A & P Unit Six – Continuity Unit 6: Continuity Date During class we

A & P Unit Six – Continuity
Unit 6: Continuity
During class we will…
1. Vocab #13
2. Ch. 29 Notes
3. Reproduction Letter
1. Vocab #13 Quiz
2. Start Ch. 27 Notes
1. Finish Ch. 27 Notes
2. Start Ch. 28 Notes (if time)
1. Ch. 27 Quiz
2. Ch. 28 Notes
1. Ch. 28 & 29 Quiz
2. DVD: The Miracle of Life
1. Unit 6 Exam
1. DVD: Inside the Living Body
1. Introduce Newscast Special Report
*Mini Day 2. Brainstorm Topics
1. Newscast Special Report – Annotated
1. Newscast Special Report – Script
Outside of class you should…
1. Get Reproduction Letter signed
2. Ch. 29 Terms
1. Ch. 27 Terms
2. Male Reproductive System WS
1. Ch. 28 Terms
2. Female Reproductive System WS
1. Pregnancy & Development WS
1. Put together HW Packet
1. Work on finding sources
1. Annotated Bibliography – due @
beginning of 5/28
1. Script – due @ end of 5/30
1. Newscast Special Report – Script (turn in by 1. Begin filming and editing
end of period)
1. Newscast Special Report – Filming & Editing 1. Newscast due before 6/5 so we can
make sure it works
1. Spring Semester Final – Watch Newscasts CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2014!
HW Packet: Ch. 27 Terms, Ch. 28 Terms, Ch. 29 Terms, Male Reproductive System WS, Female
Reproductive System WS, Pregnancy WS (5 points each; total = 30 points)
Lunch Reviews: May 6, 8, & 12
Chapter 27 – The Reproductive System
1. Describe the structure and function of the testes, and explain the importance of their location in the scrotum.
2. Describe the location, structure, and function of the accessory reproductive organs of the male.
3. Describe the phases of the male sexual response.
4. Define meiosis. Compare and contrast it to mitosis.
5. Outline events of spermatogenesis.
6. Discuss hormonal regulation of testicular function and the physiological effects of testosterone on male
reproductive anatomy.
7. Describe the location, structure, and function of the ovaries.
8. Describe the location, structure, and function of each of the organs of the female reproductive duct system.
9. Describe the anatomy of the female external genitalia.
10. Discuss the structure and function of the mammary glands.
11. Describe the process of oogenesis and compare it to spermatogenesis.
12. Describe ovarian cycle phases, and relate them to the events of oogenesis.
13. Describe the regulation of the ovarian and uterine cycles.
14. Discuss the physiological effects of estrogens and progesterone.
A & P Unit Six – Continuity
15. Indicate the infection agents and modes of transmission of gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital
warts, and genital herpes.
16. Discuss the determination of genetic sex and prenatal development of male and female structures.
17. Describe the significant events of puberty and menopause.
Chapter 27 Terms
1. interstitial cells
2. semen
3. spermatogenesis
4. GnRH
5. FSH
6. LH
7. testosterone
8. estrogen
9. progesterone
10. oogenesis
11. ovulation
12. menstruation
Chapter 27 Important Diagrams: 27.1, 27.7, 27.9, 27.10, 27.11, 27.17, 27.18, 27.19, 27.20
Chapter 27 Suggested Reading: pp. 1024-1059, 1059-1063
Chapter 28 – Pregnancy & Human Development
1. Describe the importance of sperm capacitation.
2. Explain the mechanism of the slow block to polyspermy.
3. Define fertilization.
4. Explain the process and product of cleavage.
5. Describe implantation.
6. Describe placenta formation, and list placental functions.
7. Name and describe the formation, location, and function of the extraembryonic membranes.
8. Describe gastrulation and its consequences.
9. Define organogenesis and indicate the important roles of the three primary germ layers in this process.
10. Describe unique features of the fetal circulation.
11. Indicate the duration of the fetal period, and note the major events of fetal development.
12. Describe functional changes in maternal reproductive organs and in the cardiovascular, respiratory, and
urinary systems during pregnancy.
13. Indicate the effects of pregnancy on maternal metabolism and posture.
14. Explain how labor is initiated, and describe the three stages of labor.
15. Outline the events leading to the first breath of a newborn.
16. Describe changes that occur in the fetal circulation after birth.
17. Explain how the breasts are prepared for lactation.
18. Describe some techniques of ART including IVF, ZIFT, and GIFT.
Chapter 28 Terms
1. hCG
2. placenta
3. amnion
4. allantois
5. parturition
6. oxytocin
7. afterbirth
8. prolactin
Chapter 28 Important Diagrams: 28.4, 28.6, 28.7, 28.17, 28.19
Chapter 28 Suggested Reading: pp. 1071-1097
Chapter 29 – Heredity
1. Define allele.
2. Differentiate between genotype and phenotype.
3. Describe the events that lead to genetic variability of gametes.
4. Compare and contrast dominant-recessive inheritance with incomplete dominance and codominance.
5. Describe the mechanism of sex-linked inheritance.
A & P Unit Six – Continuity
6. Explain how polygene inheritance differs from that resulting from the action of a single pair of alleles.
7. Provide examples illustrating how gene expression may be modified by environmental factors.
8. Describe how RNA-only genes and epigenetic marks affect gene expression.
9. Describe the basis of extranuclear (mitochondria-based) genetic disorders.
10. List and explain several techniques used to determine or predict genetic diseases.
11. Describe briefly some approaches of gene therapy.
Chapter 29 Terms
1. allele
2. linked (genes)
3. independent assortment
4. crossover
5. amniocentesis
6. chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
Chapter 29 Important Diagrams: none for this chapter 
Chapter 29 Suggested Reading: pp. 1101-1111