and your family?
#2 What health services do you need that you are not currently getting?
#3 What barriers do you experience in trying to get health services you need?
#4 What challenges are specific to your age group?
#5 What information about the Affordable Care Act would be most useful to you?
8. Immunization Advisory Committee- Final Draft of “Religious Exemption” Form
 Addendum: Final draft still needs approval for distribution.
BOARDS OF SERVICE/Opportunities:
1. Farmers’ Market Task Force Beth Patton (Whiteside) serves as LHD administrator representative
 Patricia Welsh (serves as IDPH representative as the Director’s designee)
 “a representative of a general public health association appointed by the director”- Not
appointed yet
“The association would need to write a letter to the Director recommending the person for
appointment to this position. The letter can be sent to myself [Brandy Lane]or Pat Welch and
we can see that it gets processed for consideration or can be sent directly to the Office of the
Director.” – emailed by Brandy Lane
2. Food Safety Advisory Committee – Dairy Work Group
 “Representation Gaps: Local Health, potentially small Grade A Farm, pasteurized milk
consumer, neutral nutritionist, among a few others”
“If you have individuals that wish to be appointment to the Food Safety Advisory Committee or
one of its workgroups, have them send an email to myself [Brandy Lane] and Molly Lamb.” –
emailed by Brandy Lane
Filled representation on other Office of Health Protection groups/committees:
FSSMC Work Group
o Toni Carona representing
Foodborne Illiness and Response Subcommittee Members
Toni Caronoa representing
Retail Food Subcommittee Members
o Several LHD representing, none from SIPHC
Illinois Food Safety Advisory Committeeo NIPHC, IAPHA, and SIPHC all have a seat on the advisory committee. Phyllis Wells
sits on committee
Health Protection Advisory Group
o IEHA Representatives, IALEHA Representatives, NIPHC Representatives
o Mark Stevens sits on advisory group