Intro (1 Peter 1:1-2)

Faith in the Crosshairs
1 Peter
Occasional Letters
• New Testament Letters (Epistles)
were written to address specific
issues at a specific time (usually)
among a specific group of people
• Our goal is to discover context and
content before moving to
contemporary application
Context and Content
• Abstain from all appearance of
evil- 1 Thess. 5:22
Context and Content
• Abstain from all appearance of
• Do not treat prophecies with
contempt. Test everything. Hold
on to the good. Avoid every kind
of evil- 1 Thess. 5:20-22
Date and Author
• Peter the Apostle?
− Uneducated
− Fine Greek Style
− Different from 2 Peter
−Key: By Silvanus, a faithful
brother as I regard him, I have
written briefly to you- 1 Peter
Date and Author
• AD 63 or 64
• Peter dies in 67 AD under Nero's
• Dispersed Christians in Asia-Minor
(modern-day Turkey)- mainly Gentile
− 129,000 square miles= a little less than the size
of California
• Less civilized/Romanized
• 100 years later= strong, vibrant
churches and empty pagan temples
Random Truth:
• Christianity has always been
purposed by God to have an
effect on society
−Not by fighting society, but by
winning hearts and souls for
"The residents practiced many religions,
spoke several languages, and were
never really assimilated into the GrecoRoman culture. And yet this untamed
region became the cradle of
"We may surmise that, in no small part
because of this letter [1 Peter] and the
faithfulness of those who received it,
well-established churches flourished in
all five of these regions by AD 180.
Their bishops attended the great
councils of the second through the
fourth centuries, where the doctrines
were forged that Christians hold dear
yet today"- Karen Jobe
• Persecution
− City/Regional gods
− Family gods and rituals
− Trade Guild gods and rituals
− Changed lifestyles
• Great Loss
• By God's grace…preparation for
− July AD 64- Fire
− Persecution
− Orgies and Cannabalism?
• Human Torches
• Leaders Set the Tone
A.D. 111-113:
Pliny (magistrate/Bithynia) asked Trajan
(Roman Emperor) for advice on how to
deal with Christians.
“I have never been present at an
examination of Christians.
Consequently, I do not know the nature
of the extent of the punishments usually
meted out to them,” wrote Pliny.
“A great many individuals of every age
and class, both men and women, are
being brought to trial, and this is likely
to continue. It is not only the towns, but
villages and rural districts too which are
infected through contact with this
wretched cult.”
Key Words/Concepts
• Suffer (12 times)
• Way of life/Conduct/Behavior (6
• Subject/Submit (6 times)
• Do good (4 times)
• Point: "Live out the faith in the
midst of suffering"
1 Peter 1
Peter, an apostle of Jesus
Christ, to those who are elect
exiles of the dispersion in
Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia,
Asia, and Bithynia…
• Includes places Paul was forbidden
from reaching (Acts 16)
• Pentecost + Paul
…according to the
foreknowledge of God the
Father, in the sanctification of
the Spirit, for obedience to
Jesus Christ and for sprinkling
with his blood: May grace and
peace be multiplied to you- 1
Peter 1:1-2
• Starts out as a seeker (God draws)
−Andrew- "We have found Messiah"
−Jesus- "You are Simon son of John.
You will be called Cephas (Peter)"
• Starts out as a seeker (God draws)
−Andrew- "We have found Messiah"
−Jesus- "You are Simon son of John.
You will be called Cephas (Peter)"
• Becomes a disciple (learner)
• Starts out as a seeker (God draws)
− Fisherman
− Andrew- "We have found Messiah"
− Jesus- "You are Simon son of John.
You will be called Cephas (Peter)"
• Becomes a disciple (learner)
• Commissioned as an Apostle (sent)
• One of the first disciples, 1st in the
list, inner 3
• Alone: walked on water,
specifically commissioned by Christ
• School of Jesus, witnessed
transfiguration, healed, cast out
demons and cleansed leprosy
• Impetuous
• Fear of Man
−Approval (7 times?)
−"I don't know him!"
−Religious hypocrisy in Antioch
• Overcomes
Peter, an apostle of Jesus
Christ, to those who are elect
exiles of the dispersion in
Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia,
Asia, and Bithynia…
Who are chosen people?
By God's grace, anyone who is in
the faith is chosen/elect
Predestination vs. Free Will
Predestination vs. Free Will
The important thing is to
approach the Bible with the
integrity of no presuppositions
Elect exiles
Chosen from and for
− From sin, enemy, world system
− For holiness, obedience, true
• Only happens if there's a
change of citizenship and
Elect exiles
Exile- a resident foreigner. To
live in one land while belonging
to another
Chosen to be exiles
“If I discover within myself a
desire which no experience in
this world can satisfy, the most
probable explanation is that I
was made for another world”
- C.S. Lewis
Elect exiles
Purpose- to live in such a way that
God's Kingdom comes through
me and his will is done on earth
as it is in heaven- bringing glory
to God
(missional and incarnational)
• Danger: considering myself "home" and
focusing on comfort and pleasure here
• Danger: considering heaven home in
such a way that I neglect/disdain the
things and people of this world
Elect exiles- chosen for a purpose in this
world while being a foreigner to it
• How I view relationships
• How I view possessions
• How I view position/identity
• How I view hardship
…according to the foreknowledge
of God the Father, in the
sanctification of the Spirit, for
obedience to Jesus Christ and for
sprinkling with his blood…
God: knows all and elects
Spirit: sanctifies (sets apart)
Jesus: example of obedience and
entrance into covenant
May grace and peace be
multiplied to you…
Grace- charis- shortened form of
Greek word for "greetings"
Peace- eirene- the Greek word
for Shalom (Hebrew greeting)
May grace and peace be
multiplied to you…
In Christ, race ceases to be an
issue. Origin ceases to be an
issue. Class ceases to be an
Jesus alone- that's the issue!
During the current church age,
all believers are chosen people
Part of that identity involves
Hardship in life "is a purposeful
opportunity for our
sanctification, worship and
witness to God's glory and our
joy"- Mark Driscoll
Because the elect exiles took
the scripture to heart, they
changed the world even as
they suffered well for Jesus
• Do I see myself as chosen?
• If so, does it produce in me
humility and worship?
• Is this world home?
• Or do I long for a greater home
and live in the reality of that
• Am I missional?
• Do I pray for and live an
incarnational life?
• Am I on the outside looking in?
• Will I allow the Lord to open
my heart to him this morning?