Name:______________________________ Group members:________________________________________ Fetal Pig Dissection Assignment Work through the lab guide and record your answers on this sheet. Each member of your group must hand in an individual assignment. If you have any questions or uncertainties always ask before you proceed. External anatomy 1. Sex of pig_______________________________________ 2. Label the attached external picture of the pig using the terms in the lab guide. 3. Does the fetal pig have teeth? ________ Are humans born with teeth? ________ 4. What age is your pig______________________________________ 5. How many toes are on the feet? _____________________ Do they have an odd or even number of toes? _________________________________ 6. Locate the hard palate and soft palate epiglottis pharynx Internal anatomy organ checklist Check the boxes beside the following organs when you have located them. Be sure to follow the sequence given in the lab guide (you will not check off all of these organs in one day, you will have to come back to this chart several times throughout the dissection). After you have located the organs in a system answer the questions that correspond with that system in the “question” section of the assignment Abdominal cavity (Digestive system) Diaphragm Liver Gall Bladder Stomach Cardiac sphincter valve pyloric sphincter valve Small intestine Ileum Mesentery Mesentery arteries Pancreas Spleen Cecum Rectum Umbilical vessels Rugae Villi Thoracic Cavity (Circulatory system) Diaphragm Heart Pericardium (remove it) Atria Ventricles Pulmonary artery Aorta Subclavian artery Carotid arteries Coronary artery Vena cava Jugular veins Heart removed and cut open Internal chambers of the heart Valves Thoracic Cavity (Respiratory system) Lungs Pleura Trachea Thyroid gland Larynx Urinary System Kidneys Ureters Urinary bladder Urethra Renal vessels Reproductive system Male Scrotal sacs testis epididymis penis Female Ovaries Oviducts Uterus vagina Labeling Digestive system Identify the structures on the diagram. 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ 6. __________________________________ 7. __________________________________ 8. __________________________________ 9. __________________________________ 10. _________________________________ 11. _________________________________ 12. _________________________________ 13. _________________________________ Identify the organ (or structure) described below 14. _____________________________ Opening (valve) between stomach and small intestine. 15. _____________________________ Stores bile, lies underneath the liver. 16. _____________________________ A branch of the large intestine, a dead end. 17. _____________________________ Separates the thoracic and abdominal cavity; aids breathing. 18. _____________________________ Membrane that holds the coils of the small intestine. 19. _____________________________ The straight part of the small intestine just after the stomach. 20. _____________________________ Empties bile into the duodenum from the gall bladder. 21. _____________________________ The last stretch of the large intestine before it exits at the anus. 22. _____________________________ Bumpy structure under the stomach; makes insulin 23. _____________________________ Lies between the two umbilical vessels. Circulatory system Using the descriptions given in the lab guide identify the following terms with the number s in the diagram: Aorta ____ Dorsal Aorta ____ Pulmonary Trunk ___ Common carotid ____ Left & Right Carotid ____ Coronary vessels ___ Left Subclavian_____ Right Subclavian _____ Right Brachiocephalic _____ Right Atrium _____ Left Atrium _____ Intercostal _____ Ventricle _____ Identify the structure. 1. ___________________________ Membrane over the heart. 2. ___________________________ Airway from mouth to lungs 3. ___________________________ Blood supply to head 4. ___________________________ Lower heart chambers 5. ___________________________ Blood supply to lower body 6. ___________________________ Muscle to aid breathing 7. ___________________________ Returns blood to heart 8. ___________________________ Large vessel at top of heart 9. ___________________________ Used to make noises 10. ___________________________ Arteries on heart surface. Reproductive/urinary system: Questions Digestive system: 1. What is the function of the epiglottis?_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the importance of the structure inside the small intestine?__________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the function of the mesentery?________________________________________________________________ What would happen if the mesentery were not present?____________________________________________________ Circulatory system: 1. What chamber of the heart is most muscular?_________________________________ Why is this necessary?________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe the path that blood takes through a mammals heart (list each structure it passes through)_______________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Respiratory system: 1. Describe ways to differentiate between the esophagus and the trachea______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The heart is located very close to the gas exchange system, why is this significant?_____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Write the function of the following: Trachea:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Lungs:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Larynx:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Diaphragm:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Pleural membrane:_________________________________________________________________________________ Reproductive/Urinary system: 1. Was your pig male of female:__________________ How do you know?_____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. When people donate a kidney , the incision is made through the back instead of the abdomen, based on what you saw in the dissection explain why this might be preferred:_______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________