NAME ______________________________________________ DATE______________
1. What is digestion: _______________________________________________________________
2. What are 5 other names for the digestive system?
a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________
c. ___________________________________
d. ___________________________________
e. ___________________________________
3. Define the term lumen:___________________________________________________________
4. Food that is sitting inside the stomach is considered outside the body. True or False
a. How does the food that we eat become a part of the body?
5. The diet of animals varies among species:
a. Plant-eating animals are: ___________________________________________________
b. meat-eating animals are: ___________________________________________________
c. animals that eat both meat and plants are: ____________________________________
6. Depending on the diet, the structure of the GI tract may vary:
a. animals that have one stomach are called:
i. give an example of this type of animal: _______________________________
b. animals that have various compartments of the GI tract used for mixing and
fermentation in addition to the stomach are:
i. give an example of this type of animal:
7. What are the 5 functions of the GI tract:
a. ____________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________
e. ____________________________________________
8. What are some clinical signs that animals show when there is a problem in the GI tract?
9. What are the layers of the wall of the GI tract and describe each layer:
a. _______________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________________
10. If the abdomen of a dog is cut open, the intestines will not fall completely out. What structure
attaches the GI tract to the dorsal body wall of the abdomen?
a. What other structures are found in the mesentery:
11. The mouth, pharynx, esophagus, and anus are under high amounts of stress/trauma. What type
of epithelium is found in these areas: _______________________________________________
12. The stomach, small intestine, and large intestine are where absorption of nutrients takes place.
What type of epithelium is found in these areas: ______________________________________
13. Does the digestive tract contain skeletal muscle, smooth muscle or both?
a. Where can we find each type of muscle? _____________________________________
14. There are two types of muscle tissue arrangement in the GI tract:
a. The first type is
i. When this type of muscle contracts, what happens to the GI tube:
b. the second type is
i. When this type of muscle contracts, what happens to the GI tube:
15. What is the difference between peristaltic contractions and segmental contractions? _________
16. The mouth is also called the __________________________________________________
17. What are the key structures of clinical significance in the mouth? ______________________
18. What is the term that means capable of grasping? __________________________________
19. What is the term that refers to anything pertaining to the lips? ________________________
20. What are the 3 pairs of salivary glands found in most domestic species?
a. ___________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
21. Are salivary glands endocrine or exocrine, and how do you know? ______________________
22. In one word, what are the teeth primarily responsible for? ____________________________
23. What two bones house the teeth of the upper arcade? ______________________________
24. What bone contains the teeth of the lower arcade? ________________________________
25. What are the 4 classifications of teeth:
a. __________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________
d. ___________________________________________________________________
26. Each surface of a tooth has a specific name.
a. Describe the occlusal surface: ____________________________________________
b. Describe the lingual surface: ____________________________________________
c. describe the palatal surface: ____________________________________________
d. Describe the buccal surface: ____________________________________________
e. Describe the labial surface: _____________________________________________
27. The typical number of each type of tooth found in the upper and lower arcade is called the:
a. The dental formula uses abbreviations for each type of tooth. Incisors are________,
canines are __________, premolars are___________, and molars are ___________.
b. The abbreviations are followed by the number of teeth found in the upper arcade on
one side of the mouth and then the number of teeth found in the lower arcade on one
side of the mouth.
i. Example:
c. What species does not have upper incisors or canine teeth? ______________________
28. Name the carnassial teeth in the dog: _____________________________________
a. What is one way veterinarians diagnose abscesses in the root of the upper carnassials
tooth? _____________________________________________________________
29. The center of the tooth that contains the blood and nerve supply is the; __________________
30. What is the layer that surrounds the sensitive pulp? ________________________________
31. What is the layer that covers the root of the tooth, outside the dentin?
______________________________________________________________________ What is
the purpose of this layer? __________________________________________________
32. The crown of the tooth is covered by ________________________________, which is the
hardest, toughest tissue in the body.
33. What
34. What is the function of digestive enzymes? _______________________________________
a. What is the function of amylase? ____________________________________________
b. What is the function of lipase?___________________________________________
35. Saliva production is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Explain.