Creating Your Survey

Collective Wisdom
Designing Surveys for Use in Assessment
R. Ternes, October 2011
Defining the Problem
The most important consideration when
creating a good survey is to identify and
define your problem/question/goal.
◦ Vague problems lead to vague surveys which
lead to vague answers.
Chunk the problem
◦ Break broad categories into manageable and
measurable parts.
Too Broad
◦ “What is our student learning environment
Break it down.
How many hours do students study?
How many students study in groups?
How many papers do students write?
How many students attend office hours?
etc. etc.
Sampling and Generalizability
Sampling is linked to your goal.
◦ Tackle sampling after defining your goal.
You must sample from the population that
you want to make generalizations about.
◦ If you want to generalize to all your students,
you must sample from all your students.
 Sampling English majors will tell you only about
English majors.
Convenience Sampling
An ideal survey uses random sampling
drawn from the population of interest.
Often, we have to make compromises to
the way we sample.
◦ We might sample our first-year students by
surveying students in their first year writing
Understand the limitations of your choice!
Understanding Limitations
Consider the CLA, CAAP, MAAP etc. as a
Gen Ed student learning measure.
◦ For seniors, sample from everyone.
◦ For freshmen, sample from students that
enroll in your first year writing program
(because it’s convenient).
 If you do so, do you exclude your AP students?
 Aren’t these some of your best students?
Writing Good Survey Questions
Good questions are:
And they obviously relate to the goal or
Writing Good Survey Questions
Binary or Likert scales are good standards
◦ 5, 7, or 10 point scales are standard.
◦ Right Hand Side = high numbers/pos. phrases
◦ Use n/a only if you need to.
 Always make it a separate option.
Writing Good Survey Questions
Use standard phrasing.
Strongly agree, agree, disagree, etc.
Don’t use words like ‘terrific’ or ‘terrible’.
Keep the language simple and plain.
Try to make the scale ‘balanced’.
 One option for a negative weighting and 3 options
for a positive rating ‘anchors’ the results towards the
positive side.
Standard Format
The drinking age should be lowered from
21 to 18.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
This format naturally avoids several
common pitfalls in survey design.
Use Non-Standard Formats Sparingly
Try to avoid non-standard question formats
◦ ‘rank these in order of preference’
◦ ‘select all that apply’
Non-standard formats
are more difficult to analyze statistically,
Are often harder to report,
and they can confuse participants.
Sometimes they can be very useful, but these
questions are easy to do poorly.
Bad Question Overview
Leading Questions
 Manipulating the Question Order
 Double-Barrelled
 ‘Either-or’ Fallacies
 Lack of Variability
 Lengthy/Complex Questions
Leading Questions
Leading questions steer respondents
towards a particular answer.
◦ Bad: “Do you think tuition is too high?”
◦ Better: “How would you best classify your
school’s tuition cost?”
Much higher than other comparable schools
Higher than other comparable schools
About the same as other comparable schools
Lower than other comparable schools
Much lower than other comparable schools
Question Order
Question order is important!
If you are polling opinions on government
involvement in health care:
◦ You are likely to illicit more negative
responses if you first ask a dozen questions
about government spending.
Put controversial questions last, if
Double-Barreled Questions
Do not roll two questions into one.
“Do you like the flavor and texture of the
◦ If you get a ‘no’ response:
 Is it the flavor they did not like?
 Is it the texture they did not like?
 Is it both?
Turn Either-Or Binaries into Likerts
Resist the temptation to create binary
variables out of everything.
◦ Are you a Democrat or a Republican?
 Such a question ignores people that are
Independent, Libertarian, Green Party, Tea Party, etc.
◦ Researchers can lose valuable information by
dichotomizing continuous variables.
Often binary questions can be easily
turned into Likert type scales.
Lack of Variability
Design questions so that they give you
◦ If everyone answers in the same way, then you
haven’t gained much information.
◦ Do you want more parking on campus?
◦ Do you think the university should create a $5
student fee to build more parking spots?
Avoid Lengthy Questions and
Double Negatives
Don’t use double negatives.
Simplify, Simplify, Simplify.
◦ Change: “At what convenience store were
you or a member of your family most likely to
purchase their gasoline from in the past
◦ To: “What gas station do you usually buy
gasoline from?”