VASE Visual Art Scholastic Event A UIL-based Art Contest Who • Art Students • Must be passing all classes to be eligible • Students must be enrolled at AHS for at least 30 days prior to the event • Judged by Division: – Division 1 (ART 1), Division 2 (2nd Level Art Class), Division 3 (3rd year of art, including 2nd Level Art Classes, PreAP/IB Classes), Division 4 (AP/IB Art) What • • • • Original Artwork Students may enter up to 2 art pieces No more than one student may work on a single entry. Art work must be identified by their proper media and classification for identification purposes. • All reference pictures (“original source images”) must be attached to the back of each artwork. This includes student sketches, thumbnail sketches, photographs, magazines or any images used to create the work. • All artwork must be original in composition and content!!! • All artwork must have been made this year. When & Where • District Event: February 21st at Williams HS, Plano TX • State Events: April 24th – 25th at the Anatole Hotel, Dallas TX Fees • District Level: $15 per entry • Make checks payable to “TAEA”. No cash payments allowed. • Money due to a teacher no later than February 9th. • Artwork that is advanced to the state level: $20 per entry. • Make checks payable to “TAEA”. No cash payments allowed. • Money due to a teacher no later than April 10th. Types of Artwork (2D) no larger than 24” X 36”, including mat or mount no frames or glass, Mat: black or white ONLY, no double mat, must have a backing • • • • • • • • • Drawings Digital Art & Media (Prints) Animation Photography (printed in a 2D format) Graphic Design (printed in a 2D format) Mixed Media (collage) Painting Printmaking Fibers & Textiles (mounted in a 2D format) Types of Artwork (3D) no larger than 24” X 24” X 36” in total dimensions including the base • • • • • • • Sculpture Jewelry Ceramics Fibers & Textiles (presented as a 3D artwork) Digital Art & Media (printed in a 3D format) Photography (printed in a 3D format) Graphic Design (Printed in a 3D format) Basic Guidelines • ORIGINAL WORK!!! This is a big one. • Any reference images MUST be attached to the back of the artwork – Includes: book images, magazines, photographs (yours or others), sketches and thumbnail sketches – ALL ENTRIES (unless working from direct observation) MUST HAVE REFERENCE IMAGES • Copying of any sort is not allowed – Includes: how-to books or images, albums, any published image, etc Basic Guidelines • Photographs taken by teachers are considered “professional” and may not be used for direct copying. • No tracing by means of a light board or overhead projector will be allowed. • No one other than the artist may work at all on the artwork, including other students and/or teachers, family members, etc Offensive Works of Art • No offensive images, profanity, derogatory references to any deity, no drug use or paraphernalia, images of suicide or criminal violence, suggested or explicit sexuality, full frontal nudity, or any subject matter that is deemed inappropriate for young adults Submission • Forms: – Student Intent and Artwork Identification Form – Student Agreement and Artwork Release Form – Digital Art & Media Documentation Form • 3D: – Duplicate forms attached to the outside of the box used to transport the artwork, along with a photograph of the artwork Judging : Artwork Evaluation The Artwork Evaluation will receive a score for each of the five sections based on a point system of 8 (highest) to 2 (lowest) for that student’s division. Scores will be assigned based on the following criteria: – Purpose: Execution of intent (State of Research & Application to Work). There is evidence in the artwork of the student’s effort to achieve the stated purpose. – Technique: The use of media and tools (Execution & Technical Skill). The student chooses and controls media and tools effectively to enhance the appearance of the work. – Personal Expression: The degree of imagination, creativity and individuality. Expression is unique and fully developed to present fresh concepts in ways that are imaginative and inventive. – Organization: The use of elements and principles of art. Uses elements and principles effectively, choosing those which enhance the overall appearance of the work. – Integration: Suitability of expression, organization and technique to purpose through aesthetic and critical judgment. The work integrates expression, organization and technique through evaluation, revision and elaboration to achieve an effective interpretation of all aspects of the purpose. Judging : The Interview The Student Interview will receive a score for each of the five sections based on a point system of 4 (highest) to 1 (lowest). • Student research and application to work • Explain purpose (assignment or individual) in developing art work and describe • how one achieved their desired goal. • Execution and technique Identify the technical skills related to the media/medium employed in this artwork. • Use of elements and principles of art Explain the process used to select and organize the visual aspects of this work. • Aesthetics and critical judgment Describe the aesthetic and critical decisions involved in developing this work from original concept to finished product. • Personal Expression In what ways does the artwork represent individual point of view, imagination, creativity, and individuality? Complete Set of Rules