Star Performance Process (SPP)

Granite Management
System (GMS)
Description Document
Star Performance
Star Performance Process (SPP)
The Star Performance Process (SPP) supports achievement of operational excellence throughout Granite
operations by continually placing attention on five (5) key operational focus areas. Figure 1 shows the five (5)
focus areas (points of the star) that contribute to the central theme of operational excellence.
Figure 1. Granite Construction “Star Performance Process (SPP)”.
The five (5) star points represent either a single department within the organization or a collection of
departments grouped in the SPP star for convenience with the common theme of operational excellence. They
five (5) points are:
Code of Conduct – Departments grouped in this point of the SPP star include Legal, Human Resources,
Legislative and Public Affairs and Investor Relations.
Safety – This point of the SPP star is limited to the Safety Department, which is driven by Granite’s Accident
Prevention Program (APP).
Productivity – Departments grouped in this point of the SPP star include Construction and Engineering,
Construction Materials, and a host of other important functions/departments which provide critical support for
achieving productivity, such as Development and Strategy, Internal Audit, Information Technology, Treasury,
Controller, Corporate Development, Equipment, Project Controls and Procurement.
Environment – This point of the SPP star is limited to the Environmental Affairs function, which is driven by
Granite’s Environmental Management System (EMS) in compliance with ISO 14001:2004.
Quality – This point of the SPP star is limited to the Quality Management function with responsibility for
development and maintenance of the Granite Management System (GMS) in compliance with ISO 9001:2008.
Granite Management System (GMS)
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Description Document #: GMS-DD-002
Effective Date: 6/6/12
Approved: Dir. of Quality Mgmt; Exec. Team
Page 1 of 3
Version No.: 1
Description Document
Granite Management
System (GMS)
Star Performance
It is very important to note that the SPP star was developed to illustrate the objective of achieving operational
excellence in the focus areas identified by the points of the SPP star. The points do not represent management
responsibility, organizational structure or subordinacy.
SPP Implementation Tools
It is equally important to recognize that the SPP is supported by senior management, as well as corporate
management systems, policies and procedures, but is implemented in practice every day at the crew level. This
is achieved using the following tools that exist in the Granite Management System (GMS) and in Granite’s
Accident Prevention Program (APP):
Star Performance Description (GMS-DD-002)
Work Plan Procedure (CEPE-SP-002)
Star Performance Process (SPP) Procedure (GMS-SP-010) and the Star Card (GMS-F-001)
APP Job Hazard Analyses (JHA’s)
APP Take 5 Forms and Meeting
APP Daily Inspection Forms
The Work Plan Procedure includes sections on financials (cost codes and budget), production goals, labor,
materials, small tools, survey, other, quality, and unlimited job hazard analyses. A Work Plan can be specific to a
work element (i.e. sound walls) on a large project, to an entire operation in on a custom job (i.e. paving a private
driveway), or to a specific operation in a plant. The SPP Procedure defines how the tools listed above are
integrated at the operational level. The Star Card generically summarizes key items for consideration associated
with each point of the SPP star consistent with the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle common to ISO
management system standards illustrated in Figure 2. The Job Hazard Analyses indicate specific activities (work
items) with potential hazards and recommended safety practices (i.e. grading and paving JHA). There may be
several or a single JHA within a Work Plan.
Figure 2. Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle.
Granite Management System (GMS)
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Description Document #: GMS-DD-002
Effective Date: 6/6/12
Approved: Dir. of Quality Mgmt; Exec. Team
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Version No.: 1
Granite Management
System (GMS)
Description Document
Star Performance
The daily Take 5 meetings are the key to leveraging all six tools listed above at the operational crew level every
day (“Plan” in PDCA cycle). For the meeting, a Foreman reviews the Work Plan and incorporated JHA’s along
with the Star Card in order to conduct the meetings with a crew giving appropriate consideration to Code of
Conduct, Safety, Productivity, Environment and Quality. The work is then performed (“Do” in PDCA cycle). The
Foreman uses the Star Card again to observe the behavior of the crew during production. The daily inspections
and subsequent Take 5 meetings represent the “Check” and “Act” in the PDCA Cycle providing conformance
checking and identification of opportunities for improvement that can be used the next time the activity is
performed. How the tools are used, activities performed and continual improvement opportunities are
integrated in the SPP to achieve operational excellence is illustrated in Figure 3.
Work Plan Procedure
Star Procedure
Star Card
JHA Procedure/Forms
Take 5 Procedure/Forms
Daily Inspection Procedure/Forms
Work Plans with
Daily Take 5
Follow Up Take 5
Work Plan Revisions
Perform Work
Observation (Star Card)
Daily Inspections
Figure 3. Achieving Operational Excellence with the Star Performance Process (SPP).
Granite Management System (GMS)
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The current version is stored in electronic format.
Description Document #: GMS-DD-002
Effective Date: 6/6/12
Approved: Dir. of Quality Mgmt; Exec. Team
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Version No.: 1